622 research outputs found
Comment on "Material Evidence of a 38 MeV Boson"
In the recent preprint 1202.1739 it was claimed that preliminary data
presented by COMPASS at recent conferences confirm the existence of a resonant
state of mass 38 MeV decaying to two photons. This claim was made based on
structures observed in two-photon mass distributions which however were shown
only to demonstrate the purity and mass resolution of the {\pi}0 and {\eta}
signals. The additional structures are understood as remnants of secondary
interactions inside the COMPASS spectrometer. Therefore, the COMPASS data do
not confirm the existence of this state.Comment: 2 pages, 7 figure
Застосування елементів фреймо-лакунарного аналізу при перекладі англійських жартів з лінгвістичною основою українською мовою
(uk) У статті розглядаються шляхи створення комічної недоладності та лакунарності в англомoвних лінгвістичних жартах та робиться спроба залучення елементів фреймо-лакунарного підходу до перекладу англійських мовно-орієнтованих анекдотів українською мовою.(en) The paper considers the comic incongruity in English linguistically based jokes and discusses the ways the frame and lacuna analysis can be applied to the translation of English anecdotes into Ukrainian
Nästa generation skogsägares behov av tjänster och rådgivning
Inom kort kommer mycket stora arealer skogsmark att byta ägare. En äldre generation kommer lämna över till en yngre som i högre utsträckning har jobb utanför skogssektorn och som bor längre ifrån fastigheten. För att Mellanskog ska vara en attraktiv skoglig partner även för den nya generationen och erbjuda vad de behöver är det viktigt att veta vilka förväntningar och krav de har på skogen och skogsägarföreningen. Denna undersökning vände sig till dagens äldre medlemmar (> 70 år) i Mellanskog men framförallt till deras barn.
Målet var att besvara följande frågeställningar:
• Finns det skillnader i föräldrarnas respektive barnens avsikter att behålla skogen inom familjen?
• Vilka eventuella problem ser barnen med skogsägande och vilka hinder ligger i vägen för att de ska ta över skogen?
• Vilka produkter och/eller tjänster kommer bli viktigast för framtidens skogsägare?
Drygt 700 medlemmar kontaktades och 262 lämnade ut sina barns fullständiga kontaktuppgifter. Endast 43 % av de 262 föräldrarna uppgav att ett barn sannolikt skulle ta över, 5 % trodde inte att något barn skulle ta över, övriga visste inte hur det skulle bli. Maximalt ett barn per familj kontaktades och 200 genomförde intervjun.
Även om både föräldrarna och barnen sätter ett stort värde på att behålla skogen i familjen så verkar det vara viktigare för den äldre generationen. Det som av barnen främst upplevs stå i vägen för ett övertagande är brist på tid. De tjänster som erbjuds idag förefaller vara tillräckliga även i framtiden. De tjänster som värderas högst är årlig inspektion av skogen och hjälp med generationsskiftet.Within a rather short period of time, huge areas of private owned forest land will change owners in Sweden. The most common practice is that children, either one single child or several together, of the current owner take the forest estate in possession. The (grown-up) children of today’s forest owners are typically living farther away from the estate and are working in the forest sector to a lesser extent than their parents. In order to make an forest owners association, e.g. Mellanskog, an attractive and competitive partner also for the next generation of forest owners, these associations may have to adjust their offers of products and services.
This survey, which is targeting older (> 70 yrs) members of Mellanskog and their children, aims to answer the following questions:
• Are there differences between the parents’, respectively in the children’s ambition to keep the forest within the family?
• What problems do the children associate with forest ownership and what is standing in the way for them to take over the estate?
• What products and/or services will be most important to the forest owner of the future?
Just over 700 members were contacted and 262 gave out satisfactory contact information to their children. Only 43 % of the 262 parents stated that one or more of their children are likely to take over the estate. 5 % didn’t think that any of their children will take over the estate and the remaining 52 % didn’t know what will happen to their estate. A maximum of one child per family and 200 of the children answered the survey. Out of these, 156 (78 %) where interested in taking over. Even though the parents as well as their children value keeping the forest within the family, it seems to be more important to the older generation. Time seems to be the limiting factor and the children’s greatest concern about taking over the forest estate. The products and services provided by Mellanskog today seem to meet the requirements of the future. The highest rated services are assistance during the actual transaction of the estate to the younger generation and an annual inspection of the forests
KinFit -- A Kinematic Fitting Package for Hadron Physics Experiments
A kinematic fitting package, KinFit, based on the Lagrange multiplier
technique has been implemented for generic hadron physics experiments. It is
particularly suitable for experiments where the interaction point is unknown,
such as experiments with extended target volumes. The KinFit package includes
vertex finding tools and fitting with kinematic constraints, such as mass
hypothesis and four-momentum conservation, as well as combinations of these
constraints. The new package is distributed as an open source software via
This paper presents a comprehensive description of the KinFit package and its
features, as well as a benchmark study using Monte Carlo simulations of the
reaction. The results show
that KinFit improves the parameter resolution and provides an excellent basis
for event selection
The pd --> ^3He eta pi0 reaction at T_p = 1450 MeV
The cross section for the pd --> ^3He eta pi0 reaction has been measured at a
beam energy of 1450 MeV using the WASA detector at the CELSIUS storage ring and
detecting one ^3He and four photons from the decays of the two photons. The
data indicate that the production mechanism involves the formation of the
Delta(1232) isobar. Although the beam energy does not allow the full peak of
this resonance to be seen, the invariant masses of all three pairs of final
state particles are well reproduced by a phase space Monte Carlo simulation
weighted with the p-wave factor of the square of the pi^0 momentum in the
^3Hepi^0 system.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
Production of eta and 3pi mesons in the pd->3HeX reaction at 1360 and 1450 MeV
The cross sections of the pd -> 3He eta, pd -> 3He pi0 pi0 pi0 and pd -> 3He
pi+ pi- pi0 reactions have been measured at beam kinetic energies T_p= 1360 MeV
and T_p= 1450 MeV using the CELSIUS/WASA detector setup. At both energies, the
differential cross section dsigma/dOmega of the eta meson in the pd -> 3He eta
reaction shows a strong forward-backward asymmetry in the CMS. The ratio
between the pd -> 3He pi+ pi- pi0 and the pd -> 3He pi0 pi0 pi0 cross sections
has been analysed in terms of isospin amplitudes. The reconstructed invariant
mass distributions of the pi-pi, 3He-pi and 3He-2pi systems provide hints on
the role of nucleon resonances in the 3pi production process.Comment: Shorter version accepted to EPJA 10 pages 14 figure
4D Track Reconstruction on Free-Streaming Data at PANDA at FAIR
A new generation of experiments is being developed, where the challenge of
separating rare signal processes from background at high intensities requires a
change of trigger paradigm. At the future PANDA experiment at FAIR, hardware
triggers will be abandoned and instead a purely software-based system will be
used. This requires novel reconstruction methods with the ability to process
data from many events simultaneously.
A 4D tracking algorithm based on the cellular automaton has been developed
which will utilize the timing information from detector signals. Simulation
studies have been performed to test its performance on the foreseen
free-streaming data from the PANDA detector. For this purpose, a quality
assurance procedure for tracking on free-streaming data was implemented in the
PANDA software. The studies show that at higher interaction rates, 4D tracking
performs better than the 3D algorithm in terms of efficiency, 84% compared to
77%. The fake track suppression is also greatly improved, compared to the 3D
tracking with roughly a 50% decrease in the ghost rate
Making physics outreach more gender inclusive
“Diversity in the Cultures of Physics” was an Erasmus+ funded Strategic Partnership launching several key actions aimed at improving the gender balance in physics and its subfields. The Strategic Partnership consisted of six universities in four countries: Freie Universität Berlin in Germany, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universitat de Barcelona in Spain, the University of Manchester and the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom and Uppsala Universitet in Sweden.
This flyer provides recommendations and a checklist to make outreach activities in physics more gender inclusive. It is aimed at people already active in outreach activities for young people. The flyer indicates relevant examples of outreach projects, highlights diversity-relevant questions and topics for planning outreach activities and provides a checklist for how outreach events in physics can be made more gender inclusive
Hadron Spectroscopy with COMPASS at CERN
The aim of the COMPASS hadron programme is to study the light-quark hadron
spectrum, and in particular, to search for evidence of hybrids and glueballs.
COMPASS is a fixed-target experiment at the CERN SPS and features a two-stage
spectrometer with high momentum resolution, large acceptance, particle
identification and calorimetry. A short pilot run in 2004 resulted in the
observation of a spin-exotic state with consistent with the
debated . In addition, Coulomb production at low momentum transfer
data provide a test of Chiral Perturbation Theory. During 2008 and 2009, a
world leading data set was collected with hadron beam which is currently being
analysed. The large statistics allows for a thorough decomposition of the data
into partial waves. The COMPASS hadron data span over a broad range of channels
and shed light on several different aspects of QCD.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
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