412 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry for Fermion Masses

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    It is proposed that supersymmetry (SUSY) maybe used to understand fermion mass hierarchies. A family symmetry Z_{3L} is introduced, which is the cyclic symmetry among the three generation SU(2) doublets. SUSY breaks at a high energy scale ~ 10^{11} GeV. The electroweak energy scale ~ 100 GeV is unnaturally small. No additional global symmetry, like the R-parity, is imposed. The Yukawa couplings and R-parity violating couplings all take their natural values which are about (10^0-10^{-2}). Under the family symmetry, only the third generation charged fermions get their masses. This family symmetry is broken in the soft SUSY breaking terms which result in a hierarchical pattern of the fermion masses. It turns out that for the charged leptons, the tau mass is from the Higgs vacuum expectation value (VEV) and the sneutrino VEVs, the muon mass is due to the sneutrino VEVs, and the electron gains its mass due to both Z_{3L} and SUSY breaking. The large neutrino mixing are produced with neutralinos playing the partial role of right-handed neutrinos. |V_{e3}| which is for nu_e-nu_{tau} mixing is expected to be about 0.1. For the quarks, the third generation masses are from the Higgs VEVs, the second generation masses are from quantum corrections, and the down quark mass due to the sneutrino VEVs. It explains m_c/m_s, m_s/m_e, m_d > m_u and so on. Other aspects of the model are discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, revtex4; neutrino oscillation and many discussions added, smallness of the electron mass due to supersymmetry pointed out; v3: numerical errors correcte

    Which phase is measured in the mesoscopic Aharonov-Bohm interferometer?

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    Mesoscopic solid state Aharonov-Bohm interferometers have been used to measure the "intrinsic" phase, αQD\alpha_{QD}, of the resonant quantum transmission amplitude through a quantum dot (QD). For a two-terminal "closed" interferometer, which conserves the electron current, Onsager's relations require that the measured phase shift β\beta only "jumps" between 0 and π\pi. Additional terminals open the interferometer but then β\beta depends on the details of the opening. Using a theoretical model, we present quantitative criteria (which can be tested experimentally) for β\beta to be equal to the desired αQD\alpha_{QD}: the "lossy" channels near the QD should have both a small transmission and a small reflection

    Localization of gravity in brane world with arbitrary extra dimensions

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    We study the induced 4-dimensional linearized Einstein field equations in an m-dimensional bulk space by means of a confining potential. It is shown that in this approach the mass of graviton is quantized. The cosmological constant problem is also addressed within the context of this approach. We show that the difference between the values of the cosmological constant in particle physics and cosmology stems from our measurements in two different scales, small and large.Comment: 8 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:gr-qc/0408004, arXiv:gr-qc/0607067, arXiv:0704.1035, arXiv:0707.3558, arXiv:0710.266

    Un système d'acquisition de données pour l'analyse en ligne des photographies de grandes chambres à bulles

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    Ce travail présente le système d'analyse des clichés de grandes chambres à bulles telles que Gargamelle et BEBC, réalisé au Groupe de Chambre à Bulles à Liquide Lourd à l'aide d'appareils de projection mis en ligne sur ordinateur CDC 1700. Ce travail présente les caractéristiques générales de ces appareils ainsi que celles de l'ordinateur et développe la conception et les fonctions des programmes d'analyse des photographies : prémesures, mesures et gestion des données. L'ensemble du système d'acquisition de données fonctionne dans un contexte de multiprogrammation en temps réel

    Mesoscopic Fano Effect in a Quantum Dot Embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm Ring

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    The Fano effect, which occurs through the quantum-mechanical cooperation between resonance and interference, can be observed in electron transport through a hybrid system of a quantum dot and an Aharonov-Bohm ring. While a clear correlation appears between the height of the Coulomb peak and the real asymmetric parameter qq for the corresponding Fano lineshape, we need to introduce a complex qq to describe the variation of the lineshape by the magnetic and electrostatic fields. The present analysis demonstrates that the Fano effect with complex asymmetric parameters provides a good probe to detect a quantum-mechanical phase of traversing electrons.Comment: REVTEX, 9 pages including 8 figure

    Measuring the Spectra of High Energy Neutrinos with a Kilometer-Scale Neutrino Telescope

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    We investigate the potential of a future kilometer-scale neutrino telescope such as the proposed IceCube detector in the South Pole, to measure and disentangle the yet unknown components of the cosmic neutrino flux, the prompt atmospheric neutrinos coming from the decay of charmed particles and the extra-galactic neutrinos, in the 10 TeV to 1 EeV energy range. Assuming a power law type spectra, dϕν/dEναEνβd\phi_\nu/dE_\nu \sim \alpha E_\nu^\beta, we quantify the discriminating power of the IceCube detector and discuss how well we can determine magnitude (α\alpha) as well as slope (β\beta) of these two components of the high energy neutrino spectrum, taking into account the background coming from the conventional atmospheric neutrinos.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Advances in multispectral and hyperspectral imaging for archaeology and art conservation

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    Multispectral imaging has been applied to the field of art conservation and art history since the early 1990s. It is attractive as a noninvasive imaging technique because it is fast and hence capable of imaging large areas of an object giving both spatial and spectral information. This paper gives an overview of the different instrumental designs, image processing techniques and various applications of multispectral and hyperspectral imaging to art conservation, art history and archaeology. Recent advances in the development of remote and versatile multispectral and hyperspectral imaging as well as techniques in pigment identification will be presented. Future prospects including combination of spectral imaging with other noninvasive imaging and analytical techniques will be discussed

    Discovery of the Binary Pulsar PSR B1259-63 in Very-High-Energy Gamma Rays around Periastron with H.E.S.S

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    We report the discovery of very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray emission of the binary system PSR B1259-63/SS 2883 of a radio pulsar orbiting a massive, luminous Be star in a highly eccentric orbit. The observations around the 2004 periastron passage of the pulsar were performed with the four 13 m Cherenkov telescopes of the H.E.S.S. experiment, recently installed in Namibia and in full operation since December 2003. Between February and June 2004, a gamma-ray signal from the binary system was detected with a total significance above 13 sigma. The flux was found to vary significantly on timescales of days which makes PSR B1259-63 the first variable galactic source of VHE gamma-rays observed so far. Strong emission signals were observed in pre- and post-periastron phases with a flux minimum around periastron, followed by a gradual flux decrease in the months after. The measured time-averaged energy spectrum above a mean threshold energy of 380 GeV can be fitted by a simple power law F_0(E/1 TeV)^-Gamma with a photon index Gamma = 2.7+-0.2_stat+-0.2_sys and flux normalisation F_0 = (1.3+-0.1_stat+-0.3_sys) 10^-12 TeV^-1 cm^-2 s^-1. This detection of VHE gamma-rays provides unambiguous evidence for particle acceleration to multi-TeV energies in the binary system. In combination with coeval observations of the X-ray synchrotron emission by the RXTE and INTEGRAL instruments, and assuming the VHE gamma-ray emission to be produced by the inverse Compton mechanism, the magnetic field strength can be directly estimated to be of the order of 1 G.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics on 2 June 2005, replace: document unchanged, replaced author field in astro-ph entry - authors are all members of the H.E.S.S. collaboration and three additional authors (99+3, see document

    Power-spectrum analysis of Super-Kamiokande solar neutrino data, taking into account asymmetry in the error estimates

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    The purpose of this article is to carry out a power-spectrum analysis (based on likelihood methods) of the Super-Kamiokande 5-day dataset that takes account of the asymmetry in the error estimates. Whereas the likelihood analysis involves a linear optimization procedure for symmetrical error estimates, it involves a nonlinear optimization procedure for asymmetrical error estimates. We find that for most frequencies there is little difference between the power spectra derived from analyses of symmetrized error estimates and from asymmetrical error estimates. However, this proves not to be the case for the principal peak in the power spectra, which is found at 9.43 yr-1. A likelihood analysis which allows for a "floating offset" and takes account of the start time and end time of each bin and of the flux estimate and the symmetrized error estimate leads to a power of 11.24 for this peak. A Monte Carlo analysis shows that there is a chance of only 1% of finding a peak this big or bigger in the frequency band 1 - 36 yr-1 (the widest band that avoids artificial peaks). On the other hand, an analysis that takes account of the error asymmetry leads to a peak with power 13.24 at that frequency. A Monte Carlo analysis shows that there is a chance of only 0.1% of finding a peak this big or bigger in that frequency band 1 - 36 yr-1. From this perspective, power spectrum analysis that takes account of asymmetry of the error estimates gives evidence for variability that is significant at the 99.9% level. We comment briefly on an apparent discrepancy between power spectrum analyses of the Super-Kamiokande and SNO solar neutrino experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables, 6 figure