12,033 research outputs found

    Scimago Journal Rank. How to find quality indicators (Scopus)

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    Material formativo sobre Scimago Journal Rank, que forma parte del recurso de aprendizaje UOC "Where to Publish. How to identify potential journals".Material formatiu sobre Scimago Journal Rank, que forma part del recurs d'aprenentatge UOC "Where to Publish. How to identify potential journals".Teaching material about Scimago Journal Rank, which belongs to the UOC Learning resource "Where to Publish. How to identify potential journals"

    Kartografski časopisi u Scopusu

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    Scopus is a commercial database owned by Elsevier established in 2004. Scopus is the largest bibliographic and citation database in the world and includes tools for searching, analysing and visualizing data. End of 2007 saw the emergence of the Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR2016) portal, which uses Scopus data to rank journals per various statistical indicators of published papers and their citation. The most important indicator is SJR (Scimago Journal Rank). It is calculated similarly to impact factor, i.e. based on the number ofcitations. Whileall citations have the same weight in the impact factor, SJR also takes the journals’ indicator into calculation.Scopus pokrenut 2004., komercijalna baza tvrtke Elsevier, najveća je bibliografska i citatna baza na svijetu s alatima za pretraživanje, analiziranje i vizualizaciju dobivenih podataka.Krajem 2007. godine pojavio se portal Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR 2016) koji na osnovi podataka iz Scopusa služi za rangiranje časopisa prema raznim statističkim pokazateljima o objavljenim radovima i podacima o njihovoj citiranosti. Najvažniji je od nekoliko pokazatelja SJR (Scimago Journal Rank). Slično kao i faktor odjeka i SJR se izračunava na osnovi broja citata objavljenih radova. Dok kod faktora odjeka svi citati imajujednaku težinu, u računanju pokazatelja SJR veću težinu imaju citati u časopisima s većim pokazateljom

    Mapping of Applied Psychology Publications: A Study Based on Scimago Journal and Country Rank Database

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    This paper discusses about the Applied Psychology publications and its citation available in the Scimago Journal and Country Rank data base by the authors from top 15 countries (based on publications). The relevant data are collected from Scimago Journal and Country Rank data base and it was analyzed. Itshows among the Applied Psychology publications totally 99276 articles were published the maximum of 47753(48.10%) articles published by United States followed by United Kingdom with 11819(11.91%) publications during the study period

    Cardiologia Croatica Now in SCImago Journal Rank

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    Articles from the Cardiologia Croatica journal from the year 2014 onward are now available in the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) bibliometric indicator! The journal has been placed in the Q4 quartile and has an SJR of 0.111

    Evolutionary transformation of the journal. Part 8

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    The article outlines the eighth phase of the development of the journal Studia Historiae Scientiarum (previous name Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU / Proceedings of the PAU Commission on the History of Science). Information is provided on the following matters: the journal’s evaluation by the “ICI Master Journal List 2019” (released at the end of 2020), by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Polish Republic (released on February 9 / 18, 2021), by Scopus (released on 6 April 2021), and by the SCImago Journal Rankings 2020 (released on May 17, 2021; unfortunately, the journal data in Scimago website are inconsistent with the Scopus data, e.g. most of the 2020 volume’s citable texts that are indexed in Scopus have been omitted). Additionally, the number of foreign authors and reviewers of the current volume of the journal is quoted. From volume 21 (2022), the journal Studia Historiae Scientiarum will implement additional organizational solutions: a CC BY license for the texts of articles (retaining the possibility of other licenses for illustrations), the CrossMark service and the publishing option, the so-called FirstView Articles.The article outlines the eighth phase of the development of the journal Studia Historiae Scientiarum (previous name Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU / Proceedings of the PAU Commission on the History of Science). Information is provided on the following matters: the journal’s evaluation by the “ICI Master Journal List 2019” (released at the end of 2020), by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Polish Republic (released on February 9 / 18, 2021), by Scopus (released on 6 April 2021), and by the SCImago Journal Rankings 2020 (released on May 17, 2021; unfortunately, the journal data in Scimago website are inconsistent with the Scopus data, e.g. most of the 2020 volume’s citable texts that are indexed in Scopus have been omitted). Additionally, the number of foreign authors and reviewers of the current volume of the journal is quoted. From volume 21 (2022), the journal Studia Historiae Scientiarum will implement additional organizational solutions: a CC BY license for the texts of articles (retaining the possibility of other licenses for illustrations), the CrossMark service and the publishing option, the so-called FirstView Articles


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    Journal rankings are widely used in academic circles in evaluating the impact and quality of academic journals. The purpose of a journal ranking is to reflect the location of a journal within its field, the relative difficulty of being published in that journal, and the reputation associated with it. SCImago Journal Rank - A measure of the scientific impact of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or reputation of the journals from which such citations come. This paper examined citation-based analysis using the SCImago journal rank to compare Library Quarterly and Library Hi-Tech journals are published from 1999 onwards particularly in the fields of library and information science. This study found that in 2018 SJR ranking, H indexes and best quartile etc. For Library Hi-Tech Journal SJR 0.75, h index is 33, Q1 is the best quartile and in 2018 about Library Quarterly Journal SJR 0.73, h index 34, and Q1 best quartile. And also found number of citable documents and non citable documents, number of self citations and total citation of the both journals from 1999 to 2018

    Productividad e impacto de la arqueología chilena: una perspectiva cienciométrica

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    Based on data provided by the Scimago Journal & Country Rank portal, a scientiometric analysis of the worldwide productivity and impact of Chilean archaeology is presented. The results of this study highlight that Chilean archaeology reaches one of the highest positions within the Chilean sciences in terms of impact in each of their respective fields.Se presenta un análisis cienciométrico de la productividad e impacto de la arqueología chilena a nivel mundial, basado en los datos ofrecidos por el portal Scimago Journal & Country Rank. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que la arqueología chilena alcanza uno de los de las posiciones más altas dentro de las ciencias chilenas en términos del impacto en cada uno de sus respectivos campos

    Comparative Analysis of Citation Based Scientometric Indicators of DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology (DJLIT) and Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) Journals Using SCImago Journal Rank for the Period 2016-2020

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    In the academic world, journal rankings have broadly used to evaluate the impact and quality of scholarly journals. The study\u27s key objective is to comparatively analyze the citation-based scientometric indicators of DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology (DJLIT) and Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) journals using SCImago Journal Rank from 2016 to 2020. The data was collected from SCImago Journal Rank website. This article discusses the year wise SJR with quartile, citation per document 4years/3years/2years wise, self cites and total cites, external cites and cites per document, percentage of international collaboration, citable and non-citable documents, cited and uncited documents. The SJR value for the last five years results illustrates that the highest SJR for ALIS and DJLIT journals is 2.98 and 0.514, respectively, in the year 2020. The highest 23 self-citations and 250 total citations received for ALIS; however, the DJLIT journal is 106 and 637 for the last five years. The total international collaborations for the ALIS and DJLIT journals are 16.65 and 19.4, respectively

    Detronizacija faktora utjecaja?! – pojava novog, besplatnog metričkog pokazatelja, SCImago Journal Ranka

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    U radu je prikazan novi portal, SCImago Journal & Country Rank, koji na temelju podataka iz Scopusa rangira 13208 znanstvenih časopisa iz 229 država prema raznim statističkim pokazateljima o objavljenim radovima i podacima o njihovoj citiranosti

    SCImago journal & country rank: un nuevo portal, dos nuevos rankings

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    EL PORTAL SCIMAGO JOURNAL & COUNTRY RANK nace de la alianza entre la empresa Elsevier B.V. y el grupo de investigación Scimago. Como resultado de esta sinergia se ha desarrollado una plataforma de indicadores científicos a partir de la información contenida en la base de datos Scopus. La plataforma toma su nombre del indicador Scimago journal rank (SJR), elaborado por el grupo a partir del algoritmo Page rank, que representa la visibilidad de las revistas contenidas en la base de datos desde 1999 hasta 2006