71 research outputs found

    Geodetic Observatory Wettzell - 20-m Radio Telescope and Twin Telescope

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    In the year 2012, the 20-m radio telescope at the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell, Germany again contributed very successfully to the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry observing program. Technical changes, developments, improvements, and upgrades were made to increase the reliability of the entire VLBI observing system. In parallel, the new Twin radio telescope Wettzell (TTW) got the first feedhorn, while the construction of the HF-receiving and the controlling system was continued

    Do you agree? Contrasting Google's core web vitals and the impact of cookie consent banners with actual web QoE

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    Providing sophisticated web Quality of Experience (QoE) has become paramount for web service providers and network operators alike. Due to advances in web technologies (HTML5, responsive design, etc.), traditional web QoE models focusing mainly on loading times have to be refined and improved. In this work, we relate Google’s Core Web Vitals, a set of metrics for improving user experience, to the loading time aspects of web QoE, and investigate whether the Core Web Vitals and web QoE agree on the perceived experience. To this end, we first perform objective measurements in the web using Google’s Lighthouse. To close the gap between metrics and experience, we complement these objective measurements with subjective assessment by performing multiple crowdsourcing QoE studies. For this purpose, we developed CWeQS, a customized framework to emulate the entire web page loading process, and ask users for their experience while controlling the Core Web Vitals, which is available to the public. To properly configure CWeQS for the planned QoE study and the crowdsourcing setup, we conduct pre-studies, in which we evaluate the importance of the loading strategy of a web page and the importance of the user task. The obtained insights allow us to conduct the desired QoE studies for each of the Core Web Vitals. Furthermore, we assess the impact of cookie consent banners, which have become ubiquitous due to regulatory demands, on the Core Web Vitals and investigate their influence on web QoE. Our results suggest that the Core Web Vitals are much less predictive for web QoE than expected and that page loading times remain the main metric and influence factor in this context. We further observe that unobtrusive and acentric cookie consent banners are preferred by end-users and that additional delays caused by interacting with consent banners in order to agree to or reject cookies should be accounted along with the actual page load time to reduce waiting times and thus to improve web QoE

    Objective and subjective QoE evaluation for adaptive point cloud streaming

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    Volumetric media has the potential to provide the six degrees of freedom (6DoF) required by truly immersive media. However, achieving 6DoF requires ultra-high bandwidth transmissions, which real-world wide area networks cannot provide today. Therefore, recent efforts have started to target efficient delivery of volumetric media, using a combination of compression and adaptive streaming techniques. It remains, however, unclear how the effects of such techniques on the user perceived quality can be accurately evaluated. In this paper, we present the results of an extensive objective and subjective quality of experience (QoE) evaluation of volumetric 6DoF streaming. We use PCC-DASH, a standards-compliant means for HTTP adaptive streaming of scenes comprising multiple dynamic point cloud objects. By means of a thorough analysis, we investigate the perceived quality impact of the available bandwidth, rate adaptation algorithm, viewport prediction strategy and user's motion within the scene. We determine which of these aspects has more impact on the user's QoE, and to what extent subjective and objective assessments are aligned

    From capturing to rendering : volumetric media delivery with six degrees of freedom

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    Technological improvements are rapidly advancing holographic-type content distribution. Significant research efforts have been made to meet the low latency and high bandwidth requirements set forward by interactive applications such as remote surgery and virtual reality. Recent research made six degrees of freedom (6DoF) for immersive media possible, where users may both move their head and change their position within a scene. In this article, we present the status and challenges of 6DoF applications based on volumetric media, focusing on the key aspects required to deliver such services. Furthermore, we present results from a subjective study to highlight relevant directions for future research

    Quality of experience management for YouTube: clouds, FoG and the AquareYoum

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    Over the last decade, Quality of Experience (QoE) has become a new, central paradigm for understanding the quality of networks and services. In particular, the concept has attracted the interest of communication network and service providers, since being able to guarantee good QoE to customers provides an opportunity for differentiation. In this paper we investigate the potential as well as the implementation challenges of QoE management in the Internet. Using YouTube video streaming service as example, we discuss the different elements that are required for the realization of the paradigm-shift towards truly user-centric network orchestration. To this end, we elaborate QoE management requirements for two complementary network scenarios (wireless mesh Internet access networks vs. global Internet delivery) and provide a QoE model for YouTube taking into account impairments like stalling and initial delay. We present two YouTube QoE monitoring approaches operating on the network and the end user level. Finally, we demonstrate how QoE can be dynamically optimized in both network scenarios with two exemplary concepts, AquareYoum and FoG, respectively. Our results show how QoE management can truly improve the user experience while at the same time increase the efficiency of network resource allocation

    Medios de Comunicación en Internet móvil: La televisión como modelo aún pendiente de éxito

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    La televisión en el móvil no ha acabado de arrancar comercialmente en la mayor parte de los países europeos. No existe una única razón que explique esta situación. Antes bien, cabe referirse a un conjunto de causas complejas (e interrelacionadas). En el lado de la oferta, deben analizarse aspectos técnicos (infraestructuras, estándares), económicos (modelos de negocio, disponibilidad de contenido) y normativos. En el lado de la demanda, es necesario investigar cuál es la utilidad que el servicio realmente (y no teóricamente) ofrece al consumidor y las circunstancias en que lo usaría. El estudio de todos estos factores es el objetivo de este artículo. Se concluye que la televisión móvil asentará su presencia en el mercado sólo si se sortean algunos de los obstáculos descritos, se pone el foco en el posible usuario (y no en el producto) y se cuenta con cierto apoyo institucional

    QUALINET white paper on definitions of Immersive Media Experience (IMEx)

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    With the coming of age of virtual/augmented reality and interactive media, numerous definitions, frameworks, and models of immersion have emerged across different fields ranging from computer graphics to literary works. Immersion is oftentimes used interchangeably with presence as both concepts are closely related. However, there are noticeable interdisciplinary differences regarding definitions, scope, and constituents that are required to be addressed so that a coherent understanding of the concepts can be achieved. Such consensus is vital for paving the directionality of the future of immersive media experiences (IMEx) and all related matters. The aim of this white paper is to provide a survey of definitions of immersion and presence which leads to a definition of immersive media experience (IMEx). The Quality of Experience (QoE) for immersive media is described by establishing a relationship between the concepts of QoE and IMEx followed by application areas of immersive media experience. Influencing factors on immersive media experience are elaborated as well as the assessment of immersive media experience. Finally, standardization activities related to IMEx are highlighted and the white paper is concluded with an outlook related to future developments