72 research outputs found

    Students® perception of interprofessional education in the bachelor programme “Interprofessional Health Care” in Heidelberg, Germany: an exploratory case study

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    Background: Interprofessional education is receiving increased attention worldwide. This has led to the development of a bachelor programme “Interprofessional Health Care” at the University of Heidelberg, Germany beginning in the winter semester 2011. Aim of this study was to evaluate the students’ perception of this innovative programme regarding interprofessional learning. Methods: An exploratory case study was conducted. A semi-structured guideline was developed and seven focus groups were performed with the students of the first three cohorts in 2012–2014. Data was transcribed and analyzed using content analysis leading to main categories, one of which was titled “interprofessional learning”. This article presents the results focussing on the students’ experiences regarding interprofessional education and learning during their first two semesters of the programme. Results: Four main categories related to interprofessional learning were developed inductively. Students assessed “interprofessional learning” in general as positive and wished to encounter a more intense experience and collaboration with different health professions during their studies. Students reported to benefit from the programme due to a better understanding of other professions and their different perspectives. They described decreased hesitance to approach other health professions in every day practice. Results are in line with the four domains of the Interprofessional Core Competencies. Conclusion: All in all students at an early stage recognized the benefit of interprofessional learning for their studies and their everyday work in practice showing the way forward for the bachelor programme and encouraging more interprofessional encounters with students from other health care programmes

    Investigating the Relationship between Materiality and Meaning in Art Education Settings

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    This thesis explores ways in which the new materialist idea of the entanglement of materiality and meaning can be investigated in art education encounters. For this study, I developed a workshop with the methodology of Design Based Research that was implemented in two iterations in the Art Education graduate studio in Concordia University and in the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts respectively. Five students enrolled in the BFA specialization in Art Education in Concordia University volunteered to participate. Their experience as students, art makers and teachers was key for pointing towards procedures and theory that could be applied to future educational encounters. Throughout the workshops it was possible to observe that our understandings of materiality and its relationship to meaning are deeply rooted in and performed by the way we position ourselves in the world and thus our learning and teaching. An important achievement of the exercises was providing opportunities to witness that things make sense together with and without us. Added to that, the research pointed towards the potentialities of a pedagogy of diffraction for articulating the relationship between materiality and meaning in art education settings. That is, it the exercises allowed for unexpected and unconventional approaches to materiality as a way to produce difference, rather than replicating sameness, and to give way for things to take shape and meaning in relations

    Störfestigkeit im Nahbereich – Vergleich der mit Antennen erzeugten Felder der ISO 11452-9 und DIN EN 61000-4-39

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    Der Bedarf an StörfestigkeitsprĂŒfungen von PrĂŒflingen im Nahbereich ist vor allem durch aufgetretene StörphĂ€nomene entstanden, wenn sich hochfrequente Strahlungsquellen (mobile SendegerĂ€te wie z. B. HandfunkgerĂ€te oder Mobiltelefone) in einem sehr geringen Abstand zu elektronischen GerĂ€ten befinden. Das reale StörphĂ€nomen kann beispielsweise ein vom Wartungspersonal genutztes HandfunkgerĂ€t sein, das in unmittelbarer NĂ€he von FeldgerĂ€ten (Sensoren, Aktoren) oder Steuerungskomponenten verwendet wird und direkt in diese einkoppelt. Damit sind selbst bei einer Sendeleistung von wenigen Watt von einem HandfunkgerĂ€t mit verkĂŒrzter Wendelantenne (z. B. 6 W, 430 MHz) elektrische FeldstĂ€rken von einigen 100 V/m im Nahbereich der Antenne zu erreichen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens dieser StörphĂ€nomene steigt durch die wachsende Anzahl an portablen mobilen SendegerĂ€ten mit Funkschnittstelle (z. B. Smartphones, IoT-Devices) deutlich an. Nach Standardisierungsprojekten sind die Testverfahren und Anforderungen an die Antennen fĂŒr die Messung im Nahbereich mittlerweile in verschiedene Normen eingeflossen. Im Automobilbereich ist das – neben herstellerspezifischen PrĂŒfanforderungen – die ISO 11452-9 [1] mit einem breitbandigen Dipol mit flachen Elementen. Im Industriebereich ist es die DIN EN 61000-4-39 [2], die die Verwendung eines breitbandiges TEM-Horns beschreibt. Beide Standards decken das gleiche Störszenario ab und es stellt sich die Frage, wie sich die erzeugten Felder der beiden Antennentypen im betrachteten Frequenzbereich von ca. 360 MHz bis 6 GHz verhalten. Dieser Beitrag stellt Messungen und Simulationen der von den beiden Antennentypen erzeugten elektromagnetischen Felder dar und zeigt Unterschiede auf

    Antennas for the detection of radio emission pulses from cosmic-ray induced air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory is exploring the potential of the radio detection technique to study extensive air showers induced by ultra-high energy cosmic rays. The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) addresses both technological and scientific aspects of the radio technique. A first phase of AERA has been operating since September 2010 with detector stations observing radio signals at frequencies between 30 and 80 MHz. In this paper we present comparative studies to identify and optimize the antenna design for the final configuration of AERA consisting of 160 individual radio detector stations. The transient nature of the air shower signal requires a detailed description of the antenna sensor. As the ultra-wideband reception of pulses is not widely discussed in antenna literature, we review the relevant antenna characteristics and enhance theoretical considerations towards the impulse response of antennas including polarization effects and multiple signal reflections. On the basis of the vector effective length we study the transient response characteristics of three candidate antennas in the time domain. Observing the variation of the continuous galactic background intensity we rank the antennas with respect to the noise level added to the galactic signal

    Political Theories of the Instant in Germany, 1914-1940

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    The present dissertation explores the rise of the notion of instantaneous time—the sudden temporality of “the instant” (Augenblick)—as a concept in significant currents of German thought in the first decades of the twentieth century. It is my contention that a momentous historico-theoretical juncture took place between 1914 and 1940 in Germany, when an already established set of conceptualizations of instantaneous temporality as a category of perception interacted with a new experience of historical time based on rupture and abrupt discontinuity. This set of conceptualizations could be called a “modern tradition” of reflection on the instant, spanning from the poetry of Goethe and the historical self-understanding of the French Revolution, to Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and the artistic and literary practice of the historical avant-gardes. In this juncture, three representative German authors of the period—Ernst JĂŒnger, Ernst Bloch, and Walter Benjamin—fused in their works the historical consciousness associated with war, crisis, and revolution, with the literary and philosophical formulation of “the instantaneous” and “the sudden” as categories of thought. During the interwar years, the notion of the instant was a decisive element in the articulation of a new “regime of historicity,” or mode of experiencing historical time, based on the notion of sudden temporality. As I build on the categories of historical consciousness and the perception of time, I plan to show that the instant constituted a significant conceptual device to make sense of and respond to the modern experience of violent rupture during this period of German history

    'Sartanes' may cause anaemia

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    ACE inhibitors

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