26 research outputs found

    Tectono-stratigraphic response of the Sandino Forearc Basin (N-Costa Rica and W-Nicaragua) to episodes of rough crust and oblique subduction

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    The southern Central American active margin is a world-class site where past and present subduction processes have been extensively studied. Tectonic erosion/accretion and oblique/orthogonal subduction are thought to alternate in space and time along the Middle American Trench. These processes may cause various responses in the upper plate, such as uplift/subsidence, deformation, and volcanic arc migration/ shut-off. We present an updated stratigraphic framework of the Late Cretaceous– Cenozoic Sandino Forearc Basin (SFB) which provides evidence of sedimentary response to tectonic events. Since its inception, the basin was predominantly filled with deep-water volcaniclastic deposits. In contrast, shallow-water deposits appeared episodically in the basin record and are considered as tectonic event markers. The SFB stretches for about 300 km and varies in thickness from 5 km (southern part) to about 16 km (northern part). The drastic, along-basin, thickness variation appears to be the result of (1) differential tectonic evolutions and (2) differential rates of sediment supply. (1) The northern SFB did not experience major tectonic events. In contrast, the reduced thickness of the southern SFB (5 km) is the result of at least four uplift phases related to the collision/accretion of bathymetric reliefs on the incoming plate: (i) the accretion of a buoyant oceanic plateau (Nicoya Complex) during the middle Campanian; (ii) the collision of an oceanic plateau (?) during the late Danian–Selandian; (iii) the collision/accretion of seamounts during the late Eocene–early Oligocene; (iv) the collision of seamounts and ridges during the Pliocene–Holocene. (2) The northwestward thickening of the SFB may have been enhanced by high sediment supply in the Fonseca Gulf area which reflects sourcing from wide, high relief drainage basins. In contrast, sedimentary input has possibly been lower along the southern SFB, due to the proximity of the narrow, lowland isthmus of southern Central America. Moreover, two phases of strongly oblique subduction affected the margin, producing strike-slip faulting in the forearc basin: (1) prior to the Farallon Plate breakup, an Oligocene transpressional phase caused deformation and uplift of the basin depocenter, triggering shallowing-upward of the Nicaraguan Isthmus in the central and northern SFB; (2) a Pleistocene–Holocene transtensional phase drives the NW-directed motion of a forearc sliver and reactivation of the graben-bounding faults of the late Neogene Nicaraguan Depression. We discuss arguments in favour of a Pliocene development of the Nicaraguan Depression and propose that the Nicaraguan Isthmus, which is the apparent rift shoulder of the depression, represents a structure inherited from the Oligocene transpressional phase

    Composition of fossil manganese nodules from Costa Rica

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    Horizons of several types of Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous manganese nodules occur locally in sequences of radiolarian cherts within the Nicoya Ophiolite Complex (NW Costa Rica). Field studies, X-ray diffraction analysis, petrographic, chemical and experimental studies give evidence of a sedimentary, early diagenetic origin of the nodules, in contrast to earlier suggestions. Smooth, discoidal, compact and very dense nodules with diameters of some mm to 9 cm dominate. They are characterized by braunite, hollandite, pyrolusite and quartz as well as 39-61% Mn, 0.9-1.6% Fe, 5-26% SiO2, 1.3-1.9% Al2O3, 1.5-3.0% Ba, 460-5400 ppm Cu, 85-340 ppm Ni and 40-130 ppm Co, among others. It is suggested that the original mineralogy (todorokite?) was altered during thermometamorphic (braunite) and hydrothermal (hollandite. pyrolusite) events. Petrographic similarities between the fossil nodules and modern deep-sea nodules are striking. Using standard hydrothermal techniques in an experimental study it is shown that under special conditions, braunite can be produced from modern nodule material

    Earth’s magnetic field strength and the Cretaceous Normal Superchron: New data from Costa Rica

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    Constraining the long‐term variability and average of the Earth’s magnetic field strength is fundamental to understanding the characteristics and behavior of the geomagnetic field. Questions remain about the strength of the average field, and the relationship between strength and reversal frequency, due to the dispersion of data from key time intervals. Here, we focus on the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (CNS; 121‐84 Ma), during which there were no reversals. We present new intensity results from 41 submarine basaltic glass (SBG) sites collected on the Nicoya Peninsula and MurciĂšlago Islands, Costa Rica. New and revised 40Ar/39Ar and biostratigraphic age constraints from previous studies indicate ages from 141 to 65 Ma. One site with an age of 135.1 ± 1.5 Ma (2σ) gave a reliable intensity result of 34 ± 8 ”T (equivalent to a virtual axial dipole moment, VADM, value of 88 ± 20 ZAm2), three sites from 121 to 112 Ma, spanning the onset of the CNS, vary from 21 ± 1 to 34 ± 4 ”T (53 ± 3 to 87 ± 10 ZAm2). These results from the CNS are all higher than the long‐term average of ∌42 ZAm2 and data from Suhongtu, Mongolia (46‐53 ZAm2) and are similar to the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus (81 ZAm2, reinterpreted in this study). Together with the reinterpreted data, the new Costa Rica results suggest that the strength of the geomagnetic field was approximately the same both before and after the onset of the CNS. Therefore, the data do not support a strict correlation between polarity interval length and the strength of the magnetic field