10,114 research outputs found

    Memristive operation mode of a site-controlled quantum dot floating gate transistor

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the European Union (FPVII (2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No. 318287 Landauer) as well as the state of Bavaria.We have realized a floating gate transistor based on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with site-controlled InAs quantum dots. By short-circuiting the source contact with the lateral gates and performing closed voltage sweep cycles, we observe a memristive operation mode with pinched hysteresis loops and two clearly distinguishable conductive states. The conductance depends on the quantum dot charge which can be altered in a controllable manner by the voltage value and time interval spent in the charging region. The quantum dot memristor has the potential to realize artificial synapses in a state-of-the-art opto-electronic semiconductor platform by charge localization and Coulomb coupling.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    HST Palpha Survey of the Galactic Center -- Searching the missing young stellar populations within the Galactic Center

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    We present preliminary results of our \hst Paα\alpha survey of the Galactic Center (\gc), which maps the central 0.65×\times0.25 degrees around Sgr A*. This survey provides us with a more complete inventory of massive stars within the \gc, compared to previous observations. We find 157 Paα\alpha emitting sources, which are evolved massive stars. Half of them are located outside of three young massive star clusters near Sgr A*. The loosely spatial distribution of these field sources suggests that they are within less massive star clusters/groups, compared to the three massive ones. Our Paα\alpha mosaic not only resolves previously well-known large-scale filaments into fine structures, but also reveals many new extended objects, such as bow shocks and H II regions. In particular, we find two regions with large-scale Paα\alpha diffuse emission and tens of Paα\alpha emitting sources in the negative Galactic longitude suggesting recent star formation activities, which were not known previously. Furthermore, in our survey, we detect \sim0.6 million stars, most of which are red giants or AGB stars. Comparisons of the magnitude distribution in 1.90 μ\mum and those from the stellar evolutionary tracks with different star formation histories suggest an episode of star formation process about 350 Myr ago in the \gc .Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings of the Galactic Center Workshop 2009, Shangha

    Double lenses

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    The analysis of the shear induced by a single cluster on the images of a large number of background galaxies is all centered around the curl-free character of a well-known vector field that can be derived from the data. Such basic property breaks down when the source galaxies happen to be observed through two clusters at different redshifts, partially aligned along the line of sight. In this paper we address the study of double lenses and obtain five main results. (i) First we generalize the procedure to extract the available information, contained in the observed shear field, from the case of a single lens to that of a double lens. (ii) Then we evaluate the possibility of detecting the signature of double lensing given the known properties of the distribution of clusters of galaxies. (iii) As a different astrophysical application, we demonstrate how the method can be used to detect the presence of a dark cluster that might happen to be partially aligned with a bright cluster studied in terms of statistical lensing. (iv) In addition, we show that the redshift distribution of the source galaxies, which in principle might also contribute to break the curl-free character of the shear field, actually produces systematic effects typically two orders of magnitude smaller than the double lensing effects we are focusing on. (v) Remarkably, a discussion of relevant contributions to the noise of the shear measurement has brought up an intrinsic limitation of weak lensing analyses, since one specific contribution, associated with the presence of a non-vanishing two-galaxy correlation function, turns out not to decrease with the density of source galaxies (and thus with the depth of the observations).Comment: 40 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ main journa

    Variability-selected low-luminosity active galactic nuclei candidates in the 7 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South

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    In deep X-ray surveys, active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with a broad range of luminosities have been identified. However, cosmologically distant low-luminosity AGN (LLAGN, LX1042L_{\mathrm{X}} \lesssim 10^{42} erg s1^{-1}) identification still poses a challenge due to significant contamination from host galaxies. Based on the 7 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South (CDF-S) survey, the longest timescale (17\sim 17 years) deep X-ray survey to date, we utilize an X-ray variability selection technique to search for LLAGNs that remain unidentified among the CDF-S X-ray sources. We find 13 variable sources from 110 unclassified CDF-S X-ray sources. Except for one source which could be an ultraluminous X-ray source, the variability of the remaining 12 sources is most likely due to accreting supermassive black holes. These 12 AGN candidates have low intrinsic X-ray luminosities, with a median value of 7×10407 \times10^{40} erg s1^{-1}. They are generally not heavily obscured, with an average effective power-law photon index of 1.8. The fraction of variable AGNs in the CDF-S is independent of X-ray luminosity and is only restricted by the total number of observed net counts, confirming previous findings that X-ray variability is a near-ubiquitous property of AGNs over a wide range of luminosities. There is an anti-correlation between X-ray luminosity and variability amplitude for high-luminosity AGNs, but as the luminosity drops to 1042\lesssim 10^{42} erg s1^{-1}, the variability amplitude no longer appears dependent on the luminosity. The entire observed luminosity-variability trend can be roughly reproduced by an empirical AGN variability model based on a broken power-law power spectral density function.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Linking black-hole growth with host galaxies: The accretion-stellar mass relation and its cosmic evolution

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    Previous studies suggest that the growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) may be fundamentally related to host-galaxy stellar mass (MM_\star). To investigate this SMBH growth-MM_\star relation in detail, we calculate long-term SMBH accretion rate as a function of MM_\star and redshift [BHAR(M,z)\overline{\rm BHAR}(M_\star, z)] over ranges of log(M/M)=9.5–12\log(M_\star/M_\odot)=\text{9.5--12} and z=0.4–4z=\text{0.4--4}. Our BHAR(M,z)\overline{\rm BHAR}(M_\star, z) is constrained by high-quality survey data (GOODS-South, GOODS-North, and COSMOS), and by the stellar mass function and the X-ray luminosity function. At a given MM_\star, BHAR\overline{\rm BHAR} is higher at high redshift. This redshift dependence is stronger in more massive systems (for log(M/M)11.5\log(M_\star/M_\odot)\approx 11.5, BHAR\overline{\rm BHAR} is three decades higher at z=4z=4 than at z=0.5z=0.5), possibly due to AGN feedback. Our results indicate that the ratio between BHAR\overline{\rm BHAR} and average star formation rate (SFR\overline{\rm SFR}) rises toward high MM_\star at a given redshift. This BHAR/SFR\overline{\rm BHAR}/\overline{\rm SFR} dependence on MM_\star does not support the scenario that SMBH and galaxy growth are in lockstep. We calculate SMBH mass history [MBH(z)M_{\rm BH}(z)] based on our BHAR(M,z)\overline{\rm BHAR}(M_\star, z) and the M(z)M_\star(z) from the literature, and find that the MBHM_{\rm BH}-MM_\star relation has weak redshift evolution since z2z\approx 2. The MBH/MM_{\rm BH}/M_\star ratio is higher toward massive galaxies: it rises from 1/5000\approx 1/5000 at logM10.5\log M_\star\lesssim 10.5 to 1/500\approx 1/500 at logM11.2\log M_\star \gtrsim 11.2. Our predicted MBH/MM_{\rm BH}/M_\star ratio at high MM_\star is similar to that observed in local giant ellipticals, suggesting that SMBH growth from mergers is unlikely to dominate over growth from accretion.Comment: 27 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables; MNRAS accepte

    Large scale IRAM 30m CO-observations in the giant molecular cloud complex W43

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    We aim to give a full description of the distribution and location of dense molecular clouds in the giant molecular cloud complex W43. It has previously been identified as one of the most massive star-forming regions in our Galaxy. To trace the moderately dense molecular clouds in the W43 region, we initiated an IRAM 30m large program, named W43-HERO, covering a large dynamic range of scales (from 0.3 to 140 pc). We obtained on-the-fly-maps in 13CO (2-1) and C18O (2-1) with a high spectral resolution of 0.1 km/s and a spatial resolution of 12". These maps cover an area of ~1.5 square degrees and include the two main clouds of W43, as well as the lower density gas surrounding them. A comparison with Galactic models and previous distance calculations confirms the location of W43 near the tangential point of the Scutum arm at a distance from the Sun of approximately 6 kpc. The resulting intensity cubes of the observed region are separated into sub-cubes, centered on single clouds which are then analyzed in detail. The optical depth, excitation temperature, and H2 column density maps are derived out of the 13CO and C18O data. These results are then compared with those derived from Herschel dust maps. The mass of a typical cloud is several 10^4 solar masses while the total mass in the dense molecular gas (>100 cm^-3) in W43 is found to be about 1.9e6 solar masses. Probability distribution functions obtained from column density maps derived from molecular line data and Herschel imaging show a log-normal distribution for low column densities and a power-law tail for high densities. A flatter slope for the molecular line data PDF may imply that those selectively show the gravitationally collapsing gas

    A proximal femoral implant preserves physiological bone deformation: a biomechanical investigation in cadaveric bones

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    The aim of this study was to compare the perturbances in bone deformation patterns of the proximal femur due to a conventional cemented femoral stem and a novel uncemented implant designed on the principles of osseointegration. Five matched pairs of fresh frozen human femora were mechanically tested. Bone deformation patterns, measured with a video digitizing system under 1.5 kN joint force, showed that the cemented Spectron femoral implant caused significant alterations to the proximal femoral deformation pattern, whereas the Gothenburg osseointegrated titanium femoral implant did not significantly alter the bone behaviour (p < 0.05). Vertical micromotions measured under 1 kN after 1000 cycles were within the threshold of movement tolerable for bone ingrowth (21 microm for the Gothenburg system and 26 microm for the cemented implant).Published versio

    Theory of the optical absorption of light carrying orbital angular momentum by semiconductors

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    We develop a free-carrier theory of the optical absorption of light carrying orbital angular momentum (twisted light) by bulk semiconductors. We obtain the optical transition matrix elements for Bessel-mode twisted light and use them to calculate the wave function of photo-excited electrons to first-order in the vector potential of the laser. The associated net electric currents of first and second-order on the field are obtained. It is shown that the magnetic field produced at the center of the beam for the =1\ell=1 mode is of the order of a millitesla, and could therefore be detected experimentally using, for example, the technique of time-resolved Faraday rotation.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (23 Jan 2008