5 research outputs found

    Plasmid-vermittelte Colistinresistenz bei Mitarbeitenden in putenhaltenden Betrieben

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    Das Polymyxin-Antibiotikum Colistin ist in Deutschland seit 2012 als (Last-Line-)Antibiotikum für die systemische Therapie schwerer Infektionen mit multiresistenten Erregern zugelassen. 2016 wurde erstmals das Plasmid-vermittelte Colistinresistenzgen mcr-1 bei Menschen und Nutztieren beschrieben. Somit ist eine horizontale und speziesübergreifende Übertragung von mcr-1 und mrc-2 denkbar und es wurden seitdem weltweit zahlreiche bakterielle Isolate von Mensch und Tier z. T. auch retrospektiv auf das Vor¬handensein dieser neuen Resistenzgene untersucht. Eine weite Verbreitung von mcr-1/-2 wurde bestätigt. Vor diesem Hintergrund führte das Niedersächsische Landesgesundheitsamt in Kooperation mit der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster und dem Nieder¬sächsischen Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit eine Studie zur Verbreitung der mcr-vermittelten Colistinresistenz auf putenhaltenden Betrieben in Niedersachsen durch. Im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 19/2023 werden die Ergebnisse zusammengefasst und diskutiert

    Definitions of urban areas feasible for examining urban health in the European Union.

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    Breckenkamp J, Patterson L, Scharlach M, Hellmeier W, Verma A. Definitions of urban areas feasible for examining urban health in the European Union. European Journal of Public Health. 2015;27(Suppl. 2):19–24

    Effectiveness of Trainings of General Practitioners on Antibiotic Stewardship: Methods of a Pragmatic Quasi-Experimental Study in a Controlled Before-After Design in South-East-Lower Saxony, Germany (WASA).

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    Introduction: Antibiotic resistance is a serious threat to global public health. It reduces the effectiveness of treatments for serious bacterial infections and thus increases the risk of fatal outcomes. Antibiotic prescriptions are often not in line with clinical evidence-based guidelines. The process of emergence of resistant bacteria can be slowed down by adherence to guidelines. Yet this adherence seems to be lacking in primary health care. Methods and Analysis: This pragmatic quasi-experimental study using a controlled before-after design was carried out in South-East-Lower Saxony in 2018-2020. The voluntary attendance of interactive trainings with condensed presentation of current guidelines for general practitioners (GP) on antibiotic management for urinary and respiratory tract infections is regarded as intervention. Those GP not attending the trainings constitute the control group. Data were collected via questionnaires; routine health records are provided by a statutory health insurance. The primary outcome is the proportion of (guideline-based) prescriptions in relation to the relevant ICD-10 codes as well as daily defined doses and the difference in proportion of certain prescriptions according to guidelines before and after the intervention as compared to the control group. Further outcomes are among others the subjectively perceived risk of antibiotic resistance and the attitude toward the guidelines. The questionnaires to assess this are based on theory of planned behavior (TPB) and health action process approach (HAPA). Variations over time and effects caused by measures other than WASA (Wirksamkeit von Antibiotika-Schulungen in der niedergelassenen Aerzteschaft-Effectiveness of antibiotic management training in the primary health care sector) training are taken into account by including the control group and applying interrupted time series analysis. Ethics and Dissemination: The study protocol and the data protection concept respectively were reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee of the Hannover Medical School and the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. Trial Registration: https://www.drks.de/drks_web/navigate.do?navigationId=trial.HTML&TRIAL_ID=DRKS00013951, identifier DRKS00013951