3,705 research outputs found

    Role of Umklapp Processes in Conductivity of Doped Two-Leg Ladders

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    Recent conductivity measurements performed on the hole-doped two-leg ladder material Sr14xCaxCu24O41\mathrm{Sr_{14-x}Ca_xCu_{24}O_{41}} reveal an approximately linear power law regime in the c-axis DC resistivity as a function of temperature for x=11x=11. In this work, we employ a bosonic model to argue that umklapp processes are responsible for this feature and for the high spectral weight in the optical conductivity which occurs beyond the finite frequency Drude-like peak. Including quenched disorder in our model allows us to reproduce experimental conductivity and resistivity curves over a wide range of energies. We also point out the differences between the effect of umklapp processes in a single chain and in the two-leg ladder.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Holons on a meandering stripe: quantum numbers

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    We attempt to access the regime of strong coupling between charge carriers and transverse dynamics of an isolated conducting ``stripe'', such as those found in cuprate superconductors. A stripe is modeled as a partially doped domain wall in an antiferromagnet (AF), introduced in the context of two different models: the t-J model with strong Ising anisotropy, and the Hubbard model in the Hartree-Fock approximation. The domain walls with a given linear charge density are supported artificially by boundary conditions. In both models we find a regime of parameters where doped holes lose their spin and become holons (charge Q=1, spin S_z=0), which can move along the stripe without frustrating AF environment. One aspect in which the holons on the AF domain wall differ from those in an ordinary one-dimensional electron gas is their transverse degree of freedom: a mobile holon always resides on a transverse kink (or antikink) of the domain wall. This gives rise to two holon flavors and to a strong coupling between doped charges and transverse fluctuations of a stripe.Comment: Minor revisions: references update

    Staggered orbital currents in the half-filled two-leg ladder

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    Using Abelian bosonization with a careful treatment of the Klein factors, we show that a certain phase of the half-filled two-leg ladder, previously identified as having spin-Peierls order, instead exhibits staggered orbital currents with no dimerization.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Final versio

    Spatially resolved simulation of a radio frequency driven micro atmospheric pressure plasma jet and its effluent

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    Radio frequency driven plasma jets are frequently employed as efficient plasma sources for surface modification and other processes at atmospheric pressure. The radio-frequency driven micro atmospheric pressure plasma jet (μ\muAPPJ) is a particular variant of that concept whose geometry allows direct optical access. In this work, the characteristics of the μ\muAPPJ operated with a helium-oxygen mixture and its interaction with a helium environment are studied by numerical simulation. The density and temperature of the electrons, as well as the concentration of all reactive species are studied both in the jet itself and in its effluent. It is found that the effluent is essentially free of charge carriers but contains a substantial amount of activated oxygen (O, O3_3 and O2(1Δ)_2(^1\Delta)). The simulation results are verified by comparison with experimental data

    On the state dependency of fast feedback processes in (palaeo) climate sensitivity

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    Palaeo data have been frequently used to determine the equilibrium (Charney) climate sensitivity SaS^a, and - if slow feedback processes (e.g. land ice-albedo) are adequately taken into account - they indicate a similar range as estimates based on instrumental data and climate model results. Most studies implicitly assume the (fast) feedback processes to be independent of the background climate state, e.g., equally strong during warm and cold periods. Here we assess the dependency of the fast feedback processes on the background climate state using data of the last 800 kyr and a conceptual climate model for interpretation. Applying a new method to account for background state dependency, we find Sa=0.61±0.06S^a=0.61\pm0.06 K(Wm2^{-2})1^{-1} using the latest LGM temperature reconstruction and significantly lower climate sensitivity during glacial climates. Due to uncertainties in reconstructing the LGM temperature anomaly, SaS^a is estimated in the range Sa=0.550.95S^a=0.55-0.95 K(Wm2^{-2})1^{-1}.Comment: submitted to Geophysical Research Letter

    Isovector electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon from lattice QCD and the proton radius puzzle

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    We present results for the isovector electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon computed on the CLS ensembles with Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 flavors of O(a)\mathcal{O}(a)-improved Wilson fermions and an O(a)\mathcal{O}(a)-improved vector current. The analysis includes ensembles with four lattice spacings and pion masses ranging from 130 MeV up to 350 MeV and mainly targets the low-Q2Q^2 region. In order to remove any bias from unsuppressed excited-state contributions, we investigate several source-sink separations between 1.0 fm and 1.5 fm and apply the summation method as well as explicit two-state fits. The chiral interpolation is performed by applying covariant chiral perturbation theory including vector mesons directly to our form factor data, thus avoiding an auxiliary parametrization of the Q2Q^2 dependence. At the physical point, we obtain μ=4.71(11)stat(13)sys\mu=4.71(11)_{\mathrm{stat}}(13)_{\mathrm{sys}} for the nucleon isovector magnetic moment, in good agreement with the experimental value and rM2 = 0.661(30)stat(11)sys fm2\langle r_\mathrm{M}^2\rangle~=~0.661(30)_{\mathrm{stat}}(11)_{\mathrm{sys}}\,~\mathrm{fm}^2 for the corresponding square-radius, again in good agreement with the value inferred from the epep-scattering determination [Bernauer et~al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 242001 (2010)] of the proton radius. Our estimate for the isovector electric charge radius, rE2=0.800(25)stat(22)sys fm2\langle r_\mathrm{E}^2\rangle = 0.800(25)_{\mathrm{stat}}(22)_{\mathrm{sys}}\,~\mathrm{fm}^2, however, is in slight tension with the larger value inferred from the aforementioned epep-scattering data, while being in agreement with the value derived from the 2018 CODATA average for the proton charge radius

    Numerical Evidence of Luttinger and Fermi Liquid Behaviour in the 2D Hubbard Model

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    The two dimensional Hubbard model with a single spin-up electron interacting with a finite density of spin-down electrons is studied using the quantum Monte Carlotechnique, a new conjugate gradient method for the evaluation of the Edwards wavefunction ansatz, and the standard second order perturbation theory. We performed simulations up to 242 sites at U/t=4U/t=4 reaching the zero temperature properties with no ``fermion sign problem'' and found a surprisingly good accuracy of the Edwards wavefunction ansatz at low density or low doping. The conjugate gradient method was then applied to system up to 1922 sites and infinite UU for the Edwards state. Fermi liquid theory seems to remain stable in 2D for all cases studied with the exception of the half filling case where a ``Luttinger like behavior'' survives in the Hubbard model , yielding a vanishing quasiparticle weight in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 10 pages + 4 pictures, RevTex, SISSA 121/93/CM/M

    Concepts and characteristics of the 'COST Reference Microplasma Jet'

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    Biomedical applications of non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasmas have attracted intense interest in the past few years. Many plasma sources of diverse design have been proposed for these applications, but the relationship between source characteristics and application performance is not well-understood, and indeed many sources are poorly characterized. This circumstance is an impediment to progress in application development. A reference source with well-understood and highly reproducible characteristics may be an important tool in this context. Researchers around the world should be able to compare the characteristics of their own sources and also their results with this device. In this paper, we describe such a reference source, developed from the simple and robust micro-scaled atmospheric pressure plasma jet (μ-APPJ) concept. This development occurred under the auspices of COST Action MP1101 'Biomedical Applications of Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas'. Gas contamination and power measurement are shown to be major causes of irreproducible results in earlier source designs. These problems are resolved in the reference source by refinement of the mechanical and electrical design and by specifying an operating protocol. These measures are shown to be absolutely necessary for reproducible operation. They include the integration of current and voltage probes into the jet. The usual combination of matching unit and power supply is replaced by an integrated LC power coupling circuit and a 5 W single frequency generator. The design specification and operating protocol for the reference source are being made freely available

    Pairing correlation in the two- and three-leg Hubbard ladders --- Renormalization and quantum Monte Carlo studies

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    In order to shed light whether the `even-odd conjecture' (even numbers of legs will superconduct accompanied by a spin gap while odd ones do not) for correlated electrons in ladder systems, the pairing correlation is studied for the Hubbard model on a two- and three-leg ladders. We have employed both the weak-coupling renormalization group and the quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method for strong interactions. For the two-leg Hubbard ladder, a systematic QMC (with a controlled level spacings) has detected an enhanced pairing correlation, which is consistent with the weak-coupling prediction. We also calculate the correlation functions in the three-leg Hubbard ladder and show that the weak-coupling study predicts the dominant superconductivity, which refutes the naive even-odd conjecture. A crucial point is a spin gap for only some of the multiple spin modes is enough to make the ladder superconduct with a pairing symmetry (d-like here) compatible with the gapped mode. A QMC study for the three-leg ladder endorses the enhanced pairing correlation.Comment: 20 pages, RevTex, uses epsf.sty and multicol.st