4,214 research outputs found

    Schulman Replies

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    This is a reply to a comment of Casati, Chirikov and Zhirov (PRL 85, 896 (2000)) on PRL 83, 5419 (1999). The suitability of the particlar two-time boundary value problem used in the earlier PRL is argued

    Passage-time distributions from a spin-boson detector model

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    The passage-time distribution for a spread-out quantum particle to traverse a specific region is calculated using a detailed quantum model for the detector involved. That model, developed and investigated in earlier works, is based on the detected particle's enhancement of the coupling between a collection of spins (in a metastable state) and their environment. We treat the continuum limit of the model, under the assumption of the Markov property, and calculate the particle state immediately after the first detection. An explicit example with 15 boson modes shows excellent agreement between the discrete model and the continuum limit. Analytical expressions for the passage-time distribution as well as numerical examples are presented. The precision of the measurement scheme is estimated and its optimization discussed. For slow particles, the precision goes like E−3/4E^{-3/4}, which improves previous E−1E^{-1} estimates, obtained with a quantum clock model.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; minor changes, references corrected; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Relative momentum for identical particles

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    Possible definitions for the relative momentum of identical particles are considered

    Discrete-time quantum walks: continuous limit and symmetries

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    The continuous limit of one dimensional discrete-time quantum walks with time- and space-dependent coefficients is investigated. A given quantum walk does not generally admit a continuous limit but some families (1-jets) of quantum walks do. All families (1-jets) admitting a continuous limit are identified. The continuous limit is described by a Dirac-like equation or, alternately, a couple of Klein-Gordon equations. Variational principles leading to these equations are also discussed, together with local invariance properties

    Closed Path Integrals and Renormalisation in Quantum Mechanics

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    We suggest a closed form expression for the path integral of quantum transition amplitudes. We introduce a quantum action with renormalized parameters. We present numerical results for the V∼x4V \sim x^{4} potential. The renormalized action is relevant for quantum chaos and quantum instantons.Comment: Revised text, 1 figure added; Text (LaTeX file), 1 Figure (ps file

    The eclipsing X-ray pulsar X-7 in M33

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    Using our extensive ROSAT X-ray observations of M33, we confirm a 3.45 day eclipse period for the Einstein source X-7 (Larson & Schulman, 1997) and discover evidence for a 0.31-s pulse period. The orbital period, pulse period and observed X-ray luminosity are remarkably similar to SMC X-1. We therefore suggest M33 X-7 is a neutron star high mass X-ray binary with a 15-40 Msol O/B companion and a binary separation of 25-33 Rsol if the companion is almost filling its Roche lobe.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Nursing behaviour as a predictor of alternate-year reproduction in muskoxen

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    Our finding significant differences in nursing behavior during the post-rut period supports the hypothesis that female muskoxen use factors other than their nutritional condition to determine their reproductive strategy

    Analysis of a three-component model phase diagram by Catastrophe Theory

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    We analyze the thermodynamical potential of a lattice gas model with three components and five parameters using the methods of Catastrophe Theory. We find the highest singularity, which has codimension five, and establish its transversality. Hence the corresponding seven-degree Landau potential, the canonical form Wigwam or A6A_6, constitutes the adequate starting point to study the overall phase diagram of this model.Comment: 16 pages, Latex file, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Exact response of the non-relativistic harmonic oscillator

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    Using Green′'s function and operator techniques we give a closed expression for the response of a non-relativistic system interacting through confining, harmonic forces. The expression for the incoherent part permits rapid evaluation of coefficients in a 1/q expansion. A comparison is made with standard approximation methods.Comment: 9p.; INFN-ISS 93/2; WIS-93/50/Jun-P

    Spectral stochastic processes arising in quantum mechanical models with a non-L2 ground state

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    A functional integral representation is given for a large class of quantum mechanical models with a non--L2 ground state. As a prototype the particle in a periodic potential is discussed: a unique ground state is shown to exist as a state on the Weyl algebra, and a functional measure (spectral stochastic process) is constructed on trajectories taking values in the spectrum of the maximal abelian subalgebra of the Weyl algebra isomorphic to the algebra of almost periodic functions. The thermodynamical limit of the finite volume functional integrals for such models is discussed, and the superselection sectors associated to an observable subalgebra of the Weyl algebra are described in terms of boundary conditions and/or topological terms in the finite volume measures.Comment: 15 pages, Plain Te
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