196 research outputs found

    Origin of electrochemical activity in nano-Li2MnO3; Stabilization via a 'point defect scaffold'

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the charging of Li2MnO3 reveal that the reason nanocrystalline-Li2MnO3 is electrochemically active, in contrast to the parent bulk-Li2MnO3, is because in the nanomaterial the tunnels, in which the Li ions reside, are held apart by Mn ions, which act as a pseudo 'point defect scaffold'. The Li ions are then able to diffuse, via a vacancy driven mechanism, throughout the nanomaterial in all spatial dimensions while the 'Mn defect scaffold' maintains the structural integrity of the layered structure during charging. Our findings reveal that oxides, which comprise cation disorder, can be potential candidates for electrodes in rechargeable Li-ion batteries. Moreover, we propose that the concept of a 'point defect scaffold' might manifest as a more general phenomenon, which can be exploited to engineer, for example, two or three-dimensional strain within a host material and can be fine-tuned to optimize properties, such as ionic conductivity

    Environment-mediated structure, surface redox activity and reactivity of ceria nanoparticles

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    Nanomaterials, with potential application as bio-medicinal agents, exploit the chemical properties of a solid, with the ability to be transported (like a molecule) to a variety of bodily compartments. However, the chemical environment can change significantly the structure and hence properties of a nanomaterial. Accordingly, its surface reactivity is critically dependent upon the nature of the (biological) environment in which it resides. Here, we use Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation, Density Functional Theory (DFT) and aberration corrected TEM to predict and rationalise differences in structure and hence surface reactivity of ceria nanoparticles in different environments. In particular we calculate reactivity 'fingerprints' for unreduced and reduced ceria nanoparticles immersed in water and in vacuum. Our simulations predict higher activities of ceria nanoparticles, towards oxygen release, when immersed in water because the water quenches the coordinative unsaturation of surface ions. Conversely, in vacuum, surface ions relax into the body of the nanoparticle to relieve coordinative unsaturation, which increases the energy barriers associated with oxygen release. Our simulations also reveal that reduced ceria nanoparticles are more active towards surface oxygen release compared to unreduced nanoceria. In parallel, experiment is used to explore the activities of ceria nanoparticles that have suffered a change in environment. In particular, we compare the ability of ceria nanoparticles, in an aqueous environment, to scavenge superoxide radicals compared to the same batch of nanoparticles, which have first been dried and then rehydrated. The latter show a distinct reduction in activity, which we correlate to a change in the redox chemistry associated with moving between different environments. The reactivity of ceria nanoparticles is therefore not only environment dependent, but is also influenced by the transport pathway or history required to reach the particular environment in which its reactivity is to be exploited. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Mechanical properties of mesoporous ceria nanoarchitectures

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    Architectural constructs are engineered to impart desirable mechanical properties facilitating bridges spanning a thousand meters and buildings nearly 1 km in height. However, do the same 'engineering-rules' translate to the nanoscale, where the architectural features are less than 0.0001 mm in size? Here, we calculate the mechanical properties of a porous ceramic functional material, ceria, as a function of its nanoarchitecture using molecular dynamics simulation and predict its yield strength to be almost two orders of magnitude higher than the parent bulk material. In particular, we generate models of nanoporous ceria with either a hexagonal or cubic array of one-dimensional pores and simulate their responses to mechanical load. We find that the mechanical properties are critically dependent upon the orientation between the crystal structure (symmetry, direction) and the pore structure (symmetry, direction). This journal i

    Mechanical properties of ceria nanorods and nanochains; The effect of dislocations, grain-boundaries and oriented attachment

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    We predict that the presence of extended defects can reduce the mechanical strength of a ceria nanorod by 70%. Conversely, the pristine material can deform near its theoretical strength limit. Specifically, atomistic models of ceria nanorods have been generated with full microstructure, including: growth direction, morphology, surface roughening (steps, edges, corners), point defects, dislocations and grain-boundaries. The models were then used to calculate the mechanical strength as a function of microstructure. Our simulations reveal that the compressive yield strengths of ceria nanorods, ca. 10 nm in diameter and without extended defects, are 46 and 36 GPa for rods oriented along [211] and [110] respectively, which represents almost 10% of the bulk elastic modulus and are associated with yield strains of about 0.09. Tensile yield strengths were calculated to be about 50% lower with associated yield strains of about 0.06. For both nanorods, plastic deformation was found to proceed via slip in the {001} plane with direction ã??110ã?? - a primary slip system for crystals with the fluorite structure. Dislocation evolution for the nanorod oriented along [110] was nucleated via a cerium vacancy present at the surface. A nanorod oriented along [321] and comprising twin-grain boundaries with {111} interfacial planes was calculated to have a yield strength of about 10 GPa (compression and tension) with the grain boundary providing the vehicle for plastic deformation, which slipped in the plane of the grain boundary, with an associated ã??110ã?? slip direction. We also predict, using a combination of atomistic simulation and DFT, that rutile-structured ceria is feasible when the crystal is placed under tension. The mechanical properties of nanochains, comprising individual ceria nanoparticles with oriented attachment and generated using simulated self-assembly, were found to be similar to those of the nanorod with grain-boundary. Images of the atom positions during tension and compression are shown, together with animations, revealing the mechanisms underpinning plastic deformation. For the nanochain, our simulations help further our understanding of how a crystallising ice front can be used to 'sculpt' ceria nanoparticles into nanorods via oriented attachment. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    The Structure of Surface Entrance Sites for Li-intercalation into TiO2Nanoparticles, Nanosheets and Mesoporous Architectures with Application for Li-ion Batteries

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    Power output is central to the viability of a Li-ion battery, and is, in part, dependent upon the activation energy barrier associated with Li intercalation/deintercalation into the host lattice (electrode). The lower the energy barrier, the faster the intercalation reaction rate and greater the power. The activation energy is governed by the atomistic structure(s) of the entrance sites for Li intercalation. Accordingly, a first step in optimising battery power via structural manipulation of entrance sites, is to understand the structure of these entrance sites. However, HRTEM is (presently) unable to characterise the structures of entrance sites with atomistic resolution. Accordingly, we generate models of the entrance sites using Molecular Dynamics. In particular, we simulate the synthetic protocol used to fabricate nanostructured TiO2 experimentally. The resulting atomistic models reveal a highly complex and diverse structural distribution of entrance sites, which emanate from the surface curvature of the nanostructured material. In particular, we show how nanostructuring can be used to change profoundly the nature and concentration of such entrance sites

    Is Geometric Frustration-Induced Disorder a Recipe for High Ionic Conductivity?

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    Ionic conductivity is ubiquitous to many industrially important applications such as fuel cells, batteries, sensors, and catalysis. Tunable conductivity in these systems is therefore key to their commercial viability. Here, we show that geometric frustration can be exploited as a vehicle for conductivity tuning. In particular, we imposed geometric frustration upon a prototypical system, CaF2, by ball milling it with BaF2, to create nanostructured Ba1–xCaxF2 solid solutions and increased its ionic conductivity by over 5 orders of magnitude. By mirroring each experiment with MD simulation, including “simulating synthesis”, we reveal that geometric frustration confers, on a system at ambient temperature, structural and dynamical attributes that are typically associated with heating a material above its superionic transition temperature. These include structural disorder, excess volume, pseudovacancy arrays, and collective transport mechanisms; we show that the excess volume correlates with ionic conductivity for the Ba1–xCaxF2 system. We also present evidence that geometric frustration-induced conductivity is a general phenomenon, which may help explain the high ionic conductivity in doped fluorite-structured oxides such as ceria and zirconia, with application for solid oxide fuel cells. A review on geometric frustration [ Nature 2015, 521, 303] remarks that classical crystallography is inadequate to describe systems with correlated disorder, but that correlated disorder has clear crystallographic signatures. Here, we identify two possible crystallographic signatures of geometric frustration: excess volume and correlated “snake-like” ionic transport; the latter infers correlated disorder. In particular, as one ion in the chain moves, all the other (correlated) ions in the chain move simultaneously. Critically, our simulations reveal snake-like chains, over 40 Å in length, which indicates long-range correlation in our disordered systems. Similarly, collective transport in glassy materials is well documented [for example, J. Chem. Phys. 2013, 138, 12A538]. Possible crystallographic nomenclatures, to be used to describe long-range order in disordered systems, may include, for example, the shape, length, and branching of the “snake” arrays. Such characterizations may ultimately provide insight and differences between long-range order in disordered, amorphous, or liquid states and processes such as ionic conductivity, melting, and crystallization

    Amorphisation and recrystallisation study of lithium intercalation into TiO 2 nano-architecture.

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    Titanium dioxide is playing an increasingly significant role in easing environmental and energy concerns. Its rich variety of polymorphic crystal structures has facilitated a wide range of applications such as photo-catalysis, photo-splitting of water, photoelectrochromic devices, insulators in metal oxide, semiconductors devices, dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) (energy conversions), rechargeable lithium batteries (electrochemical storage). The complex structural aspects in nano TiO 2 , are elucidated by microscopic visualization and quantification of the microstructure for electrode materials, since cell performance and various aging mechanisms depend strongly on the appearance and changes in the microstructure. Recent studies on MnO 2 have demonstrated that amorphisation and recrystallisation simulation method can adequately generate various nanostructures, for Li-ion battery compounds. The method was also previously employed to produce nano-TiO 2 . In the current study, the approach is used to study lithiated nanoporous structure for TiO 2 which have been extensively studied experimentally, as mentioned above. Molecular graphic images showing microstructural features, including voids and channels have accommodated lithium’s during lithiation and delithiation. Preliminary lithiation of TiO 2 will be considered

    Structure-Activity Map of Ceria Nanoparticles, Nanocubes and Mesoporous Architectures

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    Structure-activity mapping is central to the exploitation and optimisation of nanomaterial catalysts in a variety of technologically important heterogeneous reactions, such as automotive catalysis and water gas shift reactions. Here, we present a catalytic activity map for nanoceria, calculated as a function of shape, size, architecture and defect content, using atom-level models. The activity map reveals that as oxygen is gradually depleted from the nanoceria catalyst, so it becomes energetically more difficult to extract further oxygen. We propose that the oxygen storage capacity (OSC) of ceria corresponds to the level of oxygen depletion where it becomes thermodynamically prohibitive to extract further oxygen from the material (positive free energy). Moreover, because the reaction enthalpy contributes to the free energy, we predict that the OSC is influenced by the particular reaction being performed. Specifically, the more negative the reaction enthalpy, the higher the potential OSC (notwithstanding entropic contributions). The decrease in catalytic activity during an oxidation reaction - emanating from the increase in energy required to extract oxygen - suggests that there exists a ‘window of catalytic operation’, where the activity of the catalyst can be controlled by operating at different points within this window. We show experimentally, how the activity can be modified by engineering the oxygen vacancy concentration and hence the oxygen content of the catalyst to facility tunable activity. In addition to the defect content, we find that size (particle diameter, mesoporous wall thickness) and nanostructuring (particle, cube, mesoporous architecture, morphology and surfaces exposed) are key drivers of catalytic activity. To generate the atom-level models of ceria nanostructures, we use non-equilibrium Molecular Dynamics to simulate the self-assembly of mesoporous ceria from amorphous nano-building blocks, followed by a (simulated) crystallisation step; the latter evolves the crystal structure and microstructural features such as grain-boundaries and dislocations. Our simulated crystallisations emanate wholly from a multitude of ‘random’ atom collisions, which result in the spontaneous evolution of a crystalline seed that nucleates crystallisation of the whole system. The atomistic models generated by ‘simulating synthesis’ are shown to be in quantitative structural agreement with experiment

    Ga+, In+ and Tl+ Impurities in Alkali Halide Crystals: Distortion Trends

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    A computational study of the doping of alkali halide crystals (AX: A = Na, K; X = Cl, Br) by ns2 cations (Ga+, In+ and Tl+) is presented. Active clusters of increasing size (from 33 to 177 ions) are considered in order to deal with the large scale distortions induced by the substitutional impurities. Those clusters are embedded in accurate quantum environments representing the surrounding crystalline lattice. The convergence of the distortion results with the size of the active cluster is analyced for some selected impurity systems. The most important conclusion from this study is that distortions along the (100) and (110) crystallographic directions are not independent. Once a reliable cluster model is found, distortion trends as a function of impurity, alkali cation and halide anion are identified and discussed. These trends may be useful when analycing other cation impurities in similar host lattices.Comment: LaTeX file. 7 pages and 2 pictures. Accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phy

    Lattice Distortions Around a Tl+ Impurity in NaI:Tl+ and CsI:Tl+ Scintillators. An Ab Initio Study Involving Large Active Clusters

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    Ab initio Perturbed Ion cluster-in-the-lattice calculations of the impurity centers NaI:Tl+ and CsI:Tl+ are pressented. We study several active clusters of increasing complexity and show that the lattice relaxation around the Tl+ impurity implies the concerted movement of several shells of neighbors. The results also reveal the importance of considering a set of ions that can respond to the geometrical displacements of the inner shells by adapting selfconsistently their wave functions. Comparison with other calculations involving comparatively small active clusters serves to assert the significance of our conclusions. Contact with experiment is made by calculating absorption energies. These are in excellent agreement with the experimental data for the most realistic active clusters considered.Comment: 7 pages plus 6 postscript figures, LaTeX. Submmited to Phys, Rev.