569 research outputs found

    Predicting phase transition pressure in solids: a semiclassical possibility

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    This is a short review of the physical ideas,algorithm for calculations and some results of a semiclassical theory of the behaviour of materials under high pressure,proposed by P.Savic and R.Kasanin.The theory has found applications from DAC experiments to studies of planetary interior structure.Comment: PDF file,no figure

    Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Nile River Basin

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    This is the final version of the poster. Available from the Dresden Nexus Conference via the link in this recordThe Nile - a transboundary river • 11 riparian countries and home for about 250 million people • Rapid population, economic and urbanization growth are projected • Basin-wide planned development can result in regional cooperation or trigger conflicts • The nexus approach is relevant for addressing broader interdependency and managing interlinked resources in a holistic manne

    Genetska varijabilnost proteina krvi kod Cigaje u Jugoslaviji

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    The Tsigai sheep is an autochthonous breed traditionally reared in Vojvodina. With the aim to describe some electrophoretic variants of genetic markers in the blood of Tsigai sheep the biochemical variations of eight protein systems: hemoglobin (Hb), X- protein (X), purine nucleoside phosphorylase (NP), carbonic anhydrase (CA), NADH-diaphorase (Dia), transferrin (Tf), arylesterase, (EsA) and albumin (Alb) were evaluated. The characteristic gene frequencies of the tested systems were established as follows: HbA and HbB (0.08 and 0.921X+ and X- (0.98 and 0.02); NP4 and NP1- (0.51 and 0.491 CAS and CAF (0.98 and 0.02), DiaF and Dias (0.66 and 0.34); TfA, TfB, TfC, TfD and TfE (0.19, 0.14, 0.20, 0.40 and 0.07); EsA and EsA- (0.38 and 0.62), respectively. Only one type of albumin was revealed in the tested population of Tsigai.Cigaja je domaća rasa ovaca koja se tradicionalno uzgaja u Vojvodini. U ovom radu je opisana genetska varijabilnost osam polimorfnih markera u krvi: hemoglobina (Hb), X proteina (X), purin nukleozid fosforilaze (NP), karboan-hidraze (CA), NADH-diaforaze (Dia), transferina (Tf), arilesteraze (EsA) i albumina. Karakteristična frekvenca gena hemoglobina je iznosila HbA: 0.08 i HbB: 0.92, a X proteina X+: 0.98, X-:0.02. U okviru NP sistema, utvrđena su dva gena: NPH i NPL sa frekvencom 0.51 i 0.49, po redosledu; a dva gena CAS i CAF , frekvence 0.98 i 0.02. Kod cigaje je NADH diaforaza pod kontrolom dva alelna gena: Dia : 0.66 i Dia :0.34, a u okviru transferinskog sistema se distribuira pet gena TfA TfB, Tfc, TfD i TfE , sa frekvencom 0.19, 0.14, 0.20, 0.40 i 0.07, po redosledu. U sistemu esteraze su utvrđena dva alela EsA+ (0.38) i EsA- (0.62). Kod ispitane populacije ustanovljen je samo jedan tip albumina. Genetska karakterizacija cigaje u Jugoslaviji pokazuje veliku sličnost sa populacijama u susednim zemljama

    Proizvodnja i kvalitet mleka i mesa goveda i ovaca u uslovima održive proizvodnje

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    Basic principles that inform organic livestock production are reviewed in this paper, with special emphasis on milk and meat production in cattle and sheep. Research findings to date are presented on the impact of various management practices, both organic and conventional, as they effect product yield and quality. The importance of incorporating autochnochous breeds into organic milk and meat production systems is particularly emphasized. Additionally, a global overview of organic milk and meat production is given, along with an assessment of opportunities for implementing organic production systems in Serbia.U radu su prikazani osnovni principi organske proizvodnje u stočarstvu. Posebna pažnja posvećena je proizvodnji mleka i mesa goveda i ovaca. Prikazani su dosadašnji rezultati ispitivanja uticaja različitih uslova gajenja u organskoj i konvencionalnoj proizvodnji na prinos i kvalitet proizvoda. Istaknut je značaj korišćenja autohnonih rasa u organskoj proizvodnji mleka i mesa. Dat je prikaz organske proizvodnje mleka i mesa u svetu, kao i mogućnosti organizovanja organske proizvodnje u našoj zemlji

    Učinak kratkotalasnog zračenja na sočivo oka u pacova

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    The paper deals with the results of a study performed in three groups of rats exposed to microwave <radiation. Eighteen rats were irradiated locally (the right eye), 16 were totally irradiated and 22 served as controls. The activities of enzymes aldolase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and sorbital dehydrogenase (SDH) in rats\u27 lenses were examined. In exposed rats the aldolase and LDH activities were found to be lower and that of SDH higher than in control animals.Autori opisuju rezultate istraživanja učinaka mikrotalasnog zračenja na sočivo oka pacova. Dvije grupe od po 10 ženskih pacova zračili su kratkotalasnim zrakama od 12,2 cm, 2 450 MHz, i to jednu grupu samo desno oko (maksimalna snaga 24 W), a drugu celo telo (maksimalna snaga 200 W). Treća je grupa služila kao kontrola. Životinje su bile eksponirane 15 minuta dnevno, pet puta nedeljno tokom 12 nedelja (prva grupa), odnosno 8 nedelja (druga grupa). Tokom eksperimenta sve su životinje oftalmološki pregledavane i merena im je temperatura tela i oka. Nakon završetka eksperimenta oči su enukleirane, sočivo odvojeno i homogenizirano te je u homogenatu merena aktivnost aldolaze, laktat dehidrogenaze i sorbitol dehidrogenaze. Nisu utvrđene oftalmološke promene na oku. U ozračenih pacova utvrđeno je sniženje aktivnosti aldolaze i sorbitol dehidrogenaze, a aktivnost laktat dehidrogenaze bila je povišena, posebno izrazito u lokalno zračenih pacova

    Granični sloj ioniziranog plina na rotacijskim tijelima pri postojanju magnetskog polja

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    This paper studies ionized gas flow in the boundary layer on bodies of revolution. The present magnetic field is normal to a nonporous contour of the body. The governing boundary layer equations are brought to a generalized form by general similarity method. The obtained equations are numerically solved by finite differences method. Based on the obtained solutions, diagrams of distributions of physical qualities in the boundary layer are given. Conclusions of behaviour of these quantities for the studied ionized gas problem are also drawn.Istraživano je strujanje ioniziranog plina u graničnom sloju na rotacijskim tijelima. Prisutno magnetsko polje je okomito na neporoznu konturu tijela. Polazne jednadžbe graničnog sloja dovedene su na uopćeni oblik metodom uopćene sličnosti u verziji Saljnikova. Dobivene jednadžbe numerički su riješene metodom konačnih razlika. Na osnovu dobivenih rješenja prikazani su dijagrami raspodjela fizikalnih veličina u graničnom sloju. Izvedeni su zaključci o ponašanju ovih veličina kod razmatranog problema strujanja ioniziranog plina

    Design, synthesis, physicochemical and biological properties of ß-hydroxy-ß-arylalkanoic acid derivatives

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    Nesteroidni antiinflamatorni lekovi (NSAIL) se koriste za ublažavanje simptoma akutne i hronične inflamacije već više od pedeset godina. Grupa NSAIL je veoma brojna i obuhvata različite hemijske strukture. Potreba za pronalaženjem novih NSAIL i dalje postoji jer neselektivni NSAIL često izazivaju neželjene gastrointestinalne efekte, a neki noviji selektivni lekovi se dovode u vezu sa ozbiljnim neželjenim kardiovaskularnim efektima. U ovoj disertaciji opisani su dizajniranje, sinteza, ispitivanje fizičko-hemijskih i bioloških osobina β-hidroksi-β-arilalkanskih kiselina. U doking studijama je ispitan uticaj α supstitucije jednom ili dvema metil grupama bočnog niza šest prethodno već sintetisanih β-hidroksi-β-arilalkanskih kiselina koje su derivati β-hidroksi-β- bifenilbuterne kiseline ili β-hidroksi-β,β-difenilpropionske kiseline na inhibiciju enzima ciklooksigenaze kao i na selektivnost prema izoformi ciklooksigenaza-2. Doking studijama je ispitan uticaj različitih supstituenata (nitro, trifluorometil, metil, metoksi, dimetilamino grupe i hlora) na benzenovom prstenu sedam derivata 3-hidroksi-3,3- difenilpropanske kiseline na inhibiciju i selektivnost prema COX-2 izoformi. Izračunate su molekulske zapremine za sva dokovana jedinjenja i utvrđeno je da ispunjavaju uslov da su za minimalno 15 Å3 veće od molekulske zapremine ibuprofena, što znači da su ove kiseline potencijalno selektivne za COX-2. Modifikovanom Reformatski reakcijom sintetisano je sedam derivata 3-hidroksi- 3,3-difenilpropanske kiseline. Tri planirana jedinjenja nije bilo moguće sintetisati na ovaj način, kao ni korišćenjem indijuma kao katalizatora, niti klasičnom Reformatski reakcijom. Modifikovana Reformatski reakcija se sastoji iz dve faze. U prvoj fazi se sintetišu α-bromo alkil 1-etoksiestri iz α-bromsirćetne kiseline i etilvinil etra..

    Accuracy and computational efficiency of 2D urban surface flood modelling based on cellular automata

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    There is an emerging abundance freely available of high resolution (one meter or less) LIDAR data due to the advent of remote sensing, which enables wider applications of detailed flood risk modelling and analysis. Digital terrain surface data often comes in raster form, i.e., a square regular grid, and often requires conversion into a specific computational mesh for two-dimensional (2D) flood modelling that adopts triangular irregular meshes. 2D modelling of flood water movement through urban areas requires resolution of complex flow paths around buildings, which requires both high accuracy and computational efficiency. Water distribution and Wastewater systems in the UK contain over 700,000 km of water distribution and sewer pipes, which represents a large risk exposure from flooding caused by sewer surcharging or distribution pipe breaks. This makes it important for utilities to understand and predict where clean or dirty water flows will be directed when they leave the system. In order to establish risk assessment many thousands of simulations may be required calling for the most computational efficient models possible. Cellular Automata (CA) represents a method of running simulations based on a regular square grid, thus saving set-up time of configuring the terrain data into an irregular triangular mesh. It also offers a more uniform memory pattern for very fast modern, highly parallel hardware, such as general purpose graphical processing units (GPGPU). In this paper the performance of the CADDIES, a CA platform and associate flood modelling software caFloodPro, using a square regular grid and Von Neumann neighbourhood, is compared to industry standard software using triangular irregular meshes for similar resolutions. A minimum time step is used to control the computational complexity of the algorithm, which then creates a trade-off between the processing speeds of simulations and the accuracy resulting from the limitations used within the local rule to cope with relatively large time steps. This study shows that using CA based methods on regular square grids offers process speed increases in terms of 5-20 times over that of the industry standard software using irregular triangular meshes, while maintaining 98-99% flooding extent accuracy.This is the final version of the article. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.There is an emerging abundance freely available of high resolution (one meter or less) LIDAR data due to the advent of remote sensing, which enables wider applications of detailed flood risk modelling and analysis. Digital terrain surface data often comes in raster form, i.e., a square regular grid, and often requires conversion into a specific computational mesh for two-dimensional (2D) flood modelling that adopts triangular irregular meshes. 2D modelling of flood water movement through urban areas requires resolution of complex flow paths around buildings, which requires both high accuracy and computational efficiency. Water distribution and Wastewater systems in the UK contain over 700,000 km of water distribution and sewer pipes, which represents a large risk exposure from flooding caused by sewer surcharging or distribution pipe breaks. This makes it important for utilities to understand and predict where clean or dirty water flows will be directed when they leave the system. In order to establish risk assessment many thousands of simulations may be required calling for the most computational efficient models possible. Cellular Automata (CA) represents a method of running simulations based on a regular square grid, thus saving set-up time of configuring the terrain data into an irregular triangular mesh. It also offers a more uniform memory pattern for very fast modern, highly parallel hardware, such as general purpose graphical processing units (GPGPU). In this paper the performance of the CADDIES, a CA platform and associate flood modelling software caFloodPro, using a square regular grid and Von Neumann neighbourhood, is compared to industry standard software using triangular irregular meshes for similar resolutions. A minimum time step is used to control the computational complexity of the algorithm, which then creates a trade-off between the processing speeds of simulations and the accuracy resulting from the limitations used within the local rule to cope with relatively large time steps. This study shows that using CA based methods on regular square grids offers process speed increases in terms of 5-20 times over that of the industry standard software using irregular triangular meshes, while maintaining 98-99% flooding extent accuracy

    Thermal diffusivity of sintered 12CaO-7Al2O3

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    The thermal diffusivity and some electrical transport properties of sintered 12CaO-7Al2O3 were determined using a photoacoustic method with a transmission detection configuration. The thermal diffusivity, coefficient of carrier diffusion and the surface recombination velocities were determined by fitting experimental spectra and theoretical photoacoustic amplitude and phase signals