11 research outputs found
This research aims to determine priority strategies for developing Plaosan Temple cultural heritage tourism. The overall resources used in developing Plaosan Temple cultural heritage tourism can be optimized by determining these priority strategy choices. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research design. Data collected using interviews, observation, and documentation was analyzed using the SWOT technique. The results of the calculation of Internal Factors in the form of a combination of Strength (S) and Opportunity (O) factors obtained a weighted value of 0.80, which is the highest value. The combination of Weakness (W) and Threat (T) factors has a weighted value of 0.36. The total score obtained for internal factors and strengths is 2.12, and for weaknesses is 1.16, so the point used on the horizontal axis or x-axis can be determined as 0.96. The total score obtained for external factors and opportunities is 1.82, and threats are 1.50, so the vertical or y-axis point is at 0.32. For this reason, the coordinate point is 0.96; 0.32 lies in Quadrant I as an Aggressive strategy. Alternative strategy options are: Accelerate the formation of National Strategic Areas by utilizing Presidential Regulation No. 18/2020 Strategic Priority Projects (Major Project Priority Tourism Destinations (KSPN-BYP)), and Strategy: Increase promotion by the central government, Klaten Regional Government, and related stakeholders from the community and private sector.Keywords: SWOT Analysis, EFAS, IFAS, Priority StrategyThis research aims to determine priority strategies for developing Plaosan Temple cultural heritage tourism. The overall resources used in developing Plaosan Temple cultural heritage tourism can be optimized by determining these priority strategy choices. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research design. Data collected using interviews, observation, and documentation was analyzed using the SWOT technique. The results of the calculation of Internal Factors in the form of a combination of Strength (S) and Opportunity (O) factors obtained a weighted value of 0.80, which is the highest value. The combination of Weakness (W) and Threat (T) factors has a weighted value of 0.36. The total score obtained for internal factors and strengths is 2.12, and for weaknesses is 1.16, so the point used on the horizontal axis or x-axis can be determined as 0.96. The total score obtained for external factors and opportunities is 1.82, and threats are 1.50, so the vertical or y-axis point is at 0.32. For this reason, the coordinate point is 0.96; 0.32 lies in Quadrant I as an Aggressive strategy. Alternative strategy options are: Accelerate the formation of National Strategic Areas by utilizing Presidential Regulation No. 18/2020 Strategic Priority Projects (Major Project Priority Tourism Destinations (KSPN-BYP)), and Strategy: Increase promotion by the central government, Klaten Regional Government, and related stakeholders from the community and private sector.Keywords: SWOT Analysis, EFAS, IFAS, Priority Strateg
Strengthening the Village SDGs is a government program to provide the value of a prosperous life for today's society, by increasing all potential in achieving goals both in terms of social, economic and environmental comprehensively in the realization of community welfare. Empowerment of management and processing of natural and environmental resource potential which is the community's foundation in cultivating economic resilience for quality and equitable growth which is one of the seven development agendas in the president's vision and mission with the policy direction of the 2020-2024 RPJMN. The implementation of the Village SDGs can be realized if the entire community can play an active role in developing village economic resilience.Therefore, it is necessary to have "Community Empowerment through the Development of Village SDGs for Improving Welfare, Living Standards Grow Evenly". The State University of Gorontalo has participated in the success of the SDGs activities. One of the areas that was used as the location was Moahudu Village through the Thematic Village Community Service Program (KKN) activities. The Thematic Village Community Service Program activities in Moahudu Village are building the livestock sector with a work program for cattle farming counseling, technical guidance on animal feed technology, cattle health services and planting superior forage forage
Akselerasi Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia yang Berkelanjutan
The growth of world tourism industry was indicated by increasing 4,7% in 2014 compared to 2013, reach over 1.138 billion tourist. Tourism fundamentally generate economic activity in destination all around the world. Sustainability still become main issue in tourism development, pushed to balance between mass tourism and alternative tourism. This happens also in Indonesia, when "ocean axis" offered by President of Indonesian Republic has open the unbalance west and east Indonesia in development, including tourism which targeting 20 million tourist in 2019. We have to improve accesibility and facility to support tourist movement all over Indonesia. To protect Bali, we have to set Bali not only as an entry point but as exit point, make the journey more meaningful. Closed by happy ending in Bali. Five models is offered to spread out tourist surrounding Indonesia. Those models are possible to develop because it's suitable with national policy to accelerate tourism growing in Indonesia in a sustainable way. Cross province activity can give more benefit by creating alternative tourism and the tourists will get more choice to visit. Utilization of four technical unit assistant under Ministry of Tourism will bring more benefit to accelerate the program
Sustainable Development Goals (TPB)/Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are development that maintains sustainable improvement of the economic welfare of the community, development that maintains the sustainability of community social life, development that maintains environmental quality and development that ensures justice and the implementation of governance capable of maintaining improving the quality of life from one generation to the next. The objectives of implementing the Village Thematic Community Service Program to Build UNG in Tongkonunuk Village are as follows: 1) Assist in providing the Tongkonunuk village community database through data collection on SDGs. 2) Assist in implementing the health protocol in the Tongkonunuk village community. 3) Helping the community to have a clean and healthy environment through clean Friday activities. 4) Help provide clean and healthy water for the people of Tongkonunuk village through the installation of clean water pipes. 5) Help reactivate the village youth forum (Karang Taruna) Tongkonunuk Village. This method is systematically carried out by assisting village officials in terms of capacity building and management to accelerate the achievement of sustainable development by looking at the SDGs topology applied by Tongkonunuk village, Pagimana sub-district, Luwuk distric
The research was aim to identify students misconceptions of science concept on seventh grade in second. Descriptive research. Samples were taken by simple random sampling that was 64 students. The quantitative data were from the test results of UN (2014-2015), pissa (2006) and TIMS (1999-2011). The qualitative data interviews of students' responses to science material of. The data analysis was conducted by CRI.The identification results misconceptions at 16, 76% 25 questions, 20 multiple choice and 5 reasoned essays. The results identification of students misconception was 26, 19% lower criteria. Material Science of the most common misconceptions ecosystem materi sub concept of interdependence between biotic components with highest. Percentage among other is 37.5% in the low criteria. It can be concluded that students who do not know the concept and had misconception was low criteria.Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi materi IPA semester genap pada siswa kelas VII. Penelitian deskriptif sederhana. Sampel diambil dengan simple Random Sampling jumlah 64 siswa. Data kuantitatif di peroleh dari hasil tes soal UN(2014-2015), PISSA (2006) dan TIMS (1999-2011). Data kualitatif dari wawancara tanggapan siswa terhadap materi IPA semester genap kelas VII. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode CRI. Hasil identifikasi miskonsepsi yaitu 16,76% 25 soal, 20 pilihan jamak beralasan dan 5 esay. Hasil identifikasi miskonsepsi siswa 26,19% kriteria rendah. Materi IPA paling banyak terjadi miskonsepsi pada siswa ekosistem sub konsep saling ketergantungan antara komponen biotik. Persentase paling tinggi adalah 37,50% dalam kriteria rendah. Demikian dapat disimpulkan siswa yang tidak tahu konsep, mengalami miskonsepsi berkriteria rendah. Kata kunci: Certainly of Response Index (CRI), materi IPA, miskonseps
Abstrak: Desa Pagedangan Ilir merupakan desa yang mempunyai potensi yang sangat besar di bidang perikanan khususnya baby crab. Perlu pemanfaatan potensi baby crab di Desa Pagedangan Ilir dengan mengolahnya untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah baby crab. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat Desa Pagedangan Ilir dalam mengolah baby crab krispi. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan dua tahap, tahap pertama yaitu pemberian materi yang dilakukan melalui ceramah dan diskusi secara tatap muka (luring) sedangkan tahap kedua yaitu kegiatan praktik pengolahan baby crab krispi yang dilakukan secara langsung. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diikuti oleh 15 orang peserta dengan 3 (tiga) kelompok dan masing-masing kelompok terdapat 5 orang peserta, evaluasi dilakukan setelah semua kegiatan pelatihan selesai. Tahapan kegiatan ini meliputi koordinasi awal kegiatan, pembukaan, pemberian materi (teori), praktik pengolahan baby crab dan evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan masing-masing peserta mampu mengolah baby crab krispi, mampu membuat desain kemasan, mampu menghitung analisa usaha dan mampu membuat pemasaran produk secara digital. Kegiatan pengabdian dapat meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat dalam mengolah baby crab krispi krispi.Abstract: Pagedangan Ilir Village is a village that has enormous potential in the field of fisheries, especially baby crab. It is necessary to utilize the potential of baby crab in Pagedangan Ilir Village by processing it to increase the added value of baby crab. The purpose of this service activity is to improve the skills of the people of Pagedangan Ilir Village in processing crispy baby crab. Service activities are carried out in two stages, the first stage is the provision of material through lectures and discussions face-to-face (offline) while the second stage is the practice of processing baby crab crispy which is carried out directly. This service activity was attended by 15 participants with 3 (three) groups and each group had 5 participants, the evaluation was carried out after all training activities were completed. The stages of this activity include initial coordination of activities, opening, providing material (theory), baby crab processing practices and evaluation. The results of the service showed that each participant was able to process crispy baby crab, able to make packaging designs, able to calculate business analysis and able to make product marketing digitally. Service activities can improve community skills in processing crispy baby crabs
Analisis Ruang Ekologis Sistem Perikanan Berkelanjutan Desa Oluhuta Kecamatan Kabila Bone Kabupaten Bone Bolango
Population growth, the expansion of settlements and the increased activity of fishing activities either directly or indirectly, in the waters of this region get Oluhuta causing ecological pressures. The aimed of this research were to analysed the sustainability of space for metabolism of social ecological fishery utilization. Evaluation of sustainability in the region using the ecological footprint approach to fisheries. The sustainability of space for the metabolism of ecological social fishery system in this area is still at 1.96 km2/capita or undershoot conditions. Sustainable fisheries management should be oriented towards the problem using scientific methods based on the physical, biological, social, economic and cultural communitie
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Netralitas Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU)
Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemilu Menurut Undang-undang KPU Nomor 7 Tahun
2017. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan desain
diskreptif analisis. Sedangkan metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan naturalistik
menuntut pengumpulan data pada setting yang alamiah.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan agar KPU sebagai penyelenggara Pemilu,
agar dapat benar-benar menjalan peran dan tugasnya sebagai lembaga yang
bertanggungjawab, maka harus meminimalisir pelanggaran Pilkada.
Hasil kesimpulan penelitian adalah bahwa, (1) Pertama, independensi;
Kedua, imparsialitas; Ketiga, integritas; Keempat, transparansi;. Kelima,
efisiensi; . Keenam, profesional;. Ketujuh, berorientasi pelayanan; (2) Faktor
faktor yang mengakibatkannya ketidak netralan KPU dalam penyelenggaraan
pemilu pelanggaran dalam penyelenggaraan Pemilukada di Kota Jamnbi antara
lain adalah (a) Masih adanya oknum-oknum PNS yang ikut dan mendukung salah
satu kandidat Pasangan, b) Masih adanya oknum-oknum Komisioner KPU yang
secara tidak langsung bermain, (c) Masih adanya oknum melakukan money
politik, (d) Pemberian sumbangan dan bantuan (f) Pemberian peralatan dan
fasilitas tertentu, (g) Pemberian pakaian dan sejenisnya, (h) Masih adanya oknum
pengurus dan anggota partai pendukung kandidat pasangan (i) Belum
maksimalnya penerapan Undang-undang pemilu, (k) SDM pelaksana pemilu yang
kurang memadai, (l) Sosialisasi Undang-undang pemilu yang kurang maksimal,
(m) Pemberian sanksi oknum dan pelaku dalam pelanggaran pemilu tidak
diterapkan secara maksimal, (n) Penyeleksian anggota Komisioner KPU dan
Panwas yang kurang berkualitas, (o) Masyarakat mudah dihasut dan di iming
iming, (p) Peran Panwas tingkat Kota, Kecamatan dan Kelurahan belum berjalan
maksimal, (3) Bentuk-bentuk sanksi dalam pelanggaran KPU dalam pelaksanaan
pemilu menurut UU No. 7 tahun 2017 tindak pidana pemilu harus diproses
melalui sistem peradilan pidana, yakni melalui kepolisian, kejaksaan, dan
pengadilan. Hal serupa terjadi di negaranegara lain. Sanksi pidana adalah yang
paling keras sehingga hanya negara melalui pengadilan yang bisa menjatuhkan
saksi untuk pelaku tindak pidana pemilu. Hal ini berbeda dengan sanksi
administrasi di mana pemerintah atau lembaga negara (seperti Komisi Pemilihan
Umum) yang diberi wewenang dapat menjatuhkan sanksi administrasi, tanpa
melalui proses peradilan. Karenanya, jika ada peserta pemilu melakukan
pelanggaran administrasi, KPU atau KPUD yang mendapat penerusan laporan
atau temuan dari pengawas pemilu, dapat memproses dan menjatuhkan sanksi
administrasi kepada pelanggar tersebu
Karakteristik Fisiko-Kimia Dan Proses Produksi Pakan Apung Ikan Lele (Clarias sp.)
Salah satu komoditas unggulan pada budidaya ikan air tawar adalah ikan lele. Proses budidaya ikan lele membutuhkan ketersediaan pakan. Kebutuhan pakan masih didominasi pakan komersil dengan harga yang tinggi. Pakan buatan menjadi alternatif pemenuhan kebutuhan pakan budidaya ikan lele. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan dan kualitas yang terkandung pada pakan apung untuk ikan lele. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari 01 Maret 2021 sampai 30 Mei 2021 di KUB Timoer Mandiri, Jember, Jawa Timur. Observasi langsung dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan pakan. Pengujian pakan apung dilakukan dengan uji proksimat dan uji fisik pakan. Pengujian proksimat pada bahan dan pakan yang diproduksi sesuai standar AOAC 2005. Pengujian fisik pakan meliputi pengujian warna, bau, lama mengapung, kecepatan tenggelam, daya apung dan pengujian stabilitas pakan yang dilakukan tanpa aerator. Proses produksi pakan apung ikan lele meliputi persiapan bahan, penepungan, formulasi pakan, penimbangan, pencampuran, pencetakan, pengeringan, pendinginan, pengepakan dan penyimpanan. Hasil pengujian proksimat bahan baku pakan sudah memenuhi untuk pembuatan pakan. Pakan apung ikan lele memiliki kandungan protein 31.17%, abu 6.86%, lemak 5.29%, serat 6.17%, air 10.35%, BETN 39.76%, gross energy 3.891,43 Kcal/kg pakan dan digestible energy 31.131.419 Kcal/kg pakan. Pakan apung memiliki warna coklat cerah, bau menyengat, lama mengapung 424 menit, kecepatan tenggelam 0.39 cm/detik, daya apung 100% dan pakan hancur di dasar pada menit 480. Pakan apung ikan lele yang dihasilkan memiliki kualitas baik fisik dan kimia yang menyerupai dengan pakan komersial