71 research outputs found


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    The Plínio Marcos’ theater is demarcated by unique discursive and ideological formations where its characters are individual in process of subjection and constantly interpellated by marginalizing ideology of the capitalist system. The characters materialize senses in their speeches through situations of extreme existential condition. In this paper we aim to analyze the sense effects of characters’ utterances in Two lost in a dirty night. The theoretical-methodological approach is supported on the concepts of French Discourse Analysis. The justification of such proposal is due to the few studies on the works of the playwright Plínio Marcos, especially focused on discursivity present in his plays.O teatro de Plínio Marcos se demarca por formações discursivas e ideológicas singulares, em que seus personagens são sujeitos assujeitados e interpelados constantemente pela ideologia marginalizante do sistema capitalista. Os personagens materializam sentidos em seus discursos por meio das situações de condição existencial extremada. Neste trabalho, objetiva-se analisar os efeitos de sentido dos enunciados dos personagens de Dois perdidos em uma noite suja. A abordagem teórico-metodológicas e perfaz nos conceitos da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa. A justificativa de tal proposta se efetiva nos poucos estudos acerca das obras do dramaturgo Plínio Marcos, em especial, focadas na discursividade presente em suas peças


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    The effects of senses are established in any enunciation. For its part, the literature on the characters utterances interpretable via Discourse Analysis of French. In the day that I killed my father, by Mario Sabino, the narrator-protagonist has crossed senses in his speech in between-place reason and madness. The aim of this paper is to analyze this process, revealing its nuances.Os efeitos de sentidos se estabelecem em todo e qualquer enunciado. Por sua vez, a literatura tem nos personagens enunciações passíveis de interpretação via Análise do Discurso de linha francesa. Em O dia em que matei meu pai, de Mário Sabino, o narrador-protagonista tem em seu discurso sentidos atravessados num entre-lugar da razão e da loucura. O objetivo desse artigo é analisar esse processo, desvelando suas nuances


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    This research aimed to test the hypothesis that successive thinnings mischaracterize the hypsometric function, and that after some thinnings the average height of the plots or of the stand () is an unbiased estimate of the remaining tree heights (hi), that is, ĥi =  . The data were obtained from Duraflora S. A. in Agudos, State of São Paulo. This data set came from the measurement of diameters and respective heights of 1,100 trees equitably distributed in 11 different treatments with ages ranging from 5 to 25 years, and number of thinnings varying between 0 (zero) and 6. The Stoffels model, previously fitted to all treatments, was used to observe the behavior of the following factors: coefficient of multiple determination (R²), standard error of estimate in percent (Syx %), distribution of residuals, and the significance of the b0 and b1 coefficients in each one of the equations. After tests it was confirmed the hypothesis that average height is a precise estimate of hi for the oldest treatments with more than 4 thinnings. This means low Syx % and unbiased estimates, that is, good distribution of residuals.Keywords: Hypsometric curves; management regimes; plantations; Pinus oocarpa.ResumoEfeitos de desbastes sucessivos sobre a função hipsométrica em povoamentos de Pinus oocarpa Shiede. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo testar a hipótese que desbastes sucessivos descaracterizam a função hipsométrica e que após alguns desbastes a altura média da parcela ou do povoamento () é uma boa estimativa das demais alturas (ĥi), isto é, ĥi = . A base de dados utilizada para testar a hipótese formulada proveio de plantios de Pinus oocarpa, pertencentes à empresa Duraflora S.A., situada no município de Agudos, sudoeste do Estado de São Paulo. Esta base consistiu da altura e diâmetro de 1100 árvores distribuídas igualmente em 11 tratamentos, com variação de idades e número de desbastes. Visando atingir aos objetivos, foi primeiramente ajustado o modelo de Stoffels, separadamente para cada um dos 11 tratamentos, com o fim de observar a tendência dos coeficientes de determinação múltiplos (R2), do erro padrão da estimativa em porcentagem (Syx %), a distribuição dos resíduos e a significância dos coeficientes de interseção (b0) e de inclinação (b1) em cada uma das equações. Após proceder as análises conclui-se que a medida que se aumenta o número de desbastes os R² vão se tornando cada vez mais baixos , porém os Syx % foram sempre inferiores a 10%. Palavras-chave: Curva hipsométrica; regimes de manejo; plantações; Pinus oocarpa. This research aimed to test the hypothesis that successive thinnings mischaracterize the hypsometric function, and that after some thinnings the average height of the plots or of the stand () is an unbiased estimate of the remaining tree heights (hi), that is, ĥi =  . The data were obtained from Duraflora S. A. in Agudos, State of São Paulo. This data set came from the measurement of diameters and respective heights of 1,100 trees equitably distributed in 11 different treatments with ages ranging from 5 to 25 years, and number of thinnings varying between 0 (zero) and 6. The Stoffels model, previously fitted to all treatments, was used to observe the behavior of the following factors: coefficient of multiple determination (R²), standard error of estimate in percent (Syx %), distribution of residuals, and the significance of the b0 and b1 coefficients in each one of the equations. After tests it was confirmed the hypothesis that average height is a precise estimate of hi for the oldest treatments with more than 4 thinnings. This means low Syx % and unbiased estimates, that is, good distribution of residuals


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    FLORESTA 34(3), Set/Dez. 2004, 347-360, Curitiba-PR 347 VIABILIDADE DE UM PROJETO FLORESTAL DE Eucalyptus grandis CONSIDERANDO O SEQÜESTRO DE CARBONO Romualdo Maestri1 Carlos Roberto Sanquetta2 Sebastião do Amaral Machado3 José Roberto Soares Scolforo4 Ana Paula Dalla Côrte5RESUMO Foram avaliados cenários econômicos para créditos do seqüestro de carbono em florestas de Eucalyptus grandis na região sudeste e nordeste do Brasil. Curvas de produtividade volumétrica e de carbono em diferentes frações foram obtidas. A análise identificou taxas internas de retorno (TIR) de no máximo 7,7% ao ano para sítios de alta produtividade (38,2 m3.ha-1.ano-1). Se a biomassa total da floresta (radicular e aérea) for considerada, a TIR acima de 6% ao ano são possíveis mesmo para produtividades menores (30 m3.ha-1.ano-1). Assim, seria necessária uma remuneração de US25,00/tparaqueoempreendimentoatingisseremunerac\ca~ode6 25,00/t para que o empreendimento atingisse remuneração de 6% ao ano quando o seqüestro de carbono fosse objetivo de negócio e para produtividade volumétrica de 24 m3.ha-1.ano-1 ou US 15,50/t para produtividade de 38,2 m3.ha-1.ano-1. Se considerada a venda da porção lenhosa do tronco, então seria possível auferir a mesma rentabilidade ao preço de US12,00/tparaprodutividadesacimade34,7m3.ha1.ano1.FEASIBILITYOFAFORESTPROJECTOFEucalyptusgrandisTAKINGINTOACCOUNTCARBONSINKAbstractThepurposeofthisstudywastoinvestigatesomeeconomicscenariosforcarbonsinkthroughEucalyptusgrandisstandsforestprojectsinsoutheasternandnortheasternBrazil.Belowandabovegroundstoredcarbonandbiomasswereobtainedthroughdbhclassgrowthandyieldempiricalmodelsasfunctionsofdifferentenvironmentalconditions.Theanalisyswasidentificedinternalrateofreturn(IRR)above7.7 12,00/t para produtividades acima de 34,7 m3.ha-1.ano-1. FEASIBILITY OF A FOREST PROJECT OF Eucalyptus grandis TAKING INTO ACCOUNT CARBON SINK Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate some economic scenarios for carbon sink through Eucalyptus grandis stands forest projects in southeastern and northeastern Brazil. Below and above ground stored carbon and biomass were obtained through dbh class growth and yield empirical models as functions of different environmental conditions. The analisys was identificed internal rate of return (IRR) above 7.7% per annum for stands at high productivity sites (38.2 m3.ha-1.year-1). If below and aboveground stored carbon is considered, an IRR greater than 6% pa. may be achieved even at lower productivity sites (30 m3.ha-1.year-1). It would be necessary a carbon price of US 25.00/t to match an IRR of 6% pa at low productivity sites (24 m3.ha-1.year-1) and US15.50/tathighones(38.2m3.ha1.year1).Additionally,ifstembiomasswasalsotradedinthewoodmarket,carbonpriceofUS 15.50/t at high ones (38.2 m3.ha-1.year-1). Additionally, if stem biomass was also traded in the wood market, carbon price of US 12.00/t would allow to achieve the same IRR


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    Para a gestão adequada de resíduos é necessário conhecer o sistema que se está gerindo. Este trabalho objetiva construir um modelo de avaliação de desempenho multicritério construtivista para auxiliar na gestão da Cooperativa de materiais recicláveis CooperLages, localizada em Lages, SC. A metodologia permitiu a geração de conhecimento aos responsáveis pela gestão da Cooperativa, identificando aspectos relevantes, necessários e suficientes para avaliar e gerir o contexto de trabalho. A gestão da Cooperativa foi dividida em: (1) processo de coleta, as áreas de gestão identificadas foram: caminhões, planejamento, rotas e procedimentos; e (2) operação: valorização, rendimento e segurança. Essas áreas foram avaliadas fornecendo o statu quo da atividade. Com base no diagnóstico atual, recomendações de como adquirir caminhões e capacitar os cooperativados são fornecidas, baseando-se nos resultados fornecidos pelo modelo. Acredita-se que o modelo construído poderá auxiliar no gerenciamento das atividades desenvolvidas na busca da melhoria do desempenho da Cooperativa


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    Para a gestão adequada de resíduos é necessário conhecer o sistema que se está gerindo. Este trabalho objetiva construir um modelo de avaliação de desempenho multicritério construtivista para auxiliar na gestão da Cooperativa de materiais recicláveis CooperLages, localizada em Lages, SC. A metodologia permitiu a geração de conhecimento aos responsáveis pela gestão da Cooperativa, identificando aspectos relevantes, necessários e suficientes para avaliar e gerir o contexto de trabalho. A gestão da Cooperativa foi dividida em: (1) processo de coleta, as áreas de gestão identificadas foram: caminhões, planejamento, rotas e procedimentos; e (2) operação: valorização, rendimento e segurança. Essas áreas foram avaliadas fornecendo o statu quo da atividade. Com base no diagnóstico atual, recomendações de como adquirir caminhões e capacitar os cooperativados são fornecidas, baseando-se nos resultados fornecidos pelo modelo. Acredita-se que o modelo construído poderá auxiliar no gerenciamento das atividades desenvolvidas na busca da melhoria do desempenho da Cooperativa

    Logging effects on floristic richness and species diversity in an ecotonal forest in northern region of Mato Grosso state, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as mudanças ocorridas na riqueza e diversidade de espécies em uma floresta ecotonal na região norte mato-grossense. Os dados foram coletados em três ocasiões (2001, antes da exploração, e em 2003 e 2007, após a exploração), em 74 parcelas de 0,25 ha, sendo 69 para estudar a floresta não explorada e 5 para a explorada, com a retirada dos fustes de árvores com diâmetros comercialmente aceitos no mercado. Todos os indivíduos com diâmetro a 1,3 m de altura do solo (Dap) ≥ 17 cm foram mensurados e identificados. A diversidade florística foi avaliada por meio do quociente de mistura de Jentsch e pelo índice de Shannon-Wiener e a equabilidade pelo índice de Pielou. A variação da riqueza e diversidade de espécies antes e após a exploração madeireira foi pequena, o que confirma o baixo impacto da exploração na composição e diversidade das espécies da floresta.Palavras-chave: Diversidade; equabilidade; Amazônia Meridional. AbstractLogging effects on floristic richness and species diversity in an ecotonal forest in northern region of Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The aim of this research was to evaluate changes in relation to floristic richness and species diversity in an ecotonal forest in northern region of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Data had been collected along three different moments (2001 [before logging], in 2003 and 2007 [after logging]) in 74 0.25-ha plots (69 in unlogged forest and 5 in logged forest). Trees with diameter ≥ 17 cm and 1.3 m height (dbh) had been measured and identified. Floristic diversity was evaluated by Jentsch Coefficient of Mixture and Shannon-Wiener index as well as its equability by Pielou’s Index. There were little variations before and after logging in relation to floristic richness and species diversity, it confirms low impact of exploration on floristic composition and species diversity of the forest.Keywords: Diversity; equability; Southern Amazonia. The aim of this research was to evaluate changes in relation to floristic richness and species diversity in an ecotonal forest in northern region of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Data had been collected along three different moments (2001 [before logging], in 2003 and 2007 [after logging]) in 74 0.25-ha plots (69 in unlogged forest and 5 in logged forest). Trees with diameter ≥ 17 cm and 1.3 m height (dbh) had been measured and identified. Floristic diversity was evaluated by Jentsch Coefficient of Mixture and Shannon-Wiener index as well as its equability by Pielou’s Index. There were little variations before and after logging in relation to floristic richness and species diversity, it confirms low impact of exploration on floristic composition and species diversity of the forest

    Physiological and productive performance of papaya plants irrigated in a semiarid environment

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    Papaya tree has great economic importance and potential of cultivation in semiarid environment. However, water scarcity in this region may inhibits photosynthetic activity and limit the production of this crop, being necessary to use strategies of irrigation management that rationalize water and allow the production of the plants without affecting photosynthetic activity. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the physiological and productive performance of papaya “Calimosa” under different water replacement rates in semiarid environment. Papaya plants were irrigated with four water replacement rates (50, 75, 100 and 125% ETo) from 30 days after transplant of seedlings to the experimental area.  At 10 months after transplant were realized evaluations of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence, and at 12 months after transplant, it was started harvesting fruits to determine the yield. Water replacement rates significantly influenced the parameters of gas exchange of papaya with better results on rates of 125% ETo. However, application of water replacement rates of 100% ETo provide conditions adequate for the activity of gas exchange and better quantum efficiency of photosystem II, that contribute to fruit production in papaya. With rates less than 75% ETo occur drastic reductions in gas exchange, quantum efficiency of photosystem II, and fruit production of papaya, which impairs its cultivation in semiarid environments

    Organic matter composition and paleoclimatic changes in tropical mountain peatlands currently under grasslands and forest clusters

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    Tropical peatlands are important ecosystems for Planet Earth, as they store large amounts of carbon and water. A better understanding of the impact of vegetation type and altitude in content, composition, and rate of accu mulation of organic matter is key for assessing the current role of such environments. This study evaluated fibric and soluble fractions as well as the lignocellulosic and the isotopic compositions of the peat organic matter from four tropical mountain peatlands located at different altitudes of the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The peatlands are currently under grasslands and forest clusters. Samples of peat under both vegetation types were collected and analyzed for organic matter fractions, cellulose, and lignin (van Soest method), as well as carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Different depths were chosen for radiocarbon dating of se lected samples. The organic matter of peatlands currently under grasslands and forest clusters presented dif ferences in soluble fractions, lignocellulosic composition, and δ13C values. Multivariate analyses allowed grouping the peatlands by altitude and vegetation type. The chronological succession of grassland and forest clusters in tropical mountain peatlands was influenced by altitude and was related to paleoclimatic changes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Asymptomatic Leishmania infection in blood donors from a major blood bank in Northeastern Brazil: a cross-sectional study

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    This study has estimated the risk of Leishmania transmission via blood transfusion in one of the largest blood banks in Northeastern Brazil, where visceral leishmaniasis is endemic. Five hundred blood samples from donors were tested for circulating Leishmania spp. DNA by real-time PCR. Positive samples were tested by a species-specific conventional PCR targeting Leishmania infantum . Overall, 6.2% (95% CI: 4.1–8.3%) of the samples carried Leishmania DNA and in one sample the species was confirmed as L. infantum . No statistically significant differences were found in relation to gender, sex, education level, incomeas well as the place of residence between positive and negative blood donors. Our results confirm the presence of asymptomatic Leishmania carriers among blood donors in a large blood bank in Northeastern Brazil. Considering the studied population, we estimate that for every 1,000 blood donors screened, 41 to 83 will be positive for Leishmania DNA. This finding reinforces the urgent need for elaborating specific Blood bank guidelines to allow the early detection of asymptomatic Leishmania carriers among blood donors before their blood products are transfused to uninfected individuals