476 research outputs found

    E. Archaeological Research: 1. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Periods

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    Spatial Ecology of Mule Deer Migrations From Grand Teton National Park and the Teton Range

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    The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem hosts several of the longest, fully intact ungulate migrations remaining in the continental United States. However, expanding development and an increasing human footprint continue to truncate migratory routes. While the endpoints are often a seasonal range on protected lands, these migration corridors frequently cross other jurisdictional boundaries, including large tracts of private or multiple-use lands, with varying levels of protection. Thus, it is critical resource managers understand the dynamics of migratory movements to define population-level corridors and prioritize appropriate conservation strategies. Mule deer in Wyoming have been documented traveling long distances between summer and winter ranges; however, the extent of mule deer migration corridors from Grand Teton National Park and the Teton Range was previously unknown. Here, using data from GPS collars fitted to female mule deer, I described seven migration corridors connecting summer range in Grand Teton National Park and the Teton Range with winter ranges widely distributed throughout Greater Yellowstone. Within each corridor, I examined topographic, land cover, jurisdiction, and phenological characteristics to help resource managers prioritize areas for future conservation efforts and provide insight to model future movements

    Zur Auswertung steinzeitlicher Oberflächenfundplätze: Federmesser – Zivilisation und Mesolithikum

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    Die Auswertung steinzeitlicher Oberflächenstationen muß mit Vorsicht erfolgen, weil günstige Siedlungsplätze oft mehrfach bewohnt gewesen sind. Es gibt aber Kriterien, deren Beachtung die Gefahr von Fehlschlüssen weitgehend ausschaltet. Folgende Hauptgrundsätze sind zu beachten: 1. Genaue Kenntnis der Originalfunde von genügend zahlreichen Stationen eines möglichst großen Gebietes. 2. Vergleich mit stratigraphisch gesicherten Horizonten und „geschlossenen Funden". 3. Beurteilung der Fundplätze nicht nach Einzeltypen, sondern nach „Artefaktkomplexen". Unter „Artefaktkomplex" wird die Vergesellschaftung von Funden verstanden, die nach Zahl, Form, Material und Bearbeitungstechnik so mannigfaltig wie möglich sind, wobei das Zahlenverhältnis eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Von französischer Seite wurde ein Verfahren zur Veranschaulichung der Artefaktkomplexe mittels graphischer Darstellung vorgelegt (Abb. 1 u. 2), das auch für die Auswertung von Oberflächenstationen große Bedeutung hat. Die Beachtung obiger Grundsätze macht es möglich, mit Hilfe von Oberflächenfundplätzen Fragen zu beleuchten, für deren Lösung sonst keine Voraussetzungen vorhanden sind. Das wird an Beispielen der spätpaläolithisch/mesolithischen Kulturentwicklung in Nordwesteuropa erläutert. Neuere Forschungsergebnisse brachten eine Bestätigung der auf Grund der Flinttypologie gewonnenen Resultate. So wird folgendes erhärtet: 1. Die Federmesser-Zivilisation beruht nicht auf der willkürlichen Auslese aus mesolithischen Stationen, sondern stellt eine selbständige Kulturgruppe vom Charakter eines ausklingenden Magdalénien dar. 2. Die Hamburger Kultur gliedert sich in eine ältere und eine jüngere Stufe. 3. Im Mesolithikum lassen sich kern- und scheibenbeilführende von rein mikrolithischen Fundgruppen scheiden. Auch innerhalb der Mikrolith-Zivilisation sind verschiedene Gruppen vorhanden.researc

    Small volume coaxial discharge as precision testbed for 0D-models of XeCl lasers

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    In order to check the predictions of 0D-models experimentally, a small coaxial discharge configuration for the generation of homogeneous high pressure glow discharges (diameter 11 mm, length 20 mm) in rare gas halogen excimer laser gas mixtures under accurately controlled conditions has been developed. It uses X-ray preionization and a special pulse-forming network (PFN) delivering fast rising (8 ns) single square pulses (U 0=25 kV; I=300 A; prop=100 ns). Discharge current and voltage are measured precisely by a capacitive voltage divider and a shunt integrated into the discharge chamber. All circuit data needed for the model calculations have been evaluated. Interferometric and spectroscopic diagnostics of the bulk of the discharge and of the cathode sheath have been performed. First results for Ne/Xe/HCl mixtures are compared with model calculations

    Role of serotonin transporter and receptor gene variations in the acute effects of MDMA in healthy subjects

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    Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; ecstasy) is used recreationally and has been investigated as an adjunct to psychotherapy. Most acute effects of MDMA can be attributed to activation of the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) system. Genetic variants, such as single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and polymorphic regions in 5-HT system genes, may contribute to interindividual differences in the acute effects of MDMA. We characterized the effects of common genetic variants within selected genes that encode the 5-HT system (TPH1 [tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 1] rs1800532 and rs1799913, TPH2 [tryptophan 5-hydroxylase 2] rs7305115, HTR1A [5-HT1A receptor] rs6295, HTR1B [5-HT1B receptor] rs6296, HTR2A [5-HT2A receptor] rs6313, and SLC6A4 [serotonin transporter] 5-HTTLPR and rs25531) on the physiological and subjective response to 125 mg MDMA compared with placebo in 124 healthy subjects. Data were pooled from eight randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies that were conducted in the same laboratory. TPH2 rs7305115, HTR2A rs6313, and SLC6A4 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms tended to moderately alter some effects of MDMA. However, after correcting for multiple comparisons, none of the tested genetic polymorphisms significantly influenced the response to MDMA. Variations in genes that encode key targets in the 5-HT system did not significantly influence the effects of MDMA in healthy subjects. Interindividual differences in the 5-HT system may thus play a marginal role when MDMA is used recreationally or therapeutically

    Pharmacogenetics of ecstasy: CYP1A2, CYP2C19, and CYP2B6 polymorphisms moderate pharmacokinetics of MDMA in healthy subjects

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    In vitro studies showed that CYP2C19, CYP2B6, and CYP1A2 contribute to the metabolism of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) to 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA). However, the role of genetic polymorphisms in CYP2C19, CYP2B6, and CYP1A2 in the metabolism of MDMA in humans is unknown. The effects of genetic variants in these CYP enzymes on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of MDMA were characterized in 139 healthy subjects (69 male, 70 female) in a pooled analysis of eight double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. MDMA-MDA conversion was positively associated with genotypes known to convey higher CYP2C19 or CYP2B6 activities. Additionally, CYP2C19 poor metabolizers showed greater cardiovascular responses to MDMA compared with other CYP2C19 genotypes. Furthermore, the maximum concentration of MDA was higher in tobacco smokers that harbored the inducible CYP1A2 rs762551 A/A genotype compared with the non-inducible C-allele carriers. The findings indicate that CYP2C19, CYP2B6, and CYP1A2 contribute to the metabolism of MDMA to MDA in humans. Additionally, genetic polymorphisms in CYP2C19 may moderate the cardiovascular toxicity of MDMA

    Aryl-Aryl Interactions in (aryl-perhalogenated) 1,2-Diaryldisilanes.

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    Mitzel NW, Linnemannstöns M, Schwabedissen J, Neumann B, Stammler H-G, Berger R. Aryl-Aryl Interactions in (aryl-perhalogenated) 1,2-Diaryldisilanes. Chemistry. 2020;26(10):2169-2173.Three 1,2-diaryltetramethyldisilanes X5C6-(SiMe2)2-C6X5 with two C6H5, C6F5 or C6Cl5 groups were studied concerning the im-por-tan-ce of London dispersion driven interactions between their aryl groups. They were prepared from 1,2-di-chlo-rotetra-methyl-disi-la-ne by salt elimination. Their structures were determi-ned in the solid state by X-ray diffraction and for free molecules by gas elec-tron-diffraction. The solid-state struc-tures of the fluori-nated and chlo-rinated derivatives are domi-na-ted by aryl-aryl inter-actions. Unex-pectedly, Cl5C6-(SiMe2)2-C6Cl5 exists exclusive-ly as eclipsed syn-conformer in the gas phase with strongly distor-ted Si-C6Cl5 units due to strong intramo-le-cular interactions. In contrast, F5C6-(SiMe2)2-C6F5 reveals wea-ker inter-actions. The contributions to the total interaction energy was analyzed by SAPT calculations. © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Development of the Swiss Database for dosing medicinal products in pediatrics

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    In daily paediatrics, drugs are commonly used off-label, as they are not approved for children. Approval is lacking because the required clinical studies were limited to adults in the past. Without clinical studies, evidence-based recommendations for drug use in children are limited. Information on off-label drug dosing in children can be found in different handbooks, databases and scientific publications but the dosing recommendations can differ considerably. To improve safety and efficacy of drugs prescribed to children and to assist the prescribers, stakeholders in Swiss paediatrics started a pilot project, supported by the Federal Office of Public Health, with the aim to create a database, providing healthcare professionals with so called “harmonised” dosage recommendations based on the latest available scientific evidence and best clinical practice. A standardised process for dosage harmonisation between paediatric experts was defined, guided and documented in an electronic tool, developed for this purpose. As proof of principle, a total of 102 dosage recommendations for 30 different drugs have been nationally harmonised in the pilot phase considering the current scientific literature and the approval of the most experienced national experts in the field. Conclusion: This approach paved the way for unified national dosage recommendations for children. Reaching the project’s milestones fulfilled the prerequisites for funding and starting regular operation of SwissPedDose in 2018. Since then, the database was extended with recommendations for 100 additional drugs

    Ethik und Ă–konomik: Ein Widerspruch?

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    Wie gut oder wie schlecht harmonieren Ethik und Ökonomik, Moralwissenschaft und Wirt-schaftswissenschaft? Widersprechen sich diese beiden Wissenschaftsdisziplinen womöglich? Die Art dieser Fragestellung hat eine lange Tradition. Man denke nur an den Fall Galilei und die Frage, ob Physik und Theologie im 17. Jahrhundert zueinander in Widerspruch geraten – und wie man einen solchen Widerspruch gegebenenfalls auflösen kann. In der Auseinander-setzung mit solchen Problemen haben wir gelernt, genauer zu differenzieren und uns so ein Verständnis zu erarbeiten, nach dem das physikalische Weltbild und das biblische Weltbild auf ganz unterschiedlichen Ebenen angesiedelt sind, so dass ein direkter Konflikt eigentlich gar nicht vorkommen kann. Dieser Beitrag bemüht sich, genau jene Differenzierungen herauszuarbeiten, die Wirtschafts-ethiker zu der Überzeugung gebracht haben, dass Ethik und Ökonomik sich nicht nur nicht widersprechen – dies wäre eine bloße Analogie zur historischen Verhältnisbestimmung zwischen Physik und Theologie –, sondern dass Ethik und Ökonomik, recht verstanden, sich so-gar wechselseitig ergänzen. Metaphorisch könnte man von zwei Seiten einer Medaille sprechen. Diese These wollen wir in drei Argumentationsschritten entwickeln. Dabei soll deutlich werden, wie wichtig eine solche Verhältnisbestimmung für die Zukunftsfragen des 21. Jahrhunderts werden könnte..
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