2,157 research outputs found

    Health Promotion Interventions:Lessons from the Transfer of Good Practices in CHRODIS-PLUS

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    Health promotion and disease prevention often take the form of population- and individual-based interventions that aim to reduce the burden of disease and associated risk factors. There is a wealth of programs, policies, and procedures that have been proven to work in a specific context with potential to improve the lives and quality of life for many people. However, the challenge facing health promotion is how to transfer recognized good practices from one context to another. We present findings from the use of the implementation framework developed in the Joint Action project CHRODIS-PLUS to support the transfer of health promotion interventions for children’s health and older adults identified previously as good practices. We explore the contextual success factors and barriers in the use of an implementation framework in local contexts and the protocol for supporting the implementation. The paper concludes by discussing the key learning points and the development of the next steps for successful transfer of health promotion interventions

    Varhaiskasvatuksen noviisiopettajien käsityksiä pedagogisesta johtamisesta

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    Tiivistelmä. Pro gradu -tutkielmani tarkoituksena on selvittää varhaiskasvatuksen noviisiopettajien käsityksiä työnkuvaansa kuuluvasta pedagogisesta johtamisesta. Lisäksi tavoitteena on kuvata, millainen merkitys koulutuksella ja työuran alkuvaiheella on noviisiopettajien pedagogiseen johtamiseen. Tutkimuskysymys on: Millaisia käsityksiä varhaiskasvatuksen noviisiopettajilla on pedagogisesta johtamisesta? Tutkimukseni teoreettinen viitekehys on muodostunut fenomenografisen tutkimusmetodin mukaisesti aineistopohjaisesti. Tarkastelen siinä varhaiskasvatuksen noviisiopettajuutta, pedagogisen johtamisen ja pedagogisen johtajuuden käsitteitä sekä pedagogista johtamista varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan työssä. Tutkimukseni tutkii varhaiskasvatuksen noviisiopettajien käsityksiä, minkä vuoksi tutkimusmetodiksi valikoitui käsityksiä tutkiva fenomenografia. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu viiden varhaiskasvatuksen noviisiopettajan haastatteluista, jotka on analysoitu fenomenografisen analyysimallin mukaisesti. Analyysin päätuloksena muodostui kuusi kuvauskategoriaa, jotka ovat 1) pedagogisen johtamisen käsite, 2) koulutuksen ja työuran alkuvaiheen merkitys pedagogiseen johtamiseen, 3) pedagoginen johtaminen ilmenee vastuun kautta, 4) pedagoginen johtaminen on tiimin johtamista, 5) pedagoginen johtaminen toteutuu yhteistyön ja tuen kautta ja 6) varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan rooli pedagogisena johtajana. Tutkimukseni tuloksista voidaan havaita, että varhaiskasvatuksen noviisiopettajien käsitys pedagogisesta johtamisesta on laaja-alainen. Pedagoginen johtaminen tapahtuu varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan työssä lähes koko ajan. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan pedagogiseen johtamiseen kuuluu vastata siitä, että pedagoginen toiminta on varhaiskasvatuksen toiminnan taustalla läsnä koko ajan. Tutkimuksessani ilmeni, että pedagoginen johtaminen ei ole aivan selkeä kaikille noviisiopettajille. Erityisesti käsitteen epäselvyys nousee esille. Lisäksi tuloksissa korostuvat koulutuksen ja sieltä saadun tiedon merkitys ja työuran alkuvaiheen positiiviset ja haastavat kokemukset

    Shuntchirurgie in Europa und den USA: Ein kritischer Vergleich

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    Zusammenfassung: Nach einem anfänglich gemeinsamen Weg in der Fistelchirurgie begann in den USA ab etwa 1975 der bevorzugte Einsatz von Prothesenshunts. In bis zu 80% wurden bei Erstoperationen Gefäßprothesen implantiert, mit entsprechend hoher Komplikationsrate und hohen Folgekosten. Europa pflegte, mit lokalen Unterschieden, das Konzept der vorzugsweisen Verwendung von arteriovenösen Fisteln weiter (AVF). Der Prothesenanteil war nie höher als 40%. Unterstützt von Richtlinien, versuchen die USA seit 1997 einen deutlichen Umschwung herbeizuführen. Der Anteil primärer AVF ist seither angestiegen, bei allerdings wohl erhöhter initialer Versagerquote im internationalen Vergleich. Über Richtlinien hinaus sollte für beide Kontinente als vordringliche Aufgaben die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit aller beteiligten Fachgebiete gelten: Durchführung zertifizierter, interdisziplinärer Kurse mit konsensfähigen Inhalten, Einrichtung von Referenzzentren mit einheitlicher, umfassender Dokumentation, Aufbau von Datenbanken zur Qualitätskontrolle mit abrufbaren Komplikations- und Funktionsraten, Standardisierung der Überwachung von Gefäßzugängen im Dialysezentru

    Assembling the Tree of Life in Europe (AToLE)

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    A network of scientists under the umbrella of 'Assembling the Tree of Life in Europe (AToLE)' seeks funding under the FP7-Theme: Cooperation - Environment (including Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation) programme of the European Commission.

    Faraday rotation in the MOJAVE blazars: 3C 273 a case study

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    Radio polarimetric observations of Active Galactic Nuclei can reveal the magnetic field structure in the parsec-scale jets of these sources. We have observed the gamma-ray blazar 3C 273 as part of our multi-frequency survey with the Very Long Baseline Array to study Faraday rotation in a large sample of jets. Our observations re-confirm the transverse rotation measure gradient in 3C 273. For the first time the gradient is seen to cross zero which is further indication for a helical magnetic field and spine-sheath structure in the jet. We believe the difference to previous epochs is due to a different part of the jet being illuminated in our observations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the proceedings of "Beamed and Unbeamed Gamma-rays from Galaxies", held in Muonio, Finland, April 11-15, 2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    MOJAVE: monitoring of jets in active galactic nuclei with VLBA experiments. V. Multi-epoch VLBA images

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    We present images from a long-term program (MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with VLBA Experiments) to survey the structure and evolution of parsec-scale jet phenomena associated with bright radio-loud active galaxies in the northern sky. The observations consist of 2424 15 GHz Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) images of a complete flux-density-limited sample of 135 AGNs above declination –20°, spanning the period 1994 August to 2007 September. These data were acquired as part of the MOJAVE and 2 cm Survey programs, and from the VLBA archive. The sample-selection criteria are based on multi-epoch parsec-scale (VLBA) flux density, and heavily favor highly variable and compact blazars. The sample includes nearly all the most prominent blazars in the northern sky, and is well suited for statistical analysis and comparison with studies at other wavelengths. Our multi-epoch and stacked-epoch images show 94% of the sample to have apparent one-sided jet morphologies, most likely due to the effects of relativistic beaming. Of the remaining sources, five have two-sided parsec-scale jets, and three are effectively unresolved by the VLBA at 15 GHz, with essentially all of the flux density contained within a few tenths of a milliarcsecond

    As a Matter of Factions: The Budgetary Implications of Shifting Factional Control in Japan’s LDP

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    For 38 years, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) maintained single-party control over the Japanese government. This lack of partisan turnover in government has frustrated attempts to explain Japanese government policy changes using political variables. In this paper, we look for intraparty changes that may have led to changes in Japanese budgetary policy. Using a simple model of agenda-setting, we hypothesize that changes in which intraparty factions “control” the LDP affect the party’s decisions over spending priorities systematically. This runs contrary to the received wisdom in the voluminous literature on LDP factions, which asserts that factions, whatever their raison d’être, do not exhibit different policy preferences. We find that strong correlations do exist between which factions comprise the agenda-setting party “mainstream” and how the government allocates spending across pork-barrel and public goods items

    Rapid TeV variability in Blazars as result of Jet-Star Interaction

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    We propose a new model for the description of ultra-short flares from TeV blazars by compact magnetized condensations (blobs), produced when red giant stars cross the jet close to the central black hole. Our study includes a simple dynamical model for the evolution of the envelope lost by the star in the jet, and its high energy nonthermal emission through different leptonic and hadronic radiation mechanisms. We show that the fragmented envelope of the star can be accelerated to Lorentz factors up to 100 and radiate effectively the available energy in gamma-rays predominantly through proton synchrotron radiation or external inverse Compton scattering of electrons. The model can readily explain the minute-scale TeV flares on top of longer (typical time-scales of days) gamma-ray variability as observed from the blazar PKS 2155-304. In the framework of the proposed scenario, the key parameters of the source are robustly constrained. In the case of proton synchrotron origin of the emission a mass of the central black hole of MBH108MM_{\rm BH}\approx 10^8 M_{\odot}, a total jet power of Lj2×1047ergs1L_{\rm j} \approx 2\times 10^{47} \, \rm erg\,s^{-1} and a Doppler factor, of the gamma-ray emitting blobs, of δ40\delta\geq 40 are required. Whilst for the external inverse Compton model, parameters of MBH108MM_{\rm BH}\approx 10^8 M_{\odot}, Lj1046ergs1L_{\rm j} \approx 10^{46} \, \rm erg\,s^{-1} and the δ150\delta\geq 150 are required.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, Submitted to Ap

    Vibronic coupling explains the ultrafast carotenoid-to-bacteriochlorophyll energy transfer in natural and artificial light harvesters

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    The initial energy transfer in photosynthesis occurs between the light-harvesting pigments and on ultrafast timescales. We analyze the carotenoid to bacteriochlorophyll energy transfer in LH2 Marichromatium purpuratum as well as in an artificial light-harvesting dyad system by using transient grating and two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy with 10 fs time resolution. We find that F\"orster-type models reproduce the experimentally observed 60 fs transfer times, but overestimate coupling constants, which leads to a disagreement with both linear absorption and electronic 2D-spectra. We show that a vibronic model, which treats carotenoid vibrations on both electronic ground and excited state as part of the system's Hamiltonian, reproduces all measured quantities. Importantly, the vibronic model presented here can explain the fast energy transfer rates with only moderate coupling constants, which are in agreement with structure based calculations. Counterintuitively, the vibrational levels on the carotenoid electronic ground state play a central role in the excited state population transfer to bacteriochlorophyll as the resonance between the donor-acceptor energy gap and vibrational ground state energies is the physical basis of the ultrafast energy transfer rates in these systems