1,813 research outputs found

    Do wildflower strips enhance pest control in organic cabbage?

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    Within this project we assess whether wildflower strips and companion plants increase the control of cabbage pests Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) by (1) naturally occurring parasitoids and predators and (2) mass‐releasedn Trichogramma brassciae (Bezdenko) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) parasitoids. Two organic cabbage fields were used for this study: adjacent to each field a wildflower strip was sown and companion plants (Centaurea cyanus L. (Asteraceae)) intermixed within the crop. Within each field ~15,000 M. brassicae eggs were placed out to determine the parasitism rates by mass‐released T. brassicae and to assess the levels of egg predation. Over 1,000 lepidopteran larvae were collected and screened for hymenopteran and tachinid parasitoid DNA using a multiplex PCR assay. Invertebrate generalist predators (n=1,063) were collected for DNA‐based gut content analysis. The wildflower strip had a significant positive effect on M. brassicae egg parasitism rates as rates increased 5‐fold in the vicinity to the strip. Moreover, companion plants enhanced invertebrate predation on M. brassicae eggs. Both, the release of T. brassicae and the use of companion plants, however, did not significantly increase egg parasitism rates. The infestation of plants by caterpillars increased with distance to the wildflower strip and there was a trend of decreasing larval parasitism rates with distance to the strip. Currently the invertebrate predators are being molecularly analysed to assess predation on unparasitized and parasitized lepidopteran pests

    The Need for Pediatric Formulations to Treat Children with HIV

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    Over 3.2 million children worldwide are infected with HIV, but only 24% of these children receive antiretroviral therapy (ART). ART adherence among children is a crucial part of managing human-immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and extending the life and health of infected children. Important causes of poor adherence are formulation- and regimen-specific properties, including poor palatability, large pill burden, short dosing intervals, and the complex storage and transportation of drugs. This review aims to summarize the various regimen- and formulation-based barriers to ART adherence among children to support the need for new and innovative pediatric formulations for antiretroviral therapy (ART). Detailing the arguments both for and against investing in the development of pediatric HIV medications, as well as highlighting recent advances in pediatric ART formulation research, provides a synopsis of the current data related to pediatric ART formulations and adherence

    A lattice of microtraps for ultracold atoms based on patterned magnetic films

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    We have realized a two dimensional permanent magnetic lattice of Ioffe-Pritchard microtraps for ultracold atoms. The lattice is formed by a single 300 nm magnetized layer of FePt, patterned using optical lithography. Our magnetic lattice consists of more than 15000 tightly confining microtraps with a density of 1250 traps/mm2^2. Simple analytical approximations for the magnetic fields produced by the lattice are used to derive relevant trap parameters. We load ultracold atoms into at least 30 lattice sites at a distance of approximately 10 Ό\mum from the film surface. The present result is an important first step towards quantum information processing with neutral atoms in magnetic lattice potentials.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    High-cycle electromechanical aging of dielectric elastomer actuators with carbon-based electrodes

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    We present high-cycle aging tests of dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) based on silicone elastomers, reporting on the time-evolution of actuation strain and of electrode resistance over millions of cycles. We compare several types of carbon-based electrodes, and for the first time show how the choice of electrode has a dramatic influence on DEA aging. An expanding circle DEA configuration is used, consisting of a commercial silicone membrane with the following electrodes: commercial carbon grease applied manually, solvent-diluted carbon grease applied by stamping (pad printing), loose carbon black powder applied manually, carbon black powder suspension applied by inkjet-printing, and conductive silicone-carbon composite applied by stamping. The silicone-based DEAs with manually applied carbon grease electrodes show the shortest lifetime of less than 105 cycles at 5% strain, while the inkjet-printed carbon powder and the stamped silicone-carbon composite make for the most reliable devices, with lifetimes greater than 107 cycles at 5% strain. These results are valid for the specific dielectric and electrode configurations that were tested: using other dielectrics or electrode formulations would lead to different lifetimes and failure modes. We find that aging (as seen in the change in resistance and in actuation strain versus cycle number) is independent of the actuation frequency from 10 Hz to 200 Hz, and depends on the total accumulated time the DEA spends in an actuated state

    Magnetic-film atom chip with 10 Ό\mum period lattices of microtraps for quantum information science with Rydberg atoms

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    We describe the fabrication and construction of a setup for creating lattices of magnetic microtraps for ultracold atoms on an atom chip. The lattice is defined by lithographic patterning of a permanent magnetic film. Patterned magnetic-film atom chips enable a large variety of trapping geometries over a wide range of length scales. We demonstrate an atom chip with a lattice constant of 10 Ό\mum, suitable for experiments in quantum information science employing the interaction between atoms in highly-excited Rydberg energy levels. The active trapping region contains lattice regions with square and hexagonal symmetry, with the two regions joined at an interface. A structure of macroscopic wires, cut out of a silver foil, was mounted under the atom chip in order to load ultracold 87^{87}Rb atoms into the microtraps. We demonstrate loading of atoms into the square and hexagonal lattice sections simultaneously and show resolved imaging of individual lattice sites. Magnetic-film lattices on atom chips provide a versatile platform for experiments with ultracold atoms, in particular for quantum information science and quantum simulation.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Mit Bio blĂŒht die Vielfalt – wildtierfreundlicher Biolandbau

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    Die geplanten ProjektaktivitĂ€ten in den Modulen 1 bis 3 konnten 2007 gestartet werden: In Teilprojekten 1 und 2 des Moduls 1 „Forschung“ wurden Grundlagen und Methoden erarbeitet: Einerseits wurden die statistischen Kennzahlen zum ökologischen Ausgleich auf Biobetrieben und ÖLN-Betrieben dargestellt und eine vergleichende Analyse auf drei Ebenen (Zonen, Kanton,Bezirk) vorgenommen. Es wurde festgestellt, dass auf Biobetrieben deutlich mehr Ökoausgleichsmassnahmen umgesetzt werden sowie die Zone (Berg-/Talgebiet) und die Region die Akzeptanz fĂŒr einzelne Massnahmen wesentlich beeinflusst. Andererseits wurden gesamtbetriebliche Beurteilungssysteme (Naturpunktesystem; Naturbilanz Berggebiet)entwickelt. Das in Zusammenarbeit mit der Vogelwarte Sempach entwickelte Punktesystem beurteilt die ökologische QualitĂ€t von Landwirtschaftsbetrieben und beschrĂ€nkt sich auf die Beurteilung von ZustĂ€nden und Massnahmen in NutzflĂ€chen und naturnahen FlĂ€chen. Zurzeit wird diese favorisierte Methode noch evaluiert und spĂ€ter auf Betrieben getestet. In einem weiteren Teilprojekt (Modellbetriebe Schmetterlinge) wurden wesentliche Grundlagen und Massnahmen zur Förderung von Tagfaltern erarbeitet. Auf zwei BiogrĂŒnland-Betrieben im Jura nahe SaignelĂ©gier wurde im Sommer 2007 die Tagfalterfauna erfasst und anschliessend betriebsbezogene Massnahmen zum Schutz und Erhalt der Schmetterlinge abgeleitet und mit den Landwirten diskutiert. Der Ansatz wurde sehr gut von den Landwirten aufgenommen und erwies sich auf GrĂŒnlandbetrieben als sehr geeignet. Mit insgesamt 33 Arten auf den beiden Betrieben wurde eine relativ hohe Artenzahl an Schmetterlingen festgestellt, darunter vier Arten der Roten Liste. Insgesamt wurden 19 verschiedene Massnahmen im Bereich Wald und Waldrand,Hecken, GrĂŒnland entwickelt und vorgeschlagen. Im Modul 2 „Beratung“ wurden in drei weiteren Regionen Modellbetriebe zur Umsetzung wildtierfreundlicher Bewirtschaftung bearbeitet. Sie wurden gesamtbetrieblich beraten: Auf der Basis einer Ist-Analyse wurden mit den Landwirten mögliche Massnahmen diskutiert und festgelegt. Zur Auswahl und Feinsteuerung der Massnahmen wurden Ziel- und Leitarten eingesetzt. In der Region Entlebuch waren es fĂŒnf und in der Region MĂŒnsingen zwei Betriebe. Im Unterengadin wurden auf vier Betrieben zusĂ€tzlich zur gesamtbetrieblichen Beratung drei betriebswirtschaftliche Szenarien (Extensiv - Optimiert – Intensiv) kalkuliert und den Landwirten fĂŒr die Entscheidungsfindung zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt. Die Untersuchung hat gezeigt, dass auf den vier untersuchten Betrieben eine Verbesserung der Ökologie unter BerĂŒcksichtigung gesamtbetrieblicher Aspekte möglich war. In vielen FĂ€llen konnten durch ökologische Aufwertungen betriebswirtschaftliche Vorteile erzielt werden (geringerer Arbeitsaufwand, höhere Direktzahlungen verbunden mit geringerem Verkaufserlös). Im Modul 3 „Öffentlichkeitsarbeit“ war in der ersten Phase das Ziel, ein Basissortiment an Informationen fĂŒr die am Projekt beteiligten Landwirte und die Beratung bereitzustellen. Dazu gehörten die allgemeine Vorstellung des Projektes, die Gestaltung des Logos, die Erstellung des Flyers und die Informationen im Internet. Speziell fĂŒr die am Projekt beteiligten Landwirte und die Beratung wurden ein Infoblatt mit den Besonderheiten des Projektes sowie ein Infoordner mit BroschĂŒren zu Einzelthemen zusammengestellt. Drei Feldrandtafeln zum Thema Artenvielfalt im Tal- und Berggebiet und SĂ€ume wurden erstellt. Sie dienen den Landwirten auf ihren Betrieben zur Information von Laien. FĂŒr den Tag der Offenen TĂŒr am FiBL wurde ein Infostand konzipiert,der interessierte Laien angesprochen hatte

    The dependence of the proton-triton thermo-nuclear fusion reaction rate on the temperature and total energy content of the high-energy proton distribution function

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    The endothermic nuclear reaction between thermal tritons and high-energy protons can represent an important contribution to the total neutron yield in tokamak plasmas heated by radio-frequency waves, as the first JET experiments have demonstrated (see Mantsinen et al 2001 Nucl. Fusion 41 1815). A further study based on more recent JET experiments was reported in Santala et al 2006 (Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48 1233). In this letter we supplement and complete the previous analysis by reporting the first systematic measurement of the scaling of the proton-triton (pT) thermo-nuclear fusion reaction rate as a function of the total energy content and perpendicular tail temperature of the fast protons heated by radio-frequency waves. It is found that the pT-neutron rate increases almost linearly with the fast proton temperature and the total energy content

    Transition of planar Couette flow at infinite Reynolds numbers

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    An outline of the state space of planar Couette flow at high Reynolds numbers (Re<105) is investigated via a variety of efficient numerical techniques. It is verified from nonlinear analysis that the lower branch of the hairpin vortex state (HVS) asymptotically approaches the primary (laminar) state with increasing Re. It is also predicted that the lower branch of the HVS at high Re belongs to the stability boundary that initiates a transition to turbulence, and that one of the unstable manifolds of the lower branch of HVS lies on the boundary. These facts suggest HVS may provide a criterion to estimate a minimum perturbation arising transition to turbulent states at the infinite Re limit. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Emotional Suppression Tendencies as Predictors of Symptoms, Mood, and Coping Appraisals During AC Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer Treatment Melanie

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    Abstract Tendencies to suppress negative emotions have been shown to predict adjustment to cancer and cancer progression. We examined whether emotional suppression, in terms of both general and emotion-specific tendencies, predict symptom reports, mood states, and coping appraisals during adriamycin/doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide/ cytoxan chemotherapy for breast cancer. Forty participants completed a measure yielding scores for anxiety suppression, anger suppression, depression suppression, and total emotional suppression. They then reported their experiences of 34 physical symptoms, mood, and coping efficacy on a daily basis for the duration of treatment (84 days). Mixed model analyses revealed that emotional suppression predicted lower reports of symptoms that are vague, well-known, and potentially embarrassing side effects of chemotherapy (e.g., fatigue and constipation). Emotional suppression and particularly anger suppression predicted higher reports of symptoms relating to immune function and cardiovascular arousal (e.g., mouth sores and heart palpitations) and with appraisals of poorer coping. The three suppression tendencies exhibited distinctive patterns of relationships with symptoms, mood, and coping appraisals, suggesting that anxiety suppression, anger suppression, and depression suppression have partially independent relationships with symptomatic and mood processes. The findings highlight the potential importance of emotional suppression for understanding symptom and coping responses during chemotherapy

    Heavy metals in the liver and muscle of Micropogonias manni fish from Budi Lake, Araucania Region, Chile: potential risk for humans

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    The concentrations of cadmium, lead, manganese and zinc were determined in the fish species Micropogonias manni captured in Budi Lake, Araucanía Region (Chile). The measurements were made by atomic absorption spectroscopy, and the analysis considered the sex, weight and size of the species; the representative samples were taken from the liver and muscle tissue. The method was validated using certified reference material (DOLT-1). The ranges of concentrations found in the muscle tissue were: Cd, not determinate (n.d.)-0.26; Pb, n.d.-1.88; Mn, 0.02-12.17 and Zn, 0.48-39.04 mg kg-1 (dry weight). The concentrations in muscle tissue were generally lower than those found in the liver. With respect to the average concentrations recorded for each metal in the edible part of the fish (muscle tissue), it was found that the levels of Cd, Pb, Mn and Zn are within the ranges published by other authors in similar works and below the maximum concentration limits permitted by current legislation (FAO/WHO 2004; EU 2001) and do not constitute a health hazard for consumers of this species. The results were subjected to statistical analysis to evaluate the correlations between the content of the various metals and the sex, weight and size of each sample. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V
