1,535 research outputs found

    Mediale Konstruktionen – Lernmedium Computer

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    Einleitend möchte ich eine Studentin zu Wort kommen lassen, deren Bemerkung exemplarisch ein Kernelement des medialen Lernens im Rahmen des Modellprojekts „Neue Medien in pĂ€dagogischen und psychosozialen Handlungsfeldem“ beleuchtet, auf das dieser Vortrag rekurriert. „MĂ€nner haben offensichtlich“, so findet die Studentin, „mehr Ahnung von Computern oder meinen zu haben oder es zum Klischee gehört, dass, wenn man ein Mann ist, man sich mit Computern auskennen muss“. Die mĂ€nnliche Überlegenheit in Bezug auf die IuK-Technik wird von der 23-JĂ€hrigen als soziales Konstrukt angesprochen, „es gehört zum Klischee“. Die IuK-Technik hat als mĂ€nnlich konnotiertes Artefakt in den Augen der Studentin das Auto abgelöst: „FrĂŒher hatte man das mit dem Auto, dass Frauen angeblich keine Ahnung von Automotoren haben und immer schrecklich hilflos sind, wenn sie einen Platten hatten, und heute haben wir es eben mit dem Computer“. Sie lacht. Lachen ist Ausdruck dafĂŒr, dass man etwas durchschaut hat. Ob Auto oder Computer, beides, so entdeckt sie fĂŒr sich, dient dazu, das VerhĂ€ltnis zwischen den Geschlechtern als ein hierarchisches zu etablieren. Sie dekonstruiert einen von ihr angenommenen gesellschaftlichen Konsens. Das Lernen junger Erwachsener mit und durch neue Medien erwies sich – so die aus der Evaluation des Modellprojekts gewonnene Hauptthese – als ein komplexer Konstruktions-, Dekonstruktions- und Rekonstruktionsprozess. Bevor ich diese These fortsetze, will ich das Modellprojekt vorstellen

    Search for top-squark pair production with the LHC experiment ATLAS in final states with b-quarks and tau leptons

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    Educating sustainable development (ESD) in the context of public management. Conceptual considerations for the design of a collaborative educational format for local sustainability

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    This article describes the conception of an open workshop format (blended learning) set up by municipalities that do not only act as internal providers of qualification for their employees. In collaboration with science, business, and civil society, the local implementation of the sustainability goals of the Agenda 2030 and the German Sustainability Strategy as well as the impact relationships of individual measures with a view to achieving the goals should be perceptible in the sense of seamless learning. For this purpose, the actors collect data to make the urgency of further intensifications or the impact of each actors actions transparent to each other via virtual dashboard applications. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Narrative Subject: Storytelling in the Age of the Internet

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    This open access book considers the stories of adolescents and young adults from different regions of the world who use digital media as instruments and stages for storytelling, or who make themselves the subject of storytelling. These narratives discuss interconnectedness, self-staging, and managing boundaries. From the perspective of media and cultural research, they can be read as responses to the challenges of contemporary society. Providing empirical evidence and thought-provoking explanations, this book will be useful to students and scholars who wish to uncover how ongoing processes of cultural transformation are reflected in the thoughts and feelings of the internet generation.Welche Geschichten erzĂ€hlen Menschen, die die digitalen Medien als Instrumente, BĂŒhnen und Gegenstand des ErzĂ€hlens nutzen? Diese Studie, in die Netzakteur*innen und Blogger*innen einbezogen waren, zeigt: Es sind Geschichten, die u.a. von Vernetzung, Verwandlung, Grenzmanagement und Aufbruch erzĂ€hlen. Als narrative Zeitsignaturen verweisen sie auf Fragen, BedĂŒrfnisse, Ängste und SehnsĂŒchte, mit denen sich Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene in verschiedenen Regionen der Welt angesichts des weltweiten gesellschaftlich-kulturellen Wandels konfrontiert sehen. Die in dem Buch angestellten kulturwissenschaftlichen Reflexion berĂŒcksichtigen die EinflĂŒsse von Kultur und digitaler Technik auf heutiges GeschichtenerzĂ€hlen

    Storytelling in the age of the internet: what can we learn from the online narratives of children and young people?

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    For a generation whose lives have become digital by default, national borders no longer represent the limits of experiences and actions. Their identities, forged through digitised representations, often develop in transnational online spaces, forming links with other parts of the world in ways that make interconnectedness an integral part of their identities and life stories. For www.parenting.digital, Christina Schachtner discusses her recent book The Narrative Subject and the online narratives of children and young people from Europe, the Middle East, and North America. Children’s online self-representations offer an insight into what moves them, their aspirations and efforts, as well as their worries and fears. Exploring children’s online narratives can help us support them to meet not only the challenges of the digital environment, but also the biographical and social challenges of growing up

    The Narrative Subject

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    This open access book considers the stories of adolescents and young adults from different regions of the world who use digital media as instruments and stages for storytelling, or who make the media the subject of story telling. These narratives discuss interconnectedness, self-staging, and managing boundaries. From the perspective of media and cultural research, they can be read as responses to the challenges of contemporary society. Providing empirical evidence and thought-provoking explanations, this book will be useful to students and scholars who wish to uncover how ongoing processes of cultural transformation are reflected in the thoughts and feelings of the internet generation

    Knowledge-based gene expression classification via matrix factorization

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    Motivation: Modern machine learning methods based on matrix decomposition techniques, like independent component analysis (ICA) or non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), provide new and efficient analysis tools which are currently explored to analyze gene expression profiles. These exploratory feature extraction techniques yield expression modes (ICA) or metagenes (NMF). These extracted features are considered indicative of underlying regulatory processes. They can as well be applied to the classification of gene expression datasets by grouping samples into different categories for diagnostic purposes or group genes into functional categories for further investigation of related metabolic pathways and regulatory networks. Results: In this study we focus on unsupervised matrix factorization techniques and apply ICA and sparse NMF to microarray datasets. The latter monitor the gene expression levels of human peripheral blood cells during differentiation from monocytes to macrophages. We show that these tools are able to identify relevant signatures in the deduced component matrices and extract informative sets of marker genes from these gene expression profiles. The methods rely on the joint discriminative power of a set of marker genes rather than on single marker genes. With these sets of marker genes, corroborated by leave-one-out or random forest cross-validation, the datasets could easily be classified into related diagnostic categories. The latter correspond to either monocytes versus macrophages or healthy vs Niemann Pick C disease patients.Siemens AG, MunichDFG (Graduate College 638)DAAD (PPP Luso - Alem˜a and PPP Hispano - Alemanas

    Metamorphic development of the olfactory system in the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum, HERBST)

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    Background: Insects depend on their olfactory sense as a vital system. Olfactory cues are processed by a rather complex system and translated into various types of behavior. In holometabolous insects like the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, the nervous system typically undergoes considerable remodeling during metamorphosis. This process includes the integration of new neurons, as well as remodeling and elimination of larval neurons. Results: We find that the sensory neurons of the larval antennae are reused in the adult antennae. Further, the larval antennal lobe gets transformed into its adult version. The beetle’s larval antennal lobe is already glomerularly structured, but its glomeruli dissolve in the last larval stage. However, the axons of the olfactory sensory neurons remain within the antennal lobe volume. The glomeruli of the adult antennal lobe then form from mid-metamorphosis independently of the presence of a functional OR/Orco complex but mature dependent on the latter during a postmetamorphic phase. Conclusions: We provide insights into the metamorphic development of the red flour beetle’s olfactory system and compared it to data on Drosophila melanogaster, Manduca sexta, and Apis mellifera. The comparison revealed that some aspects, such as the formation of the antennal lobe’s adult glomeruli at mid-metamorphosis, are common, while others like the development of sensory appendages or the role of Orco seemingly differ

    The New Screen Time: Computers, Tablets, and Smartphones Enter the Equation

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    Emerging technologies attract children and push parents\u27 and caregivers\u27 abilities to attend to their families. This article presents recommendations related to the new version of screen time, which includes time with computers, tablets, and smartphones. Recommendations are provided for screen time for very young children and those in middle and late childhood. Recommendations for screen time for adults—particularly important when adults are around their children—are included as well. In addition, the article provides information about integrating the recommendations into practice with Extension and other community audiences
