93 research outputs found

    Market driven approach for faecal sludge treatment products

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    Inadequate management and treatment of faecal sludge continues to pose risks for public and environmental health. Given the variability of faecal sludge and location-specific nature of solutions, it is difficult to decide on treatment objectives and performance goals for treatment. The Market Driven Approach was developed as a quantitative methodology to determine which faecal sludge treatment products have the highest market potential in a defined location. This methodology provides a way to compare treatment products based on their real value for resource recovery. This paper discusses the results and lessons learned from field-testing in five cities across Africa and South-East Asia

    FAQ: faecal sludge quantification and characterization - field trial of methodology in Hanoi, Vietnam

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    Characterizing and quantifying faecal sludge (FS) at a city-wide scale in low- and middle-income countries is essential for designing and planning appropriate FS treatment facilities. However, there currently is no accurate methodology for the estimation of these values. The FAQ (faecal sludge quantification and characterization) study developed a methodology, and is validating it in Hanoi, Vietnam and Kampala, Uganda. The method utilizes spatially analysed demographic data as a predictor of FS characteristics. Extensive sampling has been conducted to field test the presented method. This paper presents results of collected and analysed secondary data, and preliminary results of the TS, VS, COD and SCOD concentrations from household septic tanks in Hanoi, which were on average 26,471, 19,395, 37,541 and 713 mg/L respectively, and ongoing data analysis is being conducted

    Native species facing climate changes: Response of calafate berries to low temperature and UV radiation

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    Calafate (Berberis microphylla G. Forst) is a wild bush plant widely distributed in the south of Argentina and Chile. Their blue colored fruits present particular flavor and health benefits attributed to high polyphenol contents biosynthesized by the plant under stress. Studies about correlation of abiotic conditions with anthocyanin profiles and physicochemical features of calafate beneath wild origin environment are not described yet. Hence, this research aimed to evaluate the physicochem- ical changes, antioxidant activity and anthocyanin content of calafate fruit in relationship to UV solar radiation (W.m−2) and air temperature (◩C) environment condition during three consecutive years (2017, 2018, 2019). Variations in fruit anthocyanins were determined by comparison between high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD-ESI)/MSn and CIEL*a*b* colors parameters. Correlations were analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA). Radiation was negatively correlated with fruit size and weight. Physicochemical aspects such as pH, soluble solids, color, total anthocyanins, flavanols and other phenolic compounds were positively correlated with temperature changes. The quantities of monomeric anthocyanins were dependent on both low temperature and global radiation (reaching 20.01 mg g−1 FW in calafate fruit). These results constitute a valuable resource to understand the structural and physiological plasticity of calafate in facing climate changes for future domestication research as well as for agri-food industrial application.This work has been supported by FONDECYT grant 1160899 (CONICYT, Chile) and Secretary of Higher Education of Science, Technology and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT, Ecuador)

    Relieving your stress: PGPB associated with Andean xerophytic plants are most abundant and active on the most extreme slopes

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    IntroductionPlants interact with plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB), especially under stress condition in natural and agricultural systems. Although a potentially beneficial microbiome has been found associated to plants from alpine systems, this plant- PGPB interaction has been scarcely studied. Nevados de Chillán Complex hold one of the southernmost xerophytic formations in Chile. Plant species living there have to cope with drought and extreme temperatures during the growing season period, microclimatic conditions that become harsher on equatorial than polar slopes, and where the interaction with PGPB could be key for plant survival. Our goal was to study the abundance and activity of different PGPB associated to two abundant plant species of Andean xerophytic formations on contrasting slopes.MethodsTwenty individuals of Berberis empetrifolia and Azorella prolifera shrubs were selected growing on a north and south slope nearby Las Fumarolas, at 2,050 m elevation. On each slope, microclimate based on temperature and moisture conditions were monitored throughout the growing period (oct. – apr.). Chemical properties of the soil under plant species canopies were also characterized. Bacterial abundance was measured as Log CFU g−1 from soil samples collected from each individual and slope. Then, the most abundant bacterial colonies were selected, and different hormonal (indoleacetic acid) and enzymatic (nitrogenase, phosphatase, ACC-deaminase) mechanisms that promote plant growth were assessed and measured.Results and DiscussionExtreme temperatures were observed in the north facing slope, recording the hottest days (41 vs. 36°C) and coldest nights (−9.9 vs. 6.6°C). Moreover, air and soil moisture were lower on north than on south slope, especially late in the growing season. We found that bacterial abundance was higher in soils on north than on south slope but only under B. empetrifolia canopy. Moreover, the activity of plant growth-promoting mechanisms varied between slopes, being on average higher on north than on south slope, but with plant species-dependent trends. Our work showed how the environmental heterogeneity at microscale in alpine systems (slope and plant species identity) underlies variations in the abundance and plant growth promoting activity of the microorganisms present under the plant canopy of the Andean xerophytic formations and highlight the importance of PGPB from harsh systems as biotechnological tools for restoration

    Estimating safely managed sanitation in urban areas; lessons learned from a global implementation of excreta-flow diagrams

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    The urban population will rise to 6.7 billion by 2050. The United Nations has committed to provide everyone with safely managed sanitation, but there is limited understanding of the scale of the challenge. This paper describes a methodology for rapid assessment of sanitation in cities including a graphical representation (a shit-flow diagram or SFD) and reports on findings from implementation in 39 cities. The SFD provides high level information for planning purposes covering the entire sanitation system in a city. More than half of the human excreta produced in these cities is not safely managed. The most significant portions of the unsafely managed excreta are: (i) contents of pits and tanks which are not emptied and are overflowing, leaking, or discharging to the surrounding environment (14%); (ii) contents of pits and tanks which are emptied but not delivered to treatment (18%); (iii) fecal sludge and supernatant delivered to treatment but not treated (3%); (iv) wastewater in sewers not delivered to treatment (14%); and (v) wastewater delivered to treatment but not treated (6%). Many cities currently relying on onsite sanitation for safe storage, particularly in Africa, will need new strategies as populations grow. Containment systems that discharge to open drains are common in some Asian cities; these pose a public health risk. Dumping of excreta is widespread and there is a lack of realistic performance data on which estimates of the extent and effectiveness of treatment can be made. The SFD production process can be challenging due to a lack of data and low technical capacity in cities. There is often uncertainty over terminology and over the status of infrastructure. Formalizing definitions for the SFD preparation process was found to be useful in overcoming capacity constraints in cities. The SFD produces a credible snapshot of the sanitation situation in a city. The paper provides evidence of the urgent need for improved management and monitoring of urban sanitation in cities around the world and highlights the role of the SFD as a planning tool

    The therapeutic potential of wogonin observed in preclinical studies

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    Wogonin is a flavonoid found in different plants such as roots of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi distributed mainly in Asia and Europe. Dried root extracts of S. baicalensis with high content of wogonin, popularly known as "Huang-Qin" or Chinese or baical skullcap, have been used for long time in traditional Chinese medicine. Several health benefits are attributed to wogonin and derivatives showing anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anticancer, and antioxidant effects and more recently antineurodegenerative properties. Preclinical pharmacological activities of wogonin against diverse types of cancer such as breast, colorectal, and human gastric cancer will be presented in this review. In addition, studies on oxidative stress and bioavailability of wogonin will be discussed together with antineurodegenerative potential with special focus on Alzheimer's disease. Outcomes extracted from the last preclinical studies related to therapeutic applications of wogonin will be commented and updated in this review. The scientific evidence collected in this review aims to encourage transfer of the preclinical evidence of wogonin to new clinical studies.CONICYT PIA/APOYO CCTE: AFB170007info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spray‐dried formulations rich in malvidin from tintorera grape wastes: Characterization, stability, and storage

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    IndexaciĂłn ScopusThis research was focused on developing means of Tintorera grape (Vitis vinifera L.) waste recovery, devising new value‐added uses for that material and optimizing of anthocyanin‐rich formulations by spray‐drying in order to obtain novel ingredients, all for food industry use. First, the identification of phenolic compounds in Tintorera grape extracts by HPLC‐DAD‐ESI‐MSn enabled characterization of the raw material’s health‐promoting characteristics. Maintaining the spray‐dried products for 4 weeks’ storage enabled study of the formulation’s loss of anthocyanins and antioxi-dant properties due to drying process temperatures as well as analysis of the retention and stability of such compounds under different conditions (20 and 40 °C). Tintorera grapes presented a significant amount of Malvidin 3‐O‐hex (5.66 mg g−1 DW). Anthocyanins in spray‐dried formulations were stable for 4 weeks. Optimal conditions in the spray‐dryer facilitated the products’ antioxidant ca-pacity; for instance, using 10% maltodextrin (w:v) at 90 °C inlet temperature had a little influence on the reduction in encapsulated malvidin 3‐O‐hex (15%) and presented 3.35 mg GAE g−1 DW of total polyphenol contents, 98.62 ÎŒmol Trolox (FRAP assay), and 39.97 ÎŒmol Trolox (DPPH assay). Principal component analyses (PCA) showed a high degree of dependence between anthocyanin content and maintenance of antioxidant capacity during storage. These results offer a promising alternative for the industrial management of wine‐making wastes in order to implement a sustainable protocol for development of Tintorera grape extracts rich in bioactive compounds for new bev-erages and functional foods. © 2021 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9717/9/3/51

    GIS Analysis and Optimisation of Faecal Sludge Logistics at City-Wide Scale in Kampala, Uganda

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    The majority of residents in low- and middle-income countries are served by onsite sanitation. Equitable access to sanitation, including emptying, collection, and transport services for the accumulation of faecal sludge remains a major challenge. Comprehensive information on service coverage by mechanical faecal sludge emptying service providers is lacking. The purpose of this study is to analyse the spatial distribution of service coverage and identify areas without faecal sludge emptying services in Kampala, Uganda. The study uses GIS (geographic information systems) as a tool to analyse real-time data of service providers based on GPS (global positioning system) units that were installed in a representative number of trucks. Of the total recorded 5653 emptying events, 27% were located outside Kampala city boundaries. Of those within Kampala city boundaries, 37% were classified as non-household customers. Areas without service provision accounted for 13% of the total area. Service provision normalised by population density revealed much greater service provision in medium- and high-income areas than low- and very low-income areas. The employed method provides a powerful tool to optimise faecal sludge management on a city-wide scale by increasing sustainability of the planning and decision-making process, increasing access to service provision and reducing faecal sludge transport times and costs

    Die Untertanen des Klosters Klein-Mariazell in Niederösterreich

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    Die vorgelegte Arbeit behandelt die Lebenswelt der untertĂ€nigen BevölkeÂŹrung einer geistlichen Grundherrschaft im sĂŒdwestlichen Niederösterreich im 17. Jahrhundert, genauer um die Besitzungen des ehemaligen Benediktinerklosters „Mariazell in Österreich“ – heute eher bekannt als „Klein-Mariazell“ – im Oberen Triestingtal (heute Gemeinde Altenmarkt an der Triesting, politischer Bezirk Baden). Die untersuchten Bevölkerungsgruppen sind einerseits die GewerbetreiÂŹbenden einer Marktgemeinde, andererseits die Bauernfamilien der umliegenden Dörfer. Zwar war die Anzahl von Menschen ĂŒberschaubar und jeder kannte jeden, aber in sozialer Hinsicht Ă€ußerst heterogen und erfĂŒllt von persönlichen Spannungen – keineswegs eine „heile Welt“. Meiner Analysen erfolgten vorwiegend durch Auswertung der derzeit im Niederösterreichischen Landesarchiv in St. Pölten aufbewahrten Herrschaftsakten, fallÂŹweise ergĂ€nzt durch Angaben aus Kirchenmatriken. Aus methodischen GrĂŒnden trenne ich scharf zwischen dem ausÂŹschließlich auf PrimĂ€rquellen beruhenden Hauptteil und einigen fĂŒr das allgemeine VerstĂ€ndnis nötigen EinÂŹfĂŒhrungen und ErlĂ€uterungen (letztere sowohl in den EinleitungsÂŹkapiteln als auch in den Fußnoten). Wichtig war mir, die Quellen fĂŒr sich sprechen zu lassen und Ansichten und Wertungen vor allem aus der Jetztzeit nicht in die Untersuchungen einfließen zu lassen. Ich möchte die historische, fĂŒr uns sehr fremde Lebenswelt verstehen können, ohne diese vom heutigen Standpunkt aus beurteilen zu wollen. ZunĂ€chst waren die wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen zu untersuchen, weiters die politischen VerhĂ€ltnisse (Obrigkeit – Selbstverwaltung – Familienstrukturen), das Gerichtswesen und schließlich die traditionelle Lebensweise dieser Menschen: ZeitrechÂŹnung, Arbeitsweisen, Zusammenleben, Nachbarschaft, Geburt und Kindheit, SexualitĂ€t, Ehe und Familie, Nahrung und Kleidung, Unterhaltung und Feste, und zuletzt noch Alter, Tod und BegrĂ€bnis. Zum gewöhnlichen Ablauf des Lebens kamen noch weitere Ereignisse: Kriege, feindliche EinfĂ€lle, SeuchenzĂŒge, UnfĂ€lle und Verbrechen
