386 research outputs found

    Predicting phase transition pressure in solids: a semiclassical possibility

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    This is a short review of the physical ideas,algorithm for calculations and some results of a semiclassical theory of the behaviour of materials under high pressure,proposed by P.Savic and R.Kasanin.The theory has found applications from DAC experiments to studies of planetary interior structure.Comment: PDF file,no figure

    MHD flow and heat transfer of two immiscible fluids between moving plates

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    The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of two immiscible and electrically conducting fluids between isothermal, insulated moving plates in the presence of an applied electric and inclined magnetic field has been investigated in the paper. The partial differential equations governing the flow and heat transfer are solved analytically with appropriate boundary conditions for each fluid and these solutions have been matched at the interface. The numerical results for various values of the Hartmann number, the angle of magnetic field inclination, load parameter and the ratio of electrical and thermal conductivities have been presented graphically. It was found that decrease of magnetic field inclination angle flattens out the velocity and temperature profiles. With the increase of the Hartmann number velocity gradients near the plate's increases, temperature in the middle of the channel decreases and near the plate's increases. Induced magnetic field is evidently suppressed with an increase of the Hartman number. The effect of changes of the load factor is to aid or oppose the flow as compared to the short-circuited case

    Biodiverzitet i tradicionalni način ispaše ovaca u Južnobanatskom regionu

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    In this paper the capacity for reintroduction of traditional sheep breeds as key resources for biodiversity conservation systems in HNV farming system of the South Banat region was analyzed. Taking the vulnerability of the ecosystem into consideration when creating the optimal grazing system based on traditional rearing breeds, can contribute to the protection of biodiversity in the South Banat region. The representatives of Fabaceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae and Apiaceae family were described. Basic nutritive components of pasture and mixed hay: crude moisture, crude ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude cellulose, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorous (P), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) were measured. Botanical analysis has confirmed the presence of plant diversity, as well as the nutritive value of sheep pastures. Chemical analyses of samples pointed out that the levels of crude proteins, cellulose, fats, macro and trace elements are sufficient to satisfy the requirements of low input sheep farming system and therefore can be considered a solid base for reintroduction of autochthonous sheep breeds in the peripheral parts of the Deliblato Sands area.Imajući u vidu osetljivost ekosistema, primena izbalansirane ispaše, bazirana na gajenju autohtonih rasa ovaca mogla bi da doprinese očuvanju biodiverziteta. U ovom radu ispitivane su mogućnosti za reintrodukciju tradicionalnih rasa ovaca, kao ključnog resursa za zaštitu biodiverziteta u okviru poljoprivrednih sistema visoke prirodne vrednosti južnobanatskog regiona. U tom cilju ispitivan je botanički sastav i hranljiva vrednost paše i mešanog sena sa područja južnog Banata. Utvrđeno je prisustvo familija: Fabaceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae i Apiaceae. Određen je sadržaj osnovnih hranljivih materija u mešovitom senu i paši: vlaga, pepeo, proteini, mast i celuloza. Takođe je utvrđen sadržaj Ca, Mg, P, Cu, Fe, Mn i Zn. Utvrđeni nivo štetnih materija (mikotoksina i pesticida) bio je u propisanim granicama. Botanički sastav je pokazao visok stepen diverziteta kao i visoku hranljivu vrednost biljaka, koja može u potpunosti da zadovolji potrebe ovaca u ekstenzivnom načinu gajenja i predstavlja dobru osnovu za reintrodukciju autohtonih rasa ovaca na rubnim delovima Deliblatske peščare

    Permanent disposal of Cs ions in the form of dense pollucite ceramics having low thermal expansion coefficient

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    A promising method for removal of Cs ions from water and their incorporation into stable crystal structure ready for safe and permanent disposal was described. Cs-exchanged X zeolite was hot-pressed at temperature ranging from 800 to 950 °C to fabricate dense pollucite ceramics. It was found that the application of external pressure reduced the pollucite formation temperature. The effect of sintering temperature on density, phase composition and mechanical properties was investigated. The highest density of 92.5 %TD and the highest compressive strength of 79 MPa were measured in pollucite hot-pressed at 950 °C for 3 h. Heterogeneity of samples obtained at 950 °C was determined using scanning electron microscopy. The pollucite hot-pressed at 950 °C had low linear thermal expansion coefficient of ∼4.67 × 10−6 K−1 in the temperature range from 100 to 1000 °C. © 201

    Effect of prepartal propylthiouracil application on endocrine and metabolic status oh Holstein heifers

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    Cilj ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita uticaj prepartalne aplikacije propiltiouracila na endokrini i metabolički status junica holštajn rase u kasnom graviditetu i ranoj laktaciji. Ispitivanje je sprovedeno na ukupno 30 junica holštajn rase, odabranih u visokom graviditetu. Obje grupe junica su hranjene obrokom prilagođenim potrebama za graviditet, odnosno laktaciju. Junice ogledne grupe su u cilju indukcije hipotireoze od 20. dana prije očekivanog teljenja do dana teljenja svakodnevno peroralno tretirane sa 4 mg PTU/kg tjelesne mase, pomiješanog sa 25 ml maltoznog sirupa. Junice kontrolne grupe su svakodnevno primale samo 25 ml maltoznog sirupa. Uzorci krvi uzeti su punkcijom v. jugularis 20 dana prije očekivanog termina teljenja, 3 i 7 dana kasnije, svakodnevno tokom pet dana prije i pet dana nakon teljenja, a zatim 7., 15., 30. i 60. dana nakon teljenja. Uzorci tkiva jetre uzeti su od svih junica perkutanom biopsijom 7. dana prije očekivanog teljenja i 7. dana nakon teljenja. U svim uzetim uzorcima krvi određene su koncentracije T4, T3, insulina i glukoze. Na osnovu koncentracije insulina i glukoze izračunata je vrijednost HOMA indeksa za sve periode uzorkovanja. U uzorcima uzetim 20., 17., 13., 7. i 4. dana prije i 7., 30. i 60. dana nakon teljenja određena je koncentracija IGF-I, a u uzorcima uzetim 20. i 7. dana prije i 7. i 30. dana nakon teljenja relativna zastupljenost IGFBP-2, IGFBP-3 i IGFBP-4. U uzorcima uzetim 20., 17., 13., 7., 4. i 1. dana prije, i 1., 3., 5., 7., 15., 30. i 60. dana nakon teljenja određene su koncentracije BHBA i ukupnog bilirubina. U uzorcima uzetim 20., 17., 13., 7. i 4. dana prije, na dan teljenja, kao i 3., 4., 7., 15., 30. i 60. dana nakon teljenja određene su koncentracije ukupnih proteina i albumina. U uzetim uzorcima tkiva jetre određena je aktivnost dejodinaza, stepen zamašćenja jetre i sadržaj glikogena. Dnevna proizvodnja mlijeka praćena je u periodu od 7. do 60. dana laktacije, a trajanje servis perioda je izračunato na osnovu podataka sa farme. Tokom tretmana sa PTU kod junica ogledne grupe ustanovljeno je statistički značajno opadanje koncentracije T4, T3, BHBA i aktivnosti DIO1 u tkivu jetre, te statistički značajan porast koncentracije insulina, IGF-I i glukoze u odnosu na junice kontrolne grupe...The aim of this PhD thesis was to examine the effect of prepartal propylthiouracil (PTU) treatment on endocrine and metabolic status of Holstein heifers in late pregnancy and early lactation. The study was conducted on a total of 30 Holstein heifers, selected in advanced pregnancy. Both groups of heifers were fed a meal adjusted to the nutritive needs for pregnancy and lactation. Experimental group of heifers was orally treated with 4 mg PTU/kg body weight, mixed with 25 ml of maltose syrup, with aim to induce hypothyroidism. Treatment lasted from day 20 before the expected calving date to calving date. Control group of heifers daily received only 25 ml of maltose syrup. Blood samples were taken by jugular vein puncture 20 days before expected calving date, 3 and 7 days later, daily for 5 days before and 5 days after calving, then 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after calving. Liver tissue samples were taken from all heifers by percutaneous biopsy 7 days before expected calving and 7 days after calving. Concentrations of T4, T3, insulin and glucose were determined in all blood samples. Based on insulin and glucose concentrations HOMA index value for all sampling periods was calculated. Concentration of IGF-I was determined in blood samples taken on days 20, 17, 13, 7 and 4 before and 7, 30 and 60 days after calving. Relative presence of IGFBP-2, IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-4 were determined in samples taken on days 20 and 7 before and 7 and 30 after calving. Concentrations of BHBA and total bilirubin were determined in blood samples taken on days 20, 17, 13, 7, 4 and 1 before and 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 30 and 60 after calving. Concentrations of total protein and albumin were determined in blood samples taken on days 20, 17, 13, 7 and 4 before, and 3, 4, 7, 15, 30 and 60 after calving. In the liver tissue samples deiodinase activity, degree of fatty liver and glycogen content were determined. Daily milk production was monitored from days 7 to 60 of lactation, and the service period is calculated on the basis of the reproductive data records of farm..

    The modern and the vernacular in urban transformation of Banja Luka

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    Испитивање урбане историје малог града припада до сада недовољно покривеном истраживачком пољу у области архитектуре и урбанизма. Истраживање релација према наслијеђеном и прошлости у процесу урбане трансформације Бањалуке открива један од облика модерног искуства који се одвија изван метропола, на периферији некадашњих великих империја, у контексту у ком се никако или споро успостављају модерни друштвено–економски услови (у терминологији Маршала Бермана „модернизам неразвијености“), и доприноси разумијевању сложености и плуралности модерног и модернизације, виђених из перспективе истраживача – архитекте. Проблем истраживања је специфична модерност малог града у контексту закашњелих и успорених трансформација начина живота, сагледана у домену његове архитектуре и урбанизма. Кроз многоструке, хетерогене и амбивалентне релације новог и наслијеђеног, у малом граду се развија комплексна граматика физичког и менталног припадања и долази до нових начина размишљања којима се обликује отпор деструктивним аспектима модернизације. Предмет истраживања je Бањалукa у процесy урбане трансформације у периоду од краја XIX вијека до 1975. године. У вези са истраживањем проблема културног идентитета у контексту БиХ данас, у домену архитектуре и урбанизма и урбане историје повећано је занимање и јављају се нове интерпретације тема повезаних са периодом аустроугарске управе или периодом Врбаске бановине. Овај рад се укључује у ту дебату испитујући релације према наслијеђеном и прошлом у архитектури и урбанизму у мањој средини, далеко од утицаја великих урбаних центара. Наиме, у досадашњим радовима о архитектури и урбанизму у БиХ интересовање је усмјерено на збивања на архитектонској сцени Сарајева, док о архитектури других градова, укључујући и Бањалуку, нема систематских студија...The examination of urban history of small towns belongs to the research area of architecture and urbanism that has not been fully covered yet. The research on the relations towards the past and the inherited in the process of urban transformation of Banjaluka reveals one of the forms of modern experience that develops outside the metropolis, at the periphery of former grand empires, in the context where modern socio–economic conditions are established slowly or not at all (modernism of underdevelopment, as defined by Marshall Berman), and contributes to the understanding of complexity and plurality of the modern and the modernization, as seen from the perspective of an architect – researcher. The research problem is the specific modernity of a small town in context of belated and slow transformations of the ways of life, seen in its architecture and planning. A complex grammar of physical and mental belonging has been developed through manifold, heterogeneous and ambivalent relations of the new and the inherited in the small town, and new ways of thinking have emerged, that have shaped the resistance to the destructive aspects of modernization. The subject of analysis and interpretation is Banjaluka in the process of transformation between the end of 19th century and 1975. In relation to the research on the issues of cultural identity in the present context of Bosnia and Herzegovina, interest has been raised and new interpretations have emerged in architecture and urban history for the matter related to the Austro–Hungarian or Vrbas Banate periods. This work joins the debate, by examining relations with the inherited and the past in architecture and urbanism of a small town, far away from the influence of big urban centers. It should be mentioned that the focus of interest in the existing works on architecture and urbanism of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been on the architectural scene of Sarajevo, while there are no systematic studies about the architecture of other cities, including Banjaluka..

    Ferroelectric phase transition and the lattice thermal conductivity of Pb1-xGexTe alloys

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    We show how tuning the proximity to the soft optical mode phase transition via chemical composition affects the lattice thermal conductivity κ of Pb1-xGexTe alloys. Using first-principles virtual-crystal simulations, we find that the anharmonic contribution to κ is minimized at the phase transition due to the maximized acoustic-optical anharmonic interaction. Mass disorder significantly lowers and flattens the dip in the anharmonic κ over a wide composition range, thus shifting the κ minimum away from the phase transition. The total κ and its anharmonic contribution vary continuously between the rocksalt and rhombohedral phases as expected for the second-order phase transition. The actual phase and its strength of resonant bonding play a less prominent role in reducing the κ of Pb1-xGexTe alloys than the proximity to the phase transition and the atomic mass. Our results show that alloys with soft optical mode transitions are promising materials for achieving low thermal conductivity and possibly high thermoelectric efficiency

    Application of ultra performance liquid chromatography (uplc) for determination of Na+ /K+ atpase activity

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    An ion-pair ultra performance liquid chromatography (IP-UPLC) method was developed to obtain a sensitive and efficient means for quantification of ADP in order to follow the decrease of Na+ /K+ ATPase activity after its exposure to different inhibitors. The concentrations of ADP obtained after hydrolysis of ATP in the presence of enzyme depends on enzyme activity. Simultaneously with the chromatographic determination of ADP, the spectrophotometric determination of phosphates liberated after the hydrolysis of ATP was done.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Novel H1N1 influenza in neonates: from mild to fatal disease

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    Analysis of pediatric deaths associated with pandemic A H1N1 influenza shows that fatal outcome is more likely in young children, under the age of 5. Neonates, because of the immaturity of their immune system, could represent a high-risk group for severe disease and fatal outcome. We present a group of five neonates with confirmed novel influenza A H1N1 infection. This report indicates that the full spectrum of influenza A H1N1 infection ranging from mild febrile illness with spontaneous recovery to severe disease with fatal outcome may be expected even in neonates. Journal of Perinatology (2011) 31, 446-448; doi:10.1038/jp.2010.19

    Root malate efflux and expression of TaALMT1 in Serbian winter wheat cultivars differing in Al tolerance

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    Aluminium (Al) toxicity in acid soils is a global problem. Here, we investigated Al tolerance in high yielding winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars bred in Serbia. The common relative mot length (RRL) test for Al tolerance, and both physiological (malate efflux) and molecular (Aluminium-Activated Malate Transporter 1 [TaALMT1] expression) approaches were used for this characterization. Both moderately Al-tolerant cvs. Ljiljana and Arabeska showed significantly higher malate efflux rate from the root tips in comparison to moderately Al-sensitive cv. Pobeda and followed the RRL pattern. Irrespectively of Al supply, moderately Al-tolerant cultivars showed significantly higher relative TaALMT1 expression than the Al-sensitive ones. A considerably high level of Al tolerance was found in cv. Ljiljana, which showed the highest Al-induced malate efflux along with the highest constitutive expression level of TaALMT1 transcripts. Our results also demonstrate that Al tolerance is based on a constitutive trait of high TaALMT1 expression and malate efflux in wheat roots, resulting in a decrease in root length reduction