54 research outputs found

    Zarys historii pracy socjalnej w Europie Wschodniej w latach 1900-1960 w perspektywie porĂłwnawczej

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    Enabling micro-entertainment in vehicles based on context information

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    People spend a significant amount of time in their cars (US: 86 minutes/day, Europe: 43 minutes/day) while commuting, shop-ping, or traveling. Hence, the variety of entertainment in the car increases, and many vehicles are already equipped with displays, allowing for watching news, videos, accessing the Internet, or playing games. At the same time, the urbanization caused a mas-sive increase of traffic volume, which led to people spending an ever-increasing amount of their time in front of red traffic lights. An observation of the prevailing forms of entertainment in the car reveals that content such as text, videos, or games are often a mere adaptation of content produced for television, public displays, PCs, or mobile phones and do not adapt to the situation in the car. In this paper we report on a web survey assessing which forms of entertainment and which types of content are considered to be useful for in-car entertainment by drivers. We then introduce an algorithm, which is capable of learning standing times in front of traffic lights based on GPS information only. This, on one hand, allows for providing content of appropriate length, on the other hand, for directing the attention of the driver back to-wards the street at the right time. Finally, we present a prototype implemen-tation and a qualitative evaluation

    Die Idee dahinter ... : Aspekte zur Gestaltung lernreicher Lehre

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    Der Band umfasst zahlreiche Beispiele von Lehrenden, die ihre Veranstaltungen in mehreren Aspekten ‚lernreich(er)’ gestaltet haben. Die Konzepte wurden alle im Rahmen des Vertiefungsmoduls des Programms „Professionelle Lehrkompetenz fĂŒr die Hochschule“ des Netzwerks "hochschuldidaktik nrw" an der UniversitĂ€t Siegen entwickelt oder weiterentwickelt. Die elf BeitrĂ€ge umfassen ein breites Spektrum an Veranstaltungsformaten und FĂ€chern: Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sind ebenso vertreten wie Architektur, PĂ€dagogik, Soziale Arbeit und Literaturwissenschaft. Bei den Veranstaltungen handelt es sich um Praktika, Seminare, Übungen usw., oft mit Projektcharakter bzw. -elementen, hĂ€ufig auch mit wechselnden Lernorten, semester-begleitend oder kompakt

    Comparable Autoantibody Serum Levels against Amyloid- and Inflammation-Associated Proteins in Parkinson’s Disease Patients and Controls

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    Naturally occurring autoantibodies (NAbs) against a number of potentially disease-associated cellular proteins, including Amyloid-beta1-42 (Abeta1-42), Alpha-synuclein (Asyn), myelin basic protein (MBP), myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), and S100 calcium binding protein B (S100B) have been suggested to be associated with neurodegenerative disorders, in particular Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). Whereas the (reduced) occurrence of specific NAbs in AD is widely accepted, previous literature examining the relation of these NAb titres between PD patients and controls, as well as comparing these levels with demographic and clinical parameters in PD patients have produced inconsistent findings. We therefore aimed, in a cross-sectional approach, to determine serum titres of the above NAbs in a cohort of 93 PD patients (31 of them demented) and 194 controls. Levels were correlated with demographic and clinical variables, cerebrospinal fluid Abeta1-42, total tau and phospho-tau levels, as well as with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of genes which either have been reported to influence the immune system, the amyloid cascade or the occurrence of PD (ApoE, GSK3B, HLA-DRA, HSPA5, SNCA, and STK39). The investigated NAb titres were neither significantly associated with the occurrence of PD, nor with demographic and clinical parameters, neurodegenerative markers or genetic variables. These results argue against a major potential of blood-borne parameters of the adaptive immune system to serve as trait or state markers in PD

    Promising Metabolite Profiles in the Plasma and CSF of Early Clinical Parkinson's Disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) shows high heterogeneity with regard to the underlying molecular pathogenesis involving multiple pathways and mechanisms. Diagnosis is still challenging and rests entirely on clinical features. Thus, there is an urgent need for robust diagnostic biofluid markers. Untargeted metabolomics allows establishing low-molecular compound biomarkers in a wide range of complex diseases by the measurement of various molecular classes in biofluids such as blood plasma, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Here, we applied untargeted high-resolution mass spectrometry to determine plasma and CSF metabolite profiles. We semiquantitatively determined small-molecule levels (≀1.5 kDa) in the plasma and CSF from early PD patients (disease duration 0-4 years; n = 80 and 40, respectively), and sex- and age-matched controls (n = 76 and 38, respectively). We performed statistical analyses utilizing partial least square and random forest analysis with a 70/30 training and testing split approach, leading to the identification of 20 promising plasma and 14 CSF metabolites. These metabolites differentiated the test set with an AUC of 0.8 (plasma) and 0.9 (CSF). Characteristics of the metabolites indicate perturbations in the glycerophospholipid, sphingolipid, and amino acid metabolism in PD, which underscores the high power of metabolomic approaches. Further studies will enable to develop a potential metabolite-based biomarker panel specific for PD

    Strategies, processes, outcomes, and costs of implementing experience sampling-based monitoring in routine mental health care in four European countries:study protocol for the IMMERSE effectiveness-implementation study

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    BACKGROUND: Recent years have seen a growing interest in the use of digital tools for delivering person-centred mental health care. Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM), a structured diary technique for capturing moment-to-moment variation in experience and behaviour in service users' daily life, reflects a particularly promising avenue for implementing a person-centred approach. While there is evidence on the effectiveness of ESM-based monitoring, uptake in routine mental health care remains limited. The overarching aim of this hybrid effectiveness-implementation study is to investigate, in detail, reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance as well as contextual factors, processes, and costs of implementing ESM-based monitoring, reporting, and feedback into routine mental health care in four European countries (i.e., Belgium, Germany, Scotland, Slovakia).METHODS: In this hybrid effectiveness-implementation study, a parallel-group, assessor-blind, multi-centre cluster randomized controlled trial (cRCT) will be conducted, combined with a process and economic evaluation. In the cRCT, 24 clinical units (as the cluster and unit of randomization) at eight sites in four European countries will be randomly allocated using an unbalanced 2:1 ratio to one of two conditions: (a) the experimental condition, in which participants receive a Digital Mobile Mental Health intervention (DMMH) and other implementation strategies in addition to treatment as usual (TAU) or (b) the control condition, in which service users are provided with TAU. Outcome data in service users and clinicians will be collected at four time points: at baseline (t0), 2-month post-baseline (t1), 6-month post-baseline (t2), and 12-month post-baseline (t3). The primary outcome will be patient-reported service engagement assessed with the service attachment questionnaire at 2-month post-baseline. The process and economic evaluation will provide in-depth insights into in-vivo context-mechanism-outcome configurations and economic costs of the DMMH and other implementation strategies in routine care, respectively.DISCUSSION: If this trial provides evidence on reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance of implementing ESM-based monitoring, reporting, and feedback, it will form the basis for establishing its public health impact and has significant potential to bridge the research-to-practice gap and contribute to swifter ecological translation of digital innovations to real-world delivery in routine mental health care.TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN15109760 (ISRCTN registry, date: 03/08/2022).</p

    Hierarchisierung von Risikofaktoren fĂŒr schwere COVID-19-ErkrankungsverlĂ€ufe im Kontext der COVID-19-Schutzimpfungen

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    Angesichts der derzeitigen Impfstoffknappheit geht mit den bundesweiten Schutzimpfungen gegen COVID-19 die Notwendigkeit einer Priorisierung bestimmter Bevölkerungsgruppen einher. Basierend auf den Empfehlungen der STIKO sollen zunĂ€chst Personen mit besonders hohem Risiko fĂŒr schwere oder tödliche COVID-19-VerlĂ€ufe oder beruflicher Exposition geimpft werden. Diese Empfehlungen stĂŒtzen sich ĂŒberwiegend auf internationale Studien - fĂŒr den deutschen Versorgungskontext steht nur begrenzt Evidenz zur Bedeutung relevanter Risikofaktoren fĂŒr einen schweren COVID-19-Verlauf zur VerfĂŒgung. Das Ziel der im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 19/2021 vorgestellten Studie war es, die Relevanz ausgewĂ€hlter Vorerkrankungen fĂŒr einen schweren COVID-19-Verlauf in der in Deutschland lebenden Bevölkerung empirisch zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, Erkrankungen hinsichtlich ihres Risikos fĂŒr einen schweren COVID-19-Verlauf zu ordnen und damit eine einfache, im Versorgungsalltag unkompliziert umsetzbare und dabei möglichst effektive Grundlage fĂŒr die Impfrangfolge in der ambulanten Ă€rztlichen Versorgung bilden
