383 research outputs found

    Comparing hierarchies of total functionals

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    In this paper we consider two hierarchies of hereditarily total and continuous functionals over the reals based on one extensional and one intensional representation of real numbers, and we discuss under which asumptions these hierarchies coincide. This coincidense problem is equivalent to a statement about the topology of the Kleene-Kreisel continuous functionals. As a tool of independent interest, we show that the Kleene-Kreisel functionals may be embedded into both these hierarchies.Comment: 28 page

    An extracellular transglutaminase is required for apple pollen tube growth

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    An extracellular form of the calcium-dependent protein-crosslinking enzyme TGase (transglutaminase) was demonstrated to be involved in the apical growth of Malus domestica pollen tube. Apple pollen TGase and its substrates were co-localized within aggregates on the pollen tube surface, as determined by indirect immunofluorescence staining and the in situ cross-linking of fluorescently labelled substrates. TGase-specific inhibitors and an anti-TGase monoclonal antibody blocked pollen tube growth, whereas incorporation of a recombinant fluorescent mammalian TGase substrate (histidine-tagged green fluorescent protein:His6– Xpr–GFP) into the growing tube wall enhanced tube length and germination, consistent with a role of TGase as a modulator of cell wall building and strengthening. The secreted pollen TGase catalysed the cross-linking of both PAs (polyamines) into proteins (released by the pollen tube) and His6-Xpr-GFP into endogenous or exogenously added substrates. A similar distribution of TGase activitywas observed in planta on pollen tubes germinating inside the style, consistent with a possible additional role for TGase in the interaction between the pollen tube and the style during fertilization

    Prevalence and patterns of antimicrobial resistance among escherichia coli and staphylococcus spp. In a veterinary university hospital

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    The occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in commensal strains of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus spp. was investigated in 320 samples collected from patients and the environment of a veterinary university hospital—specifically, the consultation area (CA) and intensive care unit (ICU). E. coli was isolated in 70/160 samples (44%), while Staphylococcus spp. were isolated in 110/160 (69%) samples. The occurrence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) isolates from CA and ICU admission were similar for E. coli (1/12 (8%) versus 4/27 (15%), respectively) and Staphylococcus spp. (10/19 (53%) versus 26/50 (52%), respectively). MDR E. coli isolates increased significantly at hospital discharge (18/31; 58%; p = 0.008). Antimicrobial treatment administered during hospitalization was a risk factor for carriage of MDR E. coli (OR, 23.9; 95% CI: 1.18–484.19; p = 0.04) and MDR Staphylococcus spp. (OR, 19.5; 95% CI 1.30–292.76; p = 0.02), respectively. The odds ratio for MDR E. coli was 41.4 (95% CI 2.13–806.03; p = 0.01), if the administration of fluoroquinolones was evaluated. The mecA gene was detected in 19/24 (79%) coagulase-positive Staphylococcus spp. isolates resistant to oxacillin. High rates of MDR Staphylococcus spp. were reported. Hospitalization in the ICU and antimicrobial treatment were risk factors for colonization by MDR commensal bacteria

    Wurtzite nanowires strain control by DC electrical stimulation

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    Nanomechanics is a highly developed area of research, given the significant reported changes in material properties at the nanometer scale, requiring the development of new theories to explain the underlying mechanisms. Such theories must be based on measurements that are as accurate as possible, but unfortunately, conventional experimental techniques do not apply to such small components. Here we present a unique new method to control electro-mechanical forces on quasi −1D nanostructures through static electric fields with multiple ways of control of GaAs nanowires’ strain directly on the growth substrate

    Bovine paratuberculosis: results of a control plan in 64 dairy farms in a 4-year period

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    Paratuberculosis is considered one of the most economically devastating infectious diseases of domestic livestock, and the most effective control strategy is a combination of 'test-and-cull' and on-farm biosecurity measures. In Italy, a Voluntary National Control Plan (VNCP) and guidelines have been introduced to reduce the impact of the disease, and farmers can voluntarily enroll in the control plan. The main aims of this study were: i) the description of the trend over a 4-year period on total, within-herd (WH) and between herd (BH) apparent seroprevalences observed in 64 dairy herds members of a mutual company located in Italy after the introduction of a proposed "Customized Control Plan" (CCP); ii) the evaluation of its effectiveness in terms of percentage of participating farms that decided to join the VNCP. Analyses on serum samples were performed with Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) method and revealed a general decrease in both total, WH and BH apparent seroprevalence. Total average apparent seroprevalence decreased from 2.39% in 2017 to 1% in 2020. Negative herds raised from 51.9% in 2017 to 71.1% in 2020, while farms with WH apparent seroprevalence > 5% decreased from 17.3% in 2017 to 4.4% in 2020. BH apparent seroprevalence decreased from 51.2% in 2017 to 29.2% in 2020. Among the 52 out of 64 herds that accepted to continue the proposed CCP after the first year, 41 (78.8%) joined in 2020 the VNCP, that assessed the health ranking of the herds. The results provide evidence that a control plan based on a farm-specific strategy and a subsidized testing process can effectively reduce the impact of paratuberculosis in dairy herds, especially in convincing farmers to continue in paratuberculosis control by joining the VNCP, including them in a National context and increasing their awareness of the disease

    Proteomic profiling reveals the transglutaminase-2 externalization pathway in kidneys after unilateral ureteric obstruction

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    Increased export of transglutaminase-2 (TG2) by tubular epithelial cells (TECs) into the surrounding interstitium modifies the extracellular homeostatic balance, leading to fibrotic membrane expansion. Although silencing of extracellular TG2 ameliorates progressive kidney scarring in animal models of CKD, the pathway through which TG2 is secreted from TECs and contributes to disease progression has not been elucidated. In this study, we developed a global proteomic approach to identify binding partners of TG2 responsible for TG2 externalization in kidneys subjected to unilateral ureteric obstruction (UUO) using TG2 knockout kidneys as negative controls. We report a robust and unbiased analysis of the membrane interactome of TG2 in fibrotic kidneys relative to the entire proteome after UUO, detected by SWATH mass spectrometry. The data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD008173. Clusters of exosomal proteins in the TG2 interactome supported the hypothesis that TG2 is secreted by extracellular membrane vesicles during fibrosis progression. In established TEC lines, we found TG2 in vesicles of both endosomal (exosomes) and plasma membrane origin (microvesicles/ectosomes), and TGF-β1 stimulated TG2 secretion. Knockout of syndecan-4 (SDC4) greatly impaired TG2 exosomal secretion. TG2 coprecipitated with SDC4 from exosome lysate but not ectosome lysate. Ex vivo, EGFP-tagged TG2 accumulated in globular elements (blebs) protruding/retracting from the plasma membrane of primary cortical TECs, and SDC4 knockout impaired bleb formation, affecting TG2 release. Through this combined in vivo and in vitro approach, we have dissected the pathway through which TG2 is secreted from TECs in CKD

    Bottom-up proteomics suggests an association between differential expression of mitochondrial proteins and chronic fatigue syndrome

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating and complex disorder characterized by unexplained fatigue not improved by rest. An area of investigation is the likely connection of CFS with defective mitochondrial function. In a previous work, we investigated the proteomic salivary profile in a couple of monozygotic twins discordant for CFS. Following this work, we analyzed mitochondrial proteins in the same couple of twins. Nano-liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (nano-LC-MS) was used to study the mitochondria extracted from platelets of the twins. Subsequently, we selected three proteins that were validated using western blot analysis in a big cohort of subjects (n=45 CFS; n=45 healthy), using whole saliva (WS). The selected proteins were as follows: Aconitate hydratase (ACON), ATP synthase subunit beta (ATPB) and malate dehydrogenase (MDHM). Results for ATPB and ACON confirmed their upregulation in CFS. However, the MDHM alteration was not confirmed. Thereafter, seeing the great variability of clinical features of CFS patients, we decided to analyze the expression of our proteins after splitting patients according to clinical parameters. For each marker, the values were actually higher in the group of patients who had clinical features similar to the ill twin. In conclusion, these results suggest that our potential markers could be one of the criteria to be taken into account for helping in diagnosis. Furthermore, the identification of biomarkers present in particular subgroups of CFS patients may help in shedding light upon the complex entity of CFS. Moreover, it could help in developing tailored treatments

    Estágio profissional de intervenção em fisioterapia neurológica com pacientes adultos após aciente vascular cerebral

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    Mestrado em Fisioterapia NeurológicaIntrodução: A Fisioterapia Neurológica é uma área de intervenção essencial na medida em que existem cada vez mais doentes com sequelas resultantes de lesões do sistema nervoso central a necessitar de cuidados de fisioterapia, nomeadamente doentes com Acidente Vascular Cerebral já que as taxas de incidência são altas e a mortalidade tem vindo a decrescer com os avanços da medicina. Por outro lado, os conhecimentos atuais da área da neurociência permitem que a intervenção do fisioterapeuta seja baseada na evidência. Objetivos: Aprofundar conhecimentos, capacidades e competências em Fisioterapia Neurológica em pacientes adultos; intervindo essencialmente, em pacientes com sequelas de Acidente Vascular Cerebral, desenvolvendo o modelo de raciocínio clínico e investigando a efetividade do conceito de Bobath na funcionalidade de pacientes pós Acidente Vascular Cerebral. Metodologia: O estágio articulou a vertente de investigação, a dimensão pedagógica e a prática clínica; decorreu no Hospital Curry Cabral (Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central) com pacientes adultos a realizar fisioterapia, em regime de internamento ou ambulatório, devido a patologia neurológica e mais especificamente com pacientes com sequelas de AVC; teve a duração de 200h. Foram selecionadas três escalas de funcionalidade (o Indicador de Barthel Modificado, a Medida de Independência Funcional e a Motor Assessement Scale) para a avaliação dos casos clínicos acompanhados e a abordagem em fisioterapia foi baseada no Conceito de Bobath. Resultados: Este estágio favoreceu a aquisição e consolidação de conhecimentos na área da Fisioterapia Neurológica, nomeadamente sobre o Conceito de Bobath e a avaliação da funcionalidade. São apresentados três casos clínicos de pacientes com sequelas de AVC que permitiram treinar a aplicação das escalas de funcionalidade, desenvolver o raciocínio clínico, aplicar as estratégias selecionadas e refletir sobre a eficácia da intervenção. Discussão: Embora não exista evidência robusta da superioridade do Conceito de Bobath em relação a outras abordagens, a sua filosofia facilita a avaliação e a tomada de decisão numa perspetiva holística sem menosprezar a individualidade de cada paciente. Das três escalas de funcionalidade aplicadas a Motor Assessement Scale é a única a levar em consideração a qualidade do movimento, o que a torna mais sensível a pequenas evoluções facilitando a mensuração adequada dos objetivos da intervenção. Conclusão: A realização deste estágio foi um período de aprendizagem importante e uma experiência enriquecedora no aspeto clínico, científico e académico.ABSTRACT - Introduction: Neurological Physiotherapy is an essential intervention area as there are more and more patients with sequelae resulting from injuries to the central nervous system requiring physiotherapy care, namely patients with stroke as the incidence rates are high and mortality has been decreasing with medical advances. On the other hand, current knowledge in the field of neuroscience allows the intervention of the physiotherapist to be based on evidence Objectives: To deepen knowledge, skills, and competencies in Neurological Physiotherapy in adult patients; essentially intervening in patients with sequelae of stroke, developing the model of clinical reasoning and investigating the effectiveness of the Bobath Concept in the functionality of patients after stroke. Methodology: The internship articulated the research aspect, the pedagogical dimension, and the clinical practice; it took place at Hospital Curry Cabral (Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central) with adult patients undergoing physical therapy, inpatient or outpatient, due to neurological pathology and more specifically with patients with stroke sequelae; lasted 200 hours. Three scales of functionality were selected (the Barthel modified indicator the Functional Independence Measure and the Motor Assessment Scale) for the evaluation of the clinical cases followed and the approach in physiotherapy was based on the Bobath Concept. Results: This internship allowed the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge in the area of Neurological Physiotherapy, namely on the Bobath Concept and the evaluation of functionality. Three clinical cases of patients with stroke sequelae are presented, which allowed to train the application of the selected functionality scales, develop clinical reasoning and reflect on the effectiveness of the intervention. Discussion: While there is no robust evidence of the superiority of the Bobath Concept over other approaches, its philosophy facilitates assessment and decision-making from a holistic perspective without underestimating the individuality of each patient. Of the three scales of functionality applied the Motor Assessment Scale, is the only one to consider the quality of the movement, which makes it more sensitive to small developments, facilitating the adequate measurement of the intervention goals. Conclusion: This internship was an important learning period and an enriching experience in the clinical, scientific, and academic aspects.N/

    Creating the cultures of the future: cultural strategy, policy and institutions in Gramsci. Part three: Is there a theory of cultural policy in Gramsci’s prison notebooks?

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    In this article, I argue that Gramsci’s prison notes on questions of cultural strategy, policy and institutions, which have so far been largely overlooked by scholars, provide further analytical insights to those offered by his more general concepts. Together they enrich the theoretical underpinnings for critical frameworks of analysis as well as for radical practices of cultural strategy, cultural policy-making and cultural organisation. On the basis of a detailed analysis of these notes, I then answer the question of whether they amount to a theory of cultural policy
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