594 research outputs found

    Field-based density measurements as tool to identify preeruption dome structure: set-up and first results from Unzen volcano, Japan

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    For an improvement in the quality of conduit flow and dome-related explosive eruption models, knowledge of the preeruption or precollapse density of the rocks involved is necessary. As close investigation is impossible during eruption, the best substitute comes from quantitative investigation of the eruption deposits. The porosity of volcanic rocks is of primary importance for the eruptive behaviour and, accordingly, a key-parameter for realistic models of dome stability and conduit flow. Fortunately, this physical property may be accurately determined via density measurements. We developed a robust, battery-powered device for rapid and reliable density measurements of dry rock samples in the field. The density of the samples (sealed in plastic bags at 250 mbar) is determined using the Archimedean principle. We have tested the device on the deposits of the 1990–1995 eruption of Unzen volcano, Japan. Short setup and operation times allow up to 60 measurements per day under fieldwork conditions. The rapid accumulation of correspondingly large data sets has allowed us to acquire the first statistically significant data set of clast density distribution in block-and-ash flow deposits. More than 1100 samples with a total weight of 2.2 tons were measured. The data set demonstrates that the deposits of the last eruptive episode at Unzen display a bimodal density distribution, with peaks at 2.0F0.1 and 2.3F0.1 g/cm3, corresponding to open porosity values of 20 and 8 vol.%, respectively. We use this data set to link the results of laboratory-based fragmentation experiments to field studies at recently active lava domes

    Fragmentation efficiency of explosive volcanic eruptions: A study of experimentally generated pyroclasts

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    Products of magma fragmentation can pose a severe threat to health, infrastructure, environment, and aviation. Systematic evaluation of the mechanisms and the consequences of volcanic fragmentation is very difficult as the adjacent processes cannot be observed directly and their deposits undergo transport-related sorting. However, enhanced knowledge is required for hazard assessment and risk mitigation. Laboratory experiments on natural samples allow the precise characterization of the generated pyroclasts and open the possibility for substantial advances in the quantification of fragmentation processes. They hold the promise of precise characterization and quantification of fragmentation efficiency and its dependence on changing material properties and the physical conditions at fragmentation. We performed a series of rapid decompression experiments on three sets of natural samples from Unzen volcano, Japan. The analysis comprised grain-size analysis and surface area measurements. The grain-size analysis is performed by dry sieving for particles larger than 250 Am and wet laser refraction for smaller particles. For all three sets of samples, the grain-size of the most abundant fraction decreases and the weight fraction of newly generated ash particles (up to 40 wt.%) increases with experimental pressure/potential energy for fragmentation. This energy can be estimated from the volume of the gas fraction and the applied pressure. The surface area was determined through Argon adsorption. The fragmentation efficiency is described by the degree of fineparticle generation. Results show that the fragmentation efficiency and the generated surface correlate positively with the applied energy

    Fall-experiments on Merapi basaltic andesite and constraints on the generation of pyroclastic surges

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    International audienceWe have performed fall-experiments with basaltic andesite rock samples from Merapi volcano, using an apparatus designed to analyze samples heated up to 850°C. Relative pressure changes during impact and fragmentation of the samples were measured by a pressure transducer. From 200°C, dynamic pressure waves were formed on impact and fragmentation. Peak and duration of the pressure signal, and degree of fragmentation were found to strongly increase with increasing temperature of rock samples. The pressure waves are most likely generated by sudden heating of air forcing it to expand. We propose that the observed pressure changes are analogues to pyroclastic surges that may be generated on impact and fragmentation of large blocks during passage of a pyroclastic flow over a steep cliff. We infer that rock temperatures of ca. 400°C are sufficient for this process to occur, a temperature common in pyroclastic flows even in distal reaches

    The fragmentation threshold of pyroclastic rocks

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    In response to rapid decompression, porous magma may fragment explosively. This occurs when the melt can no longer withstand forces exerted upon it due to the overpressure in included bubbles. This occurs at a critical pressure difference between the bubbles and the surrounding magma. In this study we have investigated this pressure threshold necessary for the fragmentation of magma. Here we present the first comprehensive, high temperature experimental quantification of the fragmentation threshold of volcanic rocks varying widely in porosity, permeability, crystallinity, and chemical composition. We exposed samples to increasing pressure differentials in a high temperature shock tube apparatus until fragmentation was initiated. Experimentally, we define the fragmentation threshold as the minimum pressure differential that leads to complete fragmentation of the pressurized porous rock sample. Our results show that the fragmentation threshold is strongly dependent on porosity; high porosity samples fragment at lower pressure differentials than low porosity samples. The fragmentation threshold is inversely proportional to the porosity. Of the other factors, permeability likely affects the fragmentation threshold at high porosity values, whereas chemical composition, crystallinity and bubble size distribution appear to have minor effects. The relationship for fragmentation threshold presented here can be used to predict the minimum pressure differential necessary for the initiation or cessation of the explosive fragmentation of porous magma

    Stratigraphic reconstruction of the VĂ­ti breccia at Krafla volcano (Iceland): insights into pre-eruptive conditions priming explosive eruptions in geothermal areas

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    Krafla central volcano in Iceland has experienced numerous basaltic fissure eruptions through its history, the most recent examples being the Mývatn (1724‒1729) and Krafla Fires (1975-1984). The Mývatn Fires opened with a steam-driven eruption that produced the Víti crater. A magmatic intrusion has been inferred as the trigger perturbing the geothermal field hosting Víti, but the cause(s) of the explosive response remain uncertain. Here, we present a detailed stratigraphic reconstruction of the breccia erupted from Víti crater, characterize the lithologies involved in the explosions, reconstruct the pre-eruptive setting, fingerprint the eruption trigger and source depth, and reveal the eruption mechanisms. Our results suggest that the Víti eruption can be classified as a magmatic-hydrothermal type and that it was a complex event with three eruption phases. The injection of rhyolite below a pre-existing convecting hydrothermal system likely triggered the Víti eruption. Heating and pressurization of shallow geothermal fluid initiated disruption of a scoria cone \textquotedblcap\textquotedbl via an initial series of small explosions involving a pre-existing altered weak zone, with ejection of fragments from at least 60-m depth. This event was superseded by larger, broader, and dominantly shallow explosions (\~ 200~m depth) driven by decompression of hydrothermal fluids within highly porous, poorly compacted tuffaceous hyaloclastite. This second phase was triggered when pressurized fluids broke through the scoria cone complex \textquotedblcap\textquotedbl. At the same time, deep-rooted explosions (\~ 1-km depth) began to feed the eruption with large inputs of fragmented rhyolitic juvenile and host rock from a deeper zone. Shallow explosions enlarging the crater dominated the final phase. Our results indicate that at Krafla, as in similar geological contexts, shallow and thin hyaloclastite sequences hosting hot geothermal fluids and capped by low-permeability lithologies (e.g. altered scoria cone complex and/or massive, thick lava flow sequence) are susceptible to explosive failure in the case of shallow magmatic intrusion(s). Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00445-021-01502-y

    Magma fragmentation:a perspective on emerging topics and future directions

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    AbstractThe breaking apart of magma into fragments is intimately related to the eruptive style and thus the nature and footprint of volcanic hazards. The size and shape distributions of the fragments, in turn, affect the efficiency of heat transfer within pyroclastic plumes and currents and the settling velocity, and so the residence time, of particles in the atmosphere. Fundamental work relating the glass transition to the fragmentation of magmas remains at the heart of conceptual and numerical models of volcanic eruptions. Current fragmentation criteria, however, do not predict the sizes and shapes of the resulting fragments, or fully account for the multiphase nature of magmas or ways in which magma can break in a fluidal manner or by thermal stress. The pulsatory, non-steady state nature of some eruptions, and related interactions with these fragmentation criteria, also requires further investigation. Here, we briefly review some recent advances in the field of magma fragmentation and provide a perspective on how integrated field, experimental and numerical modelling studies can address key outstanding challenges.</jats:p
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