776 research outputs found

    Trump v. Hawaii 138 S. Ct. 2392 (2018)

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    The cognitive-spiritual dimension - an important addition to the assessment of quality of life: Validation of a questionnaire (SELT-M) in patients with advanced cancer

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    Questions of meaning and challenge by illness, i.e., the spiritual dimension of quality of life (QL) traditionally played an important role in anthroposophically oriented medicine and have gained importance in palliative medicine and supportive care. In the context of a research project on QL in patients with advanced cancer, we therefore investigated the psychometric properties of a questionnaire covering spiritual QL issues, with the aim of providing a module for the assessment of cognitive-spiritual QL. Patients and methods: We investigated 89 patients with advanced breast and gastro-intestinal cancer. Construct validity of a modified version of the SELT (Skalen zur Erfassung von Lebensqualitat bei Tumorkranken), the SELT-M was tested by multitrait scaling analysis. Discriminant and convergent validity were also tested. The EORTC QLQ-C30 was used as a standard for validation. Results showed the SELT-M as feasible in administration. Four of the five SELT-M subscales were internally consistent (Cronbach's Alpha = ≥0.7). The subscale on spiritual QL showed higher within than outside subscale correlations for six of its eight items. Association of the SELT-M with the EORTC QLQ-C30 was good for the items and subscales covering the same aspects of QL in both questionnaires: emotional (Spearman r = 0.61), physical functioning (r= −0.54) and fatigue (r= −0.75). In accordance with expectations, there was no association between spiritual QL with any EORTC QLQ-C30 subscales. Self-assessed spiritual QL in the SELT-M corresponded well with interviewer assessments (test for trend accross ordered groups, P = 0.0023). Conclusions. Overall there is confirming evidence for the hypothesised structure of the SELT-M, especially for the newly developed module on spiritual QL. This module may be used as a module together with other cancer specific QL questionnaire

    Vulnerability and resilience of high-mountain pine forests of the Gredos range (Ávila, Spanish Central System): two thousand years of socio-ecological dynamics

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    RESUMEN: En este trabajo se presenta el análisis palinológico de la turbera de Pozo de la Nieve, localizada en el Parque Natural del Valle de Iruelas (Ávila), un área de alto valor sociocultural dentro de la Sierra de Gredos (Sistema Central). Con el objetivo de relacionar los cambios en el paisaje con la explotación de los recursos naturales y eventos climáticos, en primer lugar se han realizado 7 dataciones radiocarbónicas que sitúan el inicio del registro sedimentario ca. 240 cal BC. Los datos polínicos indican la existencia de un denso pinar altimontano dominado por Pinus sylvestris/nigra desde la Segunda Edad de Hierro hasta el periodo islámico. A partir del periodo cristiano las actividades antrópicas se intensifican, especialmente la ganadería en la Edad Contemporánea, lo cual conlleva la progresiva desaparición del pinar de alta montaña y el desarrollo de pastizales mediante el manejo del fuego, situación que culmina con el desarrollo del paisaje actual dominado por piornales pirófilos.ABSTRACT: We present the palynological study of Pozo de la Nieve peat bog, located in a very valuable socio-cultural placement within the Iruelas Valley Natural Park (Gredos range, Iberian Central System). We have focused in relating landscape changes to natural resources management and climatic events. Firstly, we carried out seven radiocarbon dates suggesting the origin of this record ca. 240 cal BC. The palynological data show the existence of dense high-mountain pine woodlands dominated by Pinus sylvestris/nigra from the Late Iron Age to the Muslim period. Later, from the Christian period, anthropogenic activities have intensified, especially livestock grazing in the Contemporary Age. Its consequences are the progressive disappearance of highmountain pine forests and the extension of grasslands by means of fire, which has shaped current landscape dominated by broom communities.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto Desirè-HAR2013-43701-P (Plan Nacional I+D+I, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España). Sebastián Pérez Díaz está financiado por el Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i en la modalidad Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación. Mónica Ruiz Alonso está financiada por el Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i en la modalidad Juan de la Cierva-Formación

    The Battle against Emerging Antibiotic Resistance: Should Fluoroquinolones Be Used to Treat Children?

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    Inappropriate use of antibiotic drugs in humans and animals has led to widespread resistance among microbial pathogens. Resistance is the phenotypic expression corresponding to genetic changes caused by either mutation or acquisition of new genetic information. In some cases, multidrug resistance occurs. Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the most important respiratory pathogens, playing a major role in both upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Pneumococcal resistance to antimicrobials may be acquired by means of horizontal transfer followed by homologous recombination of genetic material from the normal flora of the human oral cavity or by means of mutation. Resistance to penicillins and macrolides has been increasing for some time, but, recently, fluoroquinolone resistance has become an issue as well. We are concerned that, if fluoroquinolones are approved for use in children, their widespread use will result in rapid emergence of pneumococcal resistance, because children are more often colonized in the nasopharynx with high-density populations of pneumococci than are adult

    Variable response in alpine tree-ring stable isotopes following volcanic eruptions in the tropics and iceland

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    The importance of the stable isotopes in tree rings for the study of the climate variations caused by volcanic eruptions is still unclear. We studied δ18O, δD, δ13C stable isotopes of larch and cembran pine cellulose around four major eruptions with annual resolution, along with a superposed epoch analysis of 34 eruptions with 5-year resolution. Initial analysis of the tropical Tambora (1815 CE) and Samalas (1257 CE) eruptions showed a post-eruption decrease in δ18O values attributed to post-volcanic cooling and increased summer precipitation in Southern Europe, as documented by observations and climate simulations. The post-volcanic cooling was captured by the δD of speleothem fluid inclusion. The δ18O decrease was also observed in the analysis of 34 major tropical eruptions over the last 2000 years. In contrast, the eruptions of c. 750, 756, and 764 CE attributed to Icelandic volcanoes left no significant responses in the cellulose isotopes. Further analysis of all major Icelandic eruptions in the last 2000 years showed no consistent isotopic fingerprints, with the exception of lower post-volcanic δ13C values in larch. In summary, the δ18O values of cellulose can provide relevant information on climatic and hydroclimatic variations following major tropical volcanic eruptions, even when using the 5-year resolution wood samples of the Alpine Tree-Ring Isotope Record database

    Inhibitory activity of Lactobacillus plantarum LMG P-26358 against Listeria innocua when used as an adjunct starter in the manufacture of cheese

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    Lactobacillus plantarum LMG P-26358 isolated from a soft French artisanal cheese produces a potent class IIa bacteriocin with 100% homology to plantaricin 423 and bacteriocidal activity against Listeria innocua and Listeria monocytogenes. The bacteriocin was found to be highly stable at temperatures as high as 100°C and pH ranges from 1-10. While this relatively narrow spectrum bacteriocin also exhibited antimicrobial activity against species of enterococci, it did not inhibit dairy starters including lactococci and lactobacilli when tested by well diffusion assay (WDA). In order to test the suitability of Lb. plantarum LMG P-26358 as an anti-listerial adjunct with nisin-producing lactococci, laboratory-scale cheeses were manufactured. Results indicated that combining Lb. plantarum LMG P-26358 (at 108 colony forming units (cfu)/ml) with a nisin producer is an effective strategy to eliminate the biological indicator strain, L. innocua. Moreover, industrial-scale cheeses also demonstrated that Lb. plantarum LMG P-26358 was much more effective than the nisin producer alone for protection against the indicator. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry confirmed the presence of plantaricin 423 and nisin in the appropriate cheeses over an 18 week ripening period. A spray-dried fermentate of Lb. plantarum LMG P-26358 also demonstrated potent anti-listerial activity in vitro using L. innocua. Overall, the results suggest that Lb. plantarum LMG P-26358 is a suitable adjunct for use with nisin-producing cultures to improve the safety and quality of dairy products

    Saturable metabolism of continuous high-dose ifosfamide with Mesna and GM-CSF: A pharmacokinetic study in advanced sarcoma patients

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess the pharmacology, toxicity and activity of high-dose ifosfamide/mesna ± GM-CSF administered by a five-day continuous infusion at a total ifosfamide dose of 12-18 g/m2 in adult patients with advanced sarcomas. Patients and methods: Between January 1991 and October 1992 32 patients with advanced or metastatic sarcoma were entered the study. Twenty-seven patients were pretreated including twenty-three with prior ifosfamide at less than 8 g/m2 total dose/cycle. In 25 patients (27 cycles) extensive pharmacokinetic analyses were performed. Results: The area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) for ifosfamide increased linearly with dose while the AUC's of the metabolites measured in plasma by thin-layer chromatography did not increase with dose, particularly that of the active metabolite isophosphoramide mustard. Furthermore the AUC of the inactive carboxymetabolite did not increase with dose. Interpatient variability of pharmacokinetic parameters was high. Dose-limiting toxicity was myelosup-pression at 18 g/m2 total dose with grade 4 neutropenia in five of six patients and grade 4 thrombocytopenia in four of six patients. Therefore the maximum tolerated dose was considered to be 18 g/m2 total dose. There was one CR and eleven PR in twenty-nine evaluable patients (overall response rate 41%). Conclusion: Both the activation and inactivation pathways of ifosfamide are non-linear and saturable at high-doses although the pharmacokinetics of the parent drug itself are dose linear. Ifosfamide doses greater than 14-16 g/m2 per cycle appear to result in a relative decrease of the active metabolite isophosphoramide mustard. These data suggest a dose-dependent saturation or even inhibition of ifosfamide metabolism by increasing high dose ifosfamide and suggest the need for further metabolic studie

    Familial Transmission of a Serious Disease—Producing Group A Streptococcus Clone: Case Reports and Review

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    Invasive group A streptococcus (GAS) infections are emerging diseases; however, person-to-person transmission of invasive GAS producing life-threatening infection has been observed rarely. We report a small intrafamilial cluster of life-threatening GAS infections. A previously healthy 47-year-old father developed necrotizing fasciitis of the neck. Two days later, his 16-year-old daughter developed streptococcal angina, pneumonia, and pleural empyema. Both patients had signs of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis revealed that the M6 strains of GAS isolated from the father and daughter had identical patterns. Cases of person-to-person transmission of invasive GAS infection reported in the literature are also reviewe

    Immunity-targeted approaches to the management of chronic and recurrent upper respiratory tract disorders in children

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    BACKGROUND: Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), including rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis and otitis media (OM), comprise of 88% of total respiratory infections, especially in children. Therefore effective prevention and treatment of RTIs remain a high priority worldwide. Preclinical and clinical data highlight the rationale for the use and effectiveness of immunity-targeted approaches, including targeted immunisations and non-specific immunomodulation in the prevention and management of recurrent upper RTIs. OBJECTIVE OF REVIEW: The idea of this review was to summarise the current evidence and address key questions concerning the use of conservative and immunity-targeted approaches to recurrent and chronic URTIs, with a focus on the paediatric population. SEARCH STRATEGY/EVALUATION METHOD: Literature searches were conducted in March 2017 and updated in September 2017 using: Academic Search Complete; CENTRAL; Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition; MEDLINE; clinicaltrials.gov; and Cochrane databases. In total, 84 articles were retrieved and reviewed. Two independent researchers focused on primary and secondary endpoints in systematic reviews, meta-analyses and randomised, controlled trials, using immunity-directed strategies as the control group or within a subpopulation of larger studies. Existing guidelines and interventional/observational studies on novel applications were also included. RESULTS: Children are particularly susceptible to RTIs due to the relative immaturity of their immune systems, as well as other potential predisposing factors such as day care attendance and/or toxic environmental factors (eg increased pathogenic microbial exposure and air pollutants). Recurrent URTIs can affect otherwise healthy children, leading to clinical sequelae and complications, including the development of chronic conditions or the need for surgery. Available pre-clinical and clinical data highlight the rationale for the use and effectiveness of immunity-targeted approaches, including targeted immunisations (flu and pneumococcal vaccines) and non-specific immunomodulation (bacterial lysates), in the prevention and management of recurrent croup, tonsillitis, otitis media, recurrent acute rhinosinusitis and chronic rhinosinusitis. CONCLUSIONS: In this review, we summarise the current evidence and provide data demonstrating that some immunity-targeted strategies, including vaccination and immunomodulation, have proved effective in the treatment and prevention of recurrent and chronic URTIs in children.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Palaeoecological data indicates land-use changes across Europe linked to spatial heterogeneity in mortality during the Black Death pandemic

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    The Black Death (1347-1352 CE) is the most renowned pandemic in human history, believed by many to have killed half of Europe's population. However, despite advances in ancient DNA research that conclusively identified the pandemic's causative agent (bacterium Yersinia pestis), our knowledge of the Black Death remains limited, based primarily on qualitative remarks in medieval written sources available for some areas of Western Europe. Here, we remedy this situation by applying a pioneering new approach, 'big data palaeoecology', which, starting from palynological data, evaluates the scale of the Black Death's mortality on a regional scale across Europe. We collected pollen data on landscape change from 261 radiocarbon-dated coring sites (lakes and wetlands) located across 19 modern-day European countries. We used two independent methods of analysis to evaluate whether the changes we see in the landscape at the time of the Black Death agree with the hypothesis that a large portion of the population, upwards of half, died within a few years in the 21 historical regions we studied. While we can confirm that the Black Death had a devastating impact in some regions, we found that it had negligible or no impact in others. These inter-regional differences in the Black Death's mortality across Europe demonstrate the significance of cultural, ecological, economic, societal and climatic factors that mediated the dissemination and impact of the disease. The complex interplay of these factors, along with the historical ecology of plague, should be a focus of future research on historical pandemics.The authors acknowledge the following funding sources: Max Planck Independent Research Group, Palaeo-Science and History Group (A.I., A.M. and C.V.); Estonian Research Council #PRG323, PUT1173 (A.Pos., T.R., N.S. and S.V.); European Research Council #FP7 263735 (A.Bro. and A.Plu.), #MSC 655659 (A.E.); Georgetown Environmental Initiative (T.N.); Latvian Council of Science #LZP-2020/2-0060 (N.S. and N.J.); LLNL-JRNL-820941 (I.T.); NSF award #GSS-1228126 (S.M.); Polish-Swiss Research Programme #013/2010 CLIMPEAT (M.Lam.), #086/2010 CLIMPOL (A.W.); Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education #N N306 275635 (M.K.); Polish National Science Centre #2019/03/X/ST10/00849 (M.Lam.), #2015/17/B/ST10/01656 (M.Lam.), #2015/17/B/ST10/03430 (M.Sło.), #2018/31/B/ST10/02498 (M.Sło.), #N N304 319636 (A.W.); SCIEX #12.286 (K.Mar.); Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness #REDISCO-HAR2017-88035-P (J.A.L.S.); Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports #FPU16/00676 (R.L.L.); Swedish Research Council #421-2010-1570 (P.L.), #2018-01272 (F.C.L. and A.S.); Volkswagen Foundation Freigeist Fellowship Dantean Anomaly (M.B.), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation #RTI2018-101714-B-I00 (F.A.S. and D.A.S.), OP RDE, MEYS project #CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000728 (P.P.