790 research outputs found

    From geographical innovation clusters towards virtual innovation clusters: The innovation virtual system

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    The opportunities of the new economic landscape have determined radical changes in the organizational structures of the firms, till the creation of new virtual clusterization forms, that is distinct systems of suppliers, distributors, service providers and clients that use the 'internetworking technologies' as a principal way for co-operating and competing. These 'virtual clusterization forms' that have been also defined as 'e-business communities' or 'b-web communities' (Tapscott, Lowy & Ticoll, 2000), are here defined as 'virtual clusters'. In a virtual cluster (VC), each enterprise adds one or more distinct aspects of product/service value to the value of the network, by exchanging digital knowledge with other members. Recent studies, focused on VCs, highlight that the VC enabling factors may be identified in ICTs ubiquity (increasingly wireless) and bandwidth robustness, that allow firms to access real-time what they need and to co-ordinate their intra and inter-firm activities, creating value both by offering innovative and personalized products, services and by cutting transaction costs. (Davin and Botkin, 1994) (Rayport and Sviokla, 1995). This paper focuses on these VCs innovation processes, in order to make some comparisons between the traditional geographical innovation clusters and the emerging virtual innovation clusters. To this end, the paper is organized in two logical patterns: Some empirical evidence for describing ad discussing the more important features of the emerging VCs. Specifically, the paper focuses on the following issues: - Some first results on VCs characteristics, regarding four distinctive features of their new world of business: i. Agents: radical increase in the number of agents that form a cluster. ii. Connections: virtually unlimited increase in the number of connections and therefore in the potential size of the cluster. iii. Space: delocalization of transactions which become space independent. iv. Time: information transmission takes place at the speed of electronic communication. - The analysis of the VC basic unit, the Internetworked Enterprise (IE), and of its learning process with customers and trough strategic alliances. A model of the VCs global virtual learning environment, here conceived as a system of innovation, defined as 'Innovation Virtual System' (IVS). IVS is here interpreted as a new way of projecting the traditional systems of innovation into a global scale.

    Baudelaire contemporain

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    Preparation and Comparison of Hydrolase-Coated Plastics

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    Polypropylene and polyethylene were coated with alpha-Chymotrypsin (a-CT) or subtilisin Carlsberg (SubC) or Burkholderia cepacia lipase (lipase BC) by different immobilization procedures, such as physical adsorption and covalent linking. This latter procedure was based on the chemical functionalization of the plastic surface by oxygen gas plasma treatment. Immobilization of the enzyme was carried out by using as cross-linking agent i) glutaraldehyde (GA) or ii) N’-diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS). The effects of duration of the plasma treatment and the type of the immobilization procedure on the transesterification activity of the enzyme were investigated. In general polypropylene resulted a better support than polyethylene. Moreover, a-CT showed higher transesterification activity when immobilized with GA, while for SubC, DIC and NHS were better cross-linking agents than GA. No activity was observed with these enzymes when immobilization was carried out by physical adsorption. On the contrary, lipase BC immobilized by physical adsorption was even more active than the free enzyme. Concerning thermal stability, immobilized SubC was less stable than the free enzyme. Overall, these results show that plastics endowed with biocatalytic properties could be obtained by simple immobilization protocols and that optimal immobilization conditions depend on the type of starting plastic, plasma treatment, cross-linking method, and the nature of the enzyme

    From CO2 to Cell: Energetic Expense of Creating Biomass Using the Calvin-Benson-Bassham and Reductive Citric Acid Cycles Based on Genomic Data

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    Abstract The ubiquity of the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle (CBB) amongst autotrophic organisms suggests that it provides an advantage over a wide range of environmental conditions. However, in some habitats, such as hydrothermal vents, the reductive citric acid cycle (rCAC) is an equally predominant carbon fixation pathway. It has been suggested that the CBB cycle poses a disadvantage under certain circumstances due to being more energetically demanding compared to other carbon fixation pathways. The purpose of this study was to compare the relative metabolic cost of cell biosynthesis by an autotrophic cell using either the CBB cycle or the rCAC. For both pathways, the energy, in ATP, required to synthesize the macromolecules (DNA, RNA, protein, and cell envelope) for one gram of biomass was calculated, beginning with CO2. Two sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotrophic proteobacteria, Thiomicrospira crunogena XCL-2, and Sulfurimonas autotrophica were used to model the CBB cycle and rCAC, respectively while Escherichia coli was used to model both pathways because it has had its cell composition extremely well-characterized. Since these organisms have had their genomes sequenced, it was possible to reconstruct the biochemical pathways necessary for intermediate and macromolecule synthesis. Prior estimates, based solely on the ATP cost of pyruvate biosynthesis, suggested that the cellular energetic expense for biosynthesis from the CBB cycle was more than that from the rCAC. The results of this study support this conclusion; however the difference in expense between the two pathways may not be as extreme as suggested by pyruvate synthesis. Other factors, such as oxygen sensitivity, may act in concert with energetic expense in contributing to the selective advantages between different autotrophic carbon fixation pathways

    Functional Lipids in Autoimmune Inflammatory Diseases

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    Lipids are apolar small molecules known not only as components of cell membranes but also, in recent literature, as modulators of different biological functions. Herein, we focused on the bioactive lipids that can influence the immune responses and inflammatory processes regulating vascular hyperreactivity, pain, leukocyte trafficking, and clearance. In the case of excessive pro-inflammatory lipid activity, these lipids also contribute to the transition from acute to chronic inflammation. Based on their biochemical function, these lipids can be divided into different families, including eicosanoids, specialized pro-resolving mediators, lysoglycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and endocannabinoids. These bioactive lipids are involved in all phases of the inflammatory process and the pathophysiology of different chronic autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, type-1 diabetes, and systemic lupus erythematosus


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    Este trabalho objetiva compreender como se dá, a formação emancipatória e autônoma dos alunos com vistas a desenvolvê-los de forma omnilateral no contexto EJA profissional.  O texto destina-se a identificar a relação entre teoria e prática, e de como os discentes do Instituto federal do Piauí- Campus Picos do IFPI, podem alcançar uma educação humana integral por meio de práticas educativas na perspectiva político-emancipatória. A condução metodológica será desenvolvida por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa, utilizando dos instrumentos tais como: entrevistas, questionários, assim como pesquisa bibliográfica e análise de documentos. A coleta de dados será realizada, tanto com os docentes quanto com os discentes. O referido trabalho intenciona a colaboração para uma concepção reflexiva de educação profissional e formativa, voltado para uma compreensão da dicotomia entre o trabalho manual e o trabalho intelectual. Para isso será utilizado o aporte teórico de Antônio Gramsci, Karl Marx, Paulo Freire, Maria Ciavatta, Gaudêncio Frigotto e Maris Ramos. Com este trabalho, poderíamos chegar a uma caracterização do trabalho como princípio educativo no contexto da educação de jovens e adultos, com percepção da relação trabalho e ensino. Chegando a um resultado esperado de como houve uma associação teórico-prático, e integral com aplicabilidade no mundo do trabalho. A contribuição desse trabalho proporcionará um entendimento da construção formativa e práxis pedagógica dos sujeitos no contexto do PROEJA, com o propósito emancipador, autônomo e omnilateral

    "Um mundo de pura manifestação dos sentimentos": A trajetória de Francisco Vianna e a representação de infância em suas obras (1876-1935)

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    This research, the region of São Paulo was approached at the beginning of the 20th century, which underwent major transformations in the social, economic, political and cultural spheres, characterizing education as the main tool to sustain these new modifications and with the function to define conceptions about the role of the republican citizen, specifically about children. For this, new educational institutions were implemented and an emergency in publications of didactic works with intentionality to educate and shape the new republican citizen.The aim of this study was to analyze the representation of childhood in the works of the author of textbooks Francisco Furtado Mendes Vianna between the period of the author's life and the publication of his works, that is, between 1876 and 1935, taking as a source researches the works that make up the Children's Readings Series (Preparatory Reading, 1st, 2nd, 3rd "Book of Children's Readings" (1908); In order to subsidize the analysis, periodicals and periodicals of the period and other publications of the author were used, among them conferences made by the same one, present in the work Modernas directives in the primary enzyme: active school of work or new (1930). Considering the contributions of Cultural History, this research used the concept of "childhood" presented by Faria Filho and Fernandes (2007); Kuhlmann and Fernandes (2004); Panelli and Belo (2016) and Gouvêa (2004, 2007) and the analytical category "representation" proposed by Chartier (1990, 1996, 1999, 2000) in dialogue with the History of Education, Childhood History and Children's Literature in Brazil. Thus, research on ways of representing childhood through selected works was sought, considering the relationship between the process of schooling and the production of the conception of childhood in modern societies. According to the results found, a relation was found between the comteana philosophy and the professional and personal path of the author, reflecting discursively in his works. Vianna used plots that depart from simpler subjects, such as the use of a few characters and environments with the same imagery for a complexification of social relations involving: work, school and family; frames of greater difficulty of resolution; plots with scientific themes; thus accompanying the entire growth process of the child and its relationship with the world and passing through themes common to the concept of civilization in the Comtean view, being: industry, science and fine arts.Nesta pesquisa, abordou-se a região de São Paulo, no início do século XX, a qual passou por grandes transformações no âmbito social, econômico, político e cultural, caracterizando a educação como a principal ferramenta para sustentação dessas novas modificações e com a função de definir concepções sobre o papel do cidadão republicano, especificamente sobre as crianças. Para isso, novas instituições educativas foram implementadas e uma emergência em publicações de obras didáticas com intencionalidade de educar e moldar o novo cidadão republicano. Pretendeu-se, portanto, neste estudo analisar a representação da infância nas obras do autor de livros didáticos Francisco Furtado Mendes Vianna entre o período de vida do autor e de publicação de suas obras, ou seja, entre 1876 e 1935, tomando como fonte de pesquisa as obras que compõem a série Leituras Infantis (Leitura preparatória; 1º, 2º, 3º “Livro de leituras infantis” (1908); Cartilha: Leituras Infantis (1911?); Primeiros passos na leitura (1915)). Para subsidiar a análise, foram utilizados jornais e periódicos educacionais do período e outras publicações do autor, dentre elas conferências realizadas pelo mesmo, presentes na obra Modernas directrizes no enzino primario: escola activa do trabalho ou nova (1930). Considerando os aportes da História Cultural, esta pesquisa utilizou-se do conceito de “infância” apresentado por Faria Filho e Fernandes (2007); Kuhlmann e Fernandes (2004); Panizzolo e Belo (2016) e Gouvêa (2004, 2007) e a categoria analítica “representação” proposta por Chartier (1990; 1996; 1999; 2000) em diálogo com a História da Educação, História da Infância e da Literatura Infantil Escolar no Brasil. Almejou-se, assim, a investigação dos modos de representar a infância através das obras selecionadas, considerando a relação existente entre o processo de escolarização e a produção da concepção de infância nas sociedades modernas. De acordo com resultados encontrados, constatou-se uma relação entre a filosofia comteana com o percurso profissional e pessoal do autor, refletindo discursivamente em suas obras. Vianna utilizou tramas que partem de assuntos mais simples, como o uso de poucos personagens e ambientes com a mesma característica imagética para uma complexificação das relações sociais envolvendo: o trabalho, a escola e a família; tramas de maior dificuldade de resolução; tramas com temas de caráter científico; acompanhando, dessa forma, todo o processo de crescimento da criança e a sua relação com o mundo e perpassando por temáticas comuns ao conceito de civilização na ótica comteana, sendo elas: a indústria, as ciências e as belas-artes.Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2019

    Evaluation of Forest Fire Danger Indexes for Eucalypt Plantations in Bahia, Brazil

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    A Forest Fire Danger Index is a valuable tool in forest fire prevention and firefight because it grades fire occurrence possibility on a daily basis. Six Fire Danger Indexes were tested for accuracy based on forest fire occurrence in eucalyptus plantations of the north coast of Bahia, Brazil. They are Angstron, Nesterov, Telicyn Logarithmic Index, Monte Alegre, Rodríguez and Moretti, and Modified Monte Alegre. The results were analyzed using two parameters of the Heidke Skill Score test: Skill Score index and Percentage of Success. The Telicyn Logarithmic Index proved to be the most accurate for the study area