239 research outputs found

    Delayed differentiation of epidermal cells walls can underlie pedomorphosis in plants: the case of pedomorphic petals in the hummingbird-pollinated Caiophora hibiscifolia (Loasaceae, subfam. Loasoideae) species

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    Understanding the relationship between macroevolutionary diversity and variation in organism development is an important goal of evolutionary biology. Variation in the morphology of several plant and animal lineages is attributed to pedomorphosis, a case of heterochrony, where an ancestral juvenile shape is retained in an adult descendant. Pedomorphosis facilitated morphological adaptation in different plant lineages, but its cellular and molecular basis needs further exploration. Plant development differs from animal development in that cells are enclosed by cell walls and do not migrate. Moreover, in many plant lineages, the differentiated epidermis of leaves, and leaf-derived structures, such as petals, limits organ growth. We, therefore, proposed that pedomorphosis in leaves, and in leaf-derived structures, results from delayed differentiation of epidermal cells with respect to reproductive maturity. This idea was explored for petal evolution, given the importance of corolla morphology for angiosperm reproductive success

    Revision of the family Milacidae from Switzerland (Mollusca, Eupulmonata, Parmacelloidea).

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    In this work, the presence of species of the slug family Milacidae in Switzerland was investigated by using the barcoding marker cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) as well as traits of the body and the genital organs. Currently, three species of Tandonia living in Switzerland in established populations could be reported, i.e., T.rustica, T.budapestensis, and T.nigra. The three records of Milaxgagates were re-investigated, but only for one of these records could the identification be reconfirmed. This species has currently no established and thriving population in Switzerland. For all species recorded, detailed descriptions of body morphology, genital anatomy, and distribution data are provided based on the investigated Swiss animals. An unknown pale colour morph of a Tandonia sp. from Canton Ticino could be identified as T.nigra, and the barcodes of T.nigra specimens were submitted to GenBank for the first time. The identity of the Italian and Austrian populations of T.nigra from the Bergamasque Alps and north Tirol is evaluated. Observations on details of the morphology of the genital organs in T.rustica vs. T.kusceri are discussed


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    Comprehensive micro-scaled proteome and phosphoproteome characterization of archived retrospective cancer repositories

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    Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues are a valuable resource for retrospective clinical studies. Here, we evaluate the feasibility of (phospho-)proteomics on FFPE lung tissue regarding protein extraction, quantification, pre-analytics, and sample size. After comparing protein extraction protocols, we use the best-performing protocol for the acquisition of deep (phospho-)proteomes from lung squamous cell and adenocarcinoma with >8,000 quantified proteins and >14,000 phosphosites with a tandem mass tag (TMT) approach. With a microscaled approach, we quantify 7,000 phosphosites, enabling the analysis of FFPE biopsies with limited tissue amounts. We also investigate the influence of pre-analytical variables including fixation time and heat-assisted de-crosslinking on protein extraction efficiency and proteome coverage. Our improved workflows provide quantitative information on protein abundance and phosphosite regulation for the most relevant oncogenes, tumor suppressors, and signaling pathways in lung cancer. Finally, we present general guidelines to which methods are best suited for different applications, highlighting TMT methods for comprehensive (phospho-)proteome profiling for focused clinical studies and label-free methods for large cohorts

    DYW domain structures imply an unusual regulation principle in plant organellar RNA editing catalysis

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    RNA editosomes selectively deaminate cytidines to uridines in plant organellar transcripts mostly to restore protein functionality and consequently facilitate mitochondrial and chloroplast function. The RNA editosomal pentatricopeptide repeat proteins serve target RNA recognition, whereas the intensively studied DYW domain elicits catalysis. Here we present structures and functional data of a DYW domain in an inactive ground state and activated. DYW domains harbour a cytidine deaminase fold and a C terminal DYW motif, with catalytic and structural zinc atoms, respectively. A conserved gating domain within the deaminase fold regulates the active site sterically and mechanistically in a process that we termed gated zinc shutter. Based on the structures, an autoinhibited ground state and its activation are cross validated by RNA editing assays and differential scanning fluorimetry. We anticipate that, in vivo, the framework of an active plant RNA editosome triggers the release of DYW autoinhibition to ensure a controlled and coordinated cytidine deamination playing a key role in mitochondrial and chloroplast homeostasi

    OOI Biogeochemical Sensor Data: Best Practices and User Guide. Version 1.0.0.

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    The OOI Biogeochemical Sensor Data Best Practices and User Guide is intended to provide current and prospective users of data generated by biogeochemical sensors deployed on the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) arrays with the information and guidance needed for them to ensure that the data is science-ready. This guide is aimed at researchers with an interest or some experience in ocean biogeochemical processes. We expect that users of this guide will have some background in oceanography, however we do not assume any prior experience working with biogeochemical sensors or their data. While initially envisioned as a “cookbook” for end users seeking to work with OOI biogeochemical (BGC) sensor data, our Working Group and Beta Testers realized that the processing required to meet the specific needs of all end users across a wide range of potential scientific applications and combinations of OOI BGC data from different sensors and platforms couldn’t be synthesized into a single “recipe”. We therefore provide here the background information and principles needed for the end user to successfully identify and understand all the available “ingredients” (data), the types of “cooking” (end user processing) that are recommended to prepare them, and a few sample “recipes” (worked examples) to support end users in developing their own “recipes” consistent with the best practices presented here. This is not intended to be an exhaustive guide to each of these sensors, but rather a synthesis of the key information to support OOI BGC sensor data users in preparing science-ready data products. In instances when more in-depth information might be helpful, references and links have been provided both within each chapter and in the Appendix

    Continuous Activation of the CD122/STAT-5 Signaling Pathway during Selection of Antigen-Specific Regulatory T Cells in the Murine Thymus

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    Signaling events affecting thymic selection of un-manipulated polyclonal natural CD25+foxp3+ regulatory T cells (nTreg) have not been established ex vivo. Here, we report a higher frequency of phosphorylated STAT-5 (pSTAT-5) in nTreg cells in the adult murine thymus and to a lesser extent in the periphery, compared to other CD4+CD8− subsets. In the neonatal thymus, the numbers of pSTAT-5+ cells in CD25+foxp3− and nTreg cells increased in parallel, suggesting that pSTAT-5+CD25+foxp3− cells might represent the precursors of foxp3+ regulatory T cells. This “specific” pSTAT-5 expression detected in nTreg cells ex vivo was likely due to a very recent signal given by IL-2/IL-15 cytokines in vivo since (i) it disappeared rapidly if cells were left unstimulated in vitro and (ii) was also observed if total thymocytes were stimulated in vitro with saturating amounts of IL-2 and/or IL-15 but not IL-7. Interestingly, STAT-5 activation upon IL-2 stimulation correlated better with foxp3 and CD122 than with CD25 expression. Finally, we show that expression of an endogenous superantigen strongly affected the early Treg cell repertoire but not the proportion of pSTAT-5+ cells within this repertoire. Our results reveal that continuous activation of the CD122/STAT-5 signaling pathway characterize regulatory lineage differentiation in the murine thymus