211 research outputs found

    The impact on innovation off-shoring on organizational adaptability

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    We analyze the effects of captive off-shoring of innovation activities on the firms’ ability to adapt their organizational processes and structures. Starting from complexity theory, we use three consecutive waves of the German part of the Community Innovation Survey to test our hypotheses. We find an inverted u-shape of innovation off-shoring on the effectiveness of organizational adaptability, implying an optimal threshold value of innovation off-shoring. This value is 11% for share of off-shored R&D, 15% for downstream innovation activities such as local market adaptation, and 34% for design activities. We also analyze several contingency variables. In particular we show that the costs of innovation off-shoring in terms of reduced organizational adaptability are exacerbated by a strong focus on R&D and a strong embeddedness in on-shore networks. Smaller firms find it easier to deal with the management complexity induced by geographical dispersion of innovation activities because of their greater flexibility

    Penetration and effectiveness of micronized copper in refractory wood species

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    The North American wood decking market mostly relies on easily treatable Southern yellow pine (SYP), which is being impregnated with micronized copper (MC) wood preservatives since 2006. These formulations are composed of copper (Cu) carbonate particles (CuCO3 center dot Cu(OH)(2)), with sizes ranging from 1 nm to 250 mu m, according to manufacturers. MC-treated SYP wood is protected against decay by solubilized Cu2+ ions and unreacted CuCO3 center dot Cu(OH)(2) particles that successively release Cu2+ ions (reservoir effect). The wood species used for the European wood decking market differ from the North American SYP. One of the most common species is Norway spruce wood, which is poorly treatable i.e. refractory due to the anatomical properties, like pore size and structure, and chemical composition, like pit membrane components or presence of wood extractives. Therefore, MC formulations may not suitable for refractory wood species common in the European market, despite their good performance in SYP. We evaluated the penetration effectiveness of MC azole (MCA) in easily treatable Scots pine and in refractory Norway spruce wood. We assessed the effectiveness against the Cu-tolerant wood-destroying fungus Rhodonia placenta. Our findings show that MCA cannot easily penetrate refractory wood species and could not confirm the presence of a reservoir effect

    Technological capabilities, technological dynamism and innovation offshoring

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    In this paper we analyze the conditions under which firms decide to offshore innovation. We consider the role of internal technological capabilities and technological dynamism in the firm environment, distinguishing speed and uncertainty of technological change. Using unique data from the German Innovation Survey we find that while high speed of technological change tends to drive innovation offshoring, high uncertainty about future technology developments results in more innovation offshoring only for firms with low internal technological capabilities. Firms with high technological capabilities instead are less likely to offshore innovation when uncertainty is high. We argue that these differences in offshoring behaviour reflect differing strategic objectives. We show that for firms with low technological capabilities asset augmentation is more important while for firms with high technological capabilities asset exploitation is more important. When faced by high technological uncertainty firms with low technological capabilities offshore innovation strategically in order to reduce uncertainty by augmenting their asset base. For firms with high technological capabilities asset augmentation is less important. When faced by high technological uncertainty they prefer to innovate onshore in order to keep stronger control of their key assets

    Innovation in Germany - Results of the German CIS 2006 to 2010. Background report on the Innovation Surveys 2007, 2009 and 2011 of the Mannheim Innovation Panel

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    Innovation is regarded as a key driver of productivity and market growth and thus has a great potential for increasing wealth. Surveying innovation activities of firms is an important contribution to a better understanding of the process of innovation and how policy may intervene to maximise the social returns of private investment into innovation. Over the past three decades, research has developed a detailed methodology to collect and analyse innovation activities at the firm level. The Oslo Manual, published by OECD and Eurostat (2005) is one important outcome of these efforts. In 1993 both organisations have started a joint initiative, known as the Community Innovation Survey (CIS), to collect firm level data on innovation across countries in concord (with each other). The German contribution to this activity is the so-called Mannheim Innovation Panel (MIP), an annual survey implemented with the first CIS wave in 1993. The MIP fully applies the methodological recommendations laid down in the Oslo Manual. It is designed as a panel survey, i.e. the same gross sample of firms is surveyed each year, with a biannual refreshment of the sample. The MIP is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and conducted by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) and the Institute for Applied Social Science (infas). (...

    Innovation in Germany - results of the German CIS 2006 to 2010

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    Innovation is regarded as a key driver of productivity and market growth and thus has a great potential for increasing wealth. Surveying innovation activities of firms is an important contribution to a better understanding of the process of innovation and how policy may intervene to maximise the social returns of private investment into innovation. Over the past three decades, research has developed a detailed methodology to collect and analyse innovation activities at the firm level. The Oslo Manual, published by OECD and Eurostat (2005) is one important outcome of these efforts. In 1993 both organisations have started a joint initiative, known as the Community Innovation Survey (CIS), to collect firm level data on innovation across countries in concord (with each other). The German contribution to this activity is the so-called Mannheim Innovation Panel (MIP), an annual survey implemented with the first CIS wave in 1993. The MIP fully applies the methodological recommendations laid down in the Oslo Manual. It is designed as a panel survey, i.e. the same gross sample of firms is surveyed each year, with a biannual refreshment of the sample. The MIP is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and conducted by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) and the Institute for Applied Social Science (infas)

    Aufarbeitung sexualisierter Gewalt im Bistum Essen. Fallbezogene und gemeindeorientierte Analysen

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    Der vorliegende Bericht dokumentiert die Ergebnisse einer sozialwissenschaftlichen Studie, die das Bistum Essen im Jahr 2020 in Auftrag gegeben hat. Im Zentrum steht die Analyse jahrelanger bzw. jahrzehntelanger Karrieren sechs verschiedener Kleriker, die zum Teil schon früh des sexuellen Missbrauchs beschuldigt wurden. Die Studie liefert nicht nur ein erschütterndes Bild über die gravierenden Versäumnisse der Bistumsverantwortlichen, sondern nimmt auch ein bisher vernachlässigtes Thema besonders in den Blick: die Dynamiken in Kirchengemeinden, wo sich die destruktiven Folgen sexualisierter Gewalt hartnäckig reproduzieren – Solidarität mit dem beschuldigten Gemeindepfarrer, Schweigen, Ausgrenzung Betroffener, Abwehr von Schuldgefühlen. Vertiefte Analysen zur Priesterausbildung im Bistum Essen liefern zudem Erklärungsansätze für die Befunde. Darüber hinaus werden Chancen und Widersprüche der institutionellen Präventionsarbeit diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.

    Are nurse's needs assessment methods robust enough to recognise palliative care needs in people with dementia? : a scoping review

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    People with dementia are most at risk of experiencing serious health related suffering, if they do not have a palliative care approach introduced early enough in the illness. It can be challenging for nurses to assess experienced needs of people, who are thought no longer able to self-report such as people with dementia. Assessment help to understand the care the patient and their family need promptly. It is unknown how nurses recognise holistic palliative care needs in people with dementia during routine care

    Carbon and methane cycling in arsenic-contaminated aquifers

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    Geogenic arsenic (As) contamination of groundwater is a health threat to millions of people worldwide, particularly in alluvial regions of South and Southeast Asia. Mitigation measures are often hindered by high heterogeneities in As concentrations, the cause(s) of which are elusive. Here we used a comprehensive suite of stable isotope analyses and hydrogeochemical parameters to shed light on the mechanisms in a typical high-As Holocene aquifer near Hanoi where groundwater is advected to a low-As Pleistocene aquifer. Carbon isotope signatures (δ13^{13}C-CH4_{4}, δ13^{13}C-DOC, δ13^{13}C-DIC) provided evidence that fermentation, methanogenesis and methanotrophy are actively contributing to the As heterogeneity. Methanogenesis occurred concurrently where As levels are high (>200 µg/L) and DOC-enriched aquitard pore water infiltrates into the aquifer. Along the flowpath to the Holocene/Pleistocene aquifer transition, methane oxidation causes a strong shift in δ13^{13}C-CH4_{4} from -87‰ to +47‰, indicating high reactivity. These findings demonstrate a previously overlooked role of methane cycling and DOC infiltration in high-As aquifers

    As percepções dos enfermeiros acerca da liderança

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer a percepção do enfermeiro frente à utilização da liderança como instrumento gerencial no seu processo de trabalho. Tratou-se de um estudo qualitativo do tipo descritivo e exploratório, realizado com onze enfermeiras de um hospital de grande porte da região sul do Rio Grande do Sul, realizado durante os meses de fevereiro e março de 2008. Para a coleta dos dados, utilizaram-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas e grupo focal. A Análise de Conteúdo foi escolhida como técnica para tratamento dos dados, obtendo-se duas categorias: significados atribuídos à liderança e autoridade versus autoritarismo. Percebeu-se que mesmo a liderança oferecendo vantagens ao trabalho da enfermagem, ainda são grandes as dificuldades para compreendê-la e, principalmente, para colocá-la em prática, tornando-se necessário a criação de programas e estratégias de aprimoramento do desempenho da liderança como instrumento gerencial do enfermeiro

    Potentially inappropriate medication in older participants of the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II) - Sex differences and associations with morbidity and medication use

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    INTRODUCTION: Multimorbidity in advanced age and the need for drug treatment may lead to polypharmacy, while pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes may increase the risk of adverse drug events (ADEs). OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of subjects using potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) in a cohort of older and predominantly healthy adults in relation to polypharmacy and morbidity. METHODS: Cross-sectional data were available from 1,382 study participants (median age 69 years, IQR 67-71, 51.3% females) of the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II). PIM was classified according to the EU(7)-PIM and German PRISCUS (representing a subset of the former) list. Polypharmacy was defined as the concomitant use of at least five drugs. A morbidity index (MI) largely based on the Charlson Index was applied to evaluate the morbidity burden. RESULTS: Overall, 24.1% of the participants were affected by polypharmacy. On average, men used 2 (IQR 1-4) and women 3 drugs (IQR 1-5). According to PRISCUS and EU(7)-PIM, 5.9% and 22.6% of participants received at least one PIM, while use was significantly more prevalent in females (25.5%) compared to males (19.6%) considering EU(7)-PIM (p = 0.01). In addition, morbidity in males receiving PIM according to EU(7)-PIM was higher (median MI 1, IQR 1-3) compared to males without PIM use (median MI 1, IQR 0-2, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: PIM use occurred more frequently in women than in men, while it was associated with higher morbidity in males. As expected, EU(7)-PIM identifies more subjects as PIM users than the PRISCUS list but further studies are needed to investigate the differential impact of both lists on ADEs and outcome. KEY POINTS: We found PIM use to be associated with a higher number of regular medications and with increased morbidity. Additionally, we detected a higher prevalence of PIM use in females compared to males, suggesting that women and people needing intensive drug treatment are patient groups, who are particularly affected by PIM use
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