135 research outputs found

    Evidence for phage-mediated gene transfer among Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains on the phylloplane

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    As the use of genetically engineered microorganisms for agricultural tasks becomes more frequent, the ability of bacteria to exchange genetic material in the agricultural setting must be assessed. Transduction (bacterial virus-mediated horizontal gene transfer) is a potentially important mechanism of gene transfer in natural environments. This study investigated the potential of plant leaves to act as surfaces on which transduction can take place among microorganisms. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its generalized transducing bacteriophage F116 were used as a model system. The application of P. aeruginosa lysogens of F116 to plant leaves resulted in genetic exchange among donor and recipient organisms resident on the same plant. Transduction was also observed when these bacterial strains were inoculated onto adjacent plants and contact was made possible through high-density planting.Peer reviewedMicrobiology and Molecular Genetic

    Continuous culture model to examine factors that affect transduction among Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in freshwater environments

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    Transduction among Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains was observed in continuous cultures operated under environmentally relevant generation times, cell densities, and phage-to-bacterium ratios, suggesting its importance as a natural mechanism of gene transfer. Transduction was quantified by the transfer of the Tra(sup-) Mob(sup-) plasmid Rms149 from a plasmid-bearing strain to an F116 lysogen that served as both the recipient and source of transducing phages. In control experiments in which transduction was prevented, there was a reduction in the phenotype of the mock transductant over time. However, in experiments in which transduction was permitted, the proportion of transductants in the population increased over time. These data suggest that transduction can maintain a phenotype for an extended period of time in a population from which it would otherwise be lost. Changes in the numbers of transductants were analyzed by a two-part mathematical model, which consisted of terms for the selection of the transductant's phenotype and for the formation of new transductants. Transduction rates ranged from 10(sup-9) to 10(sup-6) per total viable cell count per ml per generation and increased with both the recipient concentration and the phage-to-bacterium ratio. These observations indicate an increased opportunity for transduction to occur when the interacting components are in greater abundance.Peer reviewedMicrobiology and Molecular Genetic

    Conjugal transfer of R68.45 and FP5 between Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in a freshwater environment

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    Recent concern over the release of genetically engineered organisms has resulted in a need for information about the potential for gene transfer in the environment. In this study, the conjugal transfer in Pseudomonas aeruginosa of the plasmids R68.45 and FP5 was demonstrated in the freshwater environment of Fort Loudoun Resevoir, Knoxville, Tenn. When genetically well defined plasmid donor and recipient strains were introduced into test chambers suspended in Fort Loudoun Lake, transfer of both plasmids was observed. Conjugation occurred in both the presence and absence of the natural microbial community. The number of transconjugants recovered was lower when the natural community was present. Transfer of the broad-host-range plasmid R68.45 to organisms other than the introduced recipient was not observed in these chambers but was observed in laboratory simulations when an organism isolated from lakewater was used as the recipient strain. Although the plasmids transferred in laboratory studies were genetically and physically stable, a significant number of transconjugants recovered from the field trials contained deletions and other genetic rearrangements, suggesting that factors which increase gene instability are operating in the environment. The potential for conjugal transfer of genetic material must be considered in evaluating the release of any genetically engineered microorganism into a freshwater environment.Peer reviewedMicrobiology and Molecular Genetic

    Micromechanical Properties of Injection-Molded Starch–Wood Particle Composites

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    The micromechanical properties of injection molded starch–wood particle composites were investigated as a function of particle content and humidity conditions. The composite materials were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction methods. The microhardness of the composites was shown to increase notably with the concentration of the wood particles. In addition,creep behavior under the indenter and temperature dependence were evaluated in terms of the independent contribution of the starch matrix and the wood microparticles to the hardness value. The influence of drying time on the density and weight uptake of the injection-molded composites was highlighted. The results revealed the role of the mechanism of water evaporation, showing that the dependence of water uptake and temperature was greater for the starch–wood composites than for the pure starch sample. Experiments performed during the drying process at 70°C indicated that the wood in the starch composites did not prevent water loss from the samples.Peer reviewe

    Dose prediction for repurposing nitazoxanide in SARS-CoV-2 treatment or chemoprophylaxis

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    Background Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) has been declared a global pandemic and urgent treatment and prevention strategies are needed. Nitazoxanide, an anthelmintic drug has been shown to exhibit in vitro activity against SARS‐CoV‐2. The present study used physiologically‐based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling to inform optimal doses of nitazoxanide capable of maintaining plasma and lung tizoxanide exposures above the reported SARS‐CoV‐2 EC90. Methods A whole‐body PBPK model was validated against available pharmacokinetic data for healthy individuals receiving single and multiple doses between 500–4000 mg with and without food. The validated model was used to predict doses expected to maintain tizoxanide plasma and lung concentrations above the EC90 in >90% of the simulated population. PopDes was used to estimate an optimal sparse sampling strategy for future clinical trials. Results The PBPK model was successfully validated against the reported human pharmacokinetics. The model predicted optimal doses of 1200 mg QID, 1600 mg TID, 2900 mg BID in the fasted state and 700 mg QID, 900 mg TID and 1400 mg BID when given with food. For BID regimens an optimal sparse sampling strategy of 0.25, 1, 3 and 12h post dose was estimated. Conclusion The PBPK model predicted tizoxanide concentrations within doses of nitazoxanide already given to humans previously. The reported dosing strategies provide a rational basis for design of clinical trials with nitazoxanide for the treatment or prevention of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. A concordant higher dose of nitazoxanide is now planned for investigation in the seamless phase I/IIa AGILE trial (www.agiletrial.net)

    Modulation of vascular reactivity by perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT)

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    Purpose of Review: In this review we discuss the role of perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) in the modulation of vascular contractility and arterial pressure, focusing on the role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and oxidative stress/inflammation. Recent Findings: PVAT possesses an relevant endocrine-paracrine activity, which may be altered in several pathophysiological and clinical conditions. During the last two decades it has been shown PVAT may modulate vascular reactivity. It has also been previously demonstrated that inflammation in adipose tissue may be implicated in vascular dysfunction. In particular, adipocytes secrete a number of adipokines with various functions, as well as several vasoactive factors, together with components of the renin-angiotensin system which may act at local or at systemic level. It has been shown that the anticontractile effect of PVAT is lost in obesity, probably as a consequence of the development of adipocyte hypertrophy, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Summary: Adipose tissue dysfunction is interrelated with inflammation and oxidative stress, thus contributing to endothelial dysfunction observed in several pathological and clinical conditions such as obesity and hypertension. Decreased local adiponectin level, macrophage recruitment and infiltration, and activation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system could play an important role in this regards

    Quantifying neutralising antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2 in dried blood spots (DBS) and paired sera

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    The ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was initially managed by non-pharmaceutical interventions such as diagnostic testing, isolation of positive cases, physical distancing and lockdowns. The advent of vaccines has provided crucial protection against SARS-CoV-2. Neutralising antibody (nAb) responses are a key correlate of protection, and therefore measuring nAb responses is essential for monitoring vaccine efficacy. Fingerstick dried blood spots (DBS) are ideal for use in large-scale sero-surveillance because they are inexpensive, offer the option of self-collection and can be transported and stored at ambient temperatures. Such advantages also make DBS appealing to use in resource-limited settings and in potential future pandemics. In this study, nAb responses in sera, venous blood and fingerstick blood stored on filter paper were measured. Samples were collected from SARS-CoV-2 acutely infected individuals, SARS-CoV-2 convalescent individuals and SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated individuals. Good agreement was observed between the nAb responses measured in eluted DBS and paired sera. Stability of nAb responses was also observed in sera stored on filter paper at room temperature for 28 days. Overall, this study provides support for the use of filter paper as a viable sample collection method to study nAb responses.</p
