420 research outputs found

    Experimental entanglement distribution by separable states

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    The distribution of entanglement between macroscopically separated parties represents a crucial protocol for future quantum information networks. Surprisingly, it has been theoretically shown that two distant systems can be entangled by sending a third mediating system that is not entangled with either of them. Such a possibility seems to contradict the intuition that to distribute entanglement, the transmitted system always needs to be entangled with the sender. Here, we experimentally distribute entanglement by exchanging a subsystem and successfully prove that this subsystem is not entangled with either of the two parties. Our implementation relies on the preparation of a specific three-mode Gaussian state containing thermal noise that demolishes the entanglement in two of the three bipartite splittings. After transmission of a separable mode this noise can be removed by quantum interference. Our work demonstrates an unexpected variant of entanglement distribution and improves the understanding necessary to engineer multipartite quantum information networks.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Subjective Cue Reactivity in Social Drinkers: Multi-Dimensional Measures of Alcohol Desires and Outcome Expectancies

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    Research into subjective alcohol cue reactivity has been criticised for the use of uni-dimensional scales to assess subjective cue responses, which do not adequately represent the complexity of contemporary theories on subjective desires, cravings and urges for alcohol. A series of experiments is reported in which a recently developed multi-dimensional assessment tool (Desire for Alcohol Questionnaire, DAQ: Love et al., 1998) is used to explore subjective alcohol cue responses in social drinkers. Experiment One exposed 86 social drinkers to the sight, smell and taste of their preferred alcoholic and soft drink and subsequently assessed subjective cue responses using the 14-item, self-report DAQ. Analyses of the data revealed significant within-subjects effects on all four DAQ subscales. Experiment Two extended the range of assessed measures to alcohol outcome expectancies by employing the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire (AEQ, Brown, Christiansen & Goldman, 1987) and the Negative Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire (NAEQ, Jones & McMahon, 1994). A between-subjects design assessed the desire and outcome expectancy responses of 88 social drinkers after exposure to the sight, smell and taste of participants' preferred alcoholic or soft drink. Significant alcohol cue effects were detected on two DAQ factors, and on a third DAQ factor {Control over Drinking) only when desire measurement was preceded by testing on the expectancy questionnaires. No significant effects on any of the outcome expectancy subscales were found. However, moderate correlations between the DAQ factors and positive outcome expectancies were reported. Experiment Three investigated the effects of an alcohol priming dose by assessing desires for alcohol in 64 social drinkers after consumption of one or two alcoholic or soft drinks. The consumption of an alcohol priming dose decreased subjective feelings of control over drinking. Experiment Four used a 2x2 between-subjects design to test whether internal or external alcohol cues exert a greater influence on desires to drink. Half of the 60 volunteer social drinkers consumed a concealed alcohol priming dose and the rest consumed non-alcoholic fruit juice during a priming phase. During a subsequent exposure phase, half the participants were exposed to the sight, smell and taste of alcohol; the other half underwent soft drink cue exposure. No effects were detected for the concealed alcohol priming dose but external alcohol cues increased desires to drink on DAQ factor Mild Intentions and Positive Reinforcement, The reported experiments present evidence that alcohol cue responses can be elicited on different aspects of subjective desires in social drinkers, and therefore a multidimensional approach to desire measurement should be adopted. Although outcome expectancies were not shown to be cue responsive, moderate correlations between both concepts emphasise the relationship between anticipated positive outcomes of drug use behaviour and desires to drink. The results from the final experiment stress the importance of cognitive stimuli in subjective responding, in particular knowledge of consumption. Future research could have considerable implications in applied fields (e.g. clinical, advertising) if more attention is paid to the importance of cognitive stimuli associated with alcohol use

    Temperature-dependent lipid accumulation in the polar marine microalga chlamydomonas malina RCC2488

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    The exploration of cold-adapted microalgae offers a wide range of biotechnological applications that can be used for human, animal, and environmental benefits in colder climates. Previously, when the polar marine microalga Chlamydomonas malina RCC2488 was cultivated under both nitrogen replete and depleted conditions at 8°C, it accumulated lipids and carbohydrates (up to 32 and 49%, respectively), while protein synthesis decreased (up to 15%). We hypothesized that the cultivation temperature had a more significant impact on lipid accumulation than the nitrogen availability in C. malina. Lipid accumulation was tested at three different temperatures, 4, 8, and 15°C, under nitrogen replete and depleted conditions. At 4°C under the nitrogen replete condition C. malina had the maximal biomass productivity (701.6 mg L-1 day-1). At this condition, protein content was higher than lipids and carbohydrates. The lipid fraction was mainly composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the polar lipid portion, achieving the highest PUFA productivity (122.5 mg L-1 day-1). At this temperature, under nitrogen deficiency, the accumulation of carbohydrates and neutral lipids was stimulated. At 8 and 15°C, under both nitrogen replete and depleted conditions, the lipid and carbohydrate content were higher than at 4°C, and the nitrogen stress condition did not affect the algal biochemical composition. These results suggest that C. malina is a polar marine microalga with a favorable growth temperature at 4°C and is stressed at temperatures ≥8°C, which directs the metabolism to the synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates. Nevertheless, C. malina RCC2488 is a microalga suitable for PUFA production at low temperatures with biomass productivities comparable with mesophilic strains.267872/E50info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    TanDEM-X Acquisition Planning and DEM Performance in the Third Year of Operation

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    TanDEM-X is a spaceborne SAR mission with the goal to derive a global Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The two incorporated satellites fly in a close formation with distances of around 500 m. These small baselines form a single pass bistatic interferometer for accurate DEM acquisitions. The final DEM product will enter a new level of detail and accuracy on a global scale. The absolute height error shall be less than 10 m in a 90% confidence interval at a pixel spacing of 12 m. The vertical height specification for the TanDEM-X mission foresees a 90% point-to-point error of 2 m (4 m) for areas with predominant terrain slopes smaller than 20% (greater than 20%) for a 1° by 1° cell. This presentation gives an overview about the planning and the actual status of the global DEM acquisition. This includes the acquisition plan after the first two years of operation, i. e. two global coverages, including the acquisitions of the Antarctica and difficult terrain. Also, the actual performance status in terms of absolute and relative height error and the narrow relation between the DEM acquisition planning and the performance evaluation is presented

    Öffentliche Wahrnehmung der Primärverantwortung für Lebensmittelsicherheit: Eine Medienanalyse der Gammelfleischskandale

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    At the beginning of the year 2005 the German meat industry frequently appeared in the media with reports about rotten meat. Since then a huge number of new problems with meat have arisen which have disclosed weaknesses in food quality control and highlighted the extremely sensitive nature of the subject in the meat sector. Contrary to the BSE crisis after which private control systems were strengthened, the “rotten meat scandals†led to more state control. Hence, no clear political direction is perceptible as to whether primary responsibility for food safety should lie with the state or with the industry. The following contribution examines this question with regard to the presentation of this subject in the media. It is based on the content analysis of 347 articles on the topic “rotten meat†which were published in seven German newspapers. The empirical results demonstrate that state actors have dominated the debate in the media and have thus decisively contributed to the fact that the primary responsibility for food security in Germany is assigned to the government. Companies and organizations of the meat industry have hardly ever appeared in the discussion.media analysis, primary responsibility for food safety, quality assurance, rotten meat, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Effects of Diode Laser, Gaseous Ozone, and Medical Dressings on Enterococcus faecalis Biofilms in the Root Canal Ex Vivo

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    The objective was to compare the antibacterial effects of adjunctive disinfection using diode laser and gaseous ozone compared to the medical dressings calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) and chlorhexidine gel (CHX-Gel) on Enterococcus faecalis biofilms in human root canals ex vivo. Root canals of 180 human extracted teeth were infected by E. faecalis and divided into 3 main groups (G): G1, control; G2, instrumentation and irrigation using 0.9% NaCl; G3, instrumentation and irrigation using 1% NaOCl. In each main group, the following treatments were applied: gaseous ozone, diode laser, and medical dressings of Ca(OH)2 or CHX-Gel for 7 days (). Reduction of colony forming units (CFUs) inside the root canal of planktons and frequencies of adherent bacteria after treatment were calculated. Bacterial reduction was significantly affected by the irrigation protocol () and the disinfection method (), and a significant interaction between both factors could be observed (; ANOVA). In G3 (instrumentation using 1% NaOCl), no significant effect of disinfection methods could be demonstrated on planktonic bacteria (; ANOVA) and frequencies of adherent bacteria (; chi-square test). Instrumentation and irrigation using NaOCl combined with ozone or laser application resulted in comparable bacterial reduction on E. faecalis to the application of medical dressings