11 research outputs found

    Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling i danske skoler: Erfaringer fra de første TUBU–skoler i Tiåret for UBU

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    I den danske folkeskole har der i mange år været arbejdet med både miljøundervisning, global undervisning og fredsundervisning som nogle af de tværgående emner og temaer, der har kunnet tages op. Mange af erfaringerne herfra, ikke mindst fra Undervisningsministeriets indsatsområde for miljøundervisning (MUVIN Projektet tilbage i 90’erne) fører lige frem mod Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling.Men i tiden er der behov for en større opmærksomhed over for området Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling, ligesom der er behov for udvikling af flere erfaringer hos flere lærere for at komme op på et højere niveau for Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling. Dette skal vi være opmærksomme på, ikke blot fordi Danmark har forpligtet sig til det internationalt, men også og først og fremmest fordi det vil være en vigtig del af at forberede danskerne til den stadigt større grad af globalisering, vi skal leve under på godt og ondt. Samtidig illustrerer de varslede ændringer i klimaet som følge af det voksende udslip af CO2 og andre drivhusgasser, hvor omkalfatrende ændringerne kan blive, og hvor meget de kan komme til at gribe ind i den enkeltes liv og levevilkår.Der er således al mulig grund til at tage Tiåret for Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling til sig som en katalysator for at få udviklet og opprioriteret Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling i den enkelte skole og blandt den enkelte lærers repertoire af kompetencer.I nærværende publikation finder læseren erfaringer fra fire skoler, hvor teams af lærere har samarbejdet med to forskere fra DPU om at udvikle deres undervisning i retning af Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling. I de foreliggende rapporter fra skolerne ligger der meget inspiration, og samtidig peger den samlede behandling af emnet her på, at der fortsat er voldsomt brug for yderligere udvikling, hvis fremtidens unge skal blive godt klædt på til at indgå i beslutninger og konkrete tiltag for at fremme en mere bæredygtig udvikling til gavn for de mange. Efteruddannelse af lærere må spille en afgørende rolle heri

    Action competence, Conflicting interests and Environmental education: The MUVIN Programme

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    The present English edition is a full translation of the publication ‘Handlekompetence, interessekonflikter og miljøundervisning – MUVIN-projektet’ published in 1999 by Odense Universitetsforlag. Especially its focus on the development of students’ action competence makes this report a distinctive publication. But also its focus on societal issues and conflicting interests related to the use of natural resources contributes to its character The basic focus is on environmental education as education and as a contribution to a functioning democracy

    Didaktik in Dänemark

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    Der Autor gibt einen historischen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Didaktik in Dänemark, deren erste Ansätze ins 17. Jahrhundert zurückreichen. Es werden zwei unterschiedliche didaktische Ansätze bis 1960 vorgestellt: Die implizite Didaktik beschäftigte sich mit der Rolle des Lehrers und seiner Ausbildung, während die explizite Didaktik und die drei vorgestellten Theoretiker zur Entwicklung der modernen Didaktikforschung in Dänemark beigetragen haben. Das Ziel, dem Lehrberuf einen professionellen Rang zu verschaffen, entstand in den 50er und 60er Jahren am Königlich-Dänischen Seminar für Pädagogik und äußert sich in dem darauf beruhenden Didaktikmodell. Die sich in den 70er Jahren durchsetzende Kritische Didaktik führte zu einem Perspektivenwechsel und orientierte sich unter anderem an den Bildungsidealen der Frankfurter Schule. Abschließend führt der Autor verschiedene Aspekte der Lage der Didaktik in den neunziger Jahren an. (DIPF/We.

    Magnetic and electronic properties of transition metal substituted, dimeric polyoxotungstates

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    Prinz M, Takacs A, Schnack J, et al. Magnetic and electronic properties of transition metal substituted, dimeric polyoxotungstates. J. Appl. Phys. 2006;99(8): 08J505

    A Star-Shaped Heteronuclear (CrMn3II)-Mn-III Species and Its Precise Electronic and Magnetic Structure: Spin Frustration Studied by X-Ray Spectroscopic, Magnetic, and Theoretical Methods

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    Prinz M, Kuepper K, Taubitz C, et al. A Star-Shaped Heteronuclear (CrMn3II)-Mn-III Species and Its Precise Electronic and Magnetic Structure: Spin Frustration Studied by X-Ray Spectroscopic, Magnetic, and Theoretical Methods. Inorganic Chemistry. 2010;49(5):2093-2102.Molecular magnets incorporate transition-metal ions with organic groups providing a bridge to mediate magnetic exchange interactions between the ions. Among them are star-shaped molecules in which antiferromagnetic couplings between the central and peripheral atoms are predominantly present. Those configurations lead to an appreciable spin moment in the nonfrustrated ground state. In spite of its topologically simple magnetic structure, the [(CrMn3II)-Mn-III(PyA)(6)Cl-3] (CrMn3) molecule, in which PyA represents the monoanion of syn-pyridine-2-aldoxime, exhibits nontrivial magnetic properties, which emerge from the combined action of single-ion anisotropy and frustration. In the present work, we elucidate the underlying electronic and magnetic properties of the heteronuclear, spin-frustrated CrMn3 molecule by applying X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), as well as magnetization measurements in high magnetic fields, density functional theory, and ligand-field multiplet calculations. Quantum-model calculations based on a Heisenberg Hamiltonian augmented with local anisotropic terms enable us not only to improve the accuracy of the exchange interactions but also to determine the dominant local anisotropies. A discussion of the various spin Hamiltonian parameters not only leads to a validation of our element selective transition metal L edge XMCD spin moments at a magnetic field of 5 T and a temperature of 5 K but also allows us to monitor an interesting effect of anisotropy and frustration of the manganese and chromium ions

    Ethical competence : a comparison between the Swedish and the Icelandic curricula and some teachers' views

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    The aim of this article is to highlight some conceptions of ethical competence identified in interviews with teachers in religious education in Sweden, and within analyses of policy documents in a Swedish and an Icelandic educational context. As a starting point we take seven interviewed teachers’ comments about what they view as important ethical competences for their pupils to have. A comparative analysis of Swedish and Icelandic policy documents with regard to the conceptual understandings of ethical competence is made, as well as a comparison between the policy documents and teachers’ comments. The Icelandic curriculum is chosen because it differs from the Swedish one in a sense relevant to an analysis of the teacher interviews. The analyses imply a tension between theoretical and analytical conceptions of ethical competence and an action competence. Finally, some possible threads to consider in developing a broadened and deepened understanding of ethical competence are outlined.What may be learnt in Ethics? Varieties of conceptions of ethical competence to be taught in a compulsory schoo

    Electronic structure and soft-X-ray-induced photoreduction studies of iron-based magnetic polyoxometalates of type {(M)M-5}(12)Fe-30(III) (M = Mo-VI, W-VI)

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    Kuepper K, Derks C, Taubitz C, et al. Electronic structure and soft-X-ray-induced photoreduction studies of iron-based magnetic polyoxometalates of type {(M)M-5}(12)Fe-30(III) (M = Mo-VI, W-VI). Dalton Transactions. 2013;42(22):7924-7935.Giant Keplerate-type molecules with a {Mo72Fe30} core show a number of very interesting properties, making them particularly promising for various applications. So far, only limited data on the electronic structure of these molecules from X-ray spectra and electronic structure calculations have been available. Here we present a combined electronic and magnetic structure study of three Keplerate-type nanospheres-two with a {Mo72Fe30} core and one with a {W72Fe30} core by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), SQUID magnetometry, and complementary theoretical approaches. Furthermore, we present detailed studies of the Fe3+-to-Fe2+ photoreduction process, which is induced under soft X-ray radiation in these molecules. We observe that the photoreduction rate greatly depends on the ligand structure surrounding the Fe ions, with negatively charged ligands leading to a dramatically reduced photoreduction rate. This opens the possibility of tailoring such polyoxometalates by X-ray spectroscopic studies and also for potential applications in the field of X-ray induced photochemistry