128 research outputs found

    Functional polymorphisms in the P2X7 receptor gene are associated with stress fracture injury

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    Context: Military recruits and elite athletes are susceptible to stress fracture injuries. Genetic predisposition has been postulated to have a role in their development. The P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) gene, a key regulator of bone remodelling, is a genetic candidate that may contribute to stress fracture predisposition. Objective: To evaluate the putative contribution of P2X7R to stress fracture injury in two separate cohorts, military personnel and elite athletes. Methods: In 210 Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) military conscripts, stress fracture injury was diagnosed (n=43) based on symptoms and a positive bone scan. In a separate cohort of 518 elite athletes, self-reported medical imaging scan-certified stress fracture injuries were recorded (n=125). Non-stress fracture controls were identified from these cohorts who had a normal bone scan or no history or symptoms of stress fracture injury. Study participants were genotyped for functional SNPs within the P2X7R gene using proprietary fluorescence-based competitive allele-specific PCR assay. Pearson Chi-square (χ2) tests, corrected for multiple comparisons, were used to assess associations in genotype frequencies. Results: The variant allele of P2X7R SNP rs3751143 (Glu496Ala- loss of function) was associated with stress fracture injury, while the variant allele of rs1718119 (Ala348Thr- gain of function) was associated with a reduced occurrence of stress fracture injury in military conscripts (P<0.05). The association of the variant allele of rs3751143 with stress fractures was replicated in elite athletes (P<0.05), whereas the variant allele of rs1718119 was also associated with reduced multiple stress fracture cases in elite athletes (P<0.05). Conclusions: The association between independent P2X7R polymorphisms with stress fracture prevalence supports the role of a genetic predisposition in the development of stress fracture injury

    Heterogeneous Glycation of Cancellous Bone and Its Association with Bone Quality and Fragility

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    Non-enzymatic glycation (NEG) and enzymatic biochemical processes create crosslinks that modify the extracellular matrix (ECM) and affect the turnover of bone tissue. Because NEG affects turnover and turnover at the local level affects microarchitecture and formation and removal of microdamage, we hypothesized that NEG in cancellous bone is heterogeneous and accounts partly for the contribution of microarchitecture and microdamage on bone fragility. Human trabecular bone cores from 23 donors were subjected to compression tests. Mechanically tested cores as well as an additional 19 cores were stained with lead-uranyl acetate and imaged to determine microarchitecture and measure microdamage. Post-yield mechanical properties were measured and damaged trabeculae were extracted from a subset of specimens and characterized for the morphology of induced microdamage. Tested specimens and extracted trabeculae were quantified for enzymatic and non-enzymatic crosslink content using a colorimetric assay and Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Results show that an increase in enzymatic crosslinks was beneficial for bone where they were associated with increased toughness and decreased microdamage. Conversely, bone with increased NEG required less strain to reach failure and were less tough. NEG heterogeneously modified trabecular microarchitecture where high amounts of NEG crosslinks were found in trabecular rods and with the mechanically deleterious form of microdamage (linear microcracks). The extent of NEG in tibial cancellous bone was the dominant predictor of bone fragility and was associated with changes in microarchitecture and microdamage

    Explicit expressions for the estimation of the elastic constants of lamellar bone as a function of the volumetric mineral content using a multi-scale approach

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    [EN] In this work, explicit expressions to estimate all the transversely isotropic elastic constants of lamellar bone as a function of the volumetric bone mineral density (BMD) are provided. The methodology presented is based on the direct homogenization procedure using the finite element method, the continuum approach based on the Hill bounds, the least-square method and the mean field technique. Firstly, a detailed description of the volumetric content of the different components of bone is provided. The parameters defined in this step are related to the volumetric BMD considering that bone mineralization process occurs at the smallest scale length of the bone tissue. Then, a thorough description provides the details of the numerical models and the assumptions adopted to estimate the elastic behaviour of the forward scale lengths. The results highlight the noticeable influence of the BMD on the elastic modulus of lamellar bone. Power law regressions fit the Young's moduli, shear stiffness moduli and Poisson ratios. In addition, the explicit expressions obtained are applied to the estimation of the elastic constants of cortical bone. At this scale length, a representative unit cell of cortical bone is analysed including the fibril orientation pattern given by Wagermaier et al. (Biointerphases 1:1-5, 2006) and the BMD distributions observed by Granke et al. (PLoS One 8:e58043, 2012) for the osteon. Results confirm that fibril orientation arrangement governs the anisotropic behaviour of cortical bone instead of the BMD distribution. The novel explicit expressions obtained in this work can be used for improving the accuracy of bone fracture risk assessment.The authors acknowledge the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for the financial support received through the project DPI2013-46641-R and to the Generalitat Valenciana for Programme PROMETEO 2016/007. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interestVercher Martínez, A.; Giner Maravilla, E.; Belda, R.; Aigoun, A.; Fuenmayor Fernández, F. (2018). Explicit expressions for the estimation of the elastic constants of lamellar bone as a function of the volumetric mineral content using a multi-scale approach. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 17(2):449-464. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10237-017-0971-xS449464172Akiva U, Wagner HD, Weiner S (1998) Modelling the three-dimensional elastic constants of parallel-fibred and lamellar bone. J Mater Sci 33:1497–1509Ascenzi A, Bonucci E (1967) The tensile properties of single osteons. Ana Rec 158:375–386Barbour KE, Zmuda JM, Strotmeyer ES, Horwitz MJ, Boudreau R, Evans RW, Ensrud K, Petit MA, Gordon CL, Cauley JA (2013) Correlates of trabecular and cortical volumetric bone mineral density of the radius and tibia older men: the osteoporotic fractures in men study. 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    In Vivo Evaluation of the Presence of Bone Marrow in Cortical Porosity in Postmenopausal Osteopenic Women

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    This is the first observational study examining cortical porosity in vivo in postmenopausal osteopenic women and to incorporate data from two different imaging modalities to further examine the nature of cortical porosity. The goal of this study was to combine high-resolution peripheral computed tomography (HR-pQCT) images, which contain high spatial resolution information of the cortical structure, and magnetic resonance (MR) images, which allow the visualization of soft tissues such as bone marrow, to observe the amount of cortical porosity that contains bone marrow in postmenopausal osteopenic women. The radius of 49 and the tibia of 51 postmenopausal osteopenic women (age 56 ± 3.7) were scanned using both HR-pQCT and MR imaging. A normalized mutual information registration algorithm was used to obtain a three-dimensional rigid transform which aligned the MR image to the HR-pQCT image. The aligned images allowed for the visualization of bone marrow in cortical pores. From the HR-pQCT image, the percent cortical porosity, the number of cortical pores, and the size of each cortical pore was determined. By overlaying the aligned MR and HR-pQCT images, the percent of cortical pores containing marrow, the number of cortical pores containing marrow, and the size of each cortical pore containing marrow were measured. While the amount of cortical porosity did not vary greatly between subjects, the type of cortical pore, containing marrow vs. not containing marrow, varied highly between subjects. The results suggest that cortical pore spaces contain components of varying composition, and that there may be more than one mechanism for the development of cortical porosity

    Obesity and male breast cancer: Provocative parallels?

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    While rare compared to female breast cancer the incidence of male breast cancer (MBC) has increased in the last few decades. Without comprehensive epidemiological studies, the explanation for the increased incidence of MBC can only be speculated. Nevertheless, one of the most worrying global public health issues is the exponential rise in the number of overweight and obese people, especially in the developed world. Although obesity is not considered an established risk factor for MBC, studies have shown increased incidence among obese individuals. With this observation in mind, this article highlights the correlation between the increased incidence of MBC and the current trends in obesity as a growing problem in the 21st century, including how this may impact treatment. With MBC becoming more prominent we put forward the notion that, not only is obesity a risk factor for MBC, but that increasing obesity trends are a contributing factor to its increased incidence

    Strength Training for Arthritis Trial (START): design and rationale

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    Background Muscle loss and fat gain contribute to the disability, pain, and morbidity associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA), and thigh muscle weakness is an independent and modifiable risk factor for it. However, while all published treatment guidelines recommend muscle strengthening exercise to combat loss of muscle mass and strength in knee OA patients, previous strength training studies either used intensities or loads below recommended levels for healthy adults or were generally short, lasting only 6 to 24 weeks. The efficacy of high-intensity strength training in improving OA symptoms, slowing progression, and affecting the underlying mechanisms has not been examined due to the unsubstantiated belief that it might exacerbate symptoms. We hypothesize that in addition to short-term clinical benefits, combining greater duration with high-intensity strength training will alter thigh composition sufficiently to attain long-term reductions in knee-joint forces, lower pain levels, decrease inflammatory cytokines, and slow OA progression. Methods/Design This is an assessor-blind, randomized controlled trial. The study population consists of 372 older (age ≥ 55 yrs) ambulatory, community-dwelling persons with: (1) mild-to-moderate medial tibiofemoral OA (Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) = 2 or 3); (2) knee neutral or varus aligned knee ( -2° valgus ≤ angle ≤ 10° varus); (3) 20 kg.m-2 ≥ BMI ≤ 45 kg.m-2; and (3) no participation in a formal strength-training program for more than 30 minutes per week within the past 6 months. Participants are randomized to one of 3 groups: high-intensity strength training (75-90% 1Repetition Maximum (1RM)); low-intensity strength training (30-40%1RM); or healthy living education. The primary clinical aim is to compare the interventions’ effects on knee pain, and the primary mechanistic aim is to compare their effects on knee-joint compressive forces during walking, a mechanism that affects the OA disease pathway. Secondary aims will compare the interventions’ effects on additional clinical measures of disease severity (e.g., function, mobility); disease progression measured by x-ray; thigh muscle and fat volume, measured by computed tomography (CT); components of thigh muscle function, including hip abductor strength and quadriceps strength, and power; additional measures of knee-joint loading; inflammatory and OA biomarkers; and health-related quality of life. Discussion Test-retest reliability for the thigh CT scan was: total thigh volume, intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) = 0.99; total fat volume, ICC = 0.99, and total muscle volume, ICC = 0.99. ICC for both isokinetic concentric knee flexion and extension strength was 0.93, and for hip-abductor concentric strength was 0.99. The reliability of our 1RM testing was: leg press, ICC = 0.95; leg curl, ICC = 0.99; and leg extension, ICC = 0.98. Results of this trial will provide critically needed guidance for clinicians in a variety of health professions who prescribe and oversee treatment and prevention of OA-related complications. Given the prevalence and impact of OA and the widespread availability of this intervention, assessing the efficacy of optimal strength training has the potential for immediate and vital clinical impact

    Exercise and bone health across the lifespan

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    With ageing, bone tissue undergoes significant compositional, architectural and metabolic alterations potentially leading to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the most prevalent bone disorder, which is characterised by progressive bone weakening and an increased risk of fragility fractures. Although this metabolic disease is conventionally associated with ageing and menopause, the predisposing factors are thought to be established during childhood and adolescence. In light of this, exercise interventions implemented during maturation are likely to be highly beneficial as part of a long-term strategy to maximise peak bone mass and hence delay the onset of age- or menopause-related osteoporosis. This notion is supported by data on exercise interventions implemented during childhood and adolescence, which confirmed that weight-bearing activity, particularly if undertaken during peripubertal development, is capable of generating a significant osteogenic response leading to bone anabolism. Recent work on human ageing and epigenetics suggests that undertaking exercise after the fourth decade of life is still important, given the anti-ageing effect and health benefits provided, potentially occurring via a delay in telomere shortening and modification of DNA methylation patterns associated with ageing. Exercise is among the primary modifiable factors capable of influencing bone health by preserving bone mass and strength, preventing the death of bone cells and anti-ageing action provided