321 research outputs found

    «Zur Theorie des Unterrichts» – die Online-Version: Traditionelle Hochschullehre im Vergleich mit einer E-Learning Konzeption

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    Im Rahmen der Lehrerausbildung an der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz, wurden die Erfahrungen mit dem Einsatz neuer Medien in einer Begleituntersuchung dokumentiert. Es ging darum, ob und welche Beziehungen zwischen spezifischen Voraussetzungen der Teilnehmer und deren Akzeptanz und Studierverhalten als Anwender neuer Medien auszumachen sind. Genauer gefragt: Sind Alter, Geschlecht und Studiengang ausschlaggebende Kriterien für die Wahl einer Online-Veranstaltung und in welchem Verhältnis stehen die Leistungsanforderungen zum Leistungsaufwand

    Digital media consumption and fake news as a challenge to lifelong learning

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    Nowadays digital education and technological skills are constantly in demand and are promoted worldwide among all age ranges, with more facilitated learning processes and the aim of an optimized professionalization. Digital education in technologically equipped institutions aims to make students more active and to prepare them for a society and workplaces that are ever more performance-oriented. In view of the speed at which information is generated and distributed through the increasing use of digital media, the management of knowledge and training in how to recognize fake news have become serious challenges for lifelong learning. Hence, this paper presents the promotion and development of critical thinking skills, through teachers’ training, in order to detect false, incomplete and obsolete information. From an educational point of view, not only does the potential of digital media-based learning opportunities emerge, but also their limits, which are therefore critically analyzed here.L’apprendimento delle tecnologie e l’educazione digitale sono competenze ormai universalmente richieste e promosse in tutto il mondo e a tutte le età, con prospettive di apprendimento sempre più facilitato e anche finalizzato ad una professionalizzazione ottimizzata. L’istruzione digitale nelle istituzioni dotate di tecnologie informatiche mira a rendere gli studenti più attivi nel processo di apprendimento in generale e a prepararli ad un futuro in cui la società e i luoghi di lavoro saranno sempre più orientati alla performance. Considerando la velocità di generazione e di diffusione delle informazioni connesse al crescente uso dei media digitali, la gestione del sapere e la formazione al riconoscimento delle fake news rappresentano delle grandi sfide per l’educazione permanente. Pertanto, attraverso la formazione degli insegnanti, si rivela opportuno promuovere lo sviluppo del pensiero critico per poter individuare le informazioni false, incomplete e obsolete. Da un punto di vista educativo emergono quindi non solo il potenziale delle opportunità di apprendimento offerto dai media digitali, ma anche i suoi stessi limiti, che sono criticamente messi in discussione in questo articolo

    L’inclusione esclusiva – Effetti collaterali della realizzazione di concetti sulla valutazione orientata alle competenze

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    Discourses on inclusion within the educational sciences have raised various challenges andcontroversial issues over the past 20 years (Goodin, 1996; Vobruba, 2000). In school development,the discussion focuses on difficulties in transforming concepts caused by structural obstacles,such as the clash of educational goal and economic aims (cf. Barton and Slee, 1999). Puhr &Geldner (2017) stated that the principle of equal opportunities in education and competenceorientedteaching and learning contains ambivalent demands that provide chances for participationas well as exclusion as a side effect in everyday school life. On this basis, they refer toStichweh (2009) who describes the ‘exclusive inclusion effect’ and points out that in schools withinclusive lessons exclusion is often an accompanying factor at the level of organization management.This contribution points out dissonances in developing participation in schools and exclusionas a connected feature. There was a scientific interest in the phenomenon of inherentexclusion within different dimensions of school development processes. Based on the secondaryanalysis of semi-structured interviews about implementing competence assessment concepts,it can be demonstrated that the claim of doing equitable assessment to all pupils requires incidentalexclusionary actions to drive change management

    Fingernail Cortisol: A Biological Signal of Lifetime Major Depressive Disorder

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    Introduction: Elevated levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hormone cortisol are a frequently replicated finding in major depressive disorder (MDD). However, the current state of research is inconclusive as to whether hypercortisolism represents a trait- or state-like biological signal of MDD. The aim of the present study was to investigate, for the first time, whether cortisol in fingernails, a highly accessible tissue, could distinguish currently remitted individuals with MDD from healthy controls. A further aim was to identify potential confounders of nail cortisol. Methods: A total of N = 100 individuals from the general population were recruited. A structured clinical interview was administered, which resulted in two groups: n = 48 with lifetime MDD and n = 52 healthy controls. All participants answered questions on sociodemographic, lifestyle, and psychosocial characteristics. They also grew their nails for 14 days and cut them for the subsequent determination of cortisol. Results: The groups differed in their nail cortisol concentrations, such that the individuals with lifetime MDD had significantly higher concentrations than the healthy controls (p = 0.041). Within the group of individuals with lifetime MDD, the number of experienced episodes was significantly correlated with cortisol (p = 0.011). Income emerged as the only significant confounder of cortisol (p = 0.008). Conclusion: Elevated fingernail cortisol appears to be a biological signal of MDD, even in the absence of a current major depressive episode. Its high accessibility and robustness render it a promising methodology for remote research as well as for the integration of biomarkers into clinical research and practice

    Kategorie und Kontext – Expertenwissen sichtbar machen. Konzepte für eine vernetzte Medienpraxis in der künstlerischen und kunstwissenschaftlichen Forschung

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    Im Kontext von künstlerischer und kunstwissenschaftlicher Forschung haben Arbeitsgruppen häufig Schwierigkeiten mit der praktischen Handhabung von gemeinschaftlich genutzten digitalen Medien. Insbesondere herrscht ein großes Bedürfnis nach fachlich adäquaten und an die spezifischen Arbeitsabläufe angepassten Werkzeugen. Dabei kann eine Mediendatenbank durchaus zusätzlich zu den üblichen Metadaten eine weitere Ebene an Informationen anbieten und dadurch ein mächtiges inhaltliches Arbeitsmittel werden, welches das gemeinschaftliche Entwickeln von Begriffen und Kategorien ermöglicht. Solch eine technische Infrastruktur kann darüber hinaus für die Vernetzung und das Sichtbarmachen dieses Expertenwissens sorgen. Der Beitrag führt anhand einer Mediendatenbank die Konzeption von projektspezifischen Vokabularen vor und zeigt die ersten Realisierungen dieser vernetzten Medienpraxis am Beispiel eines Forschungsprojekts. Diese Herangehensweise wird gestützt durch Argumente aus der gegenwärtigen kulturwissenschaftlichen Analyse von Netzwerken

    Biochemische Marker des Knochenstoffwechsels nach Osteotomie

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    Dimensionen partizipativer Praktiken in einem digital gestützten Lernsetting

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    In einer Demokratie haben alle Bürger:innen die Möglichkeit der gleichberechtigten Beteiligung an Entscheidungen. Deshalb sollten in einer von einem demokratischen Staat getragenen Bildungseinrichtung demokratische Grundprinzipien umgesetzt werden. Nach Derrida (2001) ist das bedingungslose Hinterfragen von Dingen durch Forschende und Lernende an einer Hochschule frei von Hierarchien. Insofern bilden die Grundsätze des Denkens und Handelns in einer Universität und die in einer Demokratie eine sichtbare Schnittmenge (Demirovic 2013, 17). Systemisch betrachtet stellen aber demokratische Interaktionen in Bildungsinstitutionen eher ein Problem dar. Worin genau die Schwierigkeiten bestehen, wird in diesem Beitrag einleitend ausgeführt. Im Anschluss folgt eine Übersicht über strukturelle Möglichkeiten, die digitale Bildungsmedien mit Blick auf partizipative Praktiken bieten. Damit sind die Rahmenbedingungen für das konkrete, gemeinsame Am-Werk-Sein skizziert. Darauf aufbauend wird zur Analyse der Beteiligung von Lernenden in hochschuldidaktischen Zusammenhängen ein operationalisiertes Untersuchungsmodell vorgestellt. Anhand dessen werden die Anteile der partizipativen Praktiken von Studierenden nach den Kriterien von Mayrberger (2012) aufgezeigt. Welche weiteren forschungsmethodischen und hochschuldidaktischen Möglichkeiten sich an die Ergebnisse anschließen können, werden abschließend kurz vorgestellt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Elaboration of thoughts whilst translating text-based signs with graphic symbols: A study on reflection competences of pedagogical professionals in primary education sector

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    In the context of teacher education, there should be various opportunities for pre or in-service teachers to expand their reflective competence as part of their pedagogical professionalism. The professionalisation of teachers for the primary education sector (Schumacher et al., 2020; Stadler-Altmann, 2018) is a central task in the higher education didactic learning environment of the EduSpace Lernwerkstatt [learning workshop] for both the Master's programme in Educational Science and for the sustainable exchange with pedagogical practice, e. g. through corresponding workshops. This contribution focuses on reflexively gained insights from teachers on the design and application of AAC according to the INbook model (Knoblauch, 2017). The data basis is the interviews with primary school teachers conducted after a series of workshops in the EduSpace Lernwerkstatt. The secondary analysis of the interview data is based on the competence categories of Baumert and Kunter (2006), the theory-based reflection definition of Wyss (2013, p. 5) and the multi-perspective reflection tool developed by Keller-Schneider (2020). Finally, it is proposed to mirror the development of professional knowledge with reflection competences for the teaching profession

    Universal Design for Learning e didattica universitaria: oltre l’emergenza, verso la progettazione universale

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    For many educational institutions, the COVID-related pandemic has been a lens that has exposed shortcomings and inequalities, but also a stimulus for new developments and the activation of hitherto underused or unnoticed potentials. An overview of some national research results on teaching and learning during the first lockdown phase introduces the considerations of this article. This is followed by a second section in which the principles of UDL are presented as keys to accessibility in university teaching. These same principles then guide the analysis of data from an online questionnaire administered to lecturers at the Faculty of Education of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. In this questionnaire, lecturers were asked, through multiple-choice and open-ended questions, to compare their usual teaching methods and techniques with the digital setting of distance teaching with a focus on adaptations, challenges and opportunities and expressed opinions on the future of teaching in the post-Covid 19 era. The concluding discussion proposes perspectives on the future management of teaching and learning in the digital environment at the Faculty.For many educational institutions, the COVID-related pandemic has been a lens that has exposed shortcomings and inequalities, but also a stimulus for new developments and the activation of hitherto underused or unnoticed potentials. An overview of some national research results on teaching and learning during the first lockdown phase introduces the considerations of this article. This is followed by a second section in which the principles of UDL are presented as keys to accessibility in university teaching. These same principles then guide the analysis of data from an online questionnaire administered to lecturers at the Faculty of Education of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. In this questionnaire, lecturers were asked, through multiple-choice and open-ended questions, to compare their usual teaching methods and techniques with the digital setting of distance teaching with a focus on adaptations, challenges and opportunities and expressed opinions on the future of teaching in the post-Covid 19 era. The concluding discussion proposes perspectives on the future management of teaching and learning in the digital environment at the Faculty

    Factors influencing life satisfaction in acute myeloid leukemia survivors following allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) is the preferred option of postremission therapy for high-risk patients suffering from acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Therefore, monitoring life satisfaction (LS) of long-term survivors following alloSCT is becoming increasingly important for oncologists. The aim of the study was to evaluate individual survivor priority of various general and health-related domains of life and their satisfaction with these domains. Furthermore, we investigated the impact of general and health-related LS on resilience, anxiety, depression and quality of life in AML survivors following alloSCT. Methods: Forty-one AML survivors (median age at time of assessment = 49.0 years) who had undergone alloSCT (median time since transplantation = 3.1 years) were enrolled in the study. Psychosocial parameters were assessed using the following instruments: FLZM (Questions on Life Satisfaction), EORTC QLQ-C30, HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and the RS-25 (Resilience Scale-25 items). Correlation analyses were computed to reveal the associations between the different questionnaires. Results: Independence from help or care, well-regulated living conditions and financial security contributed positively to LS, whereas being off work due to health-reasons and dissatisfaction with physical aspects were negatively associated to the subjective feelings of overall satisfaction. Moreover, a high quality of life was strongly positively correlated with LS (Spearman’s rho general LS: 0.643 and health-related LS: 0.726, both p < 0.001). A high degree of resilience was also strongly positively correlated with better LS (general LS: 0.700, health-related LS: 0.675, both p < 0.001). Symptoms of anxiety and depression were associated with an impaired general LS (anxiety: −0.674, depression: −0.698, both p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our results indicate that LS should be considered an important key contributor to the survivors’ well-being following alloSCT. Thus, identifying protective psychological and physical factors that relieve stressors is of high importance in order to support long-term AML survivors with their special needs.<br
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