10 research outputs found

    Evaluation du recul du trait de cote sur une portion du littoral atlantique marocain de Mohammedia--Assessment of coastal retreat on a portion of the Moroccan Atlantic coastline at Mohammedia

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    International audienceLe littoral de Mohammedia, sur la côte atlantique du Maroc, est caractérisé par une forte urbanisation. Il présente une morphologie très variée avec une alternance de côtes rocheuses et de côtes sableuses. L'étude de photographies aériennes ainsi que l'analyse des profils topographiques de plages levés au cours d'un cycle annuel ont permis d'évaluer le recul que connaît cette portion du littoral atlantique marocain, du fait des contraintes naturelles et anthropiques The Atlantic coastline of Morocco at Mohammedia is characterised by heavy urbanization. It shows very variable morphology with alternating rocky and sandy beaches. The study of aerial photographs and the analysis of topographic profiles of beaches surveyed during an annual cycle have allowed the assessment of the retreat happening in this portion of the Moroccan Atlantic coastline, as well as natural and anthropic constraint

    La prestation axée sur la valeur : Les pratiques en gestion de projets agile

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    Value-driven delivery represents an agile project management strategy aimed at optimizing customer satisfaction through the swift delivery of valuable and functional features. This approach distinguishes itself from traditional project management methodologies, which center on delivering a fully developed final product at the project's conclusion. Grounded in agile principles like customer collaboration, continuous delivery, and adaptability, value-driven delivery enables heightened responsiveness to evolving customer expectations, leading to improved customer satisfaction. Our study delved into the concrete ways agile project management promotes value-driven delivery. We accentuated agile project management practices that facilitate value-oriented delivery, intending to better address shifting customer requirements and ultimately enhance customer contentment. To conduct our study, we employed a scoping literature review methodology, which allowed us to explore a broad range of available research on the subject. This approach facilitated the synthesis of existing knowledge and the identification of agile project management practices that actively support value-driven delivery. The study findings unveiled five specific practices proposed by agile project management to foster value-driven delivery. These practices encompass value prioritization, incremental delivery, agile contracting, value assessment, and value verification/validation. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that our study highlights a scarcity, or even an absence, of empirical research addressing this topic. As a result, our investigation primarily revolves around existing literature reviews rather than empirical study outcomes, which might somewhat constrain the scope of theoretical conclusions.   Keywords: Agile project management, Value, Value driven delivery, agile practices. Classification JEL: M19 Paper type: Theoretical Research or Empirical ResearchLa prestation axĂ©e sur la valeur reprĂ©sente une approche de gestion de projet agile visant Ă  optimiser la satisfaction du client en fournissant rapidement des fonctionnalitĂ©s utiles et exploitables. Cette dĂ©marche se distingue des mĂ©thodes traditionnelles de gestion de projet qui se concentrent sur la livraison d'un produit final complet Ă  la fin du projet. FondĂ©e sur des principes agiles tels que la collaboration avec le client, la livraison continue et l'adaptabilitĂ© face au changement, la prestation axĂ©e sur la valeur permet de mieux rĂ©pondre aux attentes changeantes du client et donc de mieux le satisfaire. Dans notre Ă©tude, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  analyser comment la gestion de projet agile favorise concrètement la prestation axĂ©e sur la valeur. Nous avons mis l'accent sur les pratiques de gestion de projet agile qui permettent de proposer une prestation orientĂ©e vers la valeur, afin de mieux rĂ©pondre aux exigences changeantes du client et ainsi de mieux le satisfaire. La mĂ©thodologie que nous avons adoptĂ©e pour cette Ă©tude est une revue de littĂ©rature scoping, qui nous a permis d'explorer l'Ă©tendue et la diversitĂ© des recherches disponibles sur notre sujet. Cette approche nous a permis de synthĂ©tiser les connaissances existantes et de mettre en Ă©vidence les pratiques de gestion de projet agile favorisant une prestation axĂ©e sur la valeur. Les rĂ©sultats de notre Ă©tude rĂ©vèlent que la gestion de projet agile propose cinq pratiques spĂ©cifiques qui favorisent la prestation axĂ©e sur la valeur. Ces pratiques comprennent la priorisation de la valeur, la livraison progressive, l'utilisation de contrats agiles, l'Ă©valuation de la valeur et la vĂ©rification/validation de la valeur. Toutefois, il convient de souligner que notre Ă©tude met en Ă©vidence un manque, voire une absence de recherches empiriques traitant de ce sujet. Par consĂ©quent, notre Ă©tude se concentre principalement sur une revue de la littĂ©rature existante plutĂ´t que sur les rĂ©sultats d'Ă©tudes empiriques, ce qui peut limiter la portĂ©e des conclusions thĂ©oriques.   Mots clĂ©s : Gestion de projet agile, Valeur, Prestation axĂ©e sur la valeur, Pratiques agiles. JEL Classification : M19 Type du papier : Recherche thĂ©oriqu

    Mechanical speed estimation of a DFIG based on the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)

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    This work proposes a new estimation technique for the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) variables. Researchers have designed numerous sensorless control strategies for the DFIG used either for mechanical speed, electromagnetic torque, or rotor position estimation. In this paper, an analysis of an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) will be presented as an observer for both rotor and stator currents, and mechanical speed, which are key information in DFIG control. The performance of the proposed observer has been validated in a 9 MW wind turbine under MATLAB/Simulink. Based on the results obtained, UKF is safely able to replace mechanically coupled sensors which have many disadvantages such as high cost, maintenance, and cabling requirements

    Power transfer control using the integral sliding mode and adaptive backstepping control schemes within the framework of the vehicle-to-house technology

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    The emerging Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology has gained a lot of praise in the last few years, following its experimental validation in several countries. As a result, this technology is being investigated for standalone houses under the name of Vehicle-To-House (V2H). This latter proposes a two-way power transfer between the electric vehicles and isolated houses relying on renewable sources for power supply. In this paper an implementation of the V2H technology is investigated, using the adaptive backstepping control approach for the bidirectional half-bridge and the integral sliding mode control for the DC-DC converter. The robustness of the controller and its capability to respond to the desired performances were tested using different realistic scenarios. The obtained results yielded, a perfect sinusoidal output voltage with a voltage level of 220V and a frequency of 50Hz. This is further been validated by a frequency analysis resulting in a THD of 0.25%

    Iléus biliaire: une cause rare d’occlusion intestinale, à propos d’un cas

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    L’iléus biliaire est une complication rare de la lithiase vésiculaire secondaire à une fistule cholécysto-duodénale avec passage d’un macrocalcul dans l’intestin grêle. L’occlusion est provoquée par le blocage du calcul au niveau de l’iléon. Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente de 75 ans, présentant des vomissements avec des douleurs abdominales diffuses. L’IRM abdominal a objectivé une aérobilie importante, une vésicule biliaire atrophique associée à une occlusion grêlique terminale sur obstacle intraluminal. La laparotomie a objectivé la présence d’une fistule cholécystoduodénale, une vésicule biliaire scléro-atrophique avec la présence d’un calcul obstruant la lumière au niveau du grêle distal (à 1 mètre de la valvule de Bauhin); une enterolithotomie a été réalisé avec une cholécystectomie et fermeture du trajet fistuleux en un seul temps opératoire; les suites postopératoires ont été simples

    Development of Quinoa Value Chain to Improve Food and Nutritional Security in Rural Communities in Rehamna, Morocco: Lessons Learned and Perspectives

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    Agricultural production in the Rehamna region, Morocco is limited with various challenges including drought and salinity. Introduction of climate resilient and rustic crops such as quinoa was an optimal solution to increase farmer’s income and improve food security. This study summarizes results obtained from a research project aiming to develop quinoa value chain in Morocco. The study tackled several aspects including agronomic traits (yield and growth), transformation, quality (nutritional and antinutritional traits) and economic analysis and, finally, a strength–weaknesses–opportunities–threats analysis, lessons learned and development perspectives were presented. From an agronomic point of view, introduced new quinoa cultivars showed higher performance than locally cultivated seeds and, furthermore, the use of irrigation and organic amendment has tremendously improved seed yield by double and three times, respectively, compared to rainfed conditions. Nutritional analysis revealed that protein and phosphorus content remained stable after seed pearling while most of the micronutrients content decreased after seed pearling. However, saponins content was reduced by 68% using mechanical pearling compared to 57% using both traditional abrasion and washing. The economic analysis showed that production cost of quinoa seeds could be further decreased using mechanized intensive tools along with irrigation and organic amendment supply. This study revealed several lessons learned from the field experience and proposed several development actions for each value chain component that can be implemented within a national quinoa program

    Development of Quinoa Value Chain to Improve Food and Nutritional Security in Rural Communities in Rehamna, Morocco: Lessons Learned and Perspectives

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    Agricultural production in the Rehamna region, Morocco is limited with various challenges including drought and salinity. Introduction of climate resilient and rustic crops such as quinoa was an optimal solution to increase farmer’s income and improve food security. This study summarizes results obtained from a research project aiming to develop quinoa value chain in Morocco. The study tackled several aspects including agronomic traits (yield and growth), transformation, quality (nutritional and antinutritional traits) and economic analysis and, finally, a strength–weaknesses–opportunities–threats analysis, lessons learned and development perspectives were presented. From an agronomic point of view, introduced new quinoa cultivars showed higher performance than locally cultivated seeds and, furthermore, the use of irrigation and organic amendment has tremendously improved seed yield by double and three times, respectively, compared to rainfed conditions. Nutritional analysis revealed that protein and phosphorus content remained stable after seed pearling while most of the micronutrients content decreased after seed pearling. However, saponins content was reduced by 68% using mechanical pearling compared to 57% using both traditional abrasion and washing. The economic analysis showed that production cost of quinoa seeds could be further decreased using mechanized intensive tools along with irrigation and organic amendment supply. This study revealed several lessons learned from the field experience and proposed several development actions for each value chain component that can be implemented within a national quinoa program