73 research outputs found

    Joint Verification and Reranking for Open Fact Checking Over Tables

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    Structured information is an important knowledge source for automatic verification of factual claims. Nevertheless, the majority of existing research into this task has focused on textual data, and the few recent inquiries into structured data have been for the closed-domain setting where appropriate evidence for each claim is assumed to have already been retrieved. In this paper, we investigate verification over structured data in the open-domain setting, introducing a joint reranking-and-verification model which fuses evidence documents in the verification component. Our open-domain model achieves performance comparable to the closed-domain state-of-the-art on the TabFact dataset, and demonstrates performance gains from the inclusion of multiple tables as well as a significant improvement over a heuristic retrieval baseline

    Facilitating the analysis of COVID-19 literature through a knowledge graph

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    At the end of 2019, Chinese authorities alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) of the outbreak of a new strain of the coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2, which struck humanity by an unprecedented disaster a few months later. In response to this pandemic, a publicly available dataset was released on Kaggle which contained information of over 63,000 papers. In order to facilitate the analysis of this large mass of literature, we have created a knowledge graph based on this dataset. Within this knowledge graph, all information of the original dataset is linked together, which makes it easier to search for relevant information. The knowledge graph is also enriched with additional links to appropriate, already existing external resources. In this paper, we elaborate on the different steps performed to construct such a knowledge graph from structured documents. Moreover, we discuss, on a conceptual level, several possible applications and analyses that can be built on top of this knowledge graph. As such, we aim to provide a resource that allows people to more easily build applications that give more insights into the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Asymptotic distribution of circles in the orbits of Kleinian groups

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    Let P be a locally finite circle packing in the plane invariant under a non-elementary Kleinian group Gamma and with finitely many Gamma-orbits. When Gamma is geometrically finite, we construct an explicit Borel measure on the plane which describes the asymptotic distribution of small circles in P, assuming that either the critical exponent of Gamma is strictly bigger than 1 or P does not contain an infinite bouquet of tangent circles glued at a parabolic fixed point of Gamma. Our construction also works for P invariant under a geometrically infinite group Gamma, provided Gamma admits a finite Bowen-Margulis-Sullivan measure and the Gamma-skinning size of P is finite. Some concrete circle packings to which our result applies include Apollonian circle packings, Sierpinski curves, Schottky dances, etc.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures. Final version. To appear in Inventiones Mat

    A Principled Approach to Analyze Expressiveness and Accuracy of Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have known an increasing success recently, with many GNN variants achieving state-of-the-art results on node and graph classification tasks. The proposed GNNs, however, often implement complex node and graph embedding schemes, which makes challenging to explain their performance. In this paper, we investigate the link between a GNN's expressiveness, that is, its ability to map different graphs to different representations, and its generalization performance in a graph classification setting. In particular , we propose a principled experimental procedure where we (i) define a practical measure for expressiveness, (ii) introduce an expressiveness-based loss function that we use to train a simple yet practical GNN that is permutation-invariant, (iii) illustrate our procedure on benchmark graph classification problems and on an original real-world application. Our results reveal that expressiveness alone does not guarantee a better performance, and that a powerful GNN should be able to produce graph representations that are well separated with respect to the class of the corresponding graphs

    Positive model structures for abstract symmetric spectra

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    We give a general method of constructing positive stable model structures for symmetric spectra over an abstract simplicial symmetric monoidal model category. The method is based on systematic localization, in Hirschhorn’s sense, of a certain positive projective model structure on spectra, where positivity basically means the truncation of the zero level. The localization is by the set of stabilizing morphisms or their truncated version

    On the algebraic K-theory of the complex K-theory spectrum

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    Let p>3 be a prime, let ku be the connective complex K-theory spectrum, and let K(ku) be the algebraic K-theory spectrum of ku. We study the p-primary homotopy type of the spectrum K(ku) by computing its mod (p,v_1) homotopy groups. We show that up to a finite summand, these groups form a finitely generated free module over a polynomial algebra F_p[b], where b is a class of degree 2p+2 defined as a higher Bott element.Comment: Revised and expanded version, 42 pages

    Formalising Mathematics in Simple Type Theory

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    Despite the considerable interest in new dependent type theories, simple type theory (which dates from 1940) is sufficient to formalise serious topics in mathematics. This point is seen by examining formal proofs of a theorem about stereographic projections. A formalisation using the HOL Light proof assistant is contrasted with one using Isabelle/HOL. Harrison's technique for formalising Euclidean spaces is contrasted with an approach using Isabelle/HOL's axiomatic type classes. However, every formal system can be outgrown, and mathematics should be formalised with a view that it will eventually migrate to a new formalism

    A formally verified abstract account of Gödel's incompleteness theorems

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    We present an abstract development of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems, performed with the help of the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover. We analyze sufficient conditions for the theorems’ applicability to a partially specified logic. In addition to the usual benefits of generality, our abstract perspective enables a comparison between alternative approaches from the literature. These include Rosser’s variation of the first theorem, Jeroslow’s variation of the second theorem, and the S ́wierczkowski–Paulson semantics-based approach. As part of our framework’s validation, we upgrade Paulson’s Isabelle proof to produce a mech- anization of the second theorem that does not assume soundness in the standard model, and in fact does not rely on any notion of model or semantic interpretation
