111 research outputs found

    On the suitability of high vacuum electrospray deposition for the fabrication of molecular electronic devices

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    We present a series of three studies investigating the potential application of high vacuum electrospray deposition to construct molecular electronic devices. Through the use of time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry we explore the use of this novel deposition technique to fabricating multilayer structures using materials that are compatible with the same solvents and films containing a mixture of molecules from orthogonal solvents. Using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy we study the deposition of a polymer blend using electrospray and find evidence of preferential deposition of one of the components

    Physisorption controls the conformation and density of states of an adsorbed porphyrin

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    Conformational changes caused by adsorption can dramatically affect a molecule’s properties. Despite extensive study, however, the exact mechanisms underpinning conformational switching are often unclear. Here we show that the conformation of a prototypical flexible molecule, the freebase tetra(4-bromophenyl) porphyrin, adsorbed on Cu(111), depends critically on its precise adsorption site and that, remarkably, large conformational changes are dominated by van der Waals interactions between the molecule and the substrate surface. A combination of scanning probe microscopy, single-molecule manipulation, DFT with dispersion density functional theory, and molecular dynamics simulations show that van der Waals forces drive significant distortions of the molecular architecture so that the porphyrin can adopt one of two low-energy conformations. We find that adsorption driven by van der Waals forces alone is capable of causing large shifts in the molecular density of states, despite the apparent absence of chemical interactions. These findings highlight the essential role that van der Waals forces play in determining key molecular properties

    A Value-Based Approach to Increase Breast Cancer Screening and Health-Directed Behaviors among American Indian Women

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    American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) women have the lowest cancer-screening rate of any ethnic or racial group; AI/AN women in all regions are less likely than non-Hispanic white women to be diagnosed with localized breast cancer; and those AI/AN women presenting with breast cancer have the lowest 5-year survival rate compared to other ethnic groups. This study found that cultural beliefs are more of a factor in mammography screening behavior than other barriers such as access; and that a more holistic educational intervention designed by AI/AN women prompted individual intent and actions to seek mammograms among AI/AN women >40 and to change unhealthy eating and sedentary lifestyles

    On-surface polymerisation and self-assembly of DPP-based molecular wires

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    The incorporation of organic semiconducting materials within solid-state electronic devices provides a potential route to highly efficient photovoltaics, transistors, and light emitting diodes. Key to the realisation of such devices is efficient intramolecular charge transport within molecular species, as well as intermolecular/interdomain transport, which necessitates highly ordered supramolecular domains. The on-surface synthesis of polymeric organic materials (incorporating donor and/or acceptor moieties) is one pathway towards the production of highly ordered molecular domains. Here we study the formation of a polymer based upon a diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) monomer unit, possessing aryl-halide groups to facilitate on-surface covalent coupling and functionalised with alkyl chains which drive the self-assembly of both the monomer material prior to reaction and the domains of polymeric material following on-surface synthesis. The self-assembled structure of close-packed domains of the monomer units, and the ordered polymers, are investigated and characterised using scanning tunnelling microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Height dependent molecular trapping in stacked cyclic porphyrin nanorings

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    Stacked layers of cyclic porphyrin nanorings constitute nanoscale receptacles with variable height and diameter which preferentially adsorb sublimed molecules. Using scanning tunnelling microscopy we determine the filling capacity of these nanoring traps, and the dependence of adsorbate capture on stack height and diameter

    Covalent template-directed synthesis of a spoked 18-porphyrin nanoring

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    Rings of porphyrins mimic natural light-harvesting chlorophyll arrays and offer insights into electronic delocalization, providing a motivation for creating larger nanorings with closely spaced porphyrin units. Here, we demonstrate the first synthesis of a macrocycle consisting entirely of 5,15-linked porphyrins. This porphyrin octadecamer was constructed using a covalent six-armed template, made by cobalt-catalyzed cyclotrimerization of an H-shaped tolan with porphyrin trimer ends. The porphyrins around the circumference of the nanoring were linked together by intramolecular oxidative meso-meso coupling and partial β-β fusion, to give a nanoring consisting of six edge-fused zinc(II) porphyrin dimer units and six un-fused nickel(II) porphyrins. STM imaging on a gold surface confirms the size and shape of the spoked 18-porphyrin nanoring (calculated diameter: 4.7 nm)

    Template‐Directed Synthesis of Strained meso‐meso‐Linked Porphyrin Nanorings

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    Strained macrocycles display interesting properties, such as conformational rigidity, often resulting in enhance π‐conjugation or enhanced affinity for non‐covalent guest binding, yet they can be difficult to synthesize. Here we use computational modeling to design a template to direct the formation of an 18‐porphyrin nanoring with direct meso‐meso bonds between the porphyrin units. Coupling of a linear 18‐porphyrin oligomer in the presence of this template gives the target nanoring, together with an unexpected 36‐porphyrin ring by‐product. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) revealed the elliptical conformations and flexibility of these nanorings on a Au(111) surface

    Missed opportunities for tobacco use screening and brief cessation advice in South African primary health care: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Primary health care (PHC) settings offer opportunities for tobacco use screening and brief cessation advice, but data on such activities in South Africa are limited. The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which participants were screened for and advised against tobacco use during consultations. METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved 500 participants, 18 years and older, attended by doctors or PHC nurses. Using an exit-interview questionnaire, information was obtained on participants' tobacco use status, reason(s) for seeking medical care, whether participants had been screened for and advised about their tobacco use and patients' level of comfort about being asked about and advised to quit tobacco use. Main outcome measures included patients' self-reports on having been screened and advised about tobacco use during their current clinic visit and/or any other visit within the last year. Data analysis included the use of chi-square statistics, t-tests and multiple logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Of the 500 participants, 14.9% were current smokers and 12.1% were smokeless tobacco users. Only 12.9% of the participants were screened for tobacco use during their current visit, indicating the vast majority were not screened. Among the 134 tobacco users, 11.9% reported being advised against tobacco use during the current visit and 35.1% during any other visit within the last year. Of the participants not screened, 88% indicated they would be 'very comfortable' with being screened. A pregnancy-related clinic visit was the single most significant predictor for being screened during the current clinic visit (OR = 4.59; 95%CI = 2.13-9.88). CONCLUSION: Opportunities for tobacco use screening and brief cessation advice were largely missed by clinicians. Incorporating tobacco use status into the clinical vital signs as is done for pregnant patients during antenatal care visits in South Africa has the potential to improve tobacco use screening rates and subsequent cessation

    Profit and loss analysis for an intensive care unit (ICU) in Japan: a tool for strategic management

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate cost estimate and a profit and loss analysis are necessary for health care practice. We performed an actual financial analysis for an intensive care unit (ICU) of a university hospital in Japan, and tried to discuss the health care policy and resource allocation decisions that have an impact on critical intensive care. METHODS: The costs were estimated by a department level activity based costing method, and the profit and loss analysis was based on a break-even point analysis. The data used included the monthly number of patients, the revenue, and the direct and indirect costs of the ICU in 2003. RESULTS: The results of this analysis showed that the total costs of US2,678,052oftheICUweremainlyincurredduetodirectcostsof88.8 2,678,052 of the ICU were mainly incurred due to direct costs of 88.8%. On the other hand, the actual annual total patient days in the ICU were 1,549 which resulted in revenues of US 2,295,044. However, it was determined that the ICU required at least 1,986 patient days within one fiscal year based on a break-even point analysis. As a result, an annual deficit of US$ 383,008 has occurred in the ICU. CONCLUSION: These methods are useful for determining the profits or losses for the ICU practice, and how to evaluate and to improve it. In this study, the results indicate that most ICUs in Japanese hospitals may not be profitable at the present time. As a result, in order to increase the income to make up for this deficit, an increase of 437 patient days in the ICU in one fiscal year is needed, and the number of patients admitted to the ICU should thus be increased without increasing the number of beds or staff members. Increasing the number of patients referred from cooperating hospitals and clinics therefore appears to be the best strategy for achieving these goals