275 research outputs found

    Preparing Proteoforms of Therapeutic Proteins for Top-Down Mass Spectrometry

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    A characteristic of many proteoforms, derived from a single gene, is their similarity regarding the composition of atoms, making their analysis very challenging. Many overexpressed recombinant proteins are strongly associated with this problem, especially recombinant therapeutic glycoproteins from large-scale productions. In contrast to small molecule drugs, which consist of a single defined molecule, therapeutic protein preparations are heterogenous mixtures of dozens or even hundreds of very similar species. With mass spectrometry, currently high-quality spectra of intact proteoforms can be obtained only, if the complexity of the mixture of individual proteoform-ions, entering the gas phase at the same time is low. Thus, prior to mass spectrometric analysis, an effective separation is required for getting fractions with a low number of individual proteoforms. This is especially true not only for recombinant therapeutic proteins, because of their huge heterogeneity, but also relevant for top-down proteomics. Purification of proteoforms is the bottleneck in analyzing intact proteoforms with mass spectrometry. This review is focusing on the current state of the art, especially of liquid chromatography for preparing proteoforms for mass spectrometric top-down analysis. The topic of therapeutic proteins has been chosen, because this group of proteins is most challenging regarding their proteoform analysis

    The speciation of the proteome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>In proteomics a paradox situation developed in the last years. At one side it is basic knowledge that proteins are post-translationally modified and occur in different isoforms. At the other side the protein expression concept disclaims post-translational modifications by connecting protein names directly with function.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Optimal proteome coverage is today reached by bottom-up liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. But quantification at the peptide level in shotgun or bottom-up approaches by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry is completely ignoring that a special peptide may exist in an unmodified form and in several-fold modified forms. The acceptance of the protein species concept is a basic prerequisite for meaningful quantitative analyses in functional proteomics. In discovery approaches only top-down analyses, separating the protein species before digestion, identification and quantification by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis or protein liquid chromatography, allow the correlation between changes of a biological situation and function.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To obtain biological relevant information kinetics and systems biology have to be performed at the protein species level, which is the major challenge in proteomics today.</p

    Inferring Proteolytic Processes from Mass Spectrometry Time Series Data Using Degradation Graphs

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    Background: Proteases play an essential part in a variety of biological processes. Besides their importance under healthy conditions they are also known to have a crucial role in complex diseases like cancer. In recent years, it has been shown that not only the fragments produced by proteases but also their dynamics, especially ex vivo, can serve as biomarkers. But so far, only a few approaches were taken to explicitly model the dynamics of proteolysis in the context of mass spectrometry. Results: We introduce a new concept to model proteolytic processes, the degradation graph. The degradation graph is an extension of the cleavage graph, a data structure to reconstruct and visualize the proteolytic process. In contrast to previous approaches we extended the model to incorporate endoproteolytic processes and present a method to construct a degradation graph from mass spectrometry time series data. Based on a degradation graph and the intensities extracted from the mass spectra it is possible to estimate reaction rates of the underlying processes. We further suggest a score to rate different degradation graphs in their ability to explain the observed data. This score is used in an iterative heuristic to improve the structure of the initially constructed degradation graph. Conclusion: We show that the proposed method is able to recover all degraded and generated peptides, the underlying reactions, and the reaction rates of proteolytic processes based on mass spectrometry time series data. We use simulated and real data to demonstrate that a given process can be reconstructed even in the presence of extensive noise, isobaric signals and false identifications. While the model is currently only validated on peptide data it is also applicable to proteins, as long as the necessary time series data can be produced

    Comparative Assessment of Quantification Methods for Tumor Tissue Phosphoproteomics

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    With increasing sensitivity and accuracy in mass spectrometry, the tumor phosphoproteome is getting into reach. However, the selection of quantitation techniques best-suited to the biomedical question and diagnostic requirements remains a trial and error decision as no study has directly compared their performance for tumor tissue phosphoproteomics. We compared label-free quantification (LFQ), spike-in-SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture), and tandem mass tag (TMT) isobaric tandem mass tags technology for quantitative phosphosite profiling in tumor tissue. Compared to the classic SILAC method, spike-in-SILAC is not limited to cell culture analysis, making it suitable for quantitative analysis of tumor tissue samples. TMT offered the lowest accuracy and the highest precision and robustness toward different phosphosite abundances and matrices. Spike-in-SILAC offered the best compromise between these features but suffered from a low phosphosite coverage. LFQ offered the lowest precision but the highest number of identifications. Both spike-in-SILAC and LFQ presented susceptibility to matrix effects. Match between run (MBR)-based analysis enhanced the phosphosite coverage across technical replicates in LFQ and spike-in-SILAC but further reduced the precision and robustness of quantification. The choice of quantitative methodology is critical for both study design such as sample size in sample groups and quantified phosphosites and comparison of published cancer phosphoproteomes. Using ovarian cancer tissue as an example, our study builds a resource for the design and analysis of quantitative phosphoproteomic studies in cancer research and diagnostics

    Mass-spectrometric identification of a novel angiotensin peptide in human plasma

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    Objective— Angiotensin peptides play a central role in cardiovascular physiology and pathology. Among these peptides, angiotensin II (Ang II) has been investigated most intensively. However, further angiotensin peptides such as Ang 1-7, Ang III, and Ang IV also contribute to vascular regulation, and may elicit additional, different, or even opposite effects to Ang II. Here, we describe a novel Ang II-related, strong vasoconstrictive substance in plasma from healthy humans and end-stage renal failure patients. Methods and Results— Chromatographic purification and structural analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight/time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF/TOF) revealed an angiotensin octapeptide with the sequence Ala-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe, which differs from Ang II in Ala1 instead of Asp1. Des[Asp1]-[Ala1]-Ang II, in the following named Angiotensin A (Ang A), is most likely generated enzymatically. In the presence of mononuclear leukocytes, Ang II is converted to Ang A by decarboxylation of Asp1. Ang A has the same affinity to the AT1 receptor as Ang II, but a higher affinity to the AT2 receptor. In the isolated perfused rat kidney, Ang A revealed a smaller vasoconstrictive effect than Ang II, which was not modified in the presence of the AT2 receptor antagonist PD 123319, suggesting a lower intrinsic activity at the AT1 receptor. Ang II and Ang A concentrations in plasma of healthy subjects and end-stage renal failure patients were determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass-analysis, because conventional enzyme immunoassay for Ang II quantification did not distinguish between Ang II and Ang A. In healthy subjects, Ang A concentrations were less than 20% of the Ang II concentrations, but the ratio Ang A / Ang II was higher in end-stage renal failure patients. Conclusion— Ang A is a novel human strong vasoconstrictive angiotensin-derived peptide, most likely generated by enzymatic transformation through mononuclear leukocyte-derived aspartate decarboxylase. Plasma Ang A concentration is increased in end-stage renal failure. Because of its stronger agonism at the AT2 receptor, Ang A may modulate the harmful effects of Ang II. In this study, a new angiotensin-peptide of human plasma is described, which is characterized as a strong AT2-receptor agonist

    Inspired by Sea Urchins: Warburg Effect Mediated Selectivity of Novel Synthetic Non-Glycoside 1,4-Naphthoquinone-6S-Glucose Conjugates in Prostate Cancer

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    The phenomenon of high sugar consumption by tumor cells is known as Warburg effect. It results from a high glycolysis rate, used by tumors as preferred metabolic pathway even in aerobic conditions. Targeting the Warburg effect to specifically deliver sugar conjugated cytotoxic compounds into tumor cells is a promising approach to create new selective drugs. We designed, synthesized, and analyzed a library of novel 6-S-(1,4-naphthoquinone-2-yl)-d-glucose chimera molecules (SABs)&mdash;novel sugar conjugates of 1,4-naphthoquinone analogs of the sea urchin pigments spinochromes, which have previously shown anticancer properties. A sulfur linker (thioether bond) was used to prevent potential hydrolysis by human glycoside-unspecific enzymes. The synthesized compounds exhibited a Warburg effect mediated selectivity to human prostate cancer cells (including highly drug-resistant cell lines). Mitochondria were identified as a primary cellular target of SABs. The mechanism of action included mitochondria membrane permeabilization, followed by ROS upregulation and release of cytotoxic mitochondrial proteins (AIF and cytochrome C) to the cytoplasm, which led to the consequent caspase-9 and -3 activation, PARP cleavage, and apoptosis-like cell death. These results enable us to further clinically develop these compounds for effective Warburg effect targeting

    Intramedullary Mg2Ag nails augment callus formation during fracture healing in mice

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    Intramedullary stabilization is frequently used to treat long bone fractures. Implants usually remain unless complications arise. Since implant removal can become technically very challenging with the potential to cause further tissue damage, biodegradable materials are emerging as alternative options. Magnesium (Mg)-based biodegradable implants have a controllable degradation rate and good tissue compatibility, which makes them attractive for musculoskeletal research. Here we report for the first time the implantation of intramedullary nails made of an Mg alloy containing 2% silver (Mg2Ag) into intact and fractured femora of mice. Prior in vitro analyses revealed an inhibitory effect of Mg2Ag degradation products on osteoclast differentiation and function with no impair of osteoblast function. In vivo, Mg2Ag implants degraded under non-fracture and fracture conditions within 210 days and 133 days, respectively. During fracture repair, osteoblast function and subsequent bone formation were enhanced, while osteoclast activity and bone resorption were decreased, leading to an augmented callus formation. We observed a widening of the femoral shaft under steady state and regenerating conditions, which was at least in part due to an uncoupled bone remodeling. However, Mg2Ag implants did not cause any systemic adverse effects. These data suggest that Mg2Ag implants might be promising for intramedullary fixation of long bone fractures, a novel concept that has to be further investigated in future studies
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