700 research outputs found

    Fully-automated production of [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor on the module Modular Lab-PharmTracer

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    BACKGROUND: PentixaFor is a promising radiopharmaceutical for positron emission tomography in the detection of different tumor entities and other diseases. Until now, the synthesis of [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor was reported for the automated synthesis module from Scintomics® only. Our aim was to evaluate the automated synthesis of this radiopharmaceutical on a different module in order to make it available for a broader community. RESULTS: The synthesis of [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor with different amounts of PentixaFor (50 μg, 30 μg and 20 μg) on the Modular Lab PharmTracer (MLPT) from Eckert & Ziegler with the already established synthesis template for [68Ga]Ga-DOTATOC yielded best results with 50 μg PentixaFor for clinical multi-dose application. All different quality control parameters tested (e.g. sterility, stability and radiochemical purity) were in accordance with the European Pharmacopoeia. CONCLUSIONS: [68Ga]Ga-PentixaFor was successfully synthesized fully-automated on the synthesis module Modular Lab PharmTracer and can be used for multi-dose application in clinical settings

    I Turn Away

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    Making secret hiding places: An occupation of childhood

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    From Crossref journal articles via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2023-01-31, accepted 2023-06-20, epub 2023-08-31, issued 2023-08-31, published 2023-08-31Article version: VoRPublication status: PublishedSarah Kantartzis - ORCID: 0000-0001-5191-015X https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5191-015XPlace-making refers to the emotional attachment people have to a place and has been adopted as a concept in occupational science. In this paper, Relph’s perspective on place-making is associated with how place-making has been discussed in occupational science. Relph’s viewpoint serves as a basis for understanding secret hiding places from children’s perspectives. During data collection for a study investigating children’s perceptions of inclusive playgrounds (Wenger et al., Citation2021), secret hiding places were a recurring topic. This paper aims to explore secret hiding places from the children’s perspective, with a special focus on place-making. To accomplish this, a literature review was undertaken and findings combined with data from two previously conducted studies using qualitative content analysis. From the analysis three categories were developed describing the making of secret hiding places, the purpose of secret hiding places, and play occupations that children do in secret hiding places. The findings suggest that place-making can be seen as an occupation of childhood, related to the physical construction of the secret hiding place itself and the formation of attachment to the place through occupations that are shaped by social interactions and result in meaningful experiences.aheadofprintaheadofprin

    Measuring attitudes towards disability via questionnaires. A qualitative content analysis of existing measurement instruments

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    Einstellungen zu (Menschen mit) Behinderungen sind seit langer Zeit im Fokus der Forschung. Da es sich um ein latentes Konstrukt handelt, sieht sich die Forschung damit konfrontiert, zu definieren, wie die Einstellungen gemessen werden sollen. Die vorliegende Studie nimmt die Operationalisierung des latenten Konstrukts zum Anlass und untersucht durch eine zusammenfassende qualitative Inhaltsanalyse der aktuell verfügbaren Einstellungsfragebögen (N = 13) was gemessen wird, wenn Einstellungen zu (Menschen mit) Behinderungen erfasst werden sollen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Items der Fragebögen in den Kategorien Fähigkeitserwartungen, Vulnerabilität/Privilegienverlust, Normative Überformung, Expliziter Ableismus, Wissen und Überzeugungen, Strukturelle Barrieren und Persönlicher Kontakt abbilden lassen. (DIPF/Orig.)Attitudes towards disability are a recurring topic in research. Being a latent construct, research is challenged with the task of defining how attitudes are to be measured. This study focuses on the operationalisation of the latent construct. It examines what is measured when attitudes towards disability are to be assessed. For this purpose, a qualitative content analysis of currently available questionnaires measuring explicit attitudes towards disability (N = 13) is conducted. Seven categories were generated from the data: Ability Expectations, Vulnerability/Loss of Privilege, Normative Overforming, Explicit Ableism, Knowledge and Beliefs, Structural Barriers, and Personal Contact. (DIPF/Orig.

    Cortisol response to traumatic stress to predict PTSD symptom development – a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies

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    Background: Pre-and post-traumatic hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis markers have been studied to predict posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) risk, but its acute reactivity cannot be measured in real-life settings. Experimental paradigms can depict the cortisol response to stimuli that simulate traumatic events. Objective: To review experimental studies on the cortisol response to traumatic stimuli and the correlation between cortisol and PTSD symptoms. Method: Experimental, (un-)published studies in German or English from any year were eligible if they confronted non-traumatized humans with traumatic stimuli, assessed cortisol before, during or after stimulus presentation and subsequent PTSD symptoms. The literature was searched via PubMed, PubPsych, PsychINFO, PsycArticle, Web of Science, EMBASE, ProQuest and ClinicalTrials.gov up to 16th February 2021. Risk of bias was assessed with the Cortisol Assessment List. Multilevel-meta-analyses were conducted under the random effects model. The standardized mean change (dSMC) indicated the cortisol response. Coefficient r indicated the correlations between cortisol and PTSD symptoms. Results: 14 studies, investigating 1004 individuals, were included. A cortisol response was successfully induced between 21 and 40 min post-presentation onset (kobservations = 25, dSMC = 0.15 [.03; .26]). Cortisol was not associated with overall or cluster-level PTSD symptoms. On a symptom-level, higher pre-presentation onset cortisol was correlated with lower state tension (k = 8, r = −.18 [−.35; −.01]), higher state happiness (k = 8, r = −.34 [−.59; −.03], variable inverted) and lower state anger (k = 9, r = −.14 [−.26; −.01]). Higher post-presentation onset cortisol was correlated with higher state happiness (k = 16, r = −.20 [−.33; −.06]) and lower state sadness (k = 17, r = −.16 [−.25; −.05]), whereas cortisol response was positively correlated with state anxiety (k = 9, r = .16 [0.04; 0.27]). Conclusions: Experimental paradigms effectively induce a cortisol response. Higher basal cortisol, higher cortisol, as measured after traumatic stimulus presentation, and a lower cortisol response were associated with more adaptive emotional reactions. These markers did not predict longer-term PTSD symptoms

    Fördern und Unterstützen – Der Einsatz von digitalen Medien im inklusiven Unterricht

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    Das breite Themenfeld der digitalen Medien hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmend Einzug in die Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung erhalten. Durch die vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten eröffnen sich Potenziale und Chancen – insbesondere für inklusive Settings. So können Barrieren abgebaut oder Unterricht adaptiv gestaltet und individualisiert werden. Zugleich bestehen aber auch noch zu klärende Fragen hinsichtlich eines lernförderlichen Einsatzes digitaler Medien. Die bisherigen Befunde bilden positive wie auch negative Effekte digitaler Medien ab, wobei hervorzuheben ist, dass kein Medium per se einen positiven Effekt hat. Vielmehr kommt es darauf an, wie die digitalen Medien eingesetzt werden, womit eine direkte Verbindung zur Lehrkraftprofessionalität besteht. Der vorliegende Beitrag bündelt die bisherigen Erkenntnisse zum Einsatz von digitalen Medien und diskutiert ihre Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für den inklusiven Unterricht. Dabei wird der Fokus auf Adaptivität gelegt und herausgearbeitet. Digitale Medien leisten hier sowohl in der Diagnostik als auch bei der direkten Lernförderung und bei der Kompensation von eingeschränkten Lernvoraussetzungen einen Beitrag. Damit sie ihre Potenziale in den verschiedenen Bereichen entfalten können, muss jedoch eine kritische Medienbildung erfolgen, die die Teilhabe aller am inklusiven Schulsystem beteiligten Akteur*innen einbezieht.The open field of digital media has increasingly found its way into research on schools and education in recent years. The wide range of possible applications opens up potential and opportunities – especially for inclusive settings. Barriers can be reduced, or lessons can be adapted and individualised. At the same time, however, there are still questions to be answered about the use of digital media to support learning. Research has shown both positive and negative effects of digital media, although it should be emphasised that no medium has a positive effect per se. Rather, it is the way in which digital media are used that is directly related to teacher professionalism. This article summarises the evidence to date on the use of digital media and discusses their potential and limitations for inclusive teaching. The focus is on adaptability and this is emphasised. Digital media have a role to play in diagnostics, in direct learning support and in compensating for limited learning prerequisites. However, in order for them to fulfil their potential in the various areas, critical media education must take place, involving all actors involved in the inclusive school system

    Förderplanung im Bereich Mathematik

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