50 research outputs found

    Internal Communication in the Network Enterprise and in Cooperative Social Systems

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    Neste artigo teórico, a autora relaciona a concepção de Sociedade de Informação Participativa, Cooperativa, Sustentável de Fuchs (2008) com o papel do profissional de Relações Públicas, no estabelecimento e coordenação da Comunicação Interna no seio da Empresa em Rede, onde os colaboradores (público interno) desempenham um papel activo, colaborativo e decisivo na estrutura de negócios com vista ao cumprimento dos objectivos organizacionais. O artigo está dividido em duas partes fundamentais. Na primeira apresentamos a teoria social de Fuchs, caracterizando a Sociedade de Informação Participativa, Cooperativa, Sustentável e a Empresa em Rede. De seguida, argumentamos sobre o papel das relações públicas no seio destes sistemas sociais focando o seu contributo para o especialismo da Comunicação Interna.Instituto de Investigación en Relaciones Pública

    Corporatism and Order of Communication Consultants:advantages and weaknesses

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    Atendendo à natureza pioneira deste artigo, o mesmo assenta na recolha de informação, através de entrevista, junto de consultores de comunicação e relações públicas sobre a importância do associativismo no sector e a criação de uma Ordem profissional que sirva de regulador ao exercício da profissão. O objectivo deste trabalho é evidenciar as vantagens e as fraquezas do associativismo profissional, lançando o repto para uma reflexão crítica e alargada sobre o mesmo, no contexto português

    New PCA-based Category Encoder for Cybersecurity and Processing Data in IoT Devices

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    Increasing the cardinality of categorical variables might decrease the overall performance of machine learning (ML) algorithms. This paper presents a novel computational preprocessing method to convert categorical to numerical variables ML algorithms. It uses a supervised binary classifier to extract additional context-related features from the categorical values. Up to two numerical variables per categorical variable are created, depending on the compression achieved by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The method requires two hyperparameters: a threshold related to the distribution of categories in the variables and the PCA representativeness. This paper applies the proposed approach to the well-known cybersecurity NSLKDD dataset to select and convert three categorical features to numerical features. After choosing the threshold parameter, we use conditional probabilities to convert the three categorical variables into six new numerical variables. After that, we feed these numerical variables to the PCA algorithm and select the whole or partial numbers of the Principal Components (PCs). Finally, by applying binary classification with ten different classifiers, we measure the performance of the new encoder and compare it with the other 17 well-known category encoders. The new technique achieves the highest performance related to accuracy and Area Under the Curve (AUC) on high cardinality categorical variables. Also, we define the harmonic average metrics to find the best trade-off between train and test performances and prevent underfitting and overfitting. Ultimately, the number of newly created numerical variables is minimal. This data reduction improves computational processing time in Internet of things (IoT) devices in future telecommunication networks.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 5 table

    La voz de la comunidad en la preparación de un megaevento: Río 2016

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    Este artigo trata da importância da comunidade na preparação de megaeventos, tomando como exemplo os Jogos Olímpicos do Rio de Janeiro, em 2016. Recorrendo ao e-clipping de notícias de três jornais diários brasileiros, é feita uma análise quantitativa dos temas abordados e das vozes presentes nas notícias. Adicionalmente é feita a análise qualitativa das notícias recolhidas em que existia associação entre protestos e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016. Verifica-se a distância entre os interesses da organização do megaevento (dominantes) e os interesses da comunidade (desvalorizados) e evidencia-se o papel dos media na representação de ambos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Online newsrooms in Portugal: their use by PSI20 companies in their relationship with journalists

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    El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las salas de prensa virtuales de las empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Lisboa (PSI20); y evaluar su importancia en la relación entre las organizaciones y periodistas. Se busca identificar las principales denominaciones dadas a las salas de prensa online, su ubicación en el sitio web de la organización y nivel de acceso, y el tipo de contenidos disponibles. También se presentan las opiniones de periodistas portugueses de economía sobre el tipo de contenido que buscan en estas salas. Se utilizó un enfoque metodológico mixto, el análisis del contenido de los sitios web de las empresas en estúdio; y un cuestionario aplicado a los periodistas portugueses de economía. Los resultados muestran que los recursos disponibles en las salas de prensa de las empresas en estudio son insuficientes. Sólo tres de los sitios web analizados no tienen sala de prensa, las existentes son fácilmente reconocibles y localizadas por los periodistas - por la denominación predecible, por la ubicación en la página principal y por la ausencia de barreras en el acceso a la información (registro o login).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Accurate and Reliable Methods for 5G UAV Jamming Identification With Calibrated Uncertainty

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    Only increasing accuracy without considering uncertainty may negatively impact Deep Neural Network (DNN) decision-making and decrease its reliability. This paper proposes five combined preprocessing and post-processing methods for time-series binary classification problems that simultaneously increase the accuracy and reliability of DNN outputs applied in a 5G UAV security dataset. These techniques use DNN outputs as input parameters and process them in different ways. Two methods use a well-known Machine Learning (ML) algorithm as a complement, and the other three use only confidence values that the DNN estimates. We compare seven different metrics, such as the Expected Calibration Error (ECE), Maximum Calibration Error (MCE), Mean Confidence (MC), Mean Accuracy (MA), Normalized Negative Log Likelihood (NLL), Brier Score Loss (BSL), and Reliability Score (RS) and the tradeoffs between them to evaluate the proposed hybrid algorithms. First, we show that the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) classifier might not be reliable for binary classification under the conditions this work presents. Second, we demonstrate that at least one of the potential methods can achieve better results than the classification in the DNN softmax layer. Finally, we show that the prospective methods may improve accuracy and reliability with better uncertainty calibration based on the assumption that the RS determines the difference between MC and MA metrics, and this difference should be zero to increase reliability. For example, Method 3 presents the best RS of 0.65 even when compared to the XGB classifier, which achieves RS of 7.22.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    A Convolutional Attention Based Deep Network Solution for UAV Network Attack Recognition over Fading Channels and Interference

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    When users exchange data with Unmanned Aerial vehicles - (UAVs) over air-to-ground (A2G) wireless communication networks, they expose the link to attacks that could increase packet loss and might disrupt connectivity. For example, in emergency deliveries, losing control information (i.e data related to the UAV control communication) might result in accidents that cause UAV destruction and damage to buildings or other elements in a city. To prevent these problems, these issues must be addressed in 5G and 6G scenarios. This research offers a deep learning (DL) approach for detecting attacks in UAVs equipped with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) receivers on Clustered Delay Line (CDL) channels in highly complex scenarios involving authenticated terrestrial users, as well as attackers in unknown locations. We use the two observable parameters available in 5G UAV connections: the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and the Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR). The prospective algorithm is generalizable regarding attack identification, which does not occur during training. Further, it can identify all the attackers in the environment with 20 terrestrial users. A deeper investigation into the timing requirements for recognizing attacks show that after training, the minimum time necessary after the attack begins is 100 ms, and the minimum attack power is 2 dBm, which is the same power that the authenticated UAV uses. Our algorithm also detects moving attackers from a distance of 500 m.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Understanding chemical reactions of CO2 and its isoelectronic molecules with 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate by changing the nature of the cation: The case of CS2 in 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium acetate studied by NMR spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations

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    NMR spectroscopy (H-1, C-13, N-15) shows that carbon disulfide reacts spontaneously with 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium acetate ([BmPyrro][Ac]) in the liquid phase. It is found that the acetate anions play an important role in conditioning chemical reactions with CS2 leading, via coupled complex reactions, to the degradation of this molecule to form thioacetate anion (CH3COS-), CO2, OCS, and trithiocarbonate (CS32-). In marked contrast, the cation does not lead to the formation of any adducts allowing to conclude that, at most, its role consists in assisting indirectly these reactions. The choice of the [BmPyrro](+) cation in the present study allows disentangling the role of the anion and the cation in the reactions. As a consequence, the ensemble of results already reported on CS2-[Bmim][Ac] (1), OCS-[Bmim][Ac] (2), and CO2-[Bmim][Ac] (3) systems can be consistently rationalized. It is argued that in system (1) both anion and cation play a role. The CS2 reacts with the acetate anion leading to the formation of CH3COS-, CO2, and OCS. After these reactions have proceeded the nascent CO2 and OCS interact with the cation to form imidazolium-carboxylate ([Bmim] CO2) and imidazolium-thiocarboxylate ([Bmim] COS). The same scenario also applies to system (2). In contrast, in the CO2-[Bmim] [Ac] system a concerted cooperative process between the cation, the anion, and the CO2 molecule takes place. A carbene issued from the cation reacts to form the [Bmim] CO2, whereas the proton released by the ring interacts with the anion to produce acetic acid. In all these systems, the formation of adduct resulting from the reaction between the solute molecule and the carbene species originating from the cation is expected. However, this species was only observed in systems (2) and (3). The absence of such an adduct in system (1) has been theoretically investigated using DFT calculations. The values of the energetic barrier of the reactions show that the formation of [Bmim] CS2 is unfavoured and that the anion offers a competitive reactive channel via an oxygen-sulphur exchange mechanism with the solute in systems (1) and (2). (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Diagnóstico ambiental da bacia do Paraibuna: caracterização pedológica-geomorfológica

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    -Trabalhar a caracterização de bacias hidrográficas é atividade essencial para seu melhor aproveitamento, logo menor degradação, uma vez que tais unidades de estudo são ideais para o planejamento adequado da utilização de recursos naturais. Sendo assim, na análise de bacias hidrográficas, estudos geomorfológicos são de grande importância, pois sabe-se que a morfologia é grande responsável pelo comportamento hidrológico de bacias hidrográficas. As explanações aqui feitas, baseiam-se na análise da geomorfologia da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Paraibuna a partir de uma hierarquia de feições geomorfológicas extraídas através da análise e interpretação do Projeto RadamBrasil em conjunto com atividades de campo. As atividades aqui descritas tiveram como objetivo principal auxiliar na caracterização fisiográfica de tal bacia, fornecendo através de ferramentas de geoprocessamento, informações quanto à Geomorfologia da área as quais integraram uma base de dados cartográficos digitais, base esta que futuramente culminará no Diagnóstico Ambiental da Bacia do Rio Paraibuna. Para tal, foi necessária uma busca por fontes de informações, dentre as quais, cartas topográficas, necessárias para se traçar o limite da bacia na escala 1:50.000, com uma área de 8.593 Km2; e a rede de drenagem em ambiente SIG. Desta forma, procedeu-se a análise de suas características hidrográficas, como afluentes, sub-afluentes e sub-bacias. A partir daí iniciou-se a caracterização da bacia hidrográfica quanto a sua geomorfologia. A base inicial de tal caracterização foi o Projeto RADAM, o qual descreveu-se a geomorfologia a partir de uma hierarquia de feições como: Domínios Morfoestruturais, Regiões Geomorfológicas e Unidades Geomorfológicas. Obedecendo a hierarquia de feições pré-estabelecidas conforme o RADAM, a digitalização foi iniciada a partir dos Domínios Morfoestruturais. Dentre os domínios ficou clara a predominância das Faixas de Dobramentos Remobilizados, ocupando mais de 65% da área da bacia. Dentro das regiões geomorfológicas pode-se destacar primeiramente o Vale do Paraíba do Sul, ocupando mais de 35% da área da bacia, seguido do Planalto Centro Sul de Minas que abrange cerca de 30% da área total. O último mapa gerado foi o referente às unidades. Dentre elas a mais importante foi o Alinhamento de Cristas do Paraíba do Sul. Com as classes digitalizadas, possibilitou-se inventariar as feições, através de informações mais concretas sobre a Geomorfologia da área de estudo, informações estas importantes para a futura análise ambiental da mesma. As atividades tiveram importantes resultados como a delimitação da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Paraibuna na escala 1:50.000, a caracterização geomorfológica e a geração de mapas das diferentes classes de feições - Domínios Morfoestruturais, Regiões Geomorfológicas e Unidades Geomorfológicas

    JRC-Ispra Atmosphere-Biosphere-Climate Integrated monitoring Station 2012 report

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    The Institute for Environment and Sustainability provide long-term observations of the atmosphere within international programs and research projects. These observations are performed from the research infrastructure named ABC-IS: Atmosphere – Biosphere – Climate Integrated monitoring station. Most measurements are performed at the JRC-Ispra site. Observations are also carried out from two other platforms: the forest station in San Rossore, and a ship cruising in the Western Mediterranean sea. This document reports about measurement programs, the equipment which is deployed, the data quality assessment, and the results obtained for each site. Our observations are presented, compared to each other, as well as to historical data obtained over more than 25 years at the Ispra siteJRC.H.2-Air and Climat