1,014 research outputs found

    A portable MBE system for in situ X-Ray investigations at synchrotron beamlines

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    A portable synchrotron MBE system is designed and applied for in situ investigations. The growth chamber is equipped with all the standard MBE components such as effusion cells with shutters, main shutter, cooling shroud, manipulator, RHEED setup and pressure gauges. The characteristic feature of the system is the beryllium windows which are used for in situ x-ray measurements. An UHV sample transfer case allows in-vacuo transfer of samples prepared elsewhere. We describe the system design and demonstrate it's performance by investigating the annealing process of buried InGaAs self organized quantum dots

    Eficacia de las prohibiciones de castigos corporales: resultados del estudio comparativo europeo sobre las "repercusiones de la prohibición legal de la violencia en la educación"

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    El artículo contiene tablas que hacen referencia a porcentajes de uso de los diferentes castigos de carácter corporal utilizados por los padres.[ES] En este artículo se exponen los resultados centrales de un estudio comparativo a nivel europeo sobre las repercusiones de la prohibición de castigos corporales en la educación. Empleando un cuestionario estandarizado, se entrevistaron a 5.000 padres en Suecia, Austria, Alemania, España y Francia respecto de su comportamiento educativo, su actitud ante los castigos corporales y el grado de conocimiento y de aceptación de la respectiva legislación específica de su país. El enfoque principal se centró en la cuestión de si la inclusión de una prohibición de castigos corporales en la legislación puede influir en el comportamiento educativo de los padres ante sus hijos, en concurrencia con otros factores como las experiencias educativas en la propia infancia de los padres o la violencia en la pareja, y en qué medida.[EU] Artikulu honetan europa mailan heziketan zehar jasotako gorputz zigorren debekapenaren ondorioen inguruan egindako konparazio-ikerketa baten emaitza nagusiak azaltzen dira. Galdeketa estandar bat erabiliz, 5.000 guraso elkarrizketatu ziren Suedian, Austrian, Alemanian, Espainian eta Frantzian norberaren heziketa-portaera, beren jarrera gorputz-zigorrekiko eta beraien herrialdeko berariazko araudiaren jakintza maila eta onarpena kontutan harturik. Oinarrizko ardatza honetan nagusitu zen; gorputz-zigorren debekapena araudian sartzeak gurasoen bere senideekiko duten heziketa jokaeran eragina ote duen beste faktoreen aldiberekotasunarekin batera; gurasoek beraien haurtzaroan jasandako heziketa esperientzia edota indarkeria bikotean.[FR] Les principaux résultats d’une étude comparée au niveau européen sur les répercussions de l’interdiction des punitions corporelles dans le contexte éducatif sont montrés dans cet article. En employant un questionnaire standardisé, 5000 parents ont été interviewés en Suède, en Autriche, en Allemagne, en Espagne et en France en ce qui concerne leur comportement éducatif, leur attitude vers les punitions corporelles et leur degré de connaissance et d’acceptation de la législation dans cette matière dans leur pays respectifs. L’approche principal est axé sur la question de si l’interdiction des punitions corporelles dans la légalisation peut influencer, et dans quelle mesure, le comportement éducatif des parents vers leurs enfants, avec d’autres facteurs, comme les propres expériences éducatives dans l’enfance ou la violence dans le couple.[EN] In this article the main results of a comparative survey on the impact of the prohibition of corporal punishments in educational context at European lever are exposed. Using a standardized questionnaire, 5,000 parents were interviewed –in Sweden, Austria, Germany, Spain and France– with respect to their educational behaviour, their attitude towards corporal punishment and the degree of knowledge and acceptance of the respective country’s legislation in the matter. The main approach was focused on if the prohibition of corporal punishment in the legislation could influence the parents’ educational behaviour with their children, in concurrence with other factors as the own educational experiences as a child or the violence in the couple, and on the extent of this influence

    A New Machine-Learning Approach for Classifying Hysteresis in Suspended-Sediment Discharge Relationships Using High-Frequency Monitoring Data

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    Studying the hysteretic relationships embedded in high-frequency suspended-sediment concentration and river discharge data over 600+ storm events provides insight into the drivers and sources of riverine sediment during storm events. However, the literature to date remains limited to a simple visual classification system (linear, clockwise, counter-clockwise, and figure-eight patterns) or the collapse of hysteresis patterns to an index. This study leverages 3 years of suspended-sediment and discharge data to show proof-of-concept for automating the classification and assessment of event sediment dynamics using machine learning. Across all catchment sites, 600+ storm events were captured and classified into 14 hysteresis patterns. Event classification was automated using a restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), a type of artificial neural network, trained on 2-D images of the suspended-sediment discharge (hysteresis) plots. Expansion of the hysteresis patterns to 14 classes allowed for new insight into drivers of the sediment-discharge event dynamics including spatial scale, antecedent conditions, hydrology, and rainfall. The probabilistic RBM correctly classified hysteresis patterns (to the exact class or next most similar class) 70% of the time. With increased availability of high-frequency sensor data, this approach can be used to inform watershed management efforts to identify sediment sources and reduce fine sediment export

    Winter weather and lake-watershed physical configuration drive phosphorus, iron, and manganese dynamics in water and sediment of ice-covered lakes

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    While decreasing occurrence and duration of lake ice cover is well-documented, biogeochemical dynamics in frozen lakes remain poorly understood. Here, we interpret winter physical and biogeochemical time series from eutrophic Missisquoi Bay (MB) and hyper-eutrophic Shelburne Pond (SP) to describe variable drivers of under ice biogeochemistry in systems of fundamentally different lake-watershed physical configurations (lake area, lake : watershed area). The continuous cold of the 2015 winter drove the MB sediment-water interface to the most severe and persistent suboxic state ever documented at this site, promoting the depletion of redox-sensitive phases in sediments, and an expanding zone of bottom water enriched in reactive species of Mn, Fe, and P. In this context, lake sediment and water column inventories of reactive chemical species were sensitive to the severity and persistence of subfreezing temperatures. During thaws, event provenance and severity impact lake thermal structure and mixing, water column enrichment in P and Fe, and thaw capability to suppress redox front position and internal chemical loading. Nearly identical winter weather manifest differently in nearby SP, where the small surface and watershed areas promoted a warmer, less stratified water column and active phytoplankton populations, impacting biogeochemical dynamics. In SP, Fe and P behavior under ice were decoupled due to active biological cycling, and thaw impacts were different in distribution and composition due to SP's physical structure and related antecedent conditions. We find that under ice biogeochemistry is highly dynamic in both time and space and sensitive to a variety of drivers impacted by climate change

    Acute stenting and thromboaspiration in basilar artery occlusions due to embolism from the dominating vertebral artery

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    Intra-arterial thrombolysis (IAT) is the only treatment that has demonstrated benefit in patients with acute basilar artery occlusions (ABAO). IAT may be difficult to perform when access to the occluded basilar artery (BA) is prevented by pathology of the vertebral arteries (VA). We report on two patients with ABAO due to embolism from the dominating VA. Catheter navigation through the occluded VA and thromboaspiration enabled access to the BA. Thromboaspiration alone or in addition to IAT resulted in a complete recanalization of the BA and a favorable clinical outcome. A stent was deployed at the site of the stenosis in the VA either prior to or immediately after BA recanalizatio

    Self-organizing actin waves that simulate phagocytic cup structures

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    This report deals with actin waves that are spontaneously generated on the planar, substrate-attached surface of Dictyostelium cells. These waves have the following characteristics. (1) They are circular structures of varying shape, capable of changing the direction of propagation. (2) The waves propagate by treadmilling with a recovery of actin incorporation after photobleaching of less than 10 seconds. (3) The waves are associated with actin-binding proteins in an ordered 3-dimensional organization: with myosin-IB at the front and close to the membrane, the Arp2/3 complex throughout the wave, and coronin at the cytoplasmic face and back of the wave. Coronin is a marker of disassembling actin structures. (4) The waves separate two areas of the cell cortex that differ in actin structure and phosphoinositide composition of the membrane. The waves arise at the border of membrane areas rich in phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5) trisphosphate (PIP3). The inhibition of PIP3 synthesis reversibly inhibits wave formation. (5) The actin wave and PIP3 patterns resemble 2-dimensional projections of phagocytic cups, suggesting that they are involved in the scanning of surfaces for particles to be taken up

    Spatially organizing future genders: an artistic intervention in the creation of a hir-toilet

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    Toilets, a neglected facility in the study of human relations at work and beyond, have become increasingly important in discussions about future experiences of gender diversity. To further investigate the spatial production of gender and its potential expressions, we transformed a unisex single-occupancy toilet at Uppsala University into an all-gender or ‘hir-toilet’.1 With the aim to disrupt and expose the dominant spatial organization of the two binary genders, we inaugurated the hir-toilet with the help of a performance artist. We describe and analyse internal and external responses thereto, using Lefebvre’s work on dialectics and space. Focusing on how space is variously lived, conceived and perceived, our analysis questions the very rationale of gender categorizations. The results contribute to a renewed critique of binary thinking in the organization of workplaces by extending our understanding of how space and human relations mutually constitute each other

    Mashups: An Approach to Overcoming the Business/IT Gap in Service-Oriented Architectures

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    For quite a long time already, great importance has been attached to the concept of Service-Oriented Architectures for future IT-architectures. However, a major challenge in implementing this concept lies in the gap between the functional department and IT department. Mashups, an architecture also based on services, try to avoid this gap by letting the user himself integrate the services. The following article analyzes similarities and differences between both architecture approaches, and explains to what extent and in which cases Mashups could complement a Service-Oriented Architecture