3,876 research outputs found

    Unimodular lattice triangulations as small-world and scale-free random graphs

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    Real-world networks, e.g. the social relations or world-wide-web graphs, exhibit both small-world and scale-free behaviour. We interpret lattice triangulations as planar graphs by identifying triangulation vertices with graph nodes and one-dimensional simplices with edges. Since these triangulations are ergodic with respect to a certain Pachner flip, applying different Monte-Carlo simulations enables us to calculate average properties of random triangulations, as well as canonical ensemble averages using an energy functional that is approximately the variance of the degree distribution. All considered triangulations have clustering coefficients comparable with real world graphs, for the canonical ensemble there are inverse temperatures with small shortest path length independent of system size. Tuning the inverse temperature to a quasi-critical value leads to an indication of scale-free behaviour for degrees k5k \geq 5. Using triangulations as a random graph model can improve the understanding of real-world networks, especially if the actual distance of the embedded nodes becomes important.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, will appear in New J. Phy

    Practical Challenges of Virtual Assistants and Voice Interfaces in Industrial Applications

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    Virtual assistant systems promise ubiquitous and simple access to information, applications and physical appliances. Their foundation on intent-oriented queries and support of natural language makes them an ideal tool for human-centric application. The general approach to build such systems as well as the main building blocks are well-understood and offered as off-the-shelf components. While there are prominent examples in the service sector, other sectors such as the manufacturing and process industries have nothing comparable. We investigate the practical challenges to build a virtual assistant using a representative and simplified case from the domain of knowledge retrieval. A qualitative study reveals two major obstacles: Firstly, a high level of expectations from users and, secondly, a disproportional amount of effort to get all details and having a robust system. Overall, implementing a virtual assistant for an industrial application is technical feasible, yet requires significant effort and understanding of the target audience

    Analysis of possibilities to increase oil recovery with the use of nitrogen in the context of deep oil deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk oil-and-gas Ukrainian province

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    Purpose is to increase oil recovery of deep oil deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk oil-and-gas Ukrainian province with the use of nitrogen. Methods. Experiments, intended to residual oil displacement with the use of different driving agents, involved laboratory modeling of the process when a seam was simulated as such being close maximally to a real seam and samples of formation fluids were applied. The experiments, which materialized equilibrium displacement (without mass transfer), used seam models developed from cores of V-19n seam (Perekopivske deposit). 43 core samples were analyzed with 3.3 – 226.0·10-3 µm2 permeability. Findings. Characteristics and applicability of nitrogen and flue gas to increase oil recovery have been analyzed. Theoretic prerequisites of the mechanism, aimed at oil displacement using nitrogen and flue gases, have been formulated. Results of the laboratory experiments of oil displacement by means of nitrogen within a porous environment have helped determine that minimum pressure of mutual oil and nitrogen dissolution is 36.0 – 38.0 MPa. In terms of mutual mixing of agents at 110 – 112°С temperature, 36.4 МPа gas injection pressure, and nitrogen pumping velocity being 1 cm3 per 40 minutes, oil displacement ratio achieved 0.76 – 0.78. Originality. For the first time, parameters of mixable oil displacement using nitrogen for the conditions of deep oil deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk petroleum province in Ukraine have been determined. Efficiency of mixable nitrogen displacement to compare with water displacement and nitrogen displacement under equilibrium conditions has been proved. Practical implications. The advanced technique of nitrogen use to improve oil recovery in the context of deep oil deposits has been proposed. The technique is applicable to extract residual oil from the depleted deposits.Мета. Підвищення нафтовилучення глибоких нафтових родовищ Дніпровсько-Донецької нафтогазоносної провінції України з використанням азоту. Методика. Експериментальні дослідження витіснення залишкової нафти різними витіснювальними агентами проводили шляхом лабораторного моделювання процесу зі створенням зразків пласта, максимально наближених до реального пласту, і використанням зразків пластових флюїдів. В експериментах, в яких реалізувалося рівноважне витіснення (без масопереносу), використовувалися моделі пласта, які споруджувалися з кернового матеріалу пласта В-19н Перекоповського родовища. Було досліджено 43 зразки керна, проникність сягала в межах 3.3 – 226.0·10-3 мкм2. Результати. Проаналізовано особливості та умови застосування азоту й димових газів для підвищення нафтовіддачі пластів. Сформульовано теоретичні передумови механізму витіснення нафти з пласта азотом і димовими газами. Встановлено за результатами лабораторних досліджень витіснення нафти азотом у пористому середовищі мінімальний тиск взаємного розчинення нафти та азоту, котрий становить 36.0 – 38.0 МПа. В умовах взаємного змішування агентів при температурі 110 – 112°С, тиску нагнітання газу 36.4 МПа і швидкості нагнітання азоту 1 см3 за 40 хвилин коефіцієнт витіснення нафти досягав величини 0.76 – 0.78. Наукова новизна. Вперше встановлені параметри змішуваного витіснення нафти азотом для умов глибоких нафтових родовищ Дніпровсько-Донецької нафтогазоносної провінції України. Доведено високу ефективність змішуваного витіснення азотом в порівнянні з витісненням водою і витісненням азотом при рівноважних умовах. Практична значимість. Запропоновано удосконалену технологію використання азоту для підвищення нафтовилучення глибоких нафтових родовищ, яка може бути використана для виснажених нафтових родовищ.Цель. Увеличение нефтеотдачи глубокозалегающих нефтяных месторождений Днепровско-Донецкой нефтегазоносной провинции Украины с использованием азота. Методика. Экспериментальные исследования вытеснения остаточной нефти разными вытесняющими агентами проводили путем лабораторного моделирования процесса с созданием образцов пласта, максимально приближенных к реальному пласту, и использованием образцов пластовых флюидов. В экспериментах, в которых реализовалось равновесное вытеснение (без масопереноса), использовались модели пласта, которые сооружались из кернового материала пласта В-19н Перекоповского месторождения. Были исследованы 43 образца керна, проницаемость находилась в пределах 3.3 – 226.0·10-3 мкм2. Результаты. Проанализированы особенности и условия применения азота и дымовых газов для повышения нефтеотдачи пластов. Сформулированы теоретические предпосылки механизма вытеснения нефти из пласта азотом и дымовыми газами. Установлено по результатам лабораторных исследований вытеснения нефти азотом в пористой среде минимальное давление взаимного растворения нефти и азота, которое составляет 36.0 – 38.0 МПа. В условиях взаимного смешивания агентов при температуре 110 – 112°С, давлении нагнетания газа 36.4 МПа и скорости нагнетания азота 1 см3 за 40 минут коэффициент вытеснения нефти достигал величины 0.76 – 0.78. Научная новизна. Впервые установлены параметры смешиваемого вытеснения нефти азотом для условий глубокозалегающих нефтяных месторождений Днепровско-Донецкой нефтегазоносной провинции Украины. Доказана высокая эффективность смешиваемого вытеснения азотом по сравнению с вытеснением водой и вытеснением азотом при равновесных условиях. Практическая значимость. Предложена усовершенствованная технология использования азота для повышения нефтеотдачи глубокозалегающих нефтяных месторождений, которая может быть использована для истощенных нефтяных месторождений.The research results have been obtained with no support in the form of grants of projects. The authors express thanks to PJSC “Ukrnafta” for the possibility to carry out the experiments, which findings are represented by the paper, on the basis of Scientific-Research and Design Institute PJSC “Ukrnafta”

    Mesh generation for periodic 3D microstructure models and computation of effective properties

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    Understanding and optimizing effective properties of porous functional materials, such as permeability or conductivity, is one of the main goals of materials science research with numerous applications. For this purpose, understanding the underlying 3D microstructure is crucial since it is well known that the materials? morphology has an significant impact on their effective properties. Because tomographic imaging is expensive in time and costs, stochastic microstructure modeling is a valuable tool for virtual materials testing, where a large number of realistic 3D microstructures can be generated and used as geometry input for spatially-resolved numerical simulations. Since the vast majority of numerical simulations is based on solving differential equations, it is essential to have fast and robust methods for generating high-quality volume meshes for the geometrically complex microstructure domains. The present paper introduces a novel method for generating volume-meshes with periodic boundary conditions based on an analytical representation of the 3D microstructure using spherical harmonics. Due to its generality, the present method is applicable to many scientific areas. In particular, we present some numerical examples with applications to battery research by making use of an already existing stochastic 3D microstructure model that has been calibrated to eight differently compacted cathodes

    Population Size Influences Amphibian Detection Probability: Implications for Biodiversity Monitoring Programs

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    Monitoring is an integral part of species conservation. Monitoring programs must take imperfect detection of species into account in order to be reliable. Theory suggests that detection probability may be determined by population size but this relationship has not yet been assessed empirically. Population size is particularly important because it may induce heterogeneity in detection probability and thereby cause bias in estimates of biodiversity. We used a site occupancy model to analyse data from a volunteer-based amphibian monitoring program to assess how well different variables explain variation in detection probability. An index to population size best explained detection probabilities for four out of six species (to avoid circular reasoning, we used the count of individuals at a previous site visit as an index to current population size). The relationship between the population index and detection probability was positive. Commonly used weather variables best explained detection probabilities for two out of six species. Estimates of site occupancy probabilities differed depending on whether the population index was or was not used to model detection probability. The relationship between the population index and detectability has implications for the design of monitoring and species conservation. Most importantly, because many small populations are likely to be overlooked, monitoring programs should be designed in such a way that small populations are not overlooked. The results also imply that methods cannot be standardized in such a way that detection probabilities are constant. As we have shown here, one can easily account for variation in population size in the analysis of data from long-term monitoring programs by using counts of individuals from surveys at the same site in previous years. Accounting for variation in population size is important because it can affect the results of long-term monitoring programs and ultimately the conservation of imperiled species

    Apparent survival of the salamander Salamandra salamandra is low because of high migratory activity

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding the demographic processes underlying population dynamics is a central theme in ecology. Populations decline if losses from the population (i.e., mortality and emigration) exceed gains (i.e., recruitment and immigration). Amphibians are thought to exhibit little movement even though local populations often fluctuate dramatically and are likely to go exinct if there is no rescue effect through immigration from nearby populations. Terrestrial salamanders are generally portrayed as amphibians with low migratory activity. Our study uses demographic analysis as a key to unravel whether emigration or mortality is the main cause of "losses" from the population. In particular, we use the analysis to challenge the common belief that terrestrial salamanders show low migratory activity. RESULTS: The mark-recapture analysis of adult salamanders showed that monthly survival was high (> 90%) without a seasonal pattern. These estimates, however, translate into rather low rates of local annual survival of only ~40% and suggest that emigration was important. The estimated probability of emigration was 49%. CONCLUSION: Our analysis shows that terrestrial salamanders exhibit more migratory activity than commonly thought. This may be due either because the spatial extent of salamander populations is underestimated or because there is a substantial exchange of individuals between populations. Our current results are in line with several other studies that suggest high migratory activity in amphibians. In particular, many amphibian populations may be characterized by high proportions of transients and/or floaters

    Density-dependent performance of larval and juvenile toads: Implications for amphibian conservation

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    Density dependent carry-over effects from one life history stage to another can affect the dynamics of populations. Here we study such carry-over effects from the tadpole to the postmetamorphic juvenile stage in an endangered amphibian, the natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita). We raised tadpoles in outdoor aquatic mesocosms at four densities and assessed juvenile performance after metamorphosis in terrestrial mesocosms. High larval density reduced mass at metamorphosis by 50 % and doubled the length of the larval period. Survival was reduced at the high densities. Larger metamorphs had higher survival in terrestrial mesocosms and remained larger than cohort members at the end of the 30-day experiment. Because juvenile survival drives amphibian population dynamics, density-dependent carry-over effects to the juvenile stage are likely to affect population viability. We discuss the implications of the results for amphibian conservation practice, both pond construction programs and surveys of amphibian populations