20 research outputs found

    Detección automática de voz hipernasal de niños con labio y paladar hendido a partir de vocales y palabras del español usando medidas clásicas y análisis no lineal

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta un sistema para la detección automática de señales de voz hipernasales basado en la combinación de dos diferentes esquemas de caracterización aplicados en las cinco vocales del español y dos palabras seleccionadas. El primer esquema está basado en características clásicas como perturbaciones del periodo fundamental, medidas de ruido y coeficientes cepstrales en la frecuencia de Mel. El segundo enfoque está basado en medidas de dinámica no lineal. Las características más relevantes son seleccionadas usando dos técnicas: análisis de componentes principales y selección flotante hacia adelante secuencial. La decisión acerca de si un registro de voz es hipernasal o sano es tomada usando una máquina de soporte vectorial de margen suave. Los experimentos consideran grabaciones de las cinco vocales del idioma español y las palabras y se consideran, asimismo, tres conjuntos de características: (1) el enfoque clásico, (2) el análisis de dinámica no lineal y (3) la combinación de ambos esquemas. En general, los aciertos son mayores y más estables cuando las características clásicas y no lineales son combinadas, indicando que el análisis de dinámica no lineal se complementa con el esquema clásico.ABSTRACT: This paper presents a system for the automatic detection of hypernasal speech signals based on the combination of two different characterization approaches applied to the five spanish vowels and two selected words. The first approach is based on classical features such as pitch period perturbations, noise measures, and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). The second approach is based on the Non-Linear Dynamics (NLD) analysis. The most relevant features are selected and sorted using two techniques: Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Sequential Forward Floating Selection (SFFS). The decision about whether a voice record is hypernasal or healthy is taken using a Soft Margin - Support Vector Machine (SM-SVM). Experiments upon recordings of the five Spanish vowels and the words are performed considering three different set of features: (1) the classical approach, (2) the NLD analysis, and (3) the combination of the classical and NLD measures. In general, the accuracies are higher and more stable when the classical and NLD features are combined, indicating that the NLD analysis is complementary to the classical approach

    Classification of heterogeneous microarray data by maximum entropy kernel

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a large amount of microarray data accumulating in public databases, providing various data waiting to be analyzed jointly. Powerful kernel-based methods are commonly used in microarray analyses with support vector machines (SVMs) to approach a wide range of classification problems. However, the standard vectorial data kernel family (linear, RBF, etc.) that takes vectorial data as input, often fails in prediction if the data come from different platforms or laboratories, due to the low gene overlaps or consistencies between the different datasets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We introduce a new type of kernel called maximum entropy (ME) kernel, which has no pre-defined function but is generated by kernel entropy maximization with sample distance matrices as constraints, into the field of SVM classification of microarray data. We assessed the performance of the ME kernel with three different data: heterogeneous kidney carcinoma, noise-introduced leukemia, and heterogeneous oral cavity carcinoma metastasis data. The results clearly show that the ME kernel is very robust for heterogeneous data containing missing values and high-noise, and gives higher prediction accuracies than the standard kernels, namely, linear, polynomial and RBF.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results demonstrate its utility in effectively analyzing promiscuous microarray data of rare specimens, e.g., minor diseases or species, that present difficulty in compiling homogeneous data in a single laboratory.</p

    Least Square Regression with l p

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    Sparse Kernel-Based Feature Weighting

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