1,029 research outputs found

    Mindful walking in patients with breast cancer – a randomised pragmatic pilot study

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    Hintergrund: Brustkrebspatientinnen erleben häufig anhaltende Einschränkungen der Lebensqualität und therapiebezogene Nebenwirkungen. Im Rahmen dieser Pilotstudie wurden die Auswirkungen von achtsamem Gehen (MFW) im Vergleich zu moderatem Gehen allein (MW) bei Brustkrebspatientinnen in der Nachsorge im Hinblick auf deren Umsetzung, die subjektiv empfundene Wirksamkeit und mögliche Effekte explorativ untersucht. Methodik: Eine zweiarmige, randomisierte, kontrollierte Pilotstudie wurde mit integriertem qualitativen Studienteil monozentrisch durchgeführt. Brustkrebspatientinnen, die ihre primäre onkologische Therapie seit 6 Monaten abgeschlossen hatten, wurden einem achtwöchigen Gruppeninterventionsprogramm aus MFW oder MW randomisiert zugeteilt. MFW beinhaltete Achtsamkeitsübungen kombiniert mit kurzen Geheinheiten. Semi-strukturierte Fokusgruppeninterviews nach Abschluss des Follow Up-Zeitraums von 16 Wochen durchgeführt. Die aufgezeichneten Interviews wurden wörtlich transkribiert, pseudonymisiert und auf Grundlage der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse deduktiv und induktiv ausgewertet. Quantitativ wurden Zufriedenheit, subjektiv empfundene Wirksamkeit und gesundheitsbezogene Zielparameter nach 8 und 16 Wochen erfasst. Eine Kovarianzanalyse (ANCOVA) zur Analyse kontinuierlicher Endpunkte wurde durchgeführt. Es erfolgte die Triangulation qualitativer und quantitativer Daten. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt wurden 51 Frauen (Durchschnittsalter 55,8 Jahre (SD 10,9)) in die Studie aufgenommen und randomisiert (MFW n=24; MW n=27), von denen 20 Frau-en auf freiwilliger Basis an einem der vier Fokusgruppeninterviews teilnahmen (MFW n=11; MW n=9). Teilnehmerinnen beider Gruppen bewerteten die Kursteilnahme als positiv und beschrieben eine Verbesserung ihres Wohlbefindens. Im qualitativen Datenmaterial wurden für MFW und MW zentrale Kategorien deutlich, anhand derer Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede im Wirkprofil der beiden Interventionen ersichtlich wurden: MFW regte Akzeptanz und einen bewussten Umgang mit sich, eigenen Grenzen und der Erkrankung an, wohingegen MW die Teilnehmerinnen durch körperliche Aktivität aktivierte und physisch und psychisch stärkte. Der Wunsch und die Relevanz derartiger integra-tiver Therapieangebote in der Nachsorge von Brustkrebspatientinnen wurde ebenso deutlich wie eine gewisse Ambivalenz im Umgang mit der Erkrankung. Die quantitative Datenanalyse zeigte positive prä-post Effekte nach 8 und 16 Wochen bezüglich gesundheitsbezogener Zielparameter ohne statistisch bedeutsamen Gruppenunterschied. Schlussfolgerung: Die qualitative und quantitative Analyse beider Interventionen zeigte hinsichtlich der positiven Bewertung und subjektiv empfundenen Wirksamkeit sowie der positiven prä-post Effekte in Bezug auf gesundheitsbezogene Zielparameter kongruente Ergebnisse. Die qualitative Datenanalyse verdeutlichte, dass mit den Studieninterventionen verschiedene Ressourcen angesprochen wurden.Background: Breast cancer patients often experience persistent quality of life limitations and therapy-related side effects. In this pilot study, the effects of mindful walking (MFW) compared to moderate walking alone (MW) were explored in breast cancer patients regarding their implementation, subjectively perceived effectiveness, and possible effects. Methods: A two-armed, randomized, controlled, single-center pilot study with an integrated qualitative study part was conducted. Breast cancer patients who had completed their primary oncological treatment for 6 months were randomly assigned to an eight-week group intervention of MFW or MW. MFW included mindfulness exercises combined with short walking practices. Semi-structured focus group interviews were conducted after the completion of the follow-up period of 16 weeks. The recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim, pseudonymized, and analyzed deductively and inductively based on a qualitative content analysis approach. Quantitatively, satisfaction, subjectively perceived effectiveness and health-related outcome parameters were recorded after 8 and 16 weeks. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted to analyze continuous endpoints. Triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data was performed. Results: A total of 51 women (mean age 55.8 years (SD 10.9)) were enrolled and ran-domized in the study (MFW n=24; MW n=27), of whom 20 women voluntarily participated in one of four focus group interviews (MFW n=11; MW n=9). Participants in both groups rated the course participation positively and described an improvement in their well-being. In the qualitative data, central categories emerged for both MFW and MW, which revealed similarities and differences in the impact profile of the two interventions: MFW encouraged acceptance and a conscious approach to oneself, one's own limits and the disease, whereas MW activated the participants through physical activity and strengthened them physically and psychologically. The desire for and relevance of such integrative therapy offers in breast cancer patients became clear as well as a certain ambivalence in dealing with the disease. The quantitative data analysis showed positive pre-post effects after 8 and 16 weeks regarding health-related outcome parameters without statistically meaningful group differences. Conclusion: The qualitative and quantitative analysis of both interventions showed congruent results regarding the positive evaluation and subjectively perceived effectiveness as well as the positive pre-post effects in relation to health-related outcome parameters. The qualitative data analysis showed that the study interventions addressed different resources

    Изучение процессов неравновесного выхода водорода из металлических образцов (Ni,Ti) различной толщины различных видах стимуляции

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    Рассмотрены особенности неравновесного выхода водорода из образцов (Ni, Ti ) при различных способах насыщения материалов водородом ( электролиз, метод Сивертса, плазма ВЧ разряда) и стимуляции (термическая и стимуляция с высокой эффективной температурой). Проанализированы современные подходы теоретического рассмотрения данных процессов, включая обратный эффект Мессбауэра. Результаты работы актуальны для решения проблемы водородного охрупчивания конструкционных материалов в ядерной и водородной энергетике и предотвращения пассивирования примесных центров свечения в светодиодах.The features of the nonequilibrium hydrogen output from samples (Ni, Ti) at various methods of hydrogen saturation with materials (electrolysis, Sievert method, high-frequency discharge plasma) and stimulation (thermal and stimulation with high effective temperature) are considered.     Modern approaches to theoretical consideration of these processes, including the inverse Mossbauer effect, are analyzed.     The results of the work are relevant for the solution of the problem of hydrogen embrittlement of structural materials in nuclear and hydrogen energy and prevention of passivation of impurity centers of luminescence in light-emitting diodes

    RNase 7 Contributes to the Cutaneous Defense against Enterococcus faecium

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    Background: Human skin is able to mount a fast response against invading microorganisms by the release of antimicrobial proteins such as the ribonuclease RNase 7. Because RNase 7 exhibits high activity against Enterococcus faecium the aim of this study was to further explore the role of RNase 7 in the cutaneous innate defense system against E. faecium. Methodology/Principal Findings: Absolute quantification using real-time PCR and ELISA revealed that primary keratinocytes expressed high levels of RNase 7. Immunohistochemistry showed RNase 7 expression in all epidermal layers of the skin with an intensification in the upper more differentiated layers. Furthermore, RNase 7 was secreted by keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo in a site-dependent way. RNase 7 was still active against E. faecium at low pH (5.5) or high NaCl (150 mM) concentration and the bactericidal activity of RNase 7 against E. faecium required no ribonuclease activity as shown by recombinant RNase 7 lacking enzymatic activity. To further explore the role of RNase 7 in cutaneous defense against E. faecium, we investigated whether RNase 7 contributes to the E. faecium killing activity of skin extracts derived from stratum corneum. Treatment of the skin extract with an RNase 7 specific antibody, which neutralizes the antimicrobial activity of RNase 7, diminished its E. faecium killing activity. Conclusions/Significance: Our data indicate that RNase 7 contributes to the E. faecium-killing activity of skin extracts an

    Abundance, Distribution, and Activity of Fe(II)-Oxidizing and Fe(III)-Reducing Microorganisms in Hypersaline Sediments of Lake Kasin, Southern Russia

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    The extreme osmotic conditions prevailing in hypersaline environments result in decreasing metabolic diversity with increasing salinity. Various microbial metabolisms have been shown to occur even at high salinity, including photosynthesis as well as sulfate and nitrate reduction. However, information about anaerobic microbial iron metabolism in hypersaline environments is scarce. We studied the phylogenetic diversity, distribution, and metabolic activity of iron(II)-oxidizing and iron(III)-reducing Bacteria and Archaea in pH-neutral, iron-rich salt lake sediments (Lake Kasin, southern Russia; salinity, 348.6 g liter-1) using a combination of culture-dependent and -independent techniques. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries for Bacteria and Archaea revealed a microbial community composition typical for hypersaline sediments. Most-probable-number counts confirmed the presence of 4.26×102 to 8.32×103 iron(II)-oxidizing Bacteria and 4.16×102 to 2.13×103 iron(III)-reducing microorganisms per gram dry sediment. Microbial iron(III) reduction was detected in the presence of 5 M NaCl, extending the natural habitat boundaries for this important microbial process. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that 16S rRNA gene copy numbers of total Bacteria, total Archaea, and species dominating the iron(III)-reducing enrichment cultures (relatives of Halobaculum gomorrense, Desulfosporosinus lacus, and members of the Bacilli) were highest in an iron oxide-rich sediment layer. Combined with the presented geochemical and mineralogical data, our findings suggest the presence of an active microbial iron cycle at salt concentrations close to the solubility limit of NaCl

    Effectiveness of an intensive care telehealth programme to improve process quality (ERIC): a multicentre stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial

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    VISTA Variables in the <i>Vía Láctea</i> (VVV): Halfway Status and Results

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    The VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) survey is one of six near-infrared ESO public surveys, and is now in its fourth year of observing. Although far from being complete, the VVV survey has already delivered many results, some directly connected to the intended science goals (detection of variable stars, microlensing events, new star clusters), others concerning more exotic objects, e.g., novae. Now, at the end of the fourth observing period, and comprising roughly 50% of the proposed observations, the status of the survey, as well some of results based on the VVV data, are presented.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica