130 research outputs found

    Université et démocratie délibérative. Pour une éducation à la citoyenneté

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    Deliberative democracy represents one of the most relevant political theories and it has acquired a growing importance within political debates and practices. However it presents some crucial problems in relation to the very high standards of rationality required to citizens for the deliberative process, in particular regarding the problem of public ignorance and the capabilities’ deficit. Amid these problems this article argues in favour of the necessity of education to political life as an unavoidable precondition for deliberative democracy. Since the theory is mainly concerned with the participation of adults within society, the task of offering possible solutions to these questions evidently stands on the shoulders of university education. The article calls for a fundamental ethical and social role of university within society without which the gap between the abstract theory of deliberative democracy and its real practices would determine its complete rejection and any form of democratic participation would ultimately be meaningless, if not dangerous.La democracia deliberativa representa una de las más relevantes teorías políticas y ha adquirido una importancia creciente dentro de los debates y las prácticas políticas. Sin embargo, esta teoría presenta algunos problemas esenciales en relación con los estándares de racionalidad muy elevados que requiere en los ciudadanos para que el proceso deliberativo tenga lugar, en particular los relacionados con la cuestión de la ignorancia pública y del deficit de capacidades. Este artículo plantea la necesidad de la educación para la vida política como prerrequisito fundamental para la democracia deliberativa. Debido al hecho de que esta teoría se enfoca principalmente en la participación de los adultos en la política, la tarea de ofrecer posibles soluciones a estas cuestiones se echa sobre las espaldas de la educación universitaria. El artículo incita a un fundamental papel ético y social de la universidad dentro de la sociedad sin el cual la discrepancia entre la teoría de la democracia deliberativa y sus prácticas determinaría su completo rechazo. Además, cualquier forma de participación democratica acabaría careciendo de sentido y, más aún, perjudicial.La démocratie délibérative représente une des théories politiques les plus importantes et il a acquis une importance croissante dans des débats et des pratiques politiques. Cependant, cette théorie présente quelques problèmes cruciaux en relacion aux standards de rationalité très élevées exigée aux citoyens pour le procès délibératif, en particulier liée à la question de l’ignorance publique et du déficit des capacités. Cet article soutient la nécessité de la éducation politique comme condition préalable fondamentale pour la démocratie délibérative. Car cette théorie se concentre principalement sur la participation des adultes à la vie politique, la tâche de proposer des solutions à ces questions est debout sur les épaules de l’enseignement universitaire. Pour ces raisons, l’article appelle à un rôle éthique fondamental de l’université dans la société sans laquelle l’écart entre la théorie de la démocratie délibérative et ses pratiques déterminerait son rejet complet. De plus, tous les types de participation démocratique seraient en fin de compte vides de sens, et encoure plus, dangereux

    Lorenzo Luzuriaga e la sfida dell’educazione globale

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    Este artículo indaga un aspecto descuidado pero sin embargo crucial de la obra de Lorenzo Luzuriaga: su análisis y crítica a los procesos de internacionalización de la educación que marcaron los años posteriores al segundo conflicto mundial y que coincidieron con su largo exilio argentino. En particular, a través de la presentación de sus iniciales acercamientos y de sus sucesivas y reiteradas críticas a las directrices normativas y a las prácticas educativas de la UNESCO, el artículo planteará un análisis de las premisas filosóficas y de las implicaciones políticas que cualificaron su última propuesta educativa, la cual demuestra una profunda continuidad con su obra anterior. Esta indagación permitirá comprender el relevante aporte que Lorenzo Luzuriaga ofreció al crecimiento y a la radicalización de la reflexión pedagógica de su maestro José Ortega y Gasset en un contexto político en el cual cogía forma el tentativo de definir e institucionalizar la vigencia de nuevos valores para una educación global finalizada a la construcción y difusión de la paz.Un acontecimiento histórico paradigmático que todavía sostiene y orienta el actual debate sobre la esencia y finalidad de la educación hacia la ciudadanía. Un debate en que la educación activa, social y política propuesta por Luzuriaga aun constituye una útil referencia crítica.This article inquires into a neglected but crucial feature of the works of Lorenzo Luzuriaga: his analysis and criticism of the processes of internationalisation in education which marked the post- Second World War period and which coincided with his long Argentine exile. In particular, the article analyses – through a discussion of his initial appreciation and following criticisms in regard to UNESCO’s normative guidelines and educative practices – the philosophical premises and the political implications of his last educative proposals. These will be shown to be conceived in tight connection and continuity with his preceding works. Moreover, this investigation will permit to recognize the remarkable contribution he offered to the enhancement of José Ortega y Gasset’s pedagogical theory within a changed political context characterised by a unique attempt of defining and institutionalising new values for a global education aimed to promote world peace.A paradigmatic historical event that still grounds the current debate on the nature and purposes of citizenship education and in which the active, social and political education proposed by Luzuriaga still constitutes an interesting critical referenceQuesto articolo indaga un aspetto trascurato e tuttavia centrale dell’opera di Lorenzo Luzuriaga: l’analisi e critica ai processi di internazionalizzazione dell’educazione che marcarono gli anni successivi al secondo conflitto mondiale, coincidenti con il periodo del suo lungo esilio argentino. In particolare, attraverso la presentazione dei suoi iniziali avvicinamenti e delle sue successive e reiterate critiche tanto alle direttrici normative che alle pratiche educative dell’UNESCO, questo articolo intende analizzare le premesse filosofiche e le implicazioni politiche che qualificarono l’ultima proposta educativa del pedagogista spagnolo, la quale si dimostrerà essere in profonda continuità con la sua opera precedente. Tale indagine permetterà così di comprendere il notevole apporto che egli offrì all’accrescimento e alla radicalizzazione della riflessione pedagogica del suo maestro José Ortega y Gasset in un contesto politico in cui prendeva forma il tentativo di definire e istituzionalizzare la vigenza di nuovi valori per un’educazione globale a sostengo della pace.Un evento storico paradigmatico che tuttora sostiene ed orienta l’attuale dibattito sulla natura e finalità dell’educazione alla cittadinanza e nel quale l’educazione attiva, sociale e politica proposta da Luzuriaga ancora costituisce un utile riferimento critico

    Merio Scattola "In Memoriam"

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    L’apropiació de la llengua com a eina de canvi polític a Antonio Gramsci

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    Lorenzo Luzuriaga y el reto de la educación global

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    The making of philosophy : Ortega y Gasset and the Spanish academia

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    This thesis analyses the concept and practice of philosophy within the Spanish academia during the first half of the XX century, in relation to different political and institutional regimes. In particular, the research focuses on the academic career of the most prominent intellectual of that time, José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955), who dominated the Spanish philosophical scene for almost fifty years. Through the analysis and study of his intellectual biography and of his theory of education, this research sheds light on the instrumental political and social function that the academic teaching of humanities did play in the case of the Spanish contemporary history. The thesis investigates the mutual relations between the philosophy of Ortega and the one purported by the Spanish academia, thought as a social and political institution, considering the period comprised since his first appointment as a professor at the University of Madrid, in 1910, until his death in 1955. In particular, contrary to the majority of the studies on the author, the thesis pays particular attention to the second part of his life marked, since 1936, by a long exile, a brief return in Spain after the end of World War II, and the creation, in 1948, of the Institute of Humanities, an exp erim en tal ed u cative p r oject h e d evelop ed d u rin g Fran co’s regim e. The kernel of this investigation is constituted by an often dismissed featu re of Or tega’s p h ilosop h y: i.e. th e cen tr ality of the theory and practice of education during the whole course of his life. Significantly, he always developed his theorisations within a particular context: the Spanish academia and, in particular, the University of Madrid. This institution constantly underwent relevant changes during the first half of the XX century due to paradigmatic mutations in the political regimes leading the country. In particular, the period analysed in this thesis includes the study of four different historical paradigms: the period which followed the end of the Restoration, the one ruled by the II Republic, th e begin n in g of Fran co’s regime and, finally, its changes in relation to the post-war international context. This variability affected the way in which Ortega conceived the function of philosophers an d intellectuals in society. His philosophy, which can be defined as a constant intellectual protrepsis, changed in relation to the political and academic circumstances under which he lived. In fact, he conceived the role of the intellectual as strictly intertwined with a social and political mission, that went beyond the limited boarders of the academia, even if it always arose from this institution. Based on a stu d y of Ortega’s teach in gs in their historical context, conducted through a careful reconstruction of the academic debates that characterised the Spanish University – rendered possible by the analysis of a wide range of primary sources, both from personal and public archives, as well as of newspapers, cultural reviews, books and school texts – this research contributes to shed light on the functioning of the academic debate and its role within society, in particular in relation to the creation and diffusion of humanistic disciplines. The research offers an analysis of a very compelling case study that permits to comprehend how academic debates evolve under different political regimes, and the extent to which philosophy is always forged and, at the same time, contribute to modify the institution within which it develops. In conclusion, the work offers an innovative reading of the philosophy and intellectual activity of Ortega y Gasset, contributing to clarify one of the most controversial period s of his life which, until now, had not been analysed in-depth

    Thinking together, living fully. Experiencing philosophy with children

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    Philosophy with children is an ambitious pedagogical project based on a structured meditation on the conditions that make it possible and the object and aims of the educational process. This article presents a systematized overview of the main features of Philosophy for Children (P4C), considering it to be a multifaceted and plural approach that, despite the different theorizations proposed, still possesses some basic common traits. Starting from a review of the academic literature on the topic, this article presents some of the main conceptual and practical limitations of P4C, in relation to its theoretical insight and its practical implementation. These are potentially damaging criticisms, which, if not given serious consideration, could invalidate this educational approach. After a critical discussion of the weak points of P4C, this article shows the need to reframe clearly the nature of educational practice in general and how philosophical reflection in particular can contribute to it. Accordingly, educational experience is thought to be a radical process of creation of shared meaning by a community of inquiry involved in a shared rational and emotional search for truth. Consequently, this article proves the profound value of this educational approach, which can foster a well-rounded education of people and their full integration into the social and cultural context, enabling them to enjoy a flourishing and authentic life.La filosofía con los niños representa una ambiciosa propuesta educativa que se basa en una articulada reflexión acerca de las condiciones de posibilidad, el objeto y las finalidades del proceso educativo. Este artículo presenta de forma sistematizada los rasgos principales de la filosofía con los niños, considerándola como una propuesta con múltiples facetas la cual, sin embargo, posee algunos elementos comunes a todas sus distintas vertientes. A partir de la revisión de la amplia literatura existente sobre el tema, se presentan algunos de los límites conceptuales y materiales más significativos de la filosofía con los niños, relacionados tanto con su marco teórico como con su implementación práctica. Se trata de unas críticas potencialmente demoledoras que, si no son tomadas en cuenta de forma adecuada, pueden poner en riesgo la validez misma de esta propuesta educativa. Después de una discusión crítica de los puntos débiles de la filosofía con los niños, el artículo demuestra la necesidad de replantear con claridad la naturaleza de la práctica educativa en general, y la aportación que a la misma puede ofrecer la reflexión filosófica en particular. Este replanteamiento abre el camino a una redefinición de la experiencia educativa, entendida como proceso radical de creación de sentido compartido por parte de una comunidad de indagación involucrada de forma conjunta, racional y emocionalmente, en la búsqueda de la verdad. Consecuentemente, el artículo demuestra la profunda actualidad de esta propuesta educativa, capaz de fomentar una educación integral de las personas, y su plena integración en el tejido social y cultural, haciendo posible el florecimiento de una vida auténtica

    The Performance of Measurement-Based Overlay Networks

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    The literature contains propositions for the use of overlay networks to supplement the normal IP routing functions with higher-level information in order to improve aspects of network behavior. We consider the use of such an overlay to optimize the end-to-end behavior of some special tra c ows. Measurements are used both to construct the virtual links of the overlay and to establish the link costs for use in a link-state routing protocol. The overlay attempts to forward certain packets over the least congested rather than the shortest path. We present simulation results showing that contrary to common belief overlay networks are not always bene cial and can be detrimental
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