58 research outputs found

    O Comportamento de Consumidores Diante da Prática do Greenwashing

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    Increasingly, consumers have taken on a questioning role by requiring companies to follow environmental preservation standards. Still, they often find it difficult to identify those companies that are considered to be truly sustainable. And this confusion, as a rule, encourages the practice of greenwashing. Therefore, the National Council for Self-Regulation (Conar), the body responsible for receiving, evaluating and judging possible greenwashing complaints, has sought to prevent consumers from being deceived by false environmental messages. In this context, this article aims to investigate the behavior of consumers towards the practice of greenwashing. The research has a qualitative character and used as a data source both the Conar website (which supported the accomplishment of a documentary research) and the results obtained by means of the application of a questionnaire developed from the survey software development Survey Monkey. The results showed that even consumers being skeptical of green advertising do not have adequate knowledge about the meaning of greenwashing, do not seek to verify the truthfulness of the information advertised, and are divided between whether or not to report a greenwashing case, justifying Especially not knowing the Conar. It is concluded that consumer awareness is changing gradually, but it is still necessary to behave more critically when it comes to greenwashing in order to reduce this practice


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    Este artigo busca analisar Objetos de Aprendizagem (OA) na perspectiva desete professores de Matemática. Em uma abordagem qualitativa, inserida em um estudo de caso, foram selecionados OA previamente pelos pesquisadores, os quais abordam o conteúdo de Equações do 1º grau. Por meio da Análise Textual Discursiva, foram organizadas as seguintes categorias: Objetivo pedagógico e reusabilidade; Interação e linguagem; Atividades e feedback; Qualidade do conteúdo. De modo geral, o estudo possibilitou a constatação de que os OA avaliados pelos professores apresentam boa qualidade, tanto em aspectos que se referem à interação quanto ao conteúdo abordado. Entretanto, há aspectos que necessitam ser aperfeiçoados, tais como: explicitação do objetivo pedagógico, feedback, linguagem e acessibilidade


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    RESUMOHá um consenso acerca da ideia de que as empresas devem se conscientizar no que diz respeito às práticas de sustentabilidade organizacional e responsabilidade socioambiental. Um consenso que aceita, por meio da adoção de ações tidas como modelos de atuação responsável, que empresas recebam premiações e sirvam de benchmarking para outras. Ser “sustentável”, neste contexto, poderia implicar, também, estar em evidência, por ser algo condizente à visão acerca de como a ação empresarial pode ser responsável quanto às práticas socioambientais. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa, caracterizada como qualitativa de análise documental, objetiva analisar três casos de empresas listadas em um ranking de sustentabilidade de um veículo de comunicação que se autodenomina a maior revista de economia do país, a partir do contraponto ligado à identificação de aspectos inadequados ao conceito. Os resultados apontam que os feitos tidos como sustentáveis são desenvolvidos em paralelo a outras atividades que podem ser caracterizadas como injustas e/ou prejudiciais ao meio ambiente. No entanto, isto não implica dizer que estas empresas são as únicas a fazer isso ou que são as vilãs do mercado, mas que também se torna necessário apontar uma visão que questiona as ações empresariais por trás de práticas tidas como sustentáveis, uma análise que se posicione como essencialmente crítica e busque alternativas às práticas organizacionais vigentes.Palavras-chave: Sustentabilidade. Estudos Socioambientais. Revista Exame. Pop Management. ABSTRACTThere is a consensus on the idea that companies should be aware of the practices of organizational sustainability and socio-environmental responsibility. A consensus that accepts, through the adoption of actions considered as models of responsible performance, that companies receive awards and serve as benchmarking for others. Being “sustainable”, in this context, could also imply being in evidence, for being something consistent with the vision about how business action can be responsible regarding socio-environmental practices. In this sense, this research, characterized as a qualitative document analysis, aims to analyze three cases of companies listed in a sustainability ranking of a communication vehicle that calls itself the largest economy magazine in the country, from the counterpoint linked to the identification of aspects inappropriate to the concept. The results show that the achievements considered sustainable are developed in parallel to other activities that can be characterized as unfair and/or harmful to the environment. However, this does not imply that these companies are the only ones to do this or that they are the villains of the market, but that it is also necessary to point out a vision that questions the business actions behind practices considered to be sustainable, an analysis that position it as essentially critical and seek alternatives to current organizational practices.Keywords: Sustainability. Socio-environmental Studies. Exame Magazine. Pop Management

    Dibothriocephalus latus: a case report in Southern Brazil / Dibothriocephalus latus: um relato de caso no Sul do Brasil

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    Diphyllobothriosis, an infection caused by an adult parasite of the genus Dibothriocephalus, is associated with the intake of raw or undercooked fish. This disease is worldwide in distribution and present sporadic outbreaks. A few cases of Dibothriocephalus infections have been reported in Brazil. This report aims at presenting the case of a male patient from Southern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) who was suffering from chronic diarrhea, tested positive for fecal occult blood and upon anamnesis reported eating sushi recently. A parasitological stool test was conducted using the spontaneous sedimentation technique and the microscopic analysis revealed the presence of typical structures of Dibothriocephalus latus. Due to the association between the consumption of raw fish such as salmon and diphyllobothriosis, it is extremely important to consider this infection among the symptomatic population who eats raw or undercooked fishes

    Modification of acid hydrolysis lignin for value-added applications by micronization followed by hydrothermal alkaline treatment

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    Technical hydrolysis lignin (THL) was micronized by grinding in a rotary-jet mill to obtain a fraction of approximately 5 mm. Both initial and milled THLs were liquefied by thermal alkaline treatment at 220 degrees C for 2 h. Upgraded THLs that were nonmilled (L1) and milled (L2) were desalted by treatment with cation-exchanged resin and were dried. Micronization affected the course of hydrothermal alkaline treatment and the structure and composition of the obtained lignin. Thus, L2 contained much less concomitant polysaccharides and extractives than L1 and was more condensed. The molecular weights of L1 and L2 were 1100 and 1000 Da, respectively, as determined by size-exclusion chromatography. Structural characterization carried out by employing tandem electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry and 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed that small amounts of beta-O-4 (similar to 6 mol.%), beta-5, and beta-beta structures still remained in L1 and L2. Overall, upgraded lignins are oligomers (trimers--pentamers) with highly degraded propane chains and possess polyconjugated condensed aromatic structures. Upgraded THL seems to be a promising raw material for polymeric formulations

    Sequence-optimized peptide nanofibrils as growth stimulators for regeneration of peripheral neurons

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    O modelo de desenvolvimento que gera a exclusão social e o esgotamento do meio ambiente exige uma crítica radical. É necessário repensar a relação homem-natureza mediada pelo trabalho em suas dimensões ética, ontológica e epistemológica reavaliando as conseqüências para a educação. Estas são questões de caráter teórico-metodológico mas com profundas implicações políticas para as práticas educativas