25 research outputs found

    Human health and ocean pollution

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    Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Background: Pollution – unwanted waste released to air, water, and land by human activity – is the largest environmental cause of disease in the world today. It is responsible for an estimated nine million premature deaths per year, enormous economic losses, erosion of human capital, and degradation of ecosystems. Ocean pollution is an important, but insufficiently recognized and inadequately controlled component of global pollution. It poses serious threats to human health and well-being. The nature and magnitude of these impacts are only beginning to be understood. Goals: (1) Broadly examine the known and potential impacts of ocean pollution on human health. (2) Inform policy makers, government leaders, international organizations, civil society, and the global public of these threats. (3) Propose priorities for interventions to control and prevent pollution of the seas and safeguard human health. Methods: Topic-focused reviews that examine the effects of ocean pollution on human health, identify gaps in knowledge, project future trends, and offer evidence-based guidance for effective intervention. Environmental Findings: Pollution of the oceans is widespread, worsening, and in most countries poorly controlled. It is a complex mixture of toxic metals, plastics, manufactured chemicals, petroleum, urban and industrial wastes, pesticides, fertilizers, pharmaceutical chemicals, agricultural runoff, and sewage. More than 80% arises from land-based sources. It reaches the oceans through rivers, runoff, atmospheric deposition and direct discharges. It is often heaviest near the coasts and most highly concentrated along the coasts of low- and middle-income countries. Plastic is a rapidly increasing and highly visible component of ocean pollution, and an estimated 10 million metric tons of plastic waste enter the seas each year. Mercury is the metal pollutant of greatest concern in the oceans; it is released from two main sources – coal combustion and small-scale gold mining. Global spread of industrialized agriculture with increasing use of chemical fertilizer leads to extension of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) to previously unaffected regions. Chemical pollutants are ubiquitous and contaminate seas and marine organisms from the high Arctic to the abyssal depths. Ecosystem Findings: Ocean pollution has multiple negative impacts on marine ecosystems, and these impacts are exacerbated by global climate change. Petroleum-based pollutants reduce photosynthesis in marine microorganisms that generate oxygen. Increasing absorption of carbon dioxide into the seas causes ocean acidification, which destroys coral reefs, impairs shellfish development, dissolves calcium-containing microorganisms at the base of the marine food web, and increases the toxicity of some pollutants. Plastic pollution threatens marine mammals, fish, and seabirds and accumulates in large mid-ocean gyres. It breaks down into microplastic and nanoplastic particles containing multiple manufactured chemicals that can enter the tissues of marine organisms, including species consumed by humans. Industrial releases, runoff, and sewage increase frequency and severity of HABs, bacterial pollution, and anti-microbial resistance. Pollution and sea surface warming are triggering poleward migration of dangerous pathogens such as the Vibrio species. Industrial discharges, pharmaceutical wastes, pesticides, and sewage contribute to global declines in fish stocks. Human Health Findings: Methylmercury and PCBs are the ocean pollutants whose human health effects are best understood. Exposures of infants in utero to these pollutants through maternal consumption of contaminated seafood can damage developing brains, reduce IQ and increase children’s risks for autism, ADHD and learning disorders. Adult exposures to methylmercury increase risks for cardiovascular disease and dementia. Manufactured chemicals – phthalates, bisphenol A, flame retardants, and perfluorinated chemicals, many of them released into the seas from plastic waste – can disrupt endocrine signaling, reduce male fertility, damage the nervous system, and increase risk of cancer. HABs produce potent toxins that accumulate in fish and shellfish. When ingested, these toxins can cause severe neurological impairment and rapid death. HAB toxins can also become airborne and cause respiratory disease. Pathogenic marine bacteria cause gastrointestinal diseases and deep wound infections. With climate change and increasing pollution, risk is high that Vibrio infections, including cholera, will increase in frequency and extend to new areas. All of the health impacts of ocean pollution fall disproportionately on vulnerable populations in the Global South – environmental injustice on a planetary scale. Conclusions: Ocean pollution is a global problem. It arises from multiple sources and crosses national boundaries. It is the consequence of reckless, shortsighted, and unsustainable exploitation of the earth’s resources. It endangers marine ecosystems. It impedes the production of atmospheric oxygen. Its threats to human health are great and growing, but still incompletely understood. Its economic costs are only beginning to be counted. Ocean pollution can be prevented. Like all forms of pollution, ocean pollution can be controlled by deploying data-driven strategies based on law, policy, technology, and enforcement that target priority pollution sources. Many countries have used these tools to control air and water pollution and are now applying them to ocean pollution. Successes achieved to date demonstrate that broader control is feasible. Heavily polluted harbors have been cleaned, estuaries rejuvenated, and coral reefs restored. Prevention of ocean pollution creates many benefits. It boosts economies, increases tourism, helps restore fisheries, and improves human health and well-being. It advances the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). These benefits will last for centuries. Recommendations: World leaders who recognize the gravity of ocean pollution, acknowledge its growing dangers, engage civil society and the global public, and take bold, evidence-based action to stop pollution at source will be critical to preventing ocean pollution and safeguarding human health. Prevention of pollution from land-based sources is key. Eliminating coal combustion and banning all uses of mercury will reduce mercury pollution. Bans on single-use plastic and better management of plastic waste reduce plastic pollution. Bans on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have reduced pollution by PCBs and DDT. Control of industrial discharges, treatment of sewage, and reduced applications of fertilizers have mitigated coastal pollution and are reducing frequency of HABs. National, regional and international marine pollution control programs that are adequately funded and backed by strong enforcement have been shown to be effective. Robust monitoring is essential to track progress. Further interventions that hold great promise include wide-scale transition to renewable fuels; transition to a circular economy that creates little waste and focuses on equity rather than on endless growth; embracing the principles of green chemistry; and building scientific capacity in all countries. Designation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) will safeguard critical ecosystems, protect vulnerable fish stocks, and enhance human health and well-being. Creation of MPAs is an important manifestation of national and international commitment to protecting the health of the seas.The Centre Scientifique de Monaco, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Government of the Principality of Monaco John J. Stegeman is supported by U.S. Oceans and Human Health Program (NIH grant P01ES028938 and National Science Foundation grant OCE-1840381). Lora E. Fleming is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774567 (H2020 SOPHIE Project) and No 666773 (H2020 BlueHealth Project). Plastic toxicity research for Dimitri Deheyn is supported by the BEST Initiative (https://deheynlab.ucsd.edu/best-2/). Barbara Demeneix is supported by grants from the program H2020. Charles J. Dorman is supported by Science Foundation Ireland Investigator Award 13/IA/1875. William H. Gaze is supported by a Natural Environment Research Council Knowledge Exchange Fellowship NE/S006257/1 on the environmental dimension of antimicrobial resistance. Philippe Grandjean is supported by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) of the NIH (grant No. ES027706), a Superfund center grant for the Sources, Transport, Exposure and Effects of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (STEEP) Center. Mark E. Hahn is supported by U.S. Oceans and Human Health Program (NIH grant P01ES028938 and National Science Foundation grant OCE-1840381). Amro Hamdoun is supported by NIH and NSF Program on Oceans and Human Health Grants NIH ES030318 and NSF 1840844. Philipp Hess is supported by the IAEA Core Research Project K41014, by the European H2020 program for funding the EMERTOX project (grant number 778069), by the Atlantic Interreg (grant number Alertox-Net EAPA-317-2016) and by EFSA for the project EUROCIGUA (framework partnership agreement GP/EFSA/AFSCO/2015/03). Rachel T. Noble was supported by the US National Science Foundation Accelerating Innovations in Research #1602023 and the NOAA NERRS Science Collaborative. Maria Luiza Pedrotti is supported by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Luigi Vezzulli is supported by the following grants: European FP7 Program Grant AQUAVALENS 311846 and European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program Grant VIVALDI 678589. PĂĄl Weihe is supported by the Danish EPA programme: Danish Cooperation for Environment in the Arctic and by the Faroese Research Council

    The filtering capacity of selected Eastern Cape estuaries, South Africa

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    Four Eastern Cape estuaries, the Kromme, Gamtoos, Swartkops and Sundays Estuaries have a permanent connection to the adjacent ocean, but differ in the amount of freshwater inflows as well as in the land-use patterns in their respective catchment areas. The nutrient loading to the four estuaries in terms of phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia therefore varies. The aim of the study was to show how the nutrient loads received by the estuaries differ, and how they act as filters for nutrients. Discriminant analysis revealed such contrasts: The lower reaches of the four estuaries are similar in their inorganic nutrient concentrations, but concentrations diverge in their upper reaches and in the inflowing river water. Keywords: filtering capacity of estuaries, nutrient loading, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, South Africa Water SA Vol. 31(4) 2005: 483-49

    Dependence of network metrics on model aggregation and throughflow calculations: Demonstration using the Sylt?R?m? Bight Ecosystem

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    Please help populate SUNScholar with the full text of SU research output. Also - should you need this item urgently, please send us the details and we will try to get hold of the full text as quick possible. E-mail to [email protected]. Thank you.Journal Articles (subsidised)NatuurwetenskappePlant- en Dierkund

    A seasonal comparison of prokaryote numbers, biomass and heterotrophic productivity in waters of the KwaZulu-Natal Bight, South Africa

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    The KwaZulu-Natal Bight is a shallow indentation of the eastern seaboard of South Africa, characterised by a narrow (45 km wide) extension of the continental shelf, with a shelf break at about 100 m. It has a complex hydrography: the waters of the bight are derived from the fast-flowing, southward-trending Agulhas Current, which is fed mostly by the tropical and subtropical surface waters of the South-West Indian Ocean subgyre, which are generally oligotrophic in nature, notably depleted in reduced nitrogen and phosphate except at river mouths and during periodic upwelling of deeper nutrient-rich water. Despite this, the bight is believed to be relatively productive, and it is suggested that efficient nutrient recycling by prokaryotes may sustain primary productivity efficiently, even in the absence of new nutrient inputs. Here we have measured bacterial numbers, biomass and heterotrophic productivity during summer and winter in conjunction with phytoplankton standing stock and factors that influence it. Bacterial distribution closely matched phytoplankton distribution in surface waters, and was highest close to the coast. Bacterial standing stocks were similar to those of oligotrophic systems elsewhere (0.5–5.0 × 105 cells ml–1; 1 × 10–8 to 1.25 × 10–7 g C ml–1) and increased in association with the development of phytoplankton blooms offshore and with inputs of allochthonous material by rivers at the coast. Heterotrophic productivity in summer was lowest in the far south and north of the bight (0.5 × 10–10 g C ml–1 h–1) but higher close to the shore, over shallow banks, and in association with increased phytoplankton abundance over the midshelf (1.0–3.5 × 10–9 g C ml–1 h–1). There were marked seasonal differences with lower bacterial standing stocks (5 × 104 to 2 × 105 cells ml–1; 4–5 × 10–9 to 1–2 × 10–8 g C ml–1) and very low bacterial productivity (4 × 10–11 to 1 × 10–10 g C ml–1 h–1 ) in winter, probably resulting from lowered rates of primary productivity and dissolved organic matter release as well as reduced riverine allochthonous inputs during the winter drought.Keywords: bacteria, bacterioplankton, heterotrophic bacteria, heterotrophic bacterial productivity, microbial ecolog

    A system-level modelling perspective of the KwaZulu-Natal Bight ecosystem, eastern South Africa

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    The KwaZulu-Natal Bight comprises the only sizeable shelf region on the eastern coast of South Africa, and is influenced by both the Agulhas Current on its seaward side and rivers and estuaries on its landward side. Established knowledge of the effect of the Agulhas Current includes the influence on nutrient concentrations in the bight of a semi-permanent upwelling cell at its northern border (St Lucia) and, to a much lesser extent, of a semi-permanent eddy feature at its southern extremity. Current modelling efforts, however, point to a very important role of land-derived nutrients, which supplement the productivity of food webs of the bight. This connectivity of the bight to its adjacent ecosystems has various implications. First, its productivity has traditionally been viewed via phytoplankton growth, whereas ecosystem modelling efforts point to a very high reliance on imported detritus (mainly land-derived) in order to sustain especially the rich benthic food web. The benthos in the bight dominates the food web, and is in marked contrast to the upwelling system of the west coast of South Africa (Atlantic Ocean) where water-column productivity dominates. Second, the importance of the connectivity of the Thukela Bank prawn-trawling ground to estuarine nursery areas, which has been modelled quantitatively, highlights the significance of this particular ecosystem connectivity for fisheries and also for the Thukela Bank food web. Heterogeneity across the bight is apparent for nutrient turnover rates (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus), CNP content and stoichiometry, whereas nitrogen is a limiting nutrient across the entire bight. The food web near the Thukela River is richer in nutrient content and more active (higher turnover rates) compared to the northern and southern parts of the bight. This environmental heterogeneity was also apparent from the CNP content and stoichiometry of the various species and species groups in the bight. Requirements to take the hydrodynamic, biogeochemical and first ecosystem modelling efforts towards a meaningful predictive capability are discussed. The importance of adopting a system-level view of the bight and its connected systems for realistic exploration of global change scenarios is highlighted.Keywords: Agulhas Current, ecosystem connectivity, freshwater inflow, systems analysis, Thukela Rive

    Species composition, abundance and biomass of microphytoplankton in the KwaZulu-Natal Bight on the east coast of South Africa

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    <p>Nearshore marine environments are influenced by an array of variables that can either be land-derived or of marine origin, and nearshore phytoplankton communities may differ in their taxonomic composition and biomass in response to such variables. The KwaZulu-Natal Bight (hereafter referred to as ‘the bight’) is an oligo-mesotrophic, nearshore oceanic environment, that is influenced by both terrestrial run-off and upwelling. A microphytoplankton survey of the bight conducted over several stations and depths and two seasons was conducted in order to ascertain species composition, abundance and biomass. Microphytoplankton abundance was generally low (a maximum of 180 000 cells l–1 was recorded) but differed considerably between sites and seasons. A total of 99 taxa of mainly Bacillariophyceae and some Dinophyceae, Prymnesiophyceae and Cyanophyceae were identified in the present study. In the central bight, higher abundance and biomass were measured in February (wet season), which may be a possible consequence of terrestrial nutrient inputs. In the northern and southern bight we measured higher abundance and biomass in August (dry season). Upwelling was not detected during the study, but an influence of terrestrial nutrient sources was detected at the coastal stations. Turbid conditions were specific to the site near the Thukela River mouth and possibly influenced abundance, biomass and species composition at this site. Historic data on microphytoplankton composition are scarce, but comparisons with surveys from the 1960s reveal that around 60% of the common diatoms recorded then also occurred in the present study. Small taxa [20–200 ”m] dominated the microphytoplankton community. Community composition was fairly uniform throughout the bight in both seasons, dominated in general by <i>Chaetoceros</i> species, and on occasion co-dominated by <i>Thalassionema nitzschioides</i> and <i>Dactyliosolen fragilissimus</i>.</p

    Riverine influence determines nearshore heterogeneity of nutrient (C, N, P) content and stoichiometry in the KwaZulu-Natal Bight, South Africa

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    Riverine influences on nearshore oceanic habitats often have detrimental consequences leading to algal blooms and hypoxia. In oligo- to mesotrophic systems, however, nutrient delivery via rivers may stimulate production and even be a vital source of nutrients, as may nutrient supplements from upwelling. We investigated the nutrient content (C, N, P) and stoichiometry of sediment, and several pelagic, benthopelagic and benthic species in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Bight, a narrow shelf area on the south-east coast of South Africa, bordering the Agulhas Current. Three suggested nutrient sources to the bight are the Thukela River in the central region of the bight, upwelling in the northern part and a semi-permanent eddy (Durban Eddy) in the southern part. Elemental content of the various groups studied showed significantly higher values for most groups at the site near the Thukela River. C:P and N:P were highest in the southern part of the bight, and lowest near the Thukela Mouth or at Richards Bay in the north, indicating the latter were the P-richer sites. Sediment organic matter showed lowest elemental content, as expected, and zooplankton stoichiometry was highest compared to all other biotic groups. Environmental heterogeneity played a greater role in organismal C, N and P content and stoichiometry compared to phylogeny, with the exception of the differences in C:P and N:P of zooplankton. From this bight-wide study, the higher elemental content and lower ratios at the Thukela Mouth site supported previous findings of the importance of coastal nutrient sources to the bight ecosystem. Reductions in river flow for water use in the catchment areas may therefore have negative consequences for the productivity of the entire ecosystem.Keywords: Agulhas Current, carbon, elemental content, nitrogen, phosphorus, stoichiometr