778 research outputs found

    VLT/SINFONI time-resolved spectroscopy of the central, luminous, H-rich WN stars of R136

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    Using the Very Large Telescope's Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observation in the Near-Infrared (VLT/SINFONI), we have obtained repeated AO-assisted, NIR spectroscopy of the six central luminous, Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in the core of the very young (~1 Myr), massive and dense cluster R136, in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We also de-archived available images that were obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (HST/STIS), and extracted high-quality, differential photometry of our target stars to check for any variability related to binary motion. Previous studies, relying on spatially unresolved, integrated, optical spectroscopy, had reported that one of these stars was likely to be a 4.377-day binary. Our study set out to identify the culprit and any other short-period system among our targets. However, none displays significant photometric variability, and only one star, BAT99-112 (R136c), located on the outer fringe of R136, displays a marginal variability in its radial velocities; we tentatively report an 8.2-day period. The binary status of BAT99-112 is supported by the fact that it is one of the brightest X-ray sources among all known WR stars in the LMC, consistent with it being a colliding-wind system. Follow-up observations have been proposed to confirm the orbital period of this potentially very massive system.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Exploring leadership communication in the United Arab Emirates: Issues of culture and gender

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    This study aims to identify what makes a successful leader in the UAE within the paradigms of leadership styles and leadership communication. In order to do this, we explore, and potentially challenge, a number of the existing leadership stereotypes that are germane to the region, along with the stereotypical discourse strategies that have been associated with the ways in which men and women enact leadership. We wanted to find out if Emirati nationals would prefer the type of discursive leadership that has been associated with women leaders, that is transformational leadership and collaborative communication, or if they would prefer the discursive leadership that has been stereotypically associated with men in equivalent positions, that is laissez-faire, transactional or paternalisticleadership styles, together with the use of a direct and competitive style of communication. Our findings show that a Western understanding of leadership may be too strictly delineated to account for leadership styles in the Gulf, and also that leaders in the region may effectively draw on a combined set of communication strategies that have been stereotypically attributed elsewhere to male and female leaders

    Southern Massive Stars at High Angular Resolution: Observational Campaign and Companion Detection

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    Multiplicity is one of the most fundamental observable properties of massive O-type stars and offers a promising way to discriminate between massive star formation theories. Nevertheless, companions at separations between 1 and 100 mas remain mostly unknown due to intrinsic observational limitations. [...] The Southern MAssive Stars at High angular resolution survey (SMASH+) was designed to fill this gap by providing the first systematic interferometric survey of Galactic massive stars. We observed 117 O-type stars with VLTI/PIONIER and 162 O-type stars with NACO/SAM, respectively probing the separation ranges 1-45 and 30-250mas and brightness contrasts of Delta H < 4 and Delta H < 5. Taking advantage of NACO's field-of-view, we further uniformly searched for visual companions in an 8''-radius down to Delta H = 8. This paper describes the observations and data analysis, reports the discovery of almost 200 new companions in the separation range from 1mas to 8'' and presents the catalog of detections, including the first resolved measurements of over a dozen known long-period spectroscopic binaries. Excluding known runaway stars for which no companions are detected, 96 objects in our main sample (DEC < 0 deg; H<7.5) were observed both with PIONIER and NACO/SAM. The fraction of these stars with at least one resolved companion within 200mas is 0.53. Accounting for known but unresolved spectroscopic or eclipsing companions, the multiplicity fraction at separation < 8'' increases to f_m = 0.91 +/- 0.03. The fraction of luminosity class V stars that have a bound companion reaches 100% at 30mas while their average number of physically connected companions within 8'' is f_c = 2.2 +/- 0.3. This demonstrates that massive stars form nearly exclusively in multiple systems. Additionally, the nine non-thermal (NT) radio emitters observed by SMASH+ are all resolved [...]Comment: 57 pages, 20 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in ApJ

    Stellar science from a blue wavelength range - A possible design for the blue arm of 4MOST

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    From stellar spectra, a variety of physical properties of stars can be derived. In particular, the chemical composition of stellar atmospheres can be inferred from absorption line analyses. These provide key information on large scales, such as the formation of our Galaxy, down to the small-scale nucleosynthesis processes that take place in stars and supernovae. By extending the observed wavelength range toward bluer wavelengths, we optimize such studies to also include critical absorption lines in metal-poor stars, and allow for studies of heavy elements (Z>38) whose formation processes remain poorly constrained. In this context, spectrographs optimized for observing blue wavelength ranges are essential, since many absorption lines at redder wavelengths are too weak to be detected in metal-poor stars. This means that some elements cannot be studied in the visual-redder regions, and important scientific tracers and science cases are lost. The present era of large public surveys will target millions of stars. Here we describe the requirements driving the design of the forthcoming survey instrument 4MOST, a multi-object spectrograph commissioned for the ESO VISTA 4m-telescope. We focus here on high-density, wide-area survey of stars and the science that can be achieved with high-resolution stellar spectroscopy. Scientific and technical requirements that governed the design are described along with a thorough line blending analysis. For the high-resolution spectrograph, we find that a sampling of >2.5 (pixels per resolving element), spectral resolution of 18000 or higher, and a wavelength range covering 393-436 nm, is the most well-balanced solution for the instrument. A spectrograph with these characteristics will enable accurate abundance analysis (+/-0.1 dex) in the blue and allow us to confront the outlined scientific questions. (abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A

    The Wolf-Rayet binaries of the nitrogen sequence in the Large Magellanic Cloud: spectroscopy, orbital analysis, formation, and evolution

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    Massive Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars dominate the radiative and mechanical energy budget of galaxies and probe a critical phase in the evolution of massive stars prior to core-collapse. It is not known whether core He-burning WR stars (classical WR, cWR) form predominantly through wind-stripping (w-WR) or binary stripping (b-WR). With spectroscopy of WR binaries so-far largely avoided due to its complexity, our study focuses on the 44 WR binaries / binary candidates of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC, metallicity Z~0.5 Zsun), identified on the basis of radial velocity variations, composite spectra, or high X-ray luminosities. Relying on a diverse spectroscopic database, we aim to derive the physical and orbital parameters of our targets, confronting evolution models of evolved massive stars at sub-solar metallicity, and constraining the impact of binary interaction in forming them. Spectroscopy is performed using the Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) code and cross-correlation techniques. Disentanglement is performed using the code Spectangular or the shift-and-add algorithm. Evolutionary status is interpreted using the Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis (BPASS) code, exploring binary interaction and chemically-homogeneous evolution. No obvious dichotomy in the locations of apparently-single and binary WN stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is apparent. According to commonly used stellar evolution models (BPASS, Geneva), most apparently-single WN stars could not have formed as single stars, implying that they were stripped by an undetected companion. Otherwise, it must follow that pre-WR mass-loss/mixing (e.g., during the red supergiant phase) are strongly underestimated in standard stellar evolution models.Comment: accepted to A&A on 10.05.2019; 69 pages (25 main paper + 44 appendix); Corrigendum: Shenar et al. 2020, A&A, 641, 2: An unfortunate typo in the implementation of the "transformed radius" caused errors of up to ~0.5dex in the derived mass-loss rates. This has now been correcte

    Linear and nonlinear rheology of wormlike micelles

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    Several surfactant molecules self-assemble in solution to form long, cylindrical, flexible wormlike micelles. These micelles can be entangled with each other leading to viscoelastic phases. The rheological properties of such phases are very interesting and have been the subject of a large number of experimental and theoretical studies in recent years. We shall report on our recent work on the macrorheology, microrheology and nonlinear flow behaviour of dilute aqueous solutions of a surfactant CTAT (Cetyltrimethylammonium Tosilate). This system forms elongated micelles and exhibits strong viscoelasticity at low concentrations (\sim 0.9 wt%) without the addition of electrolytes. Microrheology measurements of G(ω)G(\omega) have been done using diffusing wave spectroscopy which will be compared with the conventional frequency sweep measurements done using a cone and plate rheometer. The second part of the paper deals with the nonlinear rheology where the measured shear stress σ\sigma is a nonmonotonic function of the shear rate γ˙\dot{\gamma}. In stress-controlled experiments, the shear stress shows a plateau for γ˙\dot{\gamma} larger than some critical strain rate, similar to the earlier reports on CPyCl/NaSal system. Cates et al have proposed that the plateau is a signature of mechanical instability in the form of shear bands. We have carried out extensive experiments under controlled strain rate conditions, to study the time-dependence of shear stress. The measured time series of shear stress has been analysed in terms of correlation integrals and Lyapunov exponents to show unambiguously that the behaviour is typical of low dimensional dynamical systems.Comment: 15 pages, 10 eps figure

    Yeast-Derived Formulations Are Differentially Fermented by the Canine and Feline Microbiome As Assessed in a Novel in Vitro Colonic Fermentation Model

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    The current study evaluated the effect of five yeast-derived formulations (T1-T5) on microbial metabolism and composition of the canine and feline gut microbiota using a novel in vitro colonic incubation approach. This novel in vitro model allowed for growth of the entire spectrum of dog- and cat-derived bacteria from the inoculum, thus offering an excellent platform to evaluate effects of nutritional interventions on the gut microbiota. Further, yeast-derived ingredients differentially increased production of acetate, propionate, butyrate, ammonium, and branched short-chain fatty acids, with T5 and T1 consistently stimulating propionate and butyrate, respectively. 16S-targeted Illumina sequencing coupled with flow cytometry provided unprecedented high-resolution quantitative insights in canine and feline microbiota modulation by yeast-derived ingredients, revealing that effects on propionate production were related to Prevotellaceae, Tannerellaceae, Bacteroidaceae, and Veillonellaceae members, while effects on butyrate production were related to Erysipelotrichaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Fusobacteriaceae. Overall, these findings strengthen the health-promoting potential of yeast-derived ingredients