83 research outputs found

    Digital Governance in Human Resources Development (HRD) Portal with Soft Systems Methodology Approach, Study of BUMN Holding Survey Services

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    The rapid development of technology has significantly impacted various aspects of human life, including in the world of work and the development of human resources (HR). Digital governance is the development of the concept of E-Government, which focuses more on user participation in its application. Implementing digital governance is a human capital application transforming how companies manage their human resources. For more than three decades, SBU Marine Services used a time-based payroll system. However, since 2021, the company switched to a competency-based approach. This change has led to an income gap between long-standing contract employees and new joiners. In addition, the salary data collection system still uses spreadsheets, which have several potential governance issues, such as transparency of the payroll system, information on employee training and grading data, etc. This study uses the soft systems methodology (SSM) approach to analyze digital governance using the HRD Portal application in SBU Marine Services. The results showed no policy governing contract employee governance in SBU Marine Services, so the HRD Portal is needed. This research recommends creating an HRD Portal SOP policy to measure and monitor employee performance more effectively and efficiently. The contribution of this study, with the HRD Portal SOP policy, can change the payroll system from a time-based system to a competency-based system, overcome the social gap in contract employee income, and increase transparency and fairness in human capital management at SBU Marine Services.

    Comparing Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Soil Layer from Sag Pond near Lembang Fault, West Java, Indonesia

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    Electrical and magnetic properties have been used in soil characterization for various types of soils except for soil originated from sag pond sediment. Formed near fault line, sag pond provides a unique environment for sedimentation. In this study, electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility of soil samples obtained by coring process were measured to find out how these two properties were related. A 364 cm core was obtained in a sag pond located next to Lembang Fault in West Java, Indonesia. The core covers two different layers that are differ not only on their coloration and texture but also showed variations in their electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility. In the first layer, termed silty loam (above 165 cm), electrical conductivity correlates positively with magnetic susceptibility whereas in the second layer, termed silty-clay (below 165 cm) the correlation is negative. These differences are probably due content of magnetic minerals that is high in silt but low in clay. The results of this study infer that correlation between electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility could then be used as a tool to delineate soil layers. 

    Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Leachate

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    Heavy metals content as well as magnetic and electrical properties of leachate from Sarimukti, West Java were studied in an attempt to seek correlation between heavy metals content and magnetic/electrical properties. Such correlation is expected to open the way for the use of magnetic/electrical properties as proxy indicators for the concentration of heavy metals in the leachate. The number of leachate samples studied is 21; 15 were taken spatially at depth of 1 m while the remaining 6 samples were taken vertically at a particular point. Measurement results showed that the heavy metals content in the leachate has a smaller concentration, except for Fe. The correlation between magnetic susceptibility and heavy metals content was found to be not so significant. The best correlation coefficient between magnetic susceptibility with heavy metals in leachate was found in Zn. Correlation between electrical conductivity and heavy metal is also not so significant, except for Zn and Cd. The use of magnetic properties as proxy indicator for heavy metals content in leachate is plausible provided that the magnetic susceptibility exceeds certain threshold value. Correlation between magnetic susceptibility, electrical conductivity and heavy metal content would be good if each quantity has a large value


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    Massive tailings have resulted from the extensive use of placer deposits in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, by artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) activities. Recently, the placer deposits and their tailings have been exploited for heavy minerals. In this study, geochemical and magnetic analyses were carried out on these deposits to identify the prospect of REE (rare earth element) exploration in the materials already collected by ASGM activities. Samples were collected from ten different locations. For each location, two different fractions were prepared for analyses, i.e. the heavy mineral (HM) fraction and the panned (M60) fraction. All HM and M60 samples were subjected to magnetic susceptibility measurements, but only representative samples were subjected to x-ray fluorescence (XRF) measurements (for Si, Ti, Fe, Zr, and Al) and to inductively coupled plasma-emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) measurements (for Eu, Tb, Dy, and Sc). The results showed that the concentrations of major elements (Ti, Fe, Zr, and Al) vary significantly from deposits along one river to another, while the concentration of Si is rather similar. Compared to M60 samples, the HM samples have higher concentrations of Ti, Fe, Zr, Al, and Sc, implying that the sluice-box separation enhances the concentration of valuable minerals. Magnetic susceptibility is found to be correlated with Fe and Sc concentrations, confirming the potential use of magnetic measurements as a complementary tool for Fe and Sc exploitation in placer deposits. It is believed that both the source rocks and the sedimentary settings of these deposits determine whether certain elements (Sc, Fe, and Zr) are present or absent in Central Kalimantan placer deposits. The prospect of exploring and exploiting Sc in these placer deposits might augment the ASGM activities in Central Kalimantan.Ogromne količine jalovine rezultat su prekomjerne eksploatacije nanosnih ležišta u središnjem Kalimantanu, Indonezija,zanatskim rudarenjem zlata malih razmjera (ASGM). U novije vrijeme iz tih ležišta i njihove jalovine eksploatirani su i teški minerali. U ovom istraživanju, provedene su geokemijske i magnetne analize uzoraka nanosnih ležišta kako bi se utvrdile mogućnosti istraživanja REE (elemenata rijetkih zemalja) u materijalima koji su već prikupljeni ASGM aktivnostima. Uzorci su prikupljeni s deset različitih lokacija. Sa svake lokacije za analizu su pripremljene dvije različite frakcije, tj. frakcija teških minerala (HM) i šlih (M60). Svi uzorci i njihove frakcije (HM i M60) su podvrgnuti mjerenju magnetne susceptibilnosti, dok su samo reprezentativni uzorci analizirani rendgenskom fluorescencijom-XRF (Si, Ti, Fe, Zr i Al) i induktivno spregnutom plazmom-emisijskom spektroskopijom-ICP-OES (Eu, Tb, Dy i Sc). Rezultati su pokazali da koncentracije glavnih elemenata (Ti, Fe, Zr i Al) značajno variraju u ležištimarazličitih rijeka, dok je koncentracija Si vrlo slična. U usporedbi s uzorcima M60, uzorci HM imaju više koncentracije Ti, Fe, Zr, Al i Sc, što upućuje na to da separacija na uređaju za ispiranje zlata povećava koncentraciju vrijednih minerala. Utvrđeno je da je magnetna susceptibilnost u korelaciji s koncentracijama Fe i Sc, što potvrđuje potencijalnu upotrebu magnetnih mjerenja kao komplementarnog alata za eksploataciju Fe i Sc u nanosnim ležištima. Vjeruje se da izvorišne stijene kao i sedimentni dijelovi ovih ležišta određuju jesu li određeni elementi (Sc, Fe i Zr) prisutni ili odsutni u nanosnim ležištima središnjeg Kalimantana. Perspektivnost istraživanja i eksploatacije Sc u nanosnim ležištima mogli bi povećati ASGM aktivnosti u središnjem Kalimantanu


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    FABRIKASI DAN KARAKTERISASI MAGNET KOMPOSIT BARIUM HEKSAFERIT DENGAN BINDER SEMEN PORTLAND. Pembuatan dan karakterisasi magnet komposit telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan serbuk bahan magnet barium heksaferit (BaO.6Fe2O3) serta bahan pengikat berupa semen portland. Campuran serbuk magnet dan semen portland dibuat dengan porsi serbukmagnet sebesar 86%, 88%, 90%dan 92%. Pencetakan magnet komposit dilakukan dengan teknik cetak dingin (tanpa pemanasan) dengan tambahan bahan perekat berupa larutan Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA). Setelah kering dan dihaluskan permukaannya, magnet komposit selanjutnya diuji sifat kemagnetan dan sifat mekaniknya (kuat tekan). Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran dengan permagraph, diketahui bahwa sifat magnetik yang terbaik diperoleh pada komposisi serbuk magnetik sebanyak 90% dengan nilai induksi remanen (Br) sebesar 0,655 kG, medan koersiv (Hc) = 0,553 kOe, dan produk energi maksimum (BH)maks : 95 kGOe. Sementara itu dari hasil uji kuat tekan dengan alat California Bearing Ratio diperoleh sifat mekanik yang terbaik pada komposisi sengan porsi serbuk magnet sebanyak 92 % dengan nilai kuat tekan sebesar 22,152 kg/cm2. Magnet komposit yang dihasilkan dapat menempel pada permukaan logam besi dan dapat digunakan sebagai aksesoris


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    SINTESIS NANOPARTIKEL MAGNETIT,MAGHEMIT DAN HEMATIT DARI BAHAN LOKAL. Mineral oksida besi ditemukan pada beberapa bahan lokal, di antaranya mill scale sebagai produk sisa pembuatan baja serta bahan alam pasir besi. Kedua bahan tersebut keberadaannya sangat melimpah dan hingga kini belum termanfaatkan secara optimal. Dalam penelitian ini dikaji sintesis nano partikel bahan oksida besi berupa magnetit (Fe3O4), maghemit (γ-Fe2O3) dan hematit (α-Fe2O3). Proses sintesis dilakukan dengan metode presipitasi basa. Untuk pembuatan precursor digunakan asam klorida (HCl), sedangkan untuk presipitasi digunakan larutan amoniak (NH4OH). Serbuk endapan hasil presipitasi diidentifikasi dengan metode XRD dan ukurannya dikarakterisasimelalui pengukuran magnetik. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa endapan tersebut teridentifikasi sebagai magnetit dengan bulir-bulir magnetik berdomain tunggal (berukuran orde nano). Maghemit diperoleh melalui oksidasi serbuk endapan tersebut pada suhu 300 °C dan hematit diperoleh melalui oksidasi pada suhu 800 °C

    The Magnetic Properties of Indonesian Lake Sediment: A Case Study of a Tectonic Lake in South Sulawesi and Maar Lakes in East Java

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    Magnetic properties of sediments from two different environmental settings in Indonesia have been studied using rock magnetic methods and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the first setting, magnetic measurements were conducted on core sediments from two maar lakes in East Java (Lakes Lading and Bedali) that represent very confined environments where sediments are derived mainly from rocks and soils within the craters. In the second setting, similar measurements were obtained on core sediment from Lake Matano, a cryptodepression lake in tectonically active South Sulawesi where the area around the lake is dominated by highly magnetic lateritic soils. The results show that the predominant magnetic mineralogy in sediments from Lakes Lading, Bedali, as well as Matano is pseudo-single domain (PSD) magnetite (Fe3O4). Compared to that of Lake Matano, the maar lake sediments of Lakes Lading and Bedali have higher magnetic susceptibility as well as high intensity of ARM and SIRM. Variations in magnetic susceptibility in all core sediments are controlled mainly by the concentration of magnetic minerals. The homogeneity of magnetic minerals in these three lakes sediment provides an excellent setting for interpreting paleoclimatic signals as they will be recorded as anomalies of magnetic susceptibility

    Characterization of Magnetic Properties of the Coastal Sand Deposits in South Beach of Manokwari, West Papua

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    Coastal sand deposits containing iron particles (magnetic) can be regarded as iron sand and it generally has color from gray to shiny black yet while it is mixed with other minerals, the mineral will have a certain color combination. Coastal sand in the South of Manokwari Regency, West Papua especially in Wosi Beach, Arfai Beach, and Maruni Beach has a different color of the grain according to the source rocks and the sedimentation process. To characterize the magnetic properties of the three coastal sand deposits, several experimentations were done through measurements of the density, magnetic degree, magnetic susceptibility, and also SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and EDS (Energy Dispersive X–Ray Spectroscopy) tests. The coastal sand deposition has a density ranging from 2.50–5.00 g cm-3 with the magnetic degree between 0.28–36.29 % and its magnetic susceptibility ranged 80.9×10-8 – 7447.7×10-8 m3 kg-1. The coastal sand from Arfai Beach has a magnetic susceptibility between the coastal sand from Wosi and Maruni Beach with the highest value reaching 5135.4 × 10-8 m3 kg-1. This is also supported by SEM and EDS data. The percentage of iron element mass (Fe) of the identified magnetic grain distribution in Wosi Beach sand is 6.71–33.90%, Arfai Beach sand is 11.35 – 38.45% and Maruni beach sand is 15.84–44.41%. ©2018 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Characterization of Magnetic Properties of the Coastal Sand Deposits in South Beach of Manokwari, West Papua

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    Coastal sand deposits containing iron particles (magnetic) can be regarded as iron sand and it generally has color from gray to shiny black yet while it is mixed with other minerals, the mineral will have a certain color combination. Coastal sand in the South of Manokwari Regency, West Papua especially in Wosi Beach, Arfai Beach, and Maruni Beach has a different color of the grain according to the source rocks and the sedimentation process. To characterize the magnetic properties of the three coastal sand deposits, several experimentations were done through measurements of the density, magnetic degree, magnetic susceptibility, and also SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and EDS (Energy Dispersive X–Ray Spectroscopy) tests. The coastal sand deposition has a density ranging from 2.50–5.00 g cm-3 with the magnetic degree between 0.28–36.29 % and its magnetic susceptibility ranged 80.9×10-8 – 7447.7×10-8 m3 kg-1. The coastal sand from Arfai Beach has a magnetic susceptibility between the coastal sand from Wosi and Maruni Beach with the highest value reaching 5135.4 × 10-8 m3 kg-1. This is also supported by SEM and EDS data. The percentage of iron element mass (Fe) of the identified magnetic grain distribution in Wosi Beach sand is 6.71–33.90%, Arfai Beach sand is 11.35 – 38.45% and Maruni beach sand is 15.84–44.41%. ©2018 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Magnetic Characterization of Sand and Boulder Samples from Citarum River and Their Origin

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    The Citarum River is a nationally strategic river located near Bandung, the capital city of West Java Province. The feasibility of using magnetic methods for monitoring pollution level is currently being tested in the river. Due to its location in a volcanic area, the sediments from the river are expected to be highly magnetic. In this study, sand and boulder samples from Balekambang, a relatively pristine upstream area of the river, were subjected to magnetic and geochemical characterizations to establish the baseline for unpolluted sediments. Such baseline is important for future magnetic monitoring of sediments in the river. The mass-specific magnetic susceptibility of boulder samples was found to be varied from 819.2 to 2340.5 × 10-8m3 kg-1 while that of sand samples varied from 2293.9 to 3845.3 × 10-8m3 kg-1. These high magnetic susceptibility values infer that river sediments are highly magnetic even before being contaminated by industrial and household wastes. The predominant magnetic mineral in sand samples was multi-domain magnetite while that in boulder samples was single to pseudo-single domain magnetite. These differences were supported by the results from petrographic and XRF analyses, implying that the sand and boulder samples originated from different geological formations