3,548 research outputs found

    Determinación del potencial y los requerimientos para aplicar la tecnología de gasificación por plasma en el tratamiento de desechos y la producción de energía eléctrica en el país

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    Proyecto de Investigación. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión (VIE). Escuela de Física, 2012Este informe se enfoca en la implementación de tratamientos con plasmas térmicos como una alternativa o complemento para métodos existentes para el manejo de desechos en Costa Rica. Se tomó en cuenta varios desechos posibles y se evaluó la factibilidad de comprar sistemas existentes o crear versiones locales de estas tecnologías

    Real bounds, ergodicity and negative Schwarzian for multimodal maps

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    Over the last 20 years, many of the most spectacular results in the field of dynamical systems dealt specifically with interval and circle maps (or perturbations and complex extensions of such maps). Primarily, this is because in the one-dimensional case, much better distortion control can be obtained than for general dynamical systems. However, many of these spectacular results were obtained so far only for unimodal maps. The aim of this paper is to provide all the tools for studying general multimodal maps of an interval or a circle, by obtaining * real bounds controlling the geometry of domains of certain first return maps, and providing a new (and we believe much simpler) proof of absense of wandering intervals; * provided certain combinatorial conditions are satisfied, large real bounds implying that certain first return maps are almost linear; * Koebe distortion controlling the distortion of high iterates of the map, and negative Schwarzian derivative for certain return maps (showing that the usual assumption of negative Schwarzian derivative is unnecessary); * control of distortion of certain first return maps; * ergodic properties such as sharp bounds for the number of ergodic components

    Teaching pronunciation throungh experiential learning and pronunciation techniques.

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    During the observation of four English classes at the beginning of a professional practicum in the second half of 2015 in a private school in Bogota, it was observed students had some pronunciation problems when they spoke and performed short conversations in listening and speaking activities. It looks like a simple problem; but the reality is that it is an aspect which may cause negative implications in students’ learning process because pronunciation is an aspect that is linked with speaking and listening mainly (Bearte K., 2O14). If you analyze this point of view you might say: What is the relationship among them? The answer is simple. Whether you pronounce a word or sets of words wrongly, at the beginning, you do not notice the consequences. Those consequences are related to there is a great quantity of words with minimal pairs which have completely different meanings to each other. An example of this is: ‘she went to bet VS she went to bed (bet VS bed)’. However, when you progress, you realize whether you are able to pronounce a word correctly, you can listen and understand it without any problem. But if you pronounce something wrongly, you might probably generate misunderstandings and that is why this project took for topic EFL pronunciation

    Competencies in understanding statistical information in primary and secondary school levels: An inter-cultural empirical study with German and Colombian students

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    This paper is devoted to examining the validity of a hierarchical competency model of statistical literacy by assessing the corresponding competency levels of primary and secondary students from Colombia and Germany. The results replicate prior findings and confirm the hierarchical competency model. The study has two novel components with respect to previous work on competency levels in statistical literacy: it examines elementary school performance and it includes an intercultural comparison. The competency scores reached by the students, however, suggest specific profiles of sub-groups of learners included in the study. The intercultural study is clearly exploratory since the samples both in Colombia and in Germany were not representative. The results point to interesting new questions and motivate further intercultural research

    La propiedad de aproximación en espacios de Banach.

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    La propiedad de aproximación es pieza fundamental del estudio de operadores entre espacios de Banach. Este trabajo la introduce en el contexto de la teoría de productos tensoriales proyectivos. Mediante técnicas básicas de esta teoría se demuestra que el espacio de Bochner L1(E) hereda la propiedad de aproximación de E. Por otra parte, se presenta una adaptación del argumento de Grothendieck que demuestra la equivalencia entre el problema de aproximación y el problema 153 del Libro Escocés.PregradoMATEMÁTICO(A

    De “un rosquete decente” a “tu amigo, el rosquete”. : Del homosexual en el teatro limeño y la dificultad de expresarse

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    El presente ensayo analiza cinco obras peruanas estrenadas entre 1996 y 1998: Ojos bonitos, cuadros feos de Mario Vargas Llosa, El día de la luna de Eduardo Adrianzén, Deseos ocultos de Jaime Nieto, y Un verso pasajero y La manzana prohibida de Gonzalo Rodríguez Risco. A través de estos análisis, el ensayo disecciona cómo se produce y se negocia en la sociedad limeña de este periodo la noción del rosquete, u homosexual masculino, y cómo estas cinco obras resignifican dichas construcciones.This essay analyzes five Peruvian plays produced between 1996 and 1998: Ojos bonitos, cuadros feos, by Mario Vargas Llosa; El día de la luna, by Eduardo Adrianzén; Deseos ocultos, by Jaime Nieto; Un verso pasajero and La manzana prohibida by Gonzalo Rodríguez Risco. Though this analysis, the essay discusses how the notion of rosquete, or the male homosexual, has been produced and negotiated in the Lima of this period, and how these five plays resignify these constructions

    Reducing complexity: An iterative strategy for parameter determination in biological networks

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    AbstractThe dynamics of biological networks are fundamental to a variety of processes in many areas of biology and medicine. Understanding of such networks on a systemic level is facilitated by mathematical models describing these networks. However, since mathematical models of signalling networks commonly aim to describe several highly connected biological quantities and many model parameters cannot be measured directly, quantitative dynamic models often present challenges with respect to model calibration. Here, we propose an iterative fitting routine to decompose the problem of fitting a system of coupled ordinary differential equations describing a signalling network into smaller subproblems. Parameters for each differential equation are estimated separately using a Differential Evolution algorithm while all other dynamic quantities in the model are treated as input to the system. The performance of this algorithm is evaluated on artificial networks with known structure and known model parameters and compared to a conventional optimisation procedure for the same problem. Our analysis indicates that the procedure results in a significantly higher quality of fit and more efficient reconstruction of the true parameters than the conventional algorithm

    La revolución de la cirugía robótica en latino américa y la futura implementación en el sistema de salud del perú: The revolution of robotic surgery in latin america and the future implementation in the healthcare system of Peru

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    Surgery has marked a milestone in history, from its origins and for many centuries, this specialty a close relationship with the healing of wounded in combat case presented during the beginning of Open Surgery, with the so-called Trepanaciones Craniaas that were made in the 700 a.C. - 200 AD for the Paracas Culture in Peru; with the During the time the techniques that were complemented with the use were perfected of new instruments and the development of technology leading to a revolution in the various Surgical specialties   DOI 10.25176/RFMH.v19.n1.1800La Cirugía ha marcado un hito en la historia, desde sus orígenes y durante muchos siglos, esta especialidad estaba en estrecha relación con la curación de heridos en combate, una gran evidencia se denota en el caso presentado durante los inicios de la Cirugía Abierta, con las intervenciones llamadas Trepanaciones Craneanas que fueron realizadas en los años 700 a.C. – 200 d.C. por la Cultura Paracas en el Perú; con el transcurso del tiempo se fueron perfeccionando diversas técnicas que se complementaron con el uso de nuevos instrumentos y el desarrollo de la tecnología dando lugar a una revolución en las diversas especialidades quirúrgicas.   DOI 10.25176/RFMH.v19.n1.180