31 research outputs found

    Emplacement and segment geometry of large, high-viscosity magmatic sheets

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    This project and Tobias Schmiedel are funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation through a Wallenberg Academy Fellow grant to Steffi Burchardt (grant No. KAW 2017.0153).Understanding magma transport in sheet intrusions is crucial to interpreting volcanic unrest. Studies of dyke emplacement and geometry focus predominantly on low-viscosity, mafic dykes. Here, we present an in-depth study of two high-viscosity dykes (106 Pa·s) in the Chachahuén volcano, Argentina, the Great Dyke and the Sosa Dyke. To quantify dyke geometries, magma flow indicators, and magma viscosity, we combine photogrammetry, microstructural analysis, igneous petrology, Fourier-Transform-Infrared-Spectroscopy, and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS). Our results show that the dykes consist of 3 to 8 mappable segments up to 2 km long. Segments often end in a bifurcation, and segment tips are predominantly oval, but elliptical tips occur in the outermost segments of the Great Dyke. Furthermore, variations in host rocks have no observable impact on dyke geometry. AMS fabrics and other flow indicators in the Sosa Dyke show lateral magma flow in contrast to the vertical flow suggested by the segment geometries. A comparison with segment geometries of low-viscosity dykes shows that our high-viscosity dykes follow the same geometrical trend. In fact, the data compilation supports that dyke segment and tip geometries reflect different stages in dyke emplacement, questioning the current usage for final sheet geometries as proxies for emplacement mechanism.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    3D structure and formation of hydrothermal vent complexes at the Paleocene-Eocene transition, the MĂžre Basin, mid-Norwegian margin

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    Acknowledgments We thank Statoil for providing us with the PL251 (Tulipan) geophysical and geologic reports for well 6302/6- 1. We thank NORSAR for the free academic use of the SeisRox software during the modeling procedures and to Schlumberger for the free academic use of Petrel 2015. Spectral decomposition was carried out using FFA Geoteric software at the University of Aberdeen. FFA are thanked for donation of the software license to the University of Aberdeen. The authors further acknowledge the support from the Research Council of Norway through its Center of Excellence funding scheme, project 223272 (CEED), and from the MIMES project (grant no. 244155). We also gratefully acknowledge the support by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Oslo to TS. Clayton Grove and Craig Magee are thanked for their many insightful comments and suggestions that helped improve the paper substantially.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Transport of magma in granitic mush systems; an example from the Götemar Pluton, Sweden

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    Granitic magma bodies form in the ephemeral part of magma mush systems and are emplaced by a variety of mechanisms in different tectonic settings. This study investigates how granitic magma emplacement processes and tectonomagmatic interactions assert control over the architecture of mush state pluton‐scale magma transport pathways. The 1.45 Ga shallow‐crustal Götemar pluton is a 4.5 km diameter circular pluton that consists of three granite units: a coarse‐grained red granite, a medium‐grained pale to red granite, and fine‐grained pale microgranite sheets. We employed geological mapping supported by Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) to examine the magmatic and regional tectonic controls on late‐stage magma transport in the Götemar granitic magma mush system. Multiple parallel arcuate subhorizontal microgranite and medium‐grained granite sheets (from 0.1 to 10s of meters thick) were mapped within the pluton. The arcuate sheets pinch out from the northern part of the pluton toward the SE inferring magma propagation direction. A dominant set of vertical granitic sheets within the granite body strikes NW‐SE. The AMS fabrics are contact‐parallel in the main medium‐grained granite body and indicate inflation. Within the microgranite sheets, the AMS fabrics are parallel to the sheet strike and support a sheet propagation direction to the SE. The Götemar pluton displays a clear link between arcuate (concentric) magma‐transporting sheets and concentric strain‐partitioning related to the intrusion of medium‐grained granite magma. The vertical magma sheet orientations are consistent with an NE‐SW extensional stress field that is associated with the extensional back‐arc stress regime of the contemporary Hallandian Orogen

    Dynamics of Sill and Laccolith Emplacement in the Brittle Crust: Role of Host Rock Strength and Deformation Mode

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    Igneous intrusions in sedimentary basins exhibit a great diversity of shapes from thin sheets (e.g. sills, cone sheets), to massive intrusions (e.g. laccoliths, plugs). Presently, none of the established models of magma emplacement have the capability to simulate this diversity because they account for either purely elastic or purely plastic or purely viscous host rocks, whereas natural rocks are complex elasto-plastic materials. In this study, we investigate the effects of elasto-plastic properties of host rock on magma emplacement using laboratory experiments made of dry granular materials of variable cohesion. Our results show how the deformation mechanism of the host rock controls the emplacement of magma: thin sheet sills form in high-cohesion materials, which dominantly deform by elastic bending, whereas massive intrusions such as punched laccoliths form in low-cohesion materials, which dominantly deform by shear failure. Our models also suggest that combined elastic/shear failure deformation modes likely control the emplacement of cone sheets. Our experiments are the first to spontaneously produce diverse, geologically relevant intrusion shapes. Our models show that accounting for the elasto-plastic behaviour of the host rock is essential to filling the gap between the established elastic and plastic models of magma emplacement, and so to reveal the dynamics of magma emplacement in the Earth's brittle crust. ©2017. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Spektrale und optische Überwachung des selektiven Entschichtens von OberflĂ€chenmaterial auf Glasproben

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    Es wird das selektive Laserentschichten und die Detektion von OberflĂ€chenmaterialien wie PartikelrĂŒckstĂ€nden auf GlastrĂ€gern demonstriert, die fĂŒr das Handling von Bauteil-Wafern benötigt werden. Durch die Evaluierung des Systems mittels systematischer Parameterreihen kann gezeigt werden, dass Schichten selektiv abgetragen werden können und somit der Einsatz von chemischen Prozessen vermieden werden kann. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde im Rahmen der Prozessentwicklung eine kamerabasierte und spektrale Überwachung implementiert. Die Ergebnisse werden hinsichtlich des Abtrag-Erfolgs und der spektrometrischen Analyse der PartikelrĂŒckstĂ€nde mittels Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) dargestellt

    Transport of Magma in Granitic Mush Systems; an Example From the Götemar Pluton, Sweden

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    Granitic magma bodies form in the ephemeral part of magma mush systems and are emplaced by a variety of mechanisms in different tectonic settings. This study investigates how granitic magma emplacement processes and tectonomagmatic interactions assert control over the architecture of mush state pluton-scale magma transport pathways. The 1.45 Ga shallow-crustal Götemar pluton is a 4.5 km diameter circular pluton that consists of three granite units: a coarse-grained red granite, a medium-grained pale to red granite, and fine-grained pale microgranite sheets. We employed geological mapping supported by Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) to examine the magmatic and regional tectonic controls on late-stage magma transport in the Götemar granitic magma mush system. Multiple parallel arcuate subhorizontal microgranite and medium-grained granite sheets (from 0.1 to 10s of meters thick) were mapped within the pluton. The arcuate sheets pinch out from the northern part of the pluton toward the SE inferring magma propagation direction. A dominant set of vertical granitic sheets within the granite body strikes NW-SE. The AMS fabrics are contact-parallel in the main medium-grained granite body and indicate inflation. Within the microgranite sheets, the AMS fabrics are parallel to the sheet strike and support a sheet propagation direction to the SE. The Götemar pluton displays a clear link between arcuate (concentric) magma-transporting sheets and concentric strain-partitioning related to the intrusion of medium-grained granite magma. The vertical magma sheet orientations are consistent with an NE-SW extensional stress field that is associated with the extensional back-arc stress regime of the contemporary Hallandian Orogen.Resource Engineerin

    Excited-state intramolecular proton transfer of 2-acetylindan-1,3-dione studied by ultrafast absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy

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    We employ transient absorption from the deep-UV to the visible region and fluorescence upconversion to investigate the photoinduced excited-state intramolecular proton-transfer dynamics in a biologically relevant drug molecule, 2-acetylindan-1,3-dione. The molecule is a ß-diketone which in the electronic ground state exists as exocyclic enol with an intramolecular H-bond. Upon electronic excitation at 300 nm, the first excited state of the exocyclic enol is initially populated, followed by ultrafast proton transfer (≈160 fs) to form the vibrationally hot endocyclic enol. Subsequently, solvent-induced vibrational relaxation takes place (≈10 ps) followed by decay (≈390 ps) to the corresponding ground state

    Excited-state intramolecular proton transfer of 2-acetylindan-1,3-dione studied by ultrafast absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy

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    We employ transient absorption from the deep-UV to the visible region and fluorescence upconversion to investigate the photoinduced excited-state intramolecular proton-transfer dynamics in a biologically relevant drug molecule, 2-acetylindan-1,3-dione. The molecule is a ß-diketone which in the electronic ground state exists as exocyclic enol with an intramolecular H-bond. Upon electronic excitation at 300 nm, the first excited state of the exocyclic enol is initially populated, followed by ultrafast proton transfer (≈160 fs) to form the vibrationally hot endocyclic enol. Subsequently, solvent-induced vibrational relaxation takes place (≈10 ps) followed by decay (≈390 ps) to the corresponding ground state