214 research outputs found
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Weblogs fĂŒr das Issues Management. Durch die rasante Verbreitung von Social Software haben sich die Rahmenbedingungen fĂŒr Unternehmen im Internet grundlegend geĂ€ndert. Ăber Anwendungen wie Weblogs kann praktisch jeder Internetnutzer einfach und schnell Texte, Bilder, Videos sowie auch Kritik publizieren und einem breiten Publikum zugĂ€nglich machen. Entscheidend ist, dass Weblogs untereinander stark vernetzt sind, denn auf diese Weise verbreiten sich Nachrichten nach dem Schneeballprinzip rasant und die Blog-BeitrĂ€ge fĂŒhren hĂ€ufig die Suchmaschinen-Ergebnisse an. Diese Arbeit stellt den Einfluss von Bloggern als âneue Meinungsmacherâ auf Unternehmen in den Mittelpunkt und liefert qualitative Ergebnisse dazu, wie unternehmensrelevante Themen frĂŒhzeitig in Blogs identifiziert werden können und welche MaĂnahmen im Umgang mit Bloggern sinnvoll sind. Den theoretischen Hintergrund der Magisterarbeit bildet das Konzept des Issues Management, fĂŒr die empirische Untersuchung wurde die qualitative Delphi-Methode angewandt. Insgesamt nahmen 48 Kommunikationsexperten aus Deutschland, Ăsterreich und der Schweiz an zwei Online-Befragungswellen teil. Der Untersuchungszeitraum erstreckte sich von Februar bis Mai 2009. Die Ergebnisse der Studie unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit der kontinuierlichen Beobachtung und Bewertung von Weblog-Issues und des Beziehungsaufbaus zu relevanten Bloggern fĂŒr Unternehmen. Der so genannte âUser generated contentâ in Blogs birgt einerseits Risiken, andererseits eröffnen sich aber auch etliche Chancen. FĂŒr das Scanning bzw. Monitoring, die Bewertung sowie die Bearbeitung relevanter Weblog-Issues bzw. Weblogs konnten vielfĂ€ltige Instrumente identifiziert werden. Eine isolierte Betrachtung von Weblogs wird allerdings immer schwieriger, vielmehr werden Gesamtstrategien fĂŒr das Social Web notwendig und bilden die gröĂte Herausforderung fĂŒr die Unternehmenskommunikation.The main focus of this scientific approach/discussion is the question of the relevance of blogs for
the Issues Management. Due to the catchword âWeb 2.0â and the fast-paced spread of Social Media, the underlying conditions for companies on the internet have profoundly changed. Via applications like weblogs, every internet user is capable of easily and quickly publishing texts, pictures, videos as well as criticism to make it available to a wide public. The fact is that weblogs are heavily linked among each other; hence the quick spread of news with a snowball effect, where blog posts often
lead the search engine results. This thesis focuses on the influence of bloggers as ânew opinion leadersâ on companies and provides qualitative results as to how company-related topics can be indentified prematurely in blogs, and which sensible measures can be taken in handling bloggers. The theoretical background of this thesis is the concept of Issues Management, the Delphi-Method was
used for the research. 48 communication experts from Germany, Austria and Switzerland took part in the Delphi survey in person and two rounds in online survey. The research period was from February to May 2009. The results of this survey underline the necessity for continuous observation and assessment of weblog issues and the establishment of relationships with relevant bloggers by the companies. The user generated content in blogs involves risks, but it also opens numerous
chances. There are multiple instruments to scan and monitor, prioritizing and handle relevant weblog Issues and weblogs. Though an isolated view on blogs is increasingly difficult to justify; on the contrary, it becomes necessary to find comprehensive strategies for the Social Web in its entirety, what means the biggest challenge for corporate communications
An Investigation in to Virtual World Adoption
Virtual worlds are emerging in importance as more multinational firms are investing heavily in these emerging communities. Although much excitement has been built up around the idea of virtual worlds, a gap exists between those who sign up and those who engage in the virtual world. Our analysis of the gap between those who initiate an action and have signed up to join a virtual world and those who follow through and ultimately engage the community on a regular basis derives from a lack of adoption. Through the use of a subject matter expert study, we identified 35 factors to explain adoption, which then explain through the use of seven psychological theories. After discussing and integrating these seven factors, we test our model through a test of 223 new users of Second Life. The results from our empirical test of these seven theories are presented, and we conclude by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of understanding virtual world adoption
Chicken Toll-like Receptor 3 Recognizes Its Cognate Ligand When Ectopically Expressed in Human Cells
Recognition of pathogens by toll-like receptors (TLRs) causes activation of signaling cascades that trigger cytokine secretion and, ultimately, innate immunity. Genes encoding proteins with substantial homology to mammalian TLR1, TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, TLR5, and TLR7 are present in the chicken genome, whereas orthologs of TLR8, TLR9, and TLR10 seem to be defective or missing. Except for chicken TLR2 (ChTLR2), which was previously shown to recognize lipopeptides and lipopolysaccharides (LPS), the ligand specificity of ChTLRs had not been determined. We found that polyI:C, LPS, R848, S-28463, and ODN2006, which are specifically recognized by TLR3, TLR4, TLR7/8, and TLR9 in mammals, induced substantial amounts of type I interferon (IFN) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in freshly prepared chicken splenocytes. To determine the ligand specificity of ChTLR3 and ChTLR7, we used a standard reporter assay frequently employed for analysis of mammalian TLRs. Neither S-28463 nor any other TLR ligand induced reporter activity in human 293 cells expressing ChTLR7. However, human 293 cells expressing ChTLR3 strongly and specifically responded to polyI:C, demonstrating that this chicken receptor represents a true ortholog of mammalian TLR3
Evolution and structure of the Upper Rhine Graben â quantitative insights from numerical modelling approaches
The Upper Rhine Graben forms the major
segment of the Cenozoic Rift system
of Western Europe. Although the
rift was the target of many seismic
and geological investigations, the style
of lithospheric extension below the inferred
faults, the depth to detachment, and the amounts of horizontal extension
and lateral translation are still being debated.
In this study, the date base to
the Upper Rhine Graben was subjected
to a finite element approach in order to
include thermomechanical processes of
the lithosphere as well as erosion and
sedimentation. The study concentrated
on the consequences of extension and
lateral translational events on the structure
and evolution in terms of basin
geometry, sediment layer thicknesses,
Moho elevation, and shoulder uplift on
a lithospheric scale. The numerical approach
was three dimensional in order
to incorporate the lateral crustal heterogenities
in the Upper Rhine area and the
varying ambient stress field...conferenc
Das deutsche Sprachprofil an der UniversitĂ€t Roskilde:Ein didaktischer Ansatz fĂŒr den studienbegleitenden Deutschunterricht in DĂ€nemark
Die UniversitĂ€t Roskilde, DĂ€nemark, bietet als Teil ihrer Internationalisierungsstrategie studienbegleitenden Fremdsprachenunterricht fĂŒr alle Studierenden in den geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen BachelorstudiengĂ€ngen an. Der vorliegende Artikel fĂŒhrt in den Kontext, die Lernziele und die Organisation der sogenannten Sprachprofile ein. Das deutsche Sprachprofil wird aus drei Perspektiven prĂ€sentiert: zunĂ€chst aus einer sprachenpolitischen Perspektive, auf deren Grundlage das Sprachprofil entwickelt wurde, und anschlieĂend aus der Perspektive der LehrkrĂ€fte, die inspiriert durch den CLIL-Ansatz das Sprachprofil didaktisch gestalten. AbschlieĂend fokussieren wir auf die Perspektive der Studierenden: Wie erleben sie ihren Lernprozess? Welche Resultate erzielen sie ihrer Ansicht nach? As part of its internationalization strategy, Roskilde University, Denmark, offers German language courses as an accompaniment to all bachelor students of the humanities and social sciences. This article introduces the context, learning objectives and organization of this so-called language profile. The German language profile is presented from three perspectives: a language policy perspective, on which the language profile was developed; from the perspective of the teachers who design the language profile inspired by the CLIL approach; finally, from the studentsâ perspective: How do students experience their learning process? How do they evaluate their learning results
Environmental Effects over the First 2 1/2 Rotation Periods of a Fertilised Poplar Short Rotation Coppice
A short rotation coppice (SRC) with poplar was established in a randomised
fertilisation experiment on sandy loam soil in Potsdam (Northeast Germany).
The main objective of this study was to assess if negative environmental
effects as nitrogen leaching and greenhouse gas emissions are enhanced by
mineral nitrogen (N) fertiliser applied to poplar at rates of 0, 50 and 75 kg
N haâ1 yearâ1 and how these effects are influenced by tree age with increasing
number of rotation periods and cycles of organic matter decomposition and tree
growth after each harvesting event. Between 2008 and 2012, the leaching of
nitrate (NO3 â) was monitored with self-integrating accumulators over 6-month
periods and the emissions of the greenhouse gases (GHG) nitrous oxide (N2O)
and carbon dioxide (CO2) were determined in closed gas chambers. During the
first 4 years of the poplar SRC, most nitrogen was lost through NO3 â leaching
from the main root zone; however, there was no significant relationship to the
rate of N fertilisation. On average, 5.8 kg N haâ1 yearâ1 (13.0 kg CO2equ) was
leached from the root zone. Nitrogen leaching rates decreased in the course of
the 4-year study parallel to an increase of the fine root biomass and the
degree of mycorrhization. In contrast to N leaching, the loss of nitrogen by
N2O emissions from the soil was very low with an average of 0.61 kg N haâ1
yearâ1 (182 kg CO2equ) and were also not affected by N fertilisation over the
whole study period. Real CO2 emissions from the poplar soil were two orders of
magnitude higher ranging between 15,122 and 19,091 kg CO2 haâ1 yearâ1 and
followed the rotation period with enhanced emission rates in the years of
harvest. As key-factors for NO3 â leaching and N2O emissions, the time after
planting and after harvest and the rotation period have been identified by a
mixed effects model
The archaeal exosome localizes to the membrane
AbstractWe studied the cellular localization of the archaeal exosome, an RNA-processing protein complex containing orthologs of the eukaryotic proteins Rrp41, Rrp42, Rrp4 and Csl4, and an archaea-specific subunit annotated as DnaG. Fractionation of cell-free extracts of Sulfolobus solfataricus in sucrose density gradients revealed that DnaG and the active-site comprising subunit Rrp41 are enriched together with surface layer proteins in a yellow colored ring, implicating that the exosome is membrane-bound. In accordance with this assumption, DnaG and Rrp41 were detected at the periphery of the cell by immunofluorescence microscopy. Our finding suggests that RNA processing in Archaea is spatially organized.Structured summaryMINT-7891213: Rrp41 (uniprotkb:Q9UXC2) and DnaG (uniprotkb:P95980) colocalize (MI:0403) by cosedimentation in solution (MI:0028)MINT-7891235: Rrp41 (uniprotkb:Q9UXC2), DnaG (uniprotkb:P95980) and SlaA (uniprotkb:Q2M1E7) colocalize (MI:0403) by cosedimentation through density gradient (MI:0029)MINT-7891278: Rrp41 (uniprotkb:Q9UXC2) and DnaG (uniprotkb:P95980) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416
Inter-annual variability of transparent exopolymer particles in the Arctic Ocean reveals high sensitivity to ecosystem changes
Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) are a class of marine gel particles and important links between surface ocean biology and atmospheric processes. Derived from marine microorganisms, these particles can facilitate the biological pumping of carbon dioxide to the deep sea, or act as cloud condensation and ice nucleation particles in the atmosphere. Yet, environmental controls on TEP abundance in the ocean are poorly known. Here, we investigated some of these controls during the first multiyear time-series on TEP abundance for the Fram Strait, the Atlantic gateway to the Central Arctic Ocean. Data collected at the Long-Term Ecological Research observatory HAUSGARTEN during 2009 to 2014 indicate a strong biological control with highest abundance co-occurring with the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii. Higher occurrence of P. pouchetii in the Arctic Ocean has previously been related to northward advection of warmer Atlantic waters, which is expected to increase in the future. Our study highlights the role of plankton key species in driving climate relevant processes; thus, changes in plankton distribution need to be accounted for when estimating the oceanâs biogeochemical response to global change
Chironomid (Insecta: Chironomidae) community structure response to hydrological changes in the mid-1950s in lake Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau
The recent rise in air temperatures detected at high altitudes of the Tibetan Plateau has accelerated glacier melt and retreat. Moreover, enhanced monsoonal precipitation has increased runoff and transport of allochthonous material to the lakes. Consequently, water levels are rising, modifying the spatial distribution and composition of local aquatic biota. To infer these environmental and biological changes in recent decades, a 30-cm-long sediment core, representing the past ~160 years, from Nam Co, an endorheic lake, was analyzed for subfossil chironomid assemblages and sediment geochemistry. In total, 25 chironomid morphotypes were identified. Nineteen were considered as non-rare taxa (abundances â„2%) and six as rare taxa (abundances <2%). Since 1956 ce, higher chironomid richness (S = 19) is evident compared to the previous 100 years. The simultaneous decrease in the abundance of profundal Micropsectra radialis-type and increase of both Chironomus and Procladius, taxa adapted to more eurytopic and slightly warmer water bodies, indicate increasing water temperatures and intensified primary productivity. The dominance of littoral chironomid assemblages reflects increasing lake water levels, flooded shorelines and expansion of littoral areas driven by increased precipitation and glacial meltwater input both resulting from the increase in air temperatures. This scenario is confirmed by increases in total nitrogen and Zr/Rb ratios, indicating higher productivity and coarser grain size as a consequence of increased runoff via the Niya Qu. These hydrological changes have resulted in a positive water balance that can be linked to an increase in moisture supply from the Indian summer monsoon and glacier melt, reflecting increasing temperatures and precipitation since 1956 ce, ultimately driven by anthropogenic warming
Myeloid-related protein 8/14 complex describes microcirculatory alterations in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inflammation contributes to cardiovascular complications in type 2 diabetes, which are often characterized by microvascular alterations. We investigated whether myeloid-related protein 8/14 complex (MRP8/14) secreted by transmigrating monocytes and granulocytes may represent a biomarker for microvascular alterations in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>MRP8/14 was measured in 43 patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy. Additionally, the inflammatory markers Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were quantified. To detect microvascular alterations proteinuria and retinal vessel caliber were used as classical and novel marker, respectively. Proteinuria was quantified by protein-creatinine ratio (PCR); retinal vessel caliber was quantified after retina photography on digitalized retina pictures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MRP8/14 was positively associated with inflammation (<it>r </it>= 0.57), proteinuria (<it>r </it>= 0.40) and retinal arterial caliber (<it>r </it>= 0.48). Type 2 diabetic patients with MRP8/14 values above the median of 5.8 ÎŒg/ml demonstrated higher proteinuria and larger retinal artery caliber than patients with MRP8/14 values below the median (logPCR: -0.51 ± 0.52 versus -0.96 ± 0.46, <it>P </it>< 0.01; retinal artery lumen (ÎŒm): 178.3 ± 14.1 versus 162.7 ± 14.9 <it>P </it>< 0.01). Both groups did not differ with regard to metabolic factors and blood pressure. MRP8/14 was an independent predictor of retinal artery caliber in multivariate stepwise regression analysis (<it>ÎČ </it>= 0.607) and was positively associated with IL-6 (<it>r </it>= 0.57, <it>P </it>< 0.001) and TNF-α (<it>r </it>= 0.36, <it>P </it>< 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MRP8/14 â a marker for transendothelial migration â describes not only the state of inflammation in diabetic nephropathy, but additionally the degree of microvascular alterations in the glomerular and retinal bed. Therefore, MRP8/14 may be a potentially selective novel biomarker for microcirculatory defects in diabetic nephropathy.</p
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